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Unit2 Ways to go to school BNew wordshelmettraffic lightsMunich 慕尼黑慕尼黑德国AlaskasledferryPapa WestrayScotlandtrafficearlyhelmetmustwearattentionfastsledferry交通交通早到的早到的头盔头盔穿,戴穿,戴注意注意快的快的雪橇雪橇轮渡轮渡traffic lightMrs交通灯交通灯夫人夫人必须必须pay attention totrafficearlyhelmetmustwearattentionfastsledferrytraffic lightMrspay attention to交通交通早到的早到的头盔头盔穿,戴穿,戴注意注意快的快的雪橇雪橇轮渡轮渡交通灯交通灯夫人夫人必须必须trafficearlyhelmetmustwearattentionfastsledferry交通交通早到的早到的头盔头盔穿,戴穿,戴注意注意快的快的雪橇雪橇轮渡轮渡traffic lightMrs交通灯交通灯夫人夫人必须必须pay attention to1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ). 3. We mustnt go to school by . ( ).4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by f . ( ).5.You are so e today.().1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ). 3. We mustnt go to school by . ( ).4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by f . ( ).5.You are so e today.().helmet1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ). 3. We mustnt go to school by f . ( ).4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by s . ( ).5.You are so e today.().helmetattention1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ). 3. We mustnt go to school by f . ( ).4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by s . ( ).5.You are so e today.().helmetattentionferry1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ). 3. We mustnt go to school by f . ( ).4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by s . ( ).5.You are so e today.().helmetattentionferrysled1. In the USA people on bikes must wear h ( ) . 2.I must pay a to the traffic lights. ( ). 3. We mustnt go to school by f . ( ).4. Dont let the dogs run too fast by s . ( ).5.You are so e today.().helmetattentionferrysledearlyRemember the traffic rules.Look at the traffic lights.traffic lightsredlightyellowlightgreenlightSlow down and stop at a yellow light . Stop and wait at a red light . Go at a green light.Slowdownandstop.Letsgo .Stopandwait.Wow!So many pictures of bikes.Whataretherulesforthebikeplayers?Whatshouldtheywearonthehead?Whatelse?()1、我有时乘火车,应该说:A、Ialwaysgobytrain.B、SometimesIgobytrain.()2、HowcanIgettoZhongshanPark?A、Youcangobybus.B、Icangobybus.()3、Youcangothere.Itsnotfarfromhere.A、onfootB、byship()4、Somany.A、bikeB、bikes选择正确的答.()6.Dontgo_theredlight!A.byB.atC,on()7.Pleasepayattention_Englishclass.A.onB.toC.at()8.Yellowlightmeans_A.GoB.StopC.Wait()9._canIgettothezoo?A.WhatB.HowC.Howold()10.How_Lilygotoschool?A.doB.isC.does读一读读一读,填空填空1._ataredlight2._atagreenlight3._atayellowlight4.Whenwegobybike,wemustlookatthe_.读一读,将句子排序连成对话。读一读,将句子排序连成对话。()Howdoyougotoschool?()UsuallyIgotoschoolonfoot.()Ioftengotoschoolbybus.()Whataboutyou?()Myhomeisnear.读一读,将句子排序连成对话。读一读,将句子排序连成对话。(1.)Howdoyougotoschool?(5.)UsuallyIgotoschoolonfoot.(2.)Ioftengotoschoolbybus.(3.)Whataboutyou?(4.)Myhomeisnear.八、读一读,判断正误八、读一读,判断正误(10分)分)TherearefourpeopleinMrBlacksfamily.TheyreMrBlack,Mrs.Black,theirdaughterAmyandtheirsonSam.Amyhasgotabike,shegoestoschoolbybike.Samhasntgotabike,hegoestoschoolbybus.MrBlackgoestoworkbycar.Mrs.Blackisateacher,andthehomeisneartheschool.Shegoestoworkonfoot.()1.Therearefivepeopleinthefamily.()2.Amygoestoschoolbybike.()3.Samgoestoschoolbybike,too.()4.MrBlackgoestoworkbybus.()5.MrsBlackisntateacher.八、读一读,判断正误八、读一读,判断正误(10分)分)TherearefourpeopleinMrBlacksfamily.TheyreMrBlack,Mrs.Black,theirdaughterAmyandtheirsonSam.Amyhasgotabike,shegoestoschoolbybike.Samhasntgotabike,hegoestoschoolbybus.MrBlackgoestoworkbycar.Mrs.Blackisateacher,andthehomeisneartheschool.Shegoestoworkonfoot.(F)1.Therearefivepeopleinthefamily.(T)2.Amygoestoschoolbybike.(F)3.Samgoestoschoolbybike,too.(F)4.MrBlackgoestoworkbybus.(F)5.MrsBlackisntateacher. Bye !Lets follow the traffic rules!
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