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Lesson 37 The Olympic Games1.higherswifterstrongerWhats the spirit of the OlympicGames?2.EuropeEuropeAsiaAsiaAfricAfrica aOceaniaOceaniaAmericAmerica afive Olympic RingsWhats the symbol of Olympic Games? stand for five continentsThey are joined together as a sign of friendship.3.Background about the Olympic GamesThe ancient Olympic Games took place in Olympia in Greece every four years between 776 BC and 393 AD. Then there was a gap(间断)间断)of more than 2000 years before the Games began again in 1896.a village called Olympia 4.In that year the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens , the capital of Greece. About 280 athletes from 13 countries took part in the Games. 5.TorchLight the Passion Share the Dream6.The Torch Relay7.Birds Nest (National Stadium)8.Opening Ceremony9.Do you know1.When did China first take part in the2. Olympic Games?2. Who was Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?1932Xu Haifeng; shootingAbout China10. China didnt take part in the Olympic Games until 1932 and they didnt do very well in the games . Only in 1984 did Xu Haifeng get the first gold medal for shooting in China.Xu Haifeng , the first best athlete for shooting in 198411.New words and expressions 1. hold (held,held) v. 召开召开 vt. 拿着,抓住,抱住拿着,抓住,抱住小女孩拉着她父亲的手。小女孩拉着她父亲的手。 The little girl held her fathers hand. 容纳,装得下,包含容纳,装得下,包含 12.This cup cant hold much water.The stadium can hold 20,000 people. 举行,进行(会议、会谈等);举行,进行(会议、会谈等);庆祝(节日);纪念庆祝(节日);纪念have a meeting = hold a meeting 召开会议召开会议 13.hold习惯用被动:习惯用被动:2008年奥林匹克运动会在中国举年奥林匹克运动会在中国举行。行。The Olympic games were held in China in 2008. 14.名言和短语名言和短语 Hold what you really know and tell what you do not know ,this will lead to knowledge. -Confucius 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 -孔子 hold back 阻止;阻挡阻止;阻挡hold up 举起;抬起举起;抬起 知识拓展知识拓展15.2.immense adj. 巨大的巨大的fantastic adj. 巨大的巨大的 (建筑等,表惊建筑等,表惊叹叹),好极的,好极的, 宏伟的宏伟的 immense adj. 无边的无边的, 一望无际的一望无际的(在尺度或范围上无边界的或无法测量的)在尺度或范围上无边界的或无法测量的)immense oceanbig adj.(一般的)大的(一般的)大的 big man 大人物大人物 16.large adj. 数量的大数量的大, 尺寸的大尺寸的大 large man 大块头大块头great adj. 伟大的伟大的, 重要的重要的great man 伟人伟人huge adj.(体积的体积的)巨大的巨大的, 庞大,极庞大,极大的大的, 无限的无限的A huge elephant大象大象 17.3. capital n. 首都首都capital adj. 大写的大写的, 重要的重要的, 死罪死罪的的capital punishment 极刑极刑 (punishment n.惩罚惩罚, 处罚处罚, 惩处惩处)4. design v. 设计设计 vt. &vi. 设计图样设计图样George has designed a new bridge.18. vt. &vi. 打算(做打算(做),),计划计划He designed to enter for the competition. n. 图样,图纸;设计图样,图纸;设计Here is the design of the new house. 19.designer n. 设计师设计师welldesigned 设计不错的(复设计不错的(复合形容词:副词合形容词:副词+过去分词)过去分词)well-dressedwell-educatedwell-donewell-known. 20.Now listen to the recording of the text and then answer the question:When was the last time this country hosted the Olympic Games?21.Language points1、The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years time.in four years time 四年之后(四年之后(in常与将来常与将来时连用表示时连用表示“时间之后时间之后”) He will be back in ten minutes or half an hour.four years later 四年后四年后four years ago 四年前四年前 22.2、As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool.as是连词,引出原因状语从句,表是连词,引出原因状语从句,表示原因时通常位于句首。