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UNIT 3 At the Market(Listening & Speaking )Supermaketflea marketContents1Warming up3Reading and Writing5Real life skills6Further Reading4Phonetics & Grammar2Listening and SpeakingYou will be able to:1. understand shopping information.2. learn how to buy and sell.3. master some expressions about shopping and bargaining.Learn the words and expressions.Listening and Speakingon sale 减价出售discount 折扣Jogging 慢跑biscuit 饼干blouse(女士)短上衣discount of 30%at 15% discount七折八五折Lets competediscount joggingbiscuitblousechangeoroginalon salen./v.折扣n.慢跑n.饼干n.(女士)短上衣v.变化/改变 n.零钱adj.起初的,独创的,最初的减价销售Listen and tick the right picture.1Listening & Speaking AJLWhat can I do for you?Listen again and complete.Listening & Speaking A21. I just finished _ and feel _ now.2. How much are a box of _ and a _ of orange juice?They are _ dollars together.2. Do you have any _ today? No.Key sentences1. What sorts of discount are you offering?2. Up to 50%.3. The blouse looks beautiful on you.jogginghungrybiscuitsbottleeightdiscountListen again and underline the sentences about shopping and bargaining(讨价还价讨价还价) in the conversation.Listening & Speaking A31. What can I do for you?2. Id like to have a box of biscuits and a bottle of oranges juice.3. Here are your biscuits and orange juice.4. How much are they altogether?5. Eight dollars.6. Ok,Ill take them.Heres ten dollars.7. Heres your change.8. Do you have any discount today?9. Im sorry.We dont have any discount today.Key sentences1. What sorts of discount are you offering?2. Up to 50%.3. The blouse looks beautiful on you.shopping:bargaining:Shop assistant: Can I help you find something? Customer: Oh,Im just looking,thanks.Shop assistant: Thats a beautiful blouse youre looking at.Its on sale.The original price was $250.But were offering 20% off at the moment. Customer: Hmm.Thats not bad.I love the colour,too.Shop assistant: Yes,the colour matches you.Why dont you try it on? Customer: Ok.Shop assistant: Oh,that looks great on you! Customer: Hmm.It seems a bit short.Do you have a bigger size?Shop assistant: No,Im afraid we dont.Were almost sold out.Its the last on-sale day.Customer: I see.Well . I really need a bigger size.Thanks. Listen to the dialogue and repeat.1Listening and SpeakingB在西方国家(如美国),商家为了招揽生意,经常以SALE 来吸引顾客,一般有三种公开的大折扣购物机会:节日、换季、特殊日子(如纪念日、开学日等)。如:Christmas sale( 圣 诞 节 大 甩 卖 ) , beginning / end of season sale(季节开始 / 结束大甩卖),anniversary sale(周年纪念大甩卖)等。Notes:2.Choose the right answer.At last,the customer _ the blouse. A.has bought B.wont buy C.will buyBDecide true (T) or false (F).3Listening and Speaking1. Sally is looking for a blouse in particular.2. The original price of the blouse was $215.3. Sally likes the colour of the blouse.JJLLLL4. The blouse wont be on sale tomorrow.JJ5. Sally thinks the blouse is too big.LLShop assistant: Can I help you find something? Customer: Oh,Im just looking,thanks.Shop assistant: Thats a beautiful blouse youre looking at.Itson sale.The original price was $250.But wereoffering 20% off at themoment. Customer: Hmm.Thats not bad.I love the colour,too.Shop assistant: Yes,the colour matches you.Why dont you try it on? Customer: Ok.Shop assistant: Oh,that looks great on you! Customer: Hmm.It seems a bit short.Do you have a bigger size?Shop assistant: No,Im afraid we dont.Were almost sold out.Its the last on-sale day.Customer: I see.Well . I really need a bigger size.Thanks. Listen to the dialogue again.4Listening and SpeakingBUnderline the proper expressions for sellers in the conversation when bargaining(讨价还价)。Shop assistant: Can I help you find something? Customer: Oh,Im just looking,thanks.Shop assistant: Thats a beautiful blouse youre looking at.Itson sale.The original price was $250.But wereoffering 20% off at themoment. Customer: Hmm.Thats not bad.I love the colour,too.Shop assistant: Yes,the colour matches(相配,匹配)(相配,匹配) you.Why dont you try it on? Customer: Ok.Shop assistant: Oh,that looks great on you! Customer: Hmm.It seems a bit short.Do you have a bigger size?Shop assistant: No,Im afraid we dont.Were almost sold out.Its the last on-sale day.Customer: I see.Well . I really need a bigger size.Thanks. Listen to the dialogue again.4Listening and SpeakingBComplete the sentences.5Listening and Speaking Bmatchdiscountingon sale1. The store is _ all clothing.2. Youd better _ the coat before you buy it.3. Goods _ are very plentiful.4. Your coat _ your jeans well.try ondiscountingtry onon salematchPair work. Complete the dialogue.6Listening and Speaking(某商场正在进行迎新年大减价,假设你是售货员, 正在接待一位要买鞋子的顾客。)You may use:What size are you looking for?Here are several different styles in your size.They fit perfectly. Ill take them.Can I pay with my credit card?Here is your receipt.Shop assistant: Hello. Could I help you?Customer: Yes, please. Im interested in buying a pair of shoes.Shop assistant: All right. All shoes are half price today.Customer: Oh, thats great.Shop assistant: What size are you looking for?Customer: Size 8. Shop assistant: Here are several different styles in your size. Customer: I like the blue pair. It might match my jeans better.Shop assistant: Why dont you try them on?Customer: OK, thanks.Shop assistant: They look very nice. Customer: Yeah, they fit perfectly. How much are they?Shop assistant: The regular price is $ 80, but today its only $ 40. Customer: Thats a good bargain. Ill take them. Can I pay with my credit card?Shop assistant: Sure. The cashier is over there.Shop assistant: Thank you.My Progress CheckWords I have learned in this unit are:Now I know _ new words.More words I know in this unit are:_Great! Now I know _ useful phrases and expressions.More useful phrases and expressions I know in this unit are:_ biscuit discount jogging discount of 30% Phrases and expressions I have learned in this unit are: on sale at a discount a 10% discountchange blouseMy Progress CheckI can: learn how to buy and sell. understand shopping information. What progress I have made! Im happy. master some expressions about shopping and bargaining.
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