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英英语学校学校1精选pptUnit 7野生动物Wild animals2精选pptNew wordscrocodilekrkdal elephant elifnt giraffe dir:f hippo hipumonkeymki snake sneik tiger tai There are wild animals3精选ppt1P40-1Listen and point .Listen and point .A: Here it is . Q: Wheres the star ? 4精选pptgiraffe elephant snake hippo crocodile monkey tiger Listen point and repeat. Listen point and repeat. 25精选pptActivityActivity Book. Book.P40-16精选ppt蓝桥英英语学校学校7精选pptNow, it is my turn. 现在,轮到我.8精选ppt P41-3Say the chant. Do the actions.3Tiger elephant hippo snskeGiraffe and crocodileTiger elephant hippo snskeGiraffe and crocodile9精选ppt4P41-4Listen and point .Listen and point .monkey crocodile hippo elephanttiger snakegiraffe蓝桥英英语学校学校armarms sshouldershoulders sneckneckhandhands sfingerfingers schestchestwaistwaistleglegs skneeknees sfootfoot- -feetfeettoetoes sTheyve got They haven t got . big handslong armslong tailsmall feet13精选ppt5Listen and point .Listen and point .14精选pptListen ,point and repeat .Listen ,point and repeat .P42-55monkey giraffecrocodile snake15精选pptActivityActivity Book. Book.P424P42-52、tigers3、crocodiles4、 hippos5、 snakes6、giraffes 16精选ppt蓝桥英英语学校学校17精选pptAnimals, animals, big and smallAnimals, animals short and tallAnimals, animals dirty and cleanAnimals, animals brown and greenCome on, children, sing a long.Sing and move to the animal song. /let is all do the hippo show/ Move your hands and feet /let is all do the elephant dance/ Move your arms and legs let is all do the snake snake Move your head and tail /let is all do the crocodile smile/Show your big white teeth /let is all do the giraffe laugh/Open your big clean mouth 18精选pptP43-6ActivityActivity Book.Book.snakeelephant tigerhippo giraffe19精选pptActivityActivity Book. Book.P43-7My favourite wild animals are They areThey have got20精选ppt蓝桥英英语学校学校21精选ppt8 8Say it with Monty.Say it with Monty.Cassandra catP44-8cCassandra catCassandra catCar computer crocodile cat Car computer crocodile cat 22精选pptPlay the game .Ask and answerP44-9Have they got noses? Yes.ActivityActivity Book. Book.P448P44-923精选ppt蓝桥英英语学校学校24精选ppt help 帮助帮助 hero hiru英雄;男主角英雄;男主角 superhero suphr超超级英雄英雄 a lot of teeth 很多牙很多牙齿25精选pptToys in the toy box,Toys in the toy box,come alive.come alive.Walk and talk,Walk and talk,on the count of on the count of fivefive.One, two, three, four, five.One, two, three, four, five.Abracadabra26精选ppt10Q:How many animals?A:Three animals. snakes , crocodiles, elephants Q:How many legs have they got?A:eight legs.Listen to the story.Listen to the story.27精选pptAct out the story表演表演这个故事个故事1128精选ppt29精选pptSo long ,my guys!So long ,my guys!Have a great day!30精选ppt此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!31精选ppt
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