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Unit 2How often do you exercise?Grammar Focus精选pptTo learn new words and phrases: full,swing,swing dance,maybe, at least,once a month,twice a week.To learn to talk about our free time activities and frequency ,ask and answer wh questions: What?How often? 精选pptWhat do you do on weekends?1. Do homework1. Do homework 2. exercise 2. exercise 3. Go to the movies 3. Go to the movies 4. Play football 4. Play football 5. Watch TV 5. Watch TV 6. reading 6. reading Have a talk精选pptHi, Claire, Are you free next week?Hmmnext week is quite full for me. Do you know why Claire isnt free next week?ClaireJack精选pptRead 2d.Answer the questions.1.Why isnt Claire free next week?2. How often does Claire have dance lessons? What about her piano lessons? 3. What kind of dance is Claire learning?4. What does Claire do on Tuesday? 精选pptJack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week?Claire: Hmmnext week is quite full for me, Jack.Jack: Really? How come?Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.Jack: what kind of dance are you learning?Claire: Oh, swing dance. Its fun! I have class once a week, every Monday.精选pptJack: How often do you have piano lessons?Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure!精选pptRead 2dAnswer the questions.1.Why isnt Claire free next week? 2. How often does Claire have dance lessons? What about her piano lessons?Because she has dance and piano lessons.She has dance lessons once a week and has piano lessons twice a week.精选ppt3. What kind of dance is Claire learning?4. What does Claire do on Tuesday? She is learning swing dance.She plays tennis with her friends.精选pptJack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week?Claire: Hmmnext week is _.Jack: Really? How come?Claire: I have _.Jack: what kind of _ are you learning?Claire: Oh, _.Jack: How often do you _?Claire: _Jack: Well, how about _?Claire: Oh, _. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure!Role-play the conversation.精选ppt1. 你通常在周末做什么?你通常在周末做什么? _ _ you _ do on weekends?2. 我我总是去运是去运动。 I _ _.3. 他他们在周末做什么事情?在周末做什么事情? _ _ they _ on weekends?usuallyWhat do always exerciseWhat dodo根据根据课本内容,完成下列句子。本内容,完成下列句子。 精选ppt4. 他他们经常帮助做家常帮助做家务。 They _ _ with housework. 5. 她在周未做什么?她在周未做什么? What _ she _ on weekends?6. 她有她有时候去候去购物。物。 She _ _ _.often helpdoes do sometimes goes shopping精选ppt7. 你多久去看一次你多久去看一次电影?影? _ _ do you go to the _? 我可能一个月去看一次。我可能一个月去看一次。 I go to movies _ _ a _.8. 他多久看一次他多久看一次电视? _ _ does he watch TV? 9. 他几乎不看他几乎不看电视。 He _ _ watches TV. How often maybe once monthmovieshardly everHow often精选ppt10. 你去你去购物物吗? _ _ go shopping?11. 不,我从不去不,我从不去购物。物。 No, I _ _ shopping. Do younever go精选ppt根据根据Grammar Focus复复习一般一般现在在时态 1.含含义:一般:一般现在在时表示表示现在在经常反复常反复发生的生的动作、作、存在的状存在的状态或或习惯性的性的动作的作的时态。2.标志志词:(在在Grammar Focus中找中找频率副率副词) always _ often _ hardly ever _.3. 在在7)中表示具体次数的)中表示具体次数的频度副度副词短短语是是_ _ _.表示具体的次数表示具体的次数时,一次用,一次用once,两次用两次用twice,三次及以上用三次及以上用“_+times”. 例如一年三次例如一年三次three times a year。usuallyonce a monthsometimesnever基数基数词精选ppt4. 你多久去看一次你多久去看一次电影?影? How often do you go to the movies? 他多久看一次他多久看一次电视? How often does he watch TV ? 观察以上句子,察以上句子,_ _意意为“多久多久”,它引,它引导特殊特殊疑疑问句句,用来用来询问某某动作作发生的生的频率。率。归纳以上句型以上句型结构:构: How often+_/_+_+动词短短语? 特特别留意当主留意当主语为第三人称第三人称单数数时,需要在主,需要在主语前加助前加助动词_ 。How oftendoes do does 主主语 精选ppt即即时训练:1)She always watches TV after dinner. (提提问)_ _ _ she _ TV after dinner? 2)She often helps with housework at home. (变为一般疑一般疑问句句) _ she often _ with housework?3) She goes to the movies three times a month.(对划划线部分提部分提问)_ _ _ she go to the movies?4) I always exercise after school. (变成完全否定句成完全否定句) I _ exercise after school.5)I practice the piano every day. (对划划线部分提部分提问)_ _ do you practice the piano?6)They visit their grandparents once a month. (提提问) _ _ _ they visit their grandparents? How often doesDoes watchhelpneverHow often How often do How often does精选ppt1. How often _ he play soccer?2. _ you drink milk? 3. How often _ they stay up late? 4. _ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often _ you eat apples?6. _ your parents play sports? 3a Complete the questions with do or does. dodoesDo Does doDo 精选pptThen match the questions and answers.1. How often dose he play soccer?2. Do you drink milk? 3. How often do they stay up late? 4. Dose Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 5. How often do you eat apples? 6. Do your parents play sports? a. Yes, she usually does.b. Hardly ever. I dont like them.c. He plays at least twice a week. d. No, they dont. Theyre too busy.e. Never. They always go to bed early. f. Yes, I do. Every day. 精选pptQuestions:1._? (how often/ help with housework) 2. _? (what/ usually / do/ weekends)How often do you help with houseworkWhat do you usually do on weekendsUse the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner. 3b精选ppt3. _? (how often / best friend /exercise) 4. _? (what/ usually /do /after school )How often does your best friend exerciseWhat do you usually do after school精选pptHow often do you help with housework?IWhat do you usually do on weekends? I 精选pptHow often does your best friend, Alice exercise?She . What does your cousin, do after school?He . 精选pptread English books sing English songs3c What can you do to improve your English?精选pptspeak English with foreignersjoin the summer campwatch English movies精选pptread English newspapersdo some English exercise精选pptHow often do you read English books, Lin Ying?I read English books about twice a week.How often do you ?. 精选pptWhos the best English student?Interview:read English bookssing English songswatch English programslisten to English tapesjoin the English corner(参加英语角)chat with foreigners(与外国人聊天)write English diariesread English storiesplay English gamesA: How often do you ?B: Once a weekEvery day/Twice a month /Hardly ever/Never/Sometimes/精选pptStructures:-What do you usually do on weekends? -I always exercise-How often do you go to the movies? -I go to the movies maybe once a month. Words and phrases:full,swing,swing dance,maybe, at least,once a month,twice a week.精选pptReading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健健脑,运,运动健身健身。精选pptHomework 精选ppt退出Thank you!Goodbye!精选ppt
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