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Unit12 A song of oppositesleftrightbig 大的大的 little 小的小的big 大的大的 small 小的小的Lets playThis is little.That is big.This is little.Thats big.The cat is small.The dog is big.That is short.This ruler is long.That is hot.This is cold.This tree is short.That is tall.Lets chant,point and singThe dog is big and the cat is small. 狗很大,猫很小。This ruler is long and that is short. 这把尺很长,那把尺很短。This is cold and that is hot. 这很冷,那很热。This tree is short and that is tall. 这棵树很短,那棵树很高。Animals动物cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 chick小鸡 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 squid鱿鱼 蜜蜂bee turtle乌龟 giraffe长颈鹿 spider蜘蛛 wolf狼 zebra斑马 gorilla大猩猩Schoolthings学校用品ruler尺子尺子 pencil铅笔铅笔 eraser橡皮橡皮 crayon蜡笔蜡笔 shoolbag书包书包 pen钢笔钢笔 pencil box铅笔盒铅笔盒 book书书 desk书桌书桌 chair椅子椅子 blackboard黑板黑板 sharpener卷笔刀卷笔刀 chalk粉笔粉笔 paper纸纸 door门门FoodandvegetablenamesFood食物:食物:egg鸡蛋鸡蛋pizza披萨披萨salad沙拉沙拉fish鱼鱼chicken鸡鸡rice大米大米cake蛋糕蛋糕soup汤汤bread面包面包hamburger汉堡包汉堡包 Vegetables蔬菜:蔬菜:beans扁豆扁豆tomato西红柿西红柿potato土豆土豆cucumber黄瓜黄瓜onion洋葱洋葱carrot胡萝卜胡萝卜cabbage卷心菜卷心菜 peas豌豆。豌豆。
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