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第五第五讲讲定语定语从句从句的写的写作与作与训练训练专专题题讲讲座座写写作作写法指导写法指导 针对训练针对训练 根据所掌握的定语从句的知识,熟练地使用定语从根据所掌握的定语从句的知识,熟练地使用定语从句也是高考英语写作的一项基本要求。定语从句属于较为句也是高考英语写作的一项基本要求。定语从句属于较为复杂的语法结构,根据内容要点在短文中适当地运用定语复杂的语法结构,根据内容要点在短文中适当地运用定语从句有助于提高写作的得分。从句有助于提高写作的得分。一、一、that, which引导定语从句引导定语从句当先行词为物时常用当先行词为物时常用that或或which来引导定语从句,很多情来引导定语从句,很多情况下两者可以互换。况下两者可以互换。Our class is a big family that/which consists of 12 girls and 50 boys. 我们班是一个拥有我们班是一个拥有12个女生和个女生和50个男生的大家庭。个男生的大家庭。点津点津that和和which在从句中作宾语时可以省略。在从句中作宾语时可以省略。To make our society more harmonious, wed better take care of the environment (that/which) we live in. 为了使我们的社会更加和谐,我们最好爱护我们所居住的为了使我们的社会更加和谐,我们最好爱护我们所居住的环境。环境。二、二、who, whom, whose引导定语从句引导定语从句当先行词为人时常用当先行词为人时常用who, whom引导,也可用引导,也可用that。如果从。如果从句中缺少的是主语那么就用句中缺少的是主语那么就用who引导;如果缺少的是宾语引导;如果缺少的是宾语可用可用whom,也可以用,也可以用who引导,关系代词也可以省略。引导,关系代词也可以省略。whose在从句中作定语,既可以指人,也可以指物。在从句中作定语,既可以指人,也可以指物。Those who would like to take part may sign up in the Students Union Office before October 20th. (作主语作主语)凡想参加的凡想参加的(同学同学)可以在十月二十日前到学生会办公室报名。可以在十月二十日前到学生会办公室报名。Is that the man whom you referred to? (作宾语作宾语)那就是你所指的人吗?那就是你所指的人吗?Last Sunday, I organized a survey in my neighborhood, whose topic is “Which safety problem is the one you are most concerned about”. (作定语作定语)上周日,我在我的社区进行了一次社会调查,其主题内容上周日,我在我的社区进行了一次社会调查,其主题内容是是“你最关注的安全问题是什么你最关注的安全问题是什么”。三、三、as引导定语从句引导定语从句as指人或物,作主语、宾语或表语。指人或物,作主语、宾语或表语。as引导定语从句时常引导定语从句时常用在用在the same .as, such .as结构中。结构中。I want to buy the same Tshirt as Tom is wearing.我想买一件和汤姆穿的一样的我想买一件和汤姆穿的一样的T恤衫。恤衫。点津点津as和和which还可以引导非限制性定语从句,来修饰整还可以引导非限制性定语从句,来修饰整个句子。个句子。As we can see, great changes have taken place in our hometown. 正如我们所看到的,我们家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。正如我们所看到的,我们家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。Li Ming got up late this morning, which made it impossible for him to catch the early bus.李明今天早上起晚了,这使他不可能赶上早班车了。李明今天早上起晚了,这使他不可能赶上早班车了。四、四、when引导定语从句引导定语从句when指时间,作状语。指时间,作状语。I will never forget the day when I joined the army. 我将永远不会忘记我参军的那一天。我将永远不会忘记我参军的那一天。点津点津当表示时间的先行词在从句中不是作状语,而是作当表示时间的先行词在从句中不是作状语,而是作主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词that或或which引导定引导定语从句,而不用语从句,而不用when。The film reminded me of those miserable days (that/which) I spent in my childhood.这部电影使我想起了我童年时代度过的那些苦难日子。这部电影使我想起了我童年时代度过的那些苦难日子。五、五、where引导定语从句引导定语从句where指地点,作状语。指地点,作状语。As a child, he used to work hard and help his father on the small farm where they lived.当他还是一个小孩的时候,他经常艰苦地劳动,并帮助他当他还是一个小孩的时候,他经常艰苦地劳动,并帮助他的父亲在他们所生活的小农场上干活。的父亲在他们所生活的小农场上干活。点津点津当表示地点的先行词在从句中不是作状语,而是当表示地点的先行词在从句中不是作状语,而是作主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词作主语、宾语或表语时,必须用关系代词that或或which引导引导定语从句,而不用定语从句,而不用where。This is a beautiful place (that/which) people all over the world look forward to visiting. 这是一个世界各地的人都渴望参观的美丽的地方。这是一个世界各地的人都渴望参观的美丽的地方。六、六、why引导定语从句引导定语从句why指原因,作状语。指原因,作状语。Nobody knows the reason why he is often late for school. 没人知道他为什么上学总迟到。没人知道他为什么上学总迟到。The reason why Tom didnt come to school yesterday was that he was ill. 汤姆昨天没来学校的原因是他生病了。汤姆昨天没来学校的原因是他生病了。.合并句子合并句子 把下面各题中的句子合并为一个含有定语从句的主从复合句把下面各题中的句子合并为一个含有定语从句的主从复合句 1a. Seeing these changes, we cannot forget them. b. They gave us unselfish help when we were in trouble. _答案:答案:Seeing these changes, we cannot forget those who gave us unselfish help when we were in trouble.2a. I feel greatly honored to host the contest. b. The contest is sponsored by the Students Union. _答案:答案:I feel greatly honored to host the contest, which is sponsored by the Students Union.3a. They sent the elderly some fruits, cleaned the rooms and had a good chat with them.b. The elderly always feel lonely. _答案:答案:They sent the elderly who always feel lonely some fruits, cleaned the rooms and had a good chat with them.4a. The library is not far from here. b. The writer often does some reading there._答案:答案:The library where the writer often does some reading is not far from here. 5a. Ive always longed for the days. b. I will be able to be independent then._答案:答案:Ive always longed for the days when I will be able to be independent. .翻译句子翻译句子 用定语从句翻译下列句子用定语从句翻译下列句子 1不努力学习的学生不会通过考试。不努力学习的学生不会通过考试。_答案:答案:The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam. 2她上周买的房子非常好看。她上周买的房子非常好看。_答案:答案:The house, which she bought last week, is very nice. 3这就是他爸爸工作的地方。这就是他爸爸工作的地方。_答案:答案:This is the place where his father works. 4你们已经取得了很大的进步,这使老师非常高兴。你们已经取得了很大的进步,这使老师非常高兴。_答案:答案:You have made great progress, which makes your teacher very happy. 5众所周知,吸烟有害健康。众所周知,吸烟有害健康。_答案:答案:As is known to us all, smoking is harmful to our health. 6北京是中国的首都,它是一座美丽的城市。北京是中国的首都,它是一座美丽的城市。_答案:答案:Beijing, which is the capital of China, is a beautiful city. 7鲁迅的原名鲁迅的原名(real name)是周树人。他一生中写了很多是周树人。他一生中写了很多小说。小说。_答案:答案:Lu Xun, whose real name is Zhou Shuren, wrote many novels in his whole life. 8杰克来自加拿大,他在我们学校已经学习了三年。他不杰克来自加拿大,他在我们学校已经学习了三年。他不仅经常帮助我们学英语,而且中文也讲的很不错。仅经常帮助我们学英语,而且中文也讲的很不错。_答案:答案:Jack comes from Canada. He is a student of our school where he has studied for three years. Not only does he often help us learn English but he speaks Chinese fluently as well.
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