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书面表达书面表达 应用文模板应用文模板 城北高中 曹辉应应用用文文例例题题一一Directions:write a composition entitled A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attaction. You should write at least 120 words according to the following guidelines:Your role: a tour guideYour audience: a group of foreign touristsYour introduction should include:1)Some welcoming words2)The schedule for the day3)A description the place the tourists will be visiting(e.g.a scenic spot or a historical site.etc.)日程安排解说词模板日程安排解说词模板Ladies and Gentlemen/Dear_, Welcome to .To begin with, .Its my pleasure to . Now to share the schedule with you, .Please keep in mind that . According to the schedule, .In addition, . As a matter of fact, .During your visit, . There is no doubt that .I hope that . Thank you very much for .A Brief Introduction to a Tourist AttactionLadies and Gentlemen,Welcome to _.To begin with, _.Its my pleasure to _.China and thank you for your trusting our travel agencymy name is Lisabe your guideNow to share the schedule with you, _.Please keep in mind that _.According to the schedule, _.In addition, _.the place we are going to visit is the Great Wall in Bada Moutainwell set out at 9:00we will arrive there at 10:00we will stay there for three hours and come back at about 2:00 in the afternoonAs a matter of fact, _.During your visit, _. the Great Wall we will visit is the most complete and best preserved sectionyou will see some wonderful Chinese acrobatics and dragon-lion performances.There is no doubt that_.I hope that _.Thank you very much for kind _. you will have enough time to watch the performances and to climb to the wall and take photosyou will enjoy your dayattention应应用用文文例例题题二二Directions:Suppose you are Li Ming. You had an appointment with your friends on Friday. Unfortunately, you broke the appointment because your mother fell ill at that time. Write your friend a letter of about 120 words to apologize for failing to keep the appointment. Your letter should include:1)就失约向你的朋友道歉;)就失约向你的朋友道歉; 2)解释失约的原因;)解释失约的原因; 3)建建议议下下次次约约会会并并提提出出下下次次方方便便约约会会的时间。的时间。道歉信模板道歉信模板 Date: Dear ,I am very sorry to say/tell you that .Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret.Please accept my sincere apology.I fear you are unhappy at .I hope you will understand me and excuse me for .Let me explain.The rason for my delay/absence was that .I had no way out because .Thererfore, it,s not in my power to .Naturally, I want to suggest .I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tellme when and where you .We may meet again and I hope to see you soon. Sincerely yours, SignatureDear Amy,I am very sorry to say that _.Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret.Please accept my sincere apolgy.I fear you are unhappy at _.I hope you will understand me and excuse me for _.I had failed to keep the appointment that we made last Fridaymy absence that daymy failing to turn upLet me explain.The reason for my absence was that _.I had no way out because _.Therefore, it,s not in my power to_.my mother fell ill at that timeI had to send her to hospital and look after hermeet youNaturally, I want to suggest that _.I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you_.We may meet again and I hope to see you soon. Sincerely yours Li Ming that we should make another appointment next timewill be at convenience应用文课堂作业:应用文课堂作业:Directions:you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:A Letter to the University Presient about the Canteen Service on Campus. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline( given in Chinese)below:假假如如你你是是李李明明,请请你你就就本本校校食食堂堂的的状状况况给给校校长长写写一一封封信信,内内容容应应涉涉及及食食堂堂的的饭饭菜菜质质量量、价价格格、环环境境、服服务务等等,可可以以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。批评、抱怨信模板批评、抱怨信模板 Date: Dear ,My name is . I am . I want to write you a letter about .The focus of the complaint is . For one thing, . For another, . Honestly speaking, . But . Besides, .All in all, there is still much room for improvement . I do hope . Thank you for your time and kind consideration . Sincerely yours, SignatureA Letter to the University Presdent about the Canteen Service on Campus. Jan.6th 2002Dear Mr.President,My name is _.I am _.I venture to write you a letter about _.LiMinga junior from the Civil Engineering Schoolthe canteen service on campusThe focus of the complaint is _.For one thing, _.For another, _. the poor quality and high price of the foodthe rice is so hard, the steam bread too cold, and vegetables overcookedthe price of the food is so high that many of us go out to dineHonestly speaking, _.But _.Besides,_. the canteen service is a little better than beforethe cooking staff need to do the cooking more carefullythe cost needs to be reduced to lower the priceAll in all, there are still much room for_.I do hope _. Thank you for your time and kind consideration. Sincerely yours Li Ming improvementthe service will be much improved very soon
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