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一、按字母顺序写出下列字母的左邻右舍。一、按字母顺序写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1. _C_2. _P_3. _M_4. _E_5. _G_6. _I_7. _B_8. _J_9. _O_10. _F_11. _T_12. _X_13. _K_14. _H_15. _U_B DO QL ND FF HH JA CI KN PE GS UW YJ LG IT V二、判断下列字母是否含有相同的元音因素。二、判断下列字母是否含有相同的元音因素。 有的打有的打“T”, T”, 没的打没的打“F”F”。6. f a ( )7. G C ( )8. A G ( )9. b g ( )10. b d ( )1. A H ( )2. E F ( )3. B D ( )4. g f ( )5. E c ( )TFTFTFTFTT三、用三、用 a 或或 an 填空。填空。1._ map2._ pen3._ ruler4._ orange5._ jacket6._ apple(苹果苹果)7._ book(书书)8._ egg(蛋蛋)9._ English map10. _ desk(书桌书桌)11._ eraser(橡皮檫橡皮檫)12._ picture(图片图片)13._ old man(老人老人)14._“ S”15._“ M”16._ “D”17._ “U”18._“A”19._ “H”20._ “R”aaaanaanaananaanaanananaaananan四、写出下列中文或英文译文。四、写出下列中文或英文译文。1. cm _ 2. 厕所厕所 _3. VIP _ 4. HB _5. IQ _ 6. P _7. 联合国联合国 _8. 不明飞行物不明飞行物 _9. 世贸组织世贸组织 _10. PC _11. 体育课体育课 _12. USA _厘米厘米WC重要人物重要人物硬黑硬黑智商智商停车处停车处UNUFOWTO个人计算机个人计算机P. E美国美国13. 光盘光盘 _14. BBC _15. 中央电视台中央电视台 _16. DDD _17. kg _18. p.m. _19. 中华人民共和国中华人民共和国 _20. CAAC _CD英国广播公司英国广播公司CCTV国内长途直播国内长途直播千克千克下午下午PRC中国民航中国民航五、找出不属于同一类的单词。五、找出不属于同一类的单词。1. ( ) A. pen B. orange C. pencil D. ruler2. ( ) A. map B. good C. ruler D. jacket3. ( ) A. what B. how C. spell D. where4. ( ) A. key B. bee C. quilt D. clock5. ( ) A. morning B. evening C. hello D. afternoonBBCBC六、将下列字母增添或减去一笔六、将下列字母增添或减去一笔, , 使它变成另一个字母。使它变成另一个字母。1. F _2. O _3. V _4. P _5. N _6. I _7. D _8. N _9. C _10. T _EQW/YR/BMT/LP/ bmdI七、按要求写出下列词的相应形式。七、按要求写出下列词的相应形式。1. hi(同义词同义词) _ 2. no(反义词反义词) _3. are(同音字母同音字母) _ 4. color(动词动词) _5. I am(缩写形式缩写形式) _6. u(同音词同音词) _7. my(主格主格) _8. to(同音词同音词) _9. its(完整形式完整形式) _10. morning(对应词对应词) _helloyesRrcolorImyouI too/ two(二二) it is evening11. a(同义词同义词) _12. Ii (同音词同音词) _13. thats(完整形式完整形式) _14. my name is(缩写形式缩写形式) _15. what is (缩写形式缩写形式) _anIthat ismy nameswhats八、连词成句八、连词成句, , 注意句子首字母和标点。注意句子首字母和标点。1.Dale, name, Hello, my, is2. _2.color, is, what, it3. _3.morning, Helen, good4. _4.is, this, what, English, in5. _5.to, nice, you, meet6. _Hello, my name is Dale!What color is it?Good morning, Helen!What is this in English?Nice to meet you!九、补全对话九、补全对话, , 请根据上下文将对话补完整。请根据上下文将对话补完整。A: Good _!B: Good evening!A: _ are you?B: Im _, _. And you?A: Im OK. Nice to meet you.B: _ _ _ _, _.A: Excuse me._ this in English?B: _ _ eraser(橡皮檫橡皮檫). eveningHow finethanks Nice to meet you tooWhatsIts anA: _ _, please?B: E-R-A-S-E-R.A: _ _ is it?B: _ white. _ a _ _.A: Thank _.B: Thats all right. (不用谢不用谢/不客气不客气)Spell itWhat colorIts Its white youeraser十、单项选择十、单项选择1. Good afternoon, _! A. Wangxiaohua B. Wang Xiaohua C. Wang Xiao Hua D. Wang xiaohua2. -Good evening! -_ A. Good morning ! B. Good afternoon! C. Hi! D. Good evening!3. -_! -Good morning! A. Good evening! B. Good afternoon! C. Good night! D. Good morning!BDD4. -_? -Im OK. A. How is you B. How is your C. How are you D. How are your5. 英语英语26个字母中个字母中, 能够单独成单词的两个能够单独成单词的两个 字母是字母是 _? A. I, N B. A, I C. A, L D. A, B6. 下列哪组字母在顺序上是正确的下列哪组字母在顺序上是正确的? _ A. achedbfg B. abcdefhg C. abcdefgh D. abcedhfgCBC7. -Is that _ English car? -No, its _ Chinese car. A. a / an B. an / a C. a / a D. an / an8. - Whats this? -_ is _. A. This/orange B. It / an orange C. It / a orange D. This / a orange9. Whats this _ Chinese(中文中文)? A. in B. of C. on D. /10. -Nice to meet you. -_. A. Fine, thank you. B. Me ,too C. Hello D. YesBBAB11. -Whats that? -_. A. This is ruler B. Its yellow C. Its “S”12. I_fine. Gary _ fine,too. A. is, is B. am, am C. am, is13. Whats this? -Its _ red and white jacket. A. / B. a C.an14. -_ -OK. C-A-T. A. How are you? B. Spell it ,please. C. Whats this?15. What color is the orange? -Its _. A. orange B. an orange C.OKCCBBA十一、找出句中的错误并加以改正十一、找出句中的错误并加以改正1.( ) Spell you name, please. _ A B C D2.( ) Whats is your name ? _ A B C D3.( ) -Whats this in English? -This is a key._ A B C D4.( ) How is you? -Im very well. _ A B C D5.( ) Are you Mr Li? -Yes, Im. _ A B C D6.( ) What color is a jecket? _ A B C DByourAWhatCItBareDI amCthe十二、请将十二、请将2626个字母按所含元音音素归类。个字母按所含元音音素归类。AaBbFfIiQqRrOoHh Jj KkCc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt VvLl Mm Nn Ss Xx ZzYy Uu Ww十三、十三、 哪些颜色一起能调出新的颜色?哪些颜色一起能调出新的颜色?1.white + red =_2. black +white =_3. red + _ = orange4. _+ red = purple5. blue + yellow = _pink greyyellowbluegreen1.白色白色+红色红色=粉红色粉红色2.黑色黑色+白色白色=灰灰(白白)色色3.红色红色+黄色黄色=橙色橙色4.蓝色蓝色+红色红色=紫色紫色5.蓝色蓝色+黄色黄色=绿色绿色
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