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Can you hear a train?Can you hear a train?Module 4 The world around usPeriod 2Period 2Module 1 Using my five senses3traincarbusship Listen! _, _, _!I can hear a _.Listen! _, _, _!I can hear a _.S1: Can you hear .?S2: Yes. /No.What can you hear at the station?I can hear Work in pairs:What can you hear on the sea?What can you hear on the sea? I can hear I can hear Work in pairs:What can you hear on the road?I can hear . Work in pairs: A: Listen! What can you hear? B: I can hear a _. A: Can you hear a _? B: _, I _.truckMingKittybeside1. Where is Ming?2. What colour is Ming?3. Can Ming hear a bird?4. What can Ming hear?1. Where is Ming?2. What colour is Ming?3. Can Ming hear a bird?4. What can Ming hear?1. Where is Ming?2. What colour is Ming?3. Can Ming hear a bird?4. What can Ming hear?Ming is beside the window.No. Ming cant hear the bird.Ming can hear a dog, a car and a ship.Ming is brown.Ming is beside the window.Ming cant hear the bird.Ming can hear a dog, a car and a ship.Ming is brown.Ming can hear a dog.Ming can hear a car.Ming can hear a ship.Ming cant hear the bird.Practice in pairs:S1: What can Ming hear now? S2: He can hear a _. S1: What can Ming hear on the farm? S2: Ming can hear a _. Ming is on the road.Ming is brown.Ming can hearMing cant hearMing is a brown cat.Look! Ming is beside the window.Ming can hear a dog, a car and a ship.Oh! Ming is sleeping. Ming cant hear the bird.My pet_ is a _.Look! _ (name) is _.Listen!_ can hear a _._ can hear a _. _ can hear a _.Oh! _ is sleeping. _ cant _.My pet1. Read Students Book page 12.2. Talk about “My pet” .深圳牛津英语同步微课观看指南:一至六年级语数英全覆盖,下学期微课2018年2月份上线。深圳一线英语教师哪里可以找到和新教材配合的微课呢?在这里推荐“预课”APP,里面有“深圳版”的英语微课免费观看。手机下载就可以免费看所有的微课视频。使用Ipad下载的用户可以搜索Iphone的手机应用就可以搜索到相关资源。扫码马上下载免费微课,注册时可以不填写“邀请码”:预习功课,上免费预习功课,上免费 “ “预课预课”
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