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新概念第二册第八课新概念第二册第八课The best and the worst1We are best friends.2The worst relationship3New words and expressions生词和短语4New wordscompetitionFootball competition basketball competition5boxing competition6 compete kmpi:t vi. 竞争;比赛;对抗竞争;比赛;对抗compete against sb.compete with sb.7race n. 比赛(速度) horse raceMarathon race8match n. (球类)(球类) 9game n.(泛指)(泛指)the Olympic Games10neat ni:t adj. 整齐的整齐的a neat garden11 a neat roomclean/tidy12 a neat whiskyneat ni:t不参水的;纯的不参水的;纯的13path p: n. 小路小路,小径小径14woodenwudn adj. 木头的木头的a wooden bridge15wood woodsgo for walk in the woods16wooden smile17pool pu:l n. 水池水池18poolSwimming pools19课文讲解课文讲解The best and the worstQ:Why is Joes garden the most beautiful one in the town?20Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for The Nicest Garden Competition each year, but Joe wins every time. 1. nearly = almost “几乎几乎” 否定句中只可以用否定句中只可以用almost2. enter for 报名参加报名参加enter v. Eg: enter the roomentrance n. 入口入口 win won won 赢赢21与与every一起复合而成的不定代词,一起复合而成的不定代词,one,body,thing谓语动词用单数。谓语动词用单数。Everyone _ come. (have/has)Everybody_ me. (like/likes)Everything_ ready. (is/are)22Bill Friths garden is larger than Joes. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joes garden is more interesting.3. grow grew grown 生长,种植生长,种植23He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. 4. make made made 制作制作 ,用法,用法 make sb do sth. make sb./sth. + adj 5. build built built 建造,建筑建造,建筑 6. wooden bridge 木桥木桥7. over 垂直上方,正上方垂直上方,正上方 on 接触上接触上above 在在上方;高于上方;高于24like gardens too, but I do not like hard work8. too ,either, also , as well表示表示“也也”的区的区别别 too 肯末也肯末也 either 否末也否末也 also 句中句中 as well = toolike 的用法的用法 9. hard work 努力工作努力工作 25Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!9. enter for 报名参加报名参加26Summery writing 摘要写作摘要写作Joe Sanders has the best garden in town. He wins The Nicest Garden Competitioneach year Bill has a fine garden . Joes is better. The writers garden is terrible. He always win a little prize for the competition. 27Key structure 关键句型关键句型形容词比较级与最高级形容词比较级与最高级 比较级与最高级的变化规则比较级与最高级的变化规则 1. 一般情况一般情况+er 和和+est 2. 以以e 结尾直接加结尾直接加r和和st 3. 当单词中超过两个原因字母时,在前加当单词中超过两个原因字母时,在前加more和和most. 4.特殊情况,特殊记。特殊情况,特殊记。28形容词比较级与最高级中的特殊情况形容词比较级与最高级中的特殊情况 good/well better best 好好 bad/ ill worse worst 坏坏 many/ much more most 多多 little/ few less least 少少 old older oldest old elder eldest far father fathest far further - furtest29形容词比较级形容词比较级1. 二者比,标志二者比,标志than2.比较级比较级+and+比较级,或者,比较级,或者, more and more 表示表示“越来越越来越”3.the+比较级,比较级, the+比较级比较级 “越越越越” 你吃的越多,你越胖。你吃的越多,你越胖。 The more you eat , the fatter you will be.4. much, a little, far用来修饰形容词比较级,用来修饰形容词比较级,且放于形容词之前。且放于形容词之前。 30House A is much larger than house B.AB31阿伦阿伦艾弗森艾弗森183cm科比科比布莱恩特布莱恩特198cmKobe Bryant is a little taller than Allen Iverson .Allen Iverson is a little shorter than Kobe Bryrant.32形容词比较级形容词比较级5. 同级比较:同级比较:“和和一样一样” 肯定:肯定:as as 否定:否定:not asas或或not soas 中间要加中间要加 adj/ adv的原级的原级 The question is as_(easy)as that one. Please do your homework as (careful) _ as your sister.easycarefully33形容词比较级形容词比较级6.如果有如果有of短语,比较级前要加短语,比较级前要加the Of the two girls, who is _(tall) 7.在同一范围比较,常用在同一范围比较,常用any other+单数名单数名词。词。 Tom is taller than any other student in his class.34形容词最高级形容词最高级1.三者或三者以上范围三者或三者以上范围“the”不能少不能少2.常用句型常用句型 one of +最高级最高级 One of _(beautiful) garden is Joes .+ that I have ever seen. This is _(interesting) book that I have ever seen.the most beautifulthe most interesting35
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