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Unit 14One, two, three, catch!Lesson 27New Words and Expressionslate 晚的,迟的晚的,迟的 call 叫,称为叫,称为early 早的早的 go 走,去走,去 time 时间时间 lets 让我们让我们-What time is it? 几点了?几点了?Wow! 哇!哇! oclock - 点钟点钟 What! kid 小孩,孩子小孩,孩子 speed 速度速度 in a hurry 匆忙的匆忙的 gate 大门大门 late for school上学迟到上学迟到 shut 关闭的关闭的 Youre welcome. 不用谢不用谢 slow 慢的慢的 fast 快的快的几点了?什么时间了?我们俩都迟到了!好快的速度呀!好棒的车呀!请叫我Daisy! 你们很着急吗?现在你们俩不晚了现在我们都来早了!CanCan v. 可能,能,会;开罐 n. 罐头 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Can you make the tea? can not = cant Can you be my girlfriend? 过去式过去式could, 表请求时,语气更委婉些表请求时,语气更委婉些 Could you help me, please? Could you come over? Catch /kt/ v. 抓住;接住The cat wants to catch the butterfly.Catch me!Bring/bri/ v. 带来Can you bring me some water?Take v. 带走Take me away!Jar n. 罐,坛Sun Jar 阳光罐子glass jar 玻璃缸,玻璃罐cookie jar 饼干罐饼干罐Ready redi adj. 准备就绪的 She is ready. 她准备好了。 Ready?Go! stop v. 停顿 stop doing sth 停顿做某事 stop talking Our heart never stops beating.我们的心永远不会停顿跳动。New Words and Expressionscatch 抓住抓住 bring 带来带来jar 罐,坛罐,坛 can 能够,可以能够,可以 ready 准备就绪的准备就绪的 room 房间房间stop 停顿停顿 football 足球足球cant=can not 不能不能backreadycatchjarfootballstopCantroombring罐,坛罐,坛足球足球抓住抓住房间房间准备就绪准备就绪停止停止带来带来不能不能根据汉语说出英根据汉语说出英语语Listen and Answer:Can Karen catch the jar? A: Listen to the word that you hear (抢答B: Listen to the sentence that you hearKaren: Give me that , please, Robert.Robert: Which jar, Mum? This one?jarKaren: No, not that one. The one on the . The one.emptytableRobert: , Mum! Ready? One, two, three, !Here you arecatchKaren: No, Robert! !Robert: whats , Mum?Stopthe matterKaren: I cant catch it! _ , please!Bring it here Robert: , Mum!Karen: Thank you, Robert!Here you arebackGive meWhich jar? The one on the table.Catch ! I cant catch it!Bring it here, please! backGuided conversationAre they in the kitchen?Yes, they are.Is the jar on the floor?No, it isnt.Is it on the table?Yes, it is.Is there one on the table?Yes, there is.Is there one on the table?Yes, there is.Is it empty?Yes, it is.Is Karen ready?No, she isnt.Can she catch the jar?No, she cant.Whats on the table?The jar is on the table.Who isnt ready?Karen isnt ready.Who cant catch the jar?Karen cant catch the jar.Where is the empty jar?Its on the table.Which jar is on the table?The empty one.Whats the matter with Karen?She cant catch the jar.lesson28Key sentences我接不到它。我接不到它。I cant catch it.怎么了?怎么了?Whats the matter?把它拿到这来。把它拿到这来。Bring it here, please.请给我那个罐子请给我那个罐子Give me that jar, please.同同义句义句Give that jar to me, please.Grammarcan 能,会能,会 情态动词后接动词原形情态动词后接动词原形 I can swim.变为否认句变为否认句: I cant (cannot) swim.变为一般疑问句:变为一般疑问句: Can you swim?肯定答复:肯定答复: Yes, I can. 否认答复:否认答复:No, I cant.Grammar and notes(笔记bring sth.(某物某物) to sb.(某人某人) = bring sb. sth.把某物拿给某人把某物拿给某人把钢笔拿给我。把钢笔拿给我。Bring the pen to me.= Bring me the pen. (与与give 的用法相似的用法相似)His mum bring him a hamburger.变为一般疑问句变为一般疑问句 : Does his mum bring him a hamburger?答复:答复: 肯定答复:肯定答复:Yes, he does. 否认答复:否认答复:No, he doesnt.变为否认句:变为否认句:His mum doesnt bring him a hamburger.就划线局部提问:就划线局部提问:Who bring him a hamburger?改为同义句:改为同义句: His mum bring a hamburger to him.就划线局部提问就划线局部提问1. They bring her a coat.Who bring her a mobile ? 2. The ball is under the desk.Where is the ball?3. This is Roberts shirt.Whose shirt is this?New Words and Expressionsglass 玻璃杯玻璃杯 in front of 在在-前面前面beside 在在-旁边旁边 behind 在在-后后面面 us 我们宾格我们宾格 bone 骨头骨头cheap 廉价的廉价的 fresh 新鲜的新鲜的window 窗户窗户 dish 盘子盘子 knife 刀子刀子Pronunciation Oh!no OK old go both show those over hotel coat photoRobert Rolly rolled a round roll round.If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round,Where is the round roll,Robert Rolly rolled around?u窗户窗户玻璃杯玻璃杯刀子刀子在。旁在。旁边边骨头骨头便宜的便宜的新鲜的新鲜的盘子盘子根据汉语说出英语根据汉语说出英语besidefreshglassbonecheapknifebehindIn front of根据汉语说出英语根据汉语说出英语 bone n. 骨头 lazy bones Get up! You lazy bones. 起床!懒骨头。bag of bones 懒骨头懒骨头皮包骨头皮包骨头方位介词In front of 在前面 behind 在后面On 在.上面接触under 在下面Beside 在.旁边in 在里面 on the table under the desk beside the cups in the window under the shelfin front of the plate behind the bowlon the dish Fresh adj. 新鲜的 fresh air 新鲜的空气fresh vegetables 新鲜的蔬菜Expensive adj. 昂贵的Cheap adj. 廉价的 plate1) behind 表示表示“在在后面。例如:后面。例如: behind the door 在门后在门后 behind the desk 在桌子后在桌子后2)beside 表示表示“在在旁边。例如:旁边。例如: beside the river 在小河旁边在小河旁边 beside the house 在房子旁边在房子旁边3) under表示表示“在在下。例如:下。例如: under the tree 在树下在树下 under the chair 在椅子下在椅子下 under the bed 在床下在床下The plural formglass-_book-_knife-_bone-_glassesbooksknifvesbonesHomework 知识回忆知识回忆Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview祝您成功!
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