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A Lets talk Unit3 Where did you go?人教人教PEP六年六年级下册下册【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Free talk.What did you do?How was it?Talk about your vacation/holiday.How about Johns holiday?【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Lets tryWho is that?whenwhere先读题,再听录音why 【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件He fell off his bike.1.What happened to John?2.What did they talk about later?They talked Johns Labour Day holiday.Watch the flash, then answer.【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Now Last SaturdayfallfellHe fell off his bike.【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Labour DayLabour Day holiday【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Lets talkJohns Labour Day holidayListen and make a mind map.Where did he go?What did he do?Mt. TianshanTurpan rode a horse【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件 两人一组练习对话,随后表演出来吧!Role play【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件试着描述一下自己曾经去过的一个地方,全班投票看谁的讲述更有趣,语言更准确。My holidayWhere did you go?What did you do?【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Try to make it!Try to make it! Amy: What happened? John: I _ last Saturday and _.Amy: Thats too bad! Are you all right?John: Im OK now. Come and look at my photos from the _holiday.Amy: _ did you go?John: _. I _ a horse. Look, its very small!Amy: Oh, yes. It looks like a mule! Did you go to _?John: Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldnt eat them. They wont be ready till August.【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Reporter 分组搜集“五一”黄金周旅行线路,扮演“小记者”向同学们汇报。比赛哪个小组推荐的线路最受欢迎。【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件SummaryWhat did you do?Where did you go over your holiday?【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件Homework1.“优教同步学习网”跟读课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读并表演课文对话。2.运用本课句型询问一个朋友曾经去过的一个地方,并把你们的对话写出来(不少于3组对话)。3.“优教同步学习网” “同步学习”下预习A Lets learn中的单词。close【最新】春六年级英语下册 Unit 3Where did you go(Part A)课件2 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级下册英语课件
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