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2015年年1月月5日日 交际用语 词组搭配 关于字母 音标小结Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzAa Hh Jj KkBb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv ZzFf Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz Ii YyQq Uu Ww OoRr 字字 母母 按按 元元 音音 因因 素素 分分 类类 表表ad广告 g克 kg千克 mg毫克 m米 cm厘米 mm毫米 ml毫升 a.m.上午 p.m.下午 ABC基础知识 BBC英国广播公司 S小号 M中号 L 大号 A.D.公元 B.C.公元前 CBC加拿大广播公司 V胜利 P停车 CAAC中国民航 OK好吧 ID身份 DDD国内长途直播 H硬度 B黑度 IDD国际长途直播 HK香港 CD光盘 CBA中国篮球协会 P.E.体育 IT信息技术 DJ音乐节目主持人 TV电视 PC个人电脑 PRC中华人民共和国IQ智商 EQ情商 MBA工商管理学硕士 W.C.洗手间 USA美国 MTV音乐电视 UK英国 UN联合国 VCD视频高密光盘 WTO世贸组织 DVD数字化视频光盘 SOS国际求救信号 UFO不明飞行物 TOEFL托福考试 GRE美国研究生入学考试 SARS非典型性肺炎 WHO世界卫生组织 CCTV中国中央电视台 NBA美国职业篮球联赛 i: he see eat I it minute baby : or door four all not u: ruler room do book : her bird nurse worker banana e egg head many at: class car half bus son e late great no know coat a hi by light a how out boy noise here hear e there their hare sure p pop b Bob t tea d day k key clock Chris g gate t teach watch d age geography f for phone v five thank thats six nice z zoo nose fish sure pleasure h home m mum n now ten think sing w we what l let tell r red j yes 问候问候 询问、介绍人物询问、介绍人物 询问事物询问事物 询问时间询问时间 购物购物 道歉道歉 道谢道谢 告别告别 问问 候候 1.Hello ! / Hi !2.Good morning/afternoon/evening !3. How are you? Im fine/well/OK.4.How do you do?5.Nice to meet you !询问姓名询问姓名 Whats your name ? Im . Whats her English name?Whats his first/last name ?Whats your family/given name ? Family names: Lee Read Clark Black Bush WalterGiven namesBoys names: Francisco Ben Peter Alan Clark Charles David John George Frank Bob Mark Leo Michael Oscar Phillip Neal James Colin Victor Henry Nick Dick Bruce Thomas Tony Bill PaulGirls names: Amy Cara May Carol Ann Alice Doris Diana Emma Emily Helen Grace Linda Nancy Maria Rose June Julia Wendy Tina Eve Jenny Gina MaryWhite Green Brown Smith King(last names)(first names)询问年龄询问年龄 -How old are you? Whats your age?-Im twenty years old.1. one 到 twelve需要特殊记2. 13到19结尾加teen,但要注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen3. 整十位数结尾加ty,注意forty4.表示“几十几”时,在整十位数和个位之间加连字符,如:fifty-five5. 百位和十位、个位之间需加and 询问生日询问生日 When is your birthday?My birthday is on January 1st, 1990.When were you born?I was born in 1991.January February MarchApril May June July August SeptemberOctober November December1.first, second, third特殊记2.4到19加th,注意fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth3.整数则是去y变i, 加eth 如:twentieth4. 表示“几十几”,整数为基数词,个数为序数词 如:thirty-third fifty-fifth询问家庭询问家庭 How many people are there in your family?What is your fathers job?What does your mother do?There be结构是用来表示结构是用来表示“某处或(时间)有某人某处或(时间)有某人或某物或某物”的,的,there是引导词,无实义,是引导词,无实义,be为谓语动为谓语动词,其后名词为主语,两者必须取得数的一致,句子词,其后名词为主语,两者必须取得数的一致,句子最后是地点或时间状语。如:最后是地点或时间状语。如: There is a computer on my desk. There are some books in the bookcase.注意:注意:当当there be句型有两个或两个以上的并列主句型有两个或两个以上的并列主语时,语时,be应与其邻近的主语保持数的一致。如:应与其邻近的主语保持数的一致。如:There is a teacher and some students in the classroom.there be / haveThere beThere be表示的是表示的是“某地存在某物某地存在某物”,但,但havehave意为意为“拥有拥有”,因此,因此,there bethere be多用于无生命的事物,而多用于无生命的事物,而havehave的主语多为有生命的人。的主语多为有生命的人。 There is a river near the house. There is a river near the house. I have many good friends.I have many good friends.但有时但有时havehave也可用于表示整体的事物拥有它的部分。也可用于表示整体的事物拥有它的部分。 A desk has four legs. A desk has four legs. Our classroom has six windows.Our classroom has six windows.grandparentsfather+motheruncle+auntJim / brother / sistercousin son / daughterniece / nephewgrandchildren 表示有生命物体的所有格有三种,单数名词加-s;以s结尾的复数名词只加-;不以s结尾的复数名词仍加-s 。如: 表示无生命事物的所有格,一般用“of+名词”来表示。如: 表示时间、距离、世界、国家、城市、机构等名词的所有格是名词后加-s 。如:my sons name Teachers Day womens room a picture of my family the color of the seatodays homework 10 hours walk Beijings weather the worlds peopleteacher student worker nurse doctor engineer manager policeman cook accountant shop assistant lawyer actor director writer artist player singer dancer runner cleaner farmer 询问住址询问住址-What is your address?