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Unit 3The Million Pound NoteWorkbook高一人教新课标版必修三高一人教新课标版必修三What will Henry do with the Million Pound Bank-Note?buy a houseput it into a bankopen a shopbuy some new clothes!travel around the worldListening (P55) 1. He might use it to buy a house and 2.have to leave the bank-note with the 3.house sellers so they will be sure he 4.can pay them. 2. He might take the bank-note to the bank and put it into a bank account. Then he can use smaller amounts of money for his daily needs. 3. He might use the note to buy a business so that he can earn enough money for his daily needs. If he works hard, by the time the brothers return he will be rich enough to pay his debts.4. He might use the bank-note to buy some new clothes so that he can look for a job and be able to support himself in London. 1 What you think will happen in the tailors shop after Henry shows the clerk and the owner the bank-note.2 Listen to the tape. Write down the three things that happen in this scene.1)They take him to another part of the shop and offer him many suits to buy.2) They explain that he need not pay until it is convenient and they will deliver his suits to his hotel.3) They offer to arrange his hotel accommodation for him.1. Why doesnt the salesman give Henry his change right away? The salesman is shocked after receiving such a huge sum of money.2. Is the owner really angry at the salesman or does he just pretend to be angry? How do you know?3 Listen again. Answer the questions. The owner is pretending to be angry at the salesman. Actually, the owner and all of the salesmen feel a bit foolish. The owner is also trying to save face.3. Is Henry glad to get more than one coat? How do you know?No. Henry wants only one coat and complains that the others are unnecessary.4. Henry tells the owner that he is moving. Give two reasons why the owner isnt surprised to hear this news. First, the owner believes rich men often change their address. Also, he is a foreigner, so he is likely to be a tourist who would be expected to change his address.5. What does the owner offer to do for Henry? Why? He offers to help Henry get a room in the “Ritz”, one of the best hotels in London as a way to show special favour and gain more of Henrys business in return.Listening text N: The salesman drops Henrys coat. Then he looks at the bank note again and again. He cant believe his eyes.N=Narrator O=Owner S=Salesman H=Henry Act Two, Scene 2 O: Well, what seems to be the trouble? H: Im still waiting for my change. O: Come, come, give him his change, Todd. Get going. (looks at the bank note) Could it be the one I saw in the papers last week? I think it must be. Youre a born fool, Todd, to bring this fine gentleman into this part of our shop. S: Sorry, Mr Reid.O: Hell think weve never dealt with a rich man before. Oh, take off this coat, sir. Why, its only fit for a man in a circus. Well, dont just stand there, go and get some others, Todd!S: Right away, Mr Reid.O: Allow me, sir! This way, sir. Look at this coat. This is perfect! It was made for a king, but hell just have to wait. Now sir, youll need many suits for many occasions. Yes, indeed you will. H: Now, wait a minute. I only came here to get a coat. O: Now, now, sir. H: But I cant buy all these things. You would have to wait a long time to get paid. O: A long time, sir? A long time? Why, Ill be glad to wait forever! S: Yes, we can wait forever! H: Well, all right. Ill take the coat now and get the others later. O: Fine, fine. Your address, sir? H: I dont have one yet. Im moving. O: Of course you are! A busy man, Im sure. Well, take my advice and stay at Ritz. Its the finest hotel in this part of London. Ill call them and tell them to expect you. Leave it to me!Enjoy it!In the tailors shopListening Task (P58)What is the main idea of the dialogue?Henry meets a young lady whom he likes very much.Listening textN=Narrator A=AmbassadorP=Portia H=HenryAct Two, Scene 3N: It seemed as if everyone in London was talking about Henry. One night, he was invited to a party by the American Ambassador to Britain. Henry arrived on time at the Ambassadors home.A: Ah, there you are.P: (to Henry) How do you do?A: Mr Adams, my special guest, Miss Portia Langham.H: How do you do?P: Im afraid you must be too busy for me.H: Yes, indeed, I am. I mean, no, no, not at all!A: Excuse me, but I must return to my other guests.P: Wont you sit down, please?H: Yes, Id love toErId like to. Thank you, Miss.P: That poor dear Ambassador. He hates these parties nearly as much as I do. Nothing but talk, talk, talk. And no one says anything anyone wants to hear, do they?H: No, I suppose not.P: The ambassador tells me you are a rich man.H: Wellernot really.P: He tells me youre the talk of London these days. It seems every banker and shop owner in the city wants to meet you.H: Yes, Ive heard. I dont understand why, really. Im not so special as that.P: Oh, I dont know about that, Mr Adams.H: Please call me Henry.P: Henry. I mean, even the ambassador is eager to know you better.H: Yes, it would seem so.P: Whats the matter?H: Oh, nothing. Nothing at least, that anyone can help with.P: Are you in any kind of trouble, Henry?Writing Task (P60)Imagine that after Henry marries Portia he has bad luck in business and becomes poor once again. Now he must tell his wife the bad news. Before you write, however, discuss these questions with your partner:1)Do you think Henry would worry about what his wife would say to him after she heard the bad news? For example, do you think she would get angry at him?2) Do you think Henry would worry that his wife would leave him?3) Do you think Portia would ask Henry how he suddenly became