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a country in the pacific oceanNarrator RainbowReporter AprilTour Guide TommyProfessor SophieIntroduction FactsPopulation Issues & Effects9/21/2024INTRODUCTIONFiji is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean Tour Guide TommyThecountrycomprisesofmorethan332islands,ofwhich110arepermanentlyinhabitedThetwomajorislands,VitiLevuandVanuaLevu,accountfor87%ofthepopulationofalmost900,000.Tour Guide Tommy FACTSReporter AprilCan you tell us some facts about your home,Sir?TheBritishcolonizedmyhomein1874,howcantheydothat?Itisterrible!Themlater,theybroughtoverIndiancontractlabourerstoworkonthesugarplantationswhich.Wegainedourindependencein1970! Hows the climate?TheclimateoverhereistropicalmarineandwarmyearroundSo there is no seasonsYeah.ThewarmseasonfromNovembertoAprilandthecoolerseasonfromMaytoOctober.Whats the lowest temperature it has been to?Temperatureinthecoolseasonaverages22C.Why are you so proud of your country? Thedevelopedeconomies.Why ?Amongallthepacificislandcountry,ourdevelopedeconomicsarethebestTheabundanceofforest,mineral,andfishresources.So then what pushes your countrys econmicsto grow?How about foreign exchange in these days?Touristindustryandsugarexports.How about your countrys currency?WehaveFijiandollar.Whats the exchange rate then?Itsquitecheapactually.1FJD=3.1477RMB Reporter AprilThank you for telling usthese facts about your country.Youarewelcome.Ifyouhavetimeyoucancometovisitme,ourcountryisnice.PoliticsDemocraticrulewasinterruptedby4militarycoupsbetween1987and2006causedbyagrowingperceptionthatthegovernmentwasdominatedbytheIndo-Fijian(Indian)community.ThecoupscontributedtoheavyIndo-Fijianemigration;theresultingpopulationlossresultedineconomicdifficultiestothisdate.Newsuccessfulgeneralelectionstookplaceon17thSeptember2014returningthecountrytofulldemocraticgovernmentPopulation Issues & EffectsPopulation disparity Much of the tensions were because of this disparity both by numbers and wealth. Fiji is mostly made up of native Fijians, (54.3%), Indo-Fijians (38.1%). This was not the case until after the coups which ensured majority for the native Fijians.Urbanization young Fijians leaving their villages to find work in towns & cities. This places pressure on housing demands and at the same time reduces agricultural production which in turn raises prices to some extent.Emigration Heavy Emigration especially after the coups depleted Fijis professional and skilled workforce resulting in a “brain drain” situation. This heavily affected Fijis economy which it is still trying to recover from. In an effort to off-set this effect, the Government has tried to woo leavers to come back and will also recognize dual citizenship.Reference en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fijian interview of a Fijian friend of Sophies father called Kina9/21/2024THANK YOU
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