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Is war our biological destiny?1Thesis Although war making is a hard habit to shake, human beings have more hope for peace. War is not our biological destiny.2War is not our biological destinyArgument:War making is a hard habit to shake1) Humans (para 5-9)A. There have been very few times in the history of civilization when there hasnt been a war going on somewhereB. Archaeologists and anthropologists have found evidence of militarism in perhaps 95% of the cultures they have examined or unearthed 3C. Warriors have often been the most esteemed of their group, the most coveted matesD. Wars are romanticized. The battlefield is mythologized as the furnace(熔炉)熔炉) in which character and nobility are forgedE. War can give us purpose, meaning, a reason for living42. Chimpanzees (para 10)Common chimpanzees also wage war: gangs of neighboring males meet at the borderline of their territories with the express (明确的)(明确的) purpose of exterminating(消灭)(消灭) their opponents.5Argument 2: Blood lust and the desire to wage war are by no means innate1)Humans:A. Recent studies in the field of game theory (博弈论)博弈论) show just how readily human beings establish cooperative networks with one another (Para 3)6B) The ancient Minoans (米洛斯人)(米洛斯人) went 1500 years battle-free (P 6)C) Maybe 100 million people died in the world wars of the 20th century. But if the proportion of casualties in the modern era were to equal that seen in many conflicts among preindustrial groups, then perhaps two billion people would have died (P 14)7D) The Vikings (北欧海盗)(北欧海盗) slaughtered and plundered(抢劫)(抢劫); their descendants in Sweden havent fought a war in nearly 200 yearsE. The Danes reserve their fighting spirit for negotiating better vacation packages(度假套餐)(度假套餐).F. The New Guineans thought it was wonderful not to fight anymoreP 1582) Chimpanzees (P 11, 12)A)The bonobo (矮黑猩猩)(矮黑猩猩) chooses love over war to solve any social problems that arise. B) The hamadryas baboons(狒狒)(狒狒) are bad tempered, but if you throw a peanut in front of two male baboons, theyll ignore it. For them, it is not worth a fight. 9 Opening: The desire to wage war is not innate.Para one: Are we born for the battlefield?Para two: Was Plato right by claiming that there will be no end of war?Para three: Opinion of some researchers: The desire to wage war is not innate. Game theory also proves that we have more love for cooperation and war will be rare in the future.10Para four: Worries of the researchers: It will take another great sacrifice before people choose not to fight.Para five: War making will be a hard habit to shakePara six: Archaeologists and anthropologists have found evidence of militarism in 95% of cultures examined.War making is a hard habit11Para seven: Warriors have often been the most esteemed of their groupPara eight: Wars are romanticized subjects of an endless spool of poems, songs, plays, paintings, novels and films. War has been glorified12Para nine: War gives us purpose, meaning and a reason for livingPara ten: Chimpanzees also wage warsPara eleven: Bonobo chooses love over warPara twelve: Hamdryas baboons will not fight over triflesChimpanzees: not every kind loves war13Para thirteen: We have a short amount of time to work towards global peacePara fourteen: The size of cooperative groups has grown steadilyPara fifteen: national temperaments(民民族性格)族性格) are capable of radical change, from warlike to peace-lovingPara sixteen: According to the result of game theory experiment: we prefer mutually beneficial strategyWe are working towards peace 14Mutually beneficial strategyParticipants can choose a cheating strategy to try to earn more for themselves, but at the risk of everyones losing, or a cooperative strategy with all earning a smaller but more reliable reward. (Para sixteen)追求自己利益会导致对大家都不利的结局,追求自己利益会导致对大家都不利的结局,不如选择合作,牺牲部分利益达到双赢。不如选择合作,牺牲部分利益达到双赢。15Para seventeen:The way to encourage peace is to encourage interdependency among nations, like strengthen economic cooperationPara eighteen: It is not just the money that brings nations closer. Conclusion: how to avoid wars16Context clue1. admitting that sth is true2. showing the opposite3. exclude4. the male parent of5. between two cultures176. report7. border between two territories8. as a result9. a period of time10. standardadbc18vocabulary1. researcher, philosopher, reporter2. conqueror, warrior, emperor, professor, cooperator3. classicist, archaeologist, anthropologist, tourist, geneticist, primatologist4. historian, Samoan, Minoan, European, New Guinean5. descendant, participant191. behaviorist2. preacher3. immigrant4. Californian5. contestant6. narrator7. composer8. politician9. collaborator10. perfectionist201. 在一些研究战争、侵略和冲突演变之根在一些研究战争、侵略和冲突演变之根源的研究者看来源的研究者看来,这位伟大的哲人正在洞穴这位伟大的哲人正在洞穴里得意地吹着口哨。这种观点虽然只是一里得意地吹着口哨。这种观点虽然只是一时的但确实激动人心。时的但确实激动人心。(插人语插人语“if admltted|y prO叫叫siOar造成句子关系复造成句子关系复杂杂, “ whist|ig”一词需要根据上下文细心一词需要根据上下文细心揣摩揣摩,不能直译。本句的难点是理清语义逻不能直译。本句的难点是理清语义逻辑关系辑关系G)2. 研究者们说研究者们说,希望以同样的方式消除战争希望以同样的方式消除战争的动力是巨大的的动力是巨大的,尽管他们担心可能需要在尽管他们担心可能需要在战场上再扔一颗原子弹才能让所有的人明战场上再扔一颗原子弹才能让所有的人明白这个道理白这个道理(注意注意“simi|ar丨丨y” 的泽法。的泽法。)213. 一次又一次,一些起初因为温和、热爱和平而大受赞扬的族群 玛雅人、喀里沙漠中的昆族人、玛格丽特米德笔下的萨摩亚人 最终都被一一排除了,因为后来才发现他们跟我们样,也极其残忍。(翻译该句,必须理解其中的关键短语“No Less. than” ,表示“程度不亚于”,强调两者程度相当,都很大。翻译时应灵活处理语序。)4)或许有一亿人在20世纪的两次世界大战中丧生。但是,据芝加哥伊利诺伊大学的人类学教授劳伦斯基利教授估算,如果现代战争中的伤亡比例达到工业化之前诸多军事冲突的水平的话,那么两次世界大战的伤亡人数应该是二十亿。22
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