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Module 4Music 第一板第一板块重点重点单词1. relief n. (痛苦、痛苦、忧虑等的等的)解除解除, 减减轻, 调剂; 轻松松, 宽慰慰, 缓解解(1)to ones great reliefmuch to ones reliefIts a relief to do sth. 做某事令人欣慰做某事令人欣慰What a relief! 多么令人欣慰啊多么令人欣慰啊! 令某人感到非常欣慰的是令某人感到非常欣慰的是(2)relieve vt. 使使轻松松(宽慰慰); 缓解解; 调剂relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的解除某人的【即即时训练】完成句子完成句子I felt a little uneasy, but _(令我欣慰的是令我欣慰的是),I had a good excuse: A business meeting had run overand Id wasted no time getting to the dinner. When people travel to other towns, the problem ofparking might _(relief) by getting them topark outside the town. to my reliefbe relieved【知知识拓展拓展】to ones +表示感情的名表示感情的名词to ones joy/delight/amusement 令某人高令某人高兴的是的是to ones excitement/disappointment/horror 令某人令某人兴奋/失望失望/恐怖的是恐怖的是to ones surprise/astonishment令某人吃惊的是令某人吃惊的是2. honour v. 尊敬尊敬, 敬重敬重 n. 尊敬尊敬, 敬意敬意; 荣誉荣誉, 光荣光荣(1)be honoured for. . . 因因而受到尊敬或而受到尊敬或获得荣誉得荣誉be honoured as 被尊被尊为feel honoured to do/of doing. . . 为做做而感到荣幸而感到荣幸(2)have the honour to do/of doing. . . 有幸做有幸做its an honour for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事感到荣幸某人做某事感到荣幸in honour of sb.in sb.s honouran honour to sth. /sb. 向向表示敬意表示敬意为了了纪念某人念某人【即即时训练】完成句子完成句子_ here to share with you myopinions on what to learn in senior high school. 很荣幸能在很荣幸能在这儿和你儿和你们分享关于在高中学分享关于在高中学习什么我什么我的一些看法。的一些看法。It is my honour to beBetter yet, you might even consider throwing a get-together _.最好最好, 为了向他了向他们表示敬意表示敬意, 你可以你可以举办一个聚会。一个聚会。in their honour3. combine v. 结合合, 联合合(1)combine. . . with/and. . . 把把和和结合起来合起来be combined with. . . 与与结合合combine to do sth. 联合起来做某事合起来做某事(2)combinationn. 结合合(物物), 联合合(体体); 组合合in combination with. . . 与与联合起来合起来【即即时训练】单句句语法填空法填空In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared, _(combine) the sense of“information” and “atmosphere”.In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well. I cant agree more. Its great to have the two_(combine). combiningcombined句式升句式升级You should combine theory with practice.You can make great progress. 用用only when合成以上句子合成以上句子_. Only when you combine theory with practice can youmake great progress第二板第二板块常考短常考短语句式句式1. make contact with 与与进行来往行来往, 和和联系系have contact with接触到接触到, 和和有有联系系lose contact with 和和失去失去联系系keep/be in contact with 和和保持保持联系系be out of contact with和和失去失去联系系 【误区点区点拨】(1)keep/be in contact with和和be out of contact with表示表示状状态, 可以与可以与时间段段连用用, make contact with和和lose contact with表示表示动作作, 一般不与一般不与时间段段连用。用。(2)contact作作动词时, 是及物是及物动词, 直接接直接接宾语, 其后不其后不需要加介需要加介词with。【即即时训练】同同义句句转换When communication becomes more efficient, peopleare able to contact one another no matter where theyare and at whatever time they wish to. When communication becomes more efficient, peopleare able to _ one another no matterwhere they are and at whatever time they wish to. make contact with2. draw upon 利用利用, 凭借凭借, 依依赖draw upon=draw on 靠近靠近draw near/close 到来到来, (时间)临近近draw a conclusion 得出得出结论draw sb. s attention 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意draw up 草草拟【即即时训练】完成句子完成句子Other programs can produce unique exams by_ a large list of questions.通通过利用大量的利用大量的问题, 其他其他课程可以程可以设置独一无二的置独一无二的考考试。