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Unit 5 Lets eat!Part A Lets talk & Lets playLets sing!I say you do. Lets chant!I have a ruler. Me too.I have a pencil. Me too. I have a crayon. Me too. I have an eraser. Me too. I have a lot of delicious food. Do you want to know whats inside?Yes!An apple?.I have juice. Id like some juice.果汁果汁Here you are. Have some juice.I have eggs. Id like some eggs.鸡蛋鸡蛋eggeggs复数复数Here you are. Have some eggs.I have bread. Id like some bread.面包面包Here you are. Have some bread.Do a match.juicebreadeggLook and say.Who are they?What are they doing?What can you see on the table?What do they have for breakfast?Underline the key sentence.Lets talkId like some juice, please.Here you are. Have some bread, too.Thanks.What would Mike like?How does he say?Juice.Id like some juice, please.What would you like? Id like some _.Here you are. Have some _Thank you/Thanks.Read and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.Do a dubbing show.Whisper.Pass three sentences in a low voice.Id like some.Here you are.Have some.Lets playSay the food they can see. breadeggjuicehamburgerhot dogmilkLets playPractice and act it out in groups.Id like some bread.Id like some bread and eggs.Id like some bread, eggs and juice.Snowball.Id like some_.Id like some_ and_.Id like some_,_and _.Id like some _, _, _, and _.Welcome to our Gourmet Festival! Id like some. Here you are. Have some.Thank you./Thanks.Share a video.The differences between Chinese breakfast and west breakfastBlackboard designUnit 5 Lets eat!Part A Lets talk & Lets play Id like some. Here you are. Have some.Thank you./Thanks.1. Practice the dialogue of “Lets talk”.2. Make a menu for tomorrows breakfast.3. Do the exercises. Homework
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