so poor?4) Do you think Portia would worry about their marriage now?Suggested dialogue:P=Portia H=HenryP: Oh, Henry. Its nice to see you home so early!H: Erm, ah.P: (Looking worried) Whats happened?H: I cant hide much from you, can I, dear? We have lost our money. The railway company in Brazil has collapsed and all our money has gone. But I have a plan to help us. We can go back to America and start again. I can become a gold miner and we can make our fortune that way.P: Leave London? Leave my stepfather? Oh no, Henry, please!H: I think it might be better for us. We would stand on our own feet.P: (crying) I shall have to go home. You cant love me if you want to do this dreadful thing.H: (putting his arms round her) Of course I do. It is for our sake that I suggest this. It will be an adventure. We will be able to travel where we like and I will be able to show you so many lovely places.P: That would be nice. However, Ill wait here till youve made some more money. Of course Ill wait for you.H: Thank you and Ill work twice as hard to make sure we do have a lot of money. I shall always love you. And Ill!一、单词拼写一、单词拼写1. _ n. 景色景色 2. _ n. 讲述者讲述者3. _ n. 仆人仆人 4. _ vt.& vi. 允许允许5. _ vi. 凝视凝视 6. _ adj. 未付款未付款7. _ n. 说明说明 8. _ n. 出现出现9. _ n. 耐性耐性 10. _ adj. 难以置信难以置信scenenarratorservantpermitstare unpaidaccountappearancepatience incredible 11. _ adv. 仅仅仅仅 12. _ adv. 真正的真正的13. _vi. 尖叫尖叫 14. _vt. & vi. 发行发行15. _n. 礼貌礼貌 16. _ adj. 很少的很少的17. _adj. 妒忌的妒忌的 18. _ n. 小说小说19. _ n. 理发师理发师 20. _ adj. 粗鲁的粗鲁的 simply indeedscreamissuemannertiny jealousnovelbarberrude 二、单词运用二、单词运用 1. I cant yet tell you _ I will go to travel after exam.2. The woman looked after the baby as if he _ her child.3. Henry _ by accident on the sea one day. (spot)4. The teacher stared at the kid, _ him not to be absent-minded. (warn)5. Most students dont know _ they should do _ themselves when parents are not at home.with whether werewas spottedwarningwhat6. _ be honest, I have no time to argue this silly question with you now.7. _ is not clear that you have to leave so soon.8. It _ you that I met in the library on Sunday afternoon.9. Do you mind my _ here? (smoke)10. China exported a large amount _ textile to the western countries ever since 2007 it _.(decrease)has been decreased To Itwas smoking of 三、词语派生三、词语派生 1.We can do whatever we like now, for we 2.have our head teachers _ to do our 3.favorite. (permit)2. Though it was _, everyone loved to took an active part in this activity as volunteers. (pay)permission unpaid 3. At last the singer appeared at the stage, and the audience were amazed at his _. (appear)4. You should try to _ your explanation for the children. They can only work out the _ of the maths at this age. (simple)simplicity simplify appearance 5. What he said is _, because he often lies to his friends. (believe)6. The _ often gives me _ help. I make rapid progress under his _. (direct)7. Both of the countries showed an _ to finish their argument of the border. So the problem will continue to be remained. (willing) unbelievable director direct unwillingness direction 8. The two enjoyed the _ of their life on the island and never felt _. (lonely)9. Rainy days are _ of March in Guangzhou and most novelist _ it as a _ different from that in the north. (character)10. After three hours of waiting for the train, our _ was finally exhausted. (patient)lonely lonelinesscharacter characteristiccharacterizepatience 四、词组互译四、词组互译1. 处理处理 _ 2. 偶然偶然 _ 3. 养育养育 _ 4. 解释解释 _ 5. 至于至于 _ 6. 即使即使 _ 7. 正相反正相反 _ 8. 盯住盯住 _ stare at deal withby accidentbring upaccount foras foreven ifon the contrary9. go ahead _10. in rags _11. get in trouble _12. to be honest _13. in a rude manner _14. be about to _15. take a chance _16. earn ones passage _说吧说吧衣衫褴褛衣衫褴褛陷入困境陷入困境说实话说实话以粗鲁的方式以粗鲁的方式即将要即将要碰运气碰运气赚取路费赚取路费五、词组运用五、词组运用词组填空词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1. He is _, but he is a millionaire.2. The secret is only found _.3. When the thief found the police had already _ him he ran away quickly.stared at in ragsby accident六、翻译填空六、翻译填空 根据汉语意思根据汉语意思, 从上述短语中从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。选一个适当的词组完成句子。1. 没人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。没人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。No one can _ the reason why he made such stupid mistake.2. 说到吸烟说到吸烟, 它确实对身体有害。它确实对身体有害。_ Smoking, it does do harm to health.3. 看去天好像要下雨了。看去天好像要下雨了。It looked _ it was going to rain.as if account forAs for七、句子翻译七、句子翻译 1. 开车时绝不应冒险。开车时绝不应冒险。2. 当我小时当我小时, 我在一个小城镇生活。我在一个小城镇生活。3. 他不贫穷他不贫穷, 相反他很富有。相反他很富有。4. 我正要离开时我正要离开时, 他就打电话来了。他就打电话来了。I was just about to leave when he was calling to me.You should never take chances when driving a car.I was brought up in a small town when I was a child.He is not poor, on the contrary, he is very rich. That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco. There I was, _ home at one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theatre. With opening night only a week away, I _ (still) my lines. I _ into trouble of _ with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at the same time. walkingwas still learninggotdealingget, deal, walk, think, give, become, suffer, pretend, learn八、选词填空八、选词填空As I _, I _ seriously about _ up both acting and San Francisco. City life _ too much for me. I _ a lot from loneliness. I simply didnt know what to do. Towards nightfall, I _ to enjoy myself in a park, but something incredible happened. Until now I cant account for it.walkedgivingsufferedthoughtpretendedget, deal, walk, think, give, become, suffer, pretend, learnbecameHomework 1. Try to perform the scene of “at the tailors” after class.2. Review the whole unit.
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