-Where do you live?I live at No.88 in Hill Street.ChinaU.K.France Japan U.S.A.ArgentinaChinese EnglishFrenchJapaneseEnglish Spanish Korea New ZealandCanada Brazil Poland AustraliaKoreanEnglishEnglishPortuguese Polish English学校方面学校方面 -What school/grade/class are you in? I am in Class 5, Grade 7 in No. 1 Middle School. -What events do you have ? We have Art Festival every year.Art Festival School Day Chorus competition lecture Music Festival English party school trip basketball game birthday party speech contest询问能力询问能力 -Can you play the guitar?-Can you play it well? Yes, I can. No, I cant. pianoviolin guitar drums trumpet 询问喜好询问喜好 -Whats your favorite ?subjectfood colorSportMovie My favorite is .-Do you like ?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Chinese Math English Politics History GeographyBiology Science GymnasticsMusic P.E. ArtComputerFood: egg, cake, noodle, rice, salad, hamburger, French fries, chicken Fruit: apple, pear, orange, banana, grape, peach, pineapple, strawberry Vegetables: carrot, broccoli, tomato, potato, Desert: ice creamred orange yellow grey white pinkpurple black greenbrown bluebasketball (bat) volleyball soccer tennis (racket) ping-pong baseball swim run action movieaction movieBeijing OperaBeijing Operathrillerthrillerromanceromancedocumentarydocumentarycomedycomedy询问事物询问事物 1.Whats this/that (in English)? Its an eraser.2.Can you spell it? Yes, E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.3.Whats the Chinese for “eraser”? Its xiangpi.4.Where is my eraser? Its in the pencil case. 英语中,名词分为可数与不可数两种。可数名词即可以数的名词,有单复数形式,可以用数词、some、many、a lot of、lots of以及单位量词来修饰 。如: two books some buses many beds a bag of apples 不可数名词即不可以数的名词,没有单复数形式,不能用数词来修饰,但可以用some、much、a lot of、lots of以及单位量词来修饰。如: some milk much tea lots of coffee a glass of water 大部分名词变复数时在词尾直接加-s,在清辅音后读作s,在浊辅音和元音后读作z。 cats kts beds bedz hours auz以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词在词尾加-es,读作iz。 busesbsiz boxesbksiz fishesfiiz watcheswtiz 以“元音+y”结尾的名词直接加-s,以“辅音+y”结尾的名词先变y为i,再加-es,都读作z。 boys biz baby-babies beibiz 以f或fe结尾的名词一般是去掉f或fe,再加-ves,读作vz。 wolf-wolves wulvz wife-wives waivz以“元音+o”结尾的名词直接加-s,以“辅音+o”结尾的名词加-es,都读作z。(但有特殊情况:photos,pianos,kilos等) tomatoes tm:tuz zoos zu:z ononbehindbehindunderundernext tonext tobetweenbetweenin in front front ofoferaser pen pencil pencil-case pencil sharpener ruler backpack dictionary ball pen tape compasses set square询问时间询问时间 1.What time is it?2.Whats the time?3.What day is it today?4.Whats the date today?5.What time/When do you get up? 1:00 one oclock2:10 two ten / ten past two3:15 three fifteen / a quarter past three4:20 four twenty / twenty past four5:30 five thirty / half past five6:40 six forty / twenty to seven7:45 seven forty-five / a quarter to eight8:50 eight fifty / ten to nine36912Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayA: Can I help you? (What can I do for you?) B: Yes, please. I want a sweater. A: What color do you want? A: Blue. B: What size do you need? A: Size L. B: Here you are. A: Can I try it on? B: Certainly. A: It looks very nice. How much is it? B: 300 yuan. A: Here is the money. B: Thank you.coat shorts sweater pants(trousers) shirt/blouse socks T-shirt shoes dress skirt hat/cap 道道 歉歉 -Sorry. Im sorry.-Thats OK. Thats all right. It doesnt matter. 道道 谢谢 -Thanks a lot. Thank you very much.-Thats OK. Thats all right. Youre welcome. Its my pleasure.Good bye!Good bye!Bye-bye!Bye-bye!See you soon / tomorrow / later !See you soon / tomorrow / later !thanks for. for example write downa little look at=have a look at a set of keys lost and found a lot ofwatch TV Lets have forlunch in +颜色颜色 buyfrom sellto want to do sth. go to do sth. go to+地点地点 on/at weekends on weekdays stay at home learnaboutfrom for the same reason in a word in fact talk to/with sth talk about call sb. at 661978 fill out=fill in too many/much know about tellabout after class write to sb. all night get to put ontake off make/cook lunchhave/eat dinner take/have a shower go to school get up be different from all over the world come from one of some of another oftake part in wait for watch TV in ones free time take/bringto on sale/for sale do homework make up helpwith in some ways
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