drawing on/uponHowards developed his design in the 1880s and 1890s,drawing on ideas that were popular at the time.译: Howards_于十九世于十九世纪八九十八九十年代完善了他的年代完善了他的设计。运用当运用当时流行的理念流行的理念3. She graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory ofMusic, _.她她毕业于上海音于上海音乐学院学院, 1993年她年她还在那里学在那里学习了了弹奏古筝。奏古筝。where she also studied the guzheng in 1993(1)where引引导定定语从句从句, 在从句中作地点状在从句中作地点状语。where引引导的定的定语从句有从句有时可以可以转换成成“介介词+关系代关系代词which”引引导的定的定语从句。从句。(2)在定在定语从句中从句中, where有有时放在放在from之后。之后。【即即时训练】完成句子完成句子The next day were at Yellowstone National Park,_(在那儿我在那儿我们进行了野餐行了野餐). The next day, my brother and I went to the beach_(在那在那儿我儿我们观看一些人打排球看一些人打排球). where we have a picnicwhere we watched some people play volleyball【知知识拓展拓展】多功能的多功能的where除用作关系副除用作关系副词引引导定定语从句外从句外, where还可以可以: (1)作作为连接副接副词引引导名名词性从句性从句where可以表示可以表示“地点地点”概念概念, 还可以表示可以表示“场合、形合、形势、情况、情况”等概念。例如等概念。例如: Where the meeting will be held is not known yet. 在什么地方在什么地方举行会行会议还不知道。不知道。(主主语从句从句) I dont know where I am mistaken. 我不知道我我不知道我错在哪儿。在哪儿。(宾语从句从句)You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is where I agree. 你你说每个人都每个人都应该平等平等, 这就是我同意就是我同意你的地方。你的地方。(表表语从句从句)The question where he has gone puzzles us. 他去了哪儿他去了哪儿这个个问题使我使我们迷惑不解。迷惑不解。(同位同位语从句从句)(2)作作为连接副接副词引引导地点状地点状语从句从句where引引导地点状地点状语从句从句时, 一般修一般修饰句中的句中的动词或或动词短短语, 说明明动作作发生的地点。其意思相当于生的地点。其意思相当于at the place where。例如。例如: After the war, a new school was put up where there had once been a theatre. 战后后, 一所新的学校在曾一所新的学校在曾经是是剧院的地方建了起来。院的地方建了起来。 【要点拾要点拾遗】1. depress v. 使沮使沮丧, 使意志消沉使意志消沉, 使心灰意冷使心灰意冷(1)it depresses sb. +that从句从句/to do sth. 使某人沮使某人沮丧(2)depressed adj. 沮沮丧的的, 心灰意冷的心灰意冷的be depressed about对感到沮感到沮丧(3)depressing adj. 令人沮令人沮丧的的(4)depression n. 沮沮丧【即即时训练】单句句语法填空法填空Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep quality and cushion us against_(depress).Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains, I found it _(depress). depressiondepressing【知知识拓展拓展】表示感情的表示感情的动词以及它以及它们的的-ing形式和形式和-ed形式形式(1)表示感情的表示感情的动词alarm使惊吓使惊吓, amaze使惊奇使惊奇, amuse使使发笑笑, annoy使生使生气气, astonish使吃惊使吃惊, bore使乏味使乏味, convince使信服使信服, disturb使使烦恼, delight使高使高兴, disappoint使失望使失望, discourage使泄气使泄气, disgust使使恶心心, displease使使恼怒怒, depress使使忧愁愁, excite使使兴奋, encourage鼓励鼓励, embarrass使使尴尬尬, frighten使害怕使害怕, frustrate使沮使沮丧, fascinate使着迷使着迷, interest使感使感兴趣趣, inspire使受鼓舞使受鼓舞, move使感使感动, please使愉悦使愉悦, puzzle使迷惑使迷惑, surprise使惊使惊讶, satisfy使使满足足, shock使震惊使震惊, tire使疲倦使疲倦, touch使怜使怜悯, 使感使感动, trouble使使忧虑, worry使担心使担心, confuse使迷使迷惑惑(2)表示感情的表示感情的动词的的-ed形式指人内心的感受形式指人内心的感受, 而而-ing形形式指式指“令人令人的的”, 表示事物或人的特点。表示事物或人的特点。2. (be) true of/for 与与情况相同情况相同; 符合符合; 对适用适用come true (预言、梦想等言、梦想等)成成为现实, 实现be true to 符合某物符合某物; 忠于忠于, 信守信守be true to life 栩栩如生栩栩如生, 反映真反映真实生活生活【即即时训练】完成句子完成句子Although this _ clearly _ all students, forthe ones who are true night owls this gives them anexcellent excuse for missing their lectures whichunfortunately fall before midday. 虽然然这显然不适用然不适用于所有学生于所有学生, 但是但是对于那些真正的夜猫子于那些真正的夜猫子, 这确确实给他他们提供缺提供缺课的好借口的好借口, 那些那些课不幸都在上午不幸都在上午举行。行。isnot true forParents of young children often become depressed,and this _ especially _ single parents.小孩子的父母小孩子的父母经常常变得沮得沮丧, 尤其符合尤其符合单身父母。身父母。istrue of
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