示原因时通常位于句首。 23.As you cant type the letter yourself, youll have to ask Susan to do it for you.在在期间期间, 当当时候时候I was coming in as he was going out. 我进来的时候我进来的时候, 他正出去。他正出去。谚语谚语A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,谬以千里。失之毫厘,谬以千里。 24.3、Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year.complete finishadj. 全部的全部的, 完成的完成的vt. 完成完成, 使完善使完善我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。我们到八月底就完成了这项工作。 By the end of August we will have completed the work. 25.将来完成时用于表示到将来某一时刻已经完成的动作。将来完成时由will have+过去分词构成。它常与by和nottill/until+表示时间的名词连用。I will have finished it until/till tomorrow. 26.by the end of this year 到今年年底前到今年年底前by the end of next year 到明年年底前到明年年底前by是是完成时的标志完成时的标志, 表示表示“到到为止,在为止,在之前,并之前,并不晚于某时的任何时间不晚于某时的任何时间”,不能与表示一段时间的名词名,不能与表示一段时间的名词名词连用,只能与表示时间点的名词或词组连用,用于肯定词连用,只能与表示时间点的名词或词组连用,用于肯定句与用于否定句有一定区别。句与用于否定句有一定区别。 Ill have left by Monday. 到星期一我将已离开。(星期一之前的任何时间)到星期一我将已离开。(星期一之前的任何时间) I wont have left by Monday. 我星期一之前不会离开。我星期一之前不会离开。 (星期一还在)(星期一还在) 27.4、Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up.as是连词,相当于是连词,相当于while,当,当“当,正值当,正值”讲,引讲,引出时间状语从句,它引导的从句虽然表示将来的出时间状语从句,它引导的从句虽然表示将来的动作但要用一般现在时,不能用动作但要用一般现在时,不能用 “will go up” build强调建造;强调建造;go up (建筑物)被兴建起来,(建筑物)被兴建起来,拔地而起拔地而起 Many new houses are going up in this district.Price are going up these days. 28.将来进行时除了表示最近或不久的将来正在进行的动作外,还可以表示计划或安排好的事。语法构成,将来进行时是由语法构成,将来进行时是由“shall/will + be + 现在分词现在分词构成的构成的 A great many people will be visiting the country.Ill be seeing Tom tomorrow. 明天我会见到汤姆明天我会见到汤姆. 29.5、We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.look forward to +n./pron./doing sth. (很高兴的很高兴的)盼望,期待盼望,期待look forward to与与expect(期待期待)的区别的区别是是expect没有高不高兴的成分没有高不高兴的成分I look forward to your letter.I look forward to meeting you . 30.补充:补充:将来进行时除了表示最近或不久的将来正在进行的动作外,还可以表示计划或安排好的事: A great many people will be visiting the country.将来完成时用于表示到将来某一时刻已经完成的动作。将来完成时由will have+过去分词构成。它常与by和nottill/until+表示时间的名词连用。31. I hope theyll have finished it in time for the journey. I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow.I will have finished it until/till tomorrow.现在完成式 : 到现在某一点时间为止过去完成式 : 到过去某一点时间为止将来完成式 : 到将来某一点时间为止, 某个动作已经发生32.【Special Difficulties】 look的短语的短语look forward to (expect with pleasure) (高兴地)盼望,期待着(to为介词后面只能跟名词、代词和动名词,不能接动词原形)I am looking forward to the summer holidays. 我正盼望暑假的到来. I look forward to seeing to you during the weekend.33.Look out (be careful) 当心 (注意),留神Look out! A bus is coming. 当心点, 公共汽车来了. You should always look out when you walk across a road.Look out of 朝外看 Dont look out of the window.34.Look up (get information from a reference book) 查阅 (从参考书中获取资料) I dont understand this word. I shall look it up in a dictionary. 我不懂这个词的词义, 我要查一下字典. (visit) 拜访,看望Dont forget to look me up when you return. 回来时别忘了来看我. Im going to look up Mary this afternoon.35.
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