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acidbacteriaembryoenzymetissueorganismstem cellupbringinggeneticadj.酸(性)的酸(性)的n.细菌细菌n.胚胎胚胎n.酶酶n.(生理生理)组织组织n.有机体有机体 干细胞干细胞n.抚育,养育抚育,养育adj.基因的,遗传的基因的,遗传的Words and Expressionsmake-upgeneticstransparenttwistingfundamentalcomponentpeaprocedureunzipn.构成,构造构成,构造n.遗传学遗传学adj.透明的透明的adj.扭曲的,弯曲的扭曲的,弯曲的adj.基本的,重要的基本的,重要的n.成分成分n.豌豆豌豆n.程序程序v.解开解开Words and Expressionsa sequence ofinsert(be) identical tocontroversialvalidoptionalreproduceexceptionalcontradictory一系列的一系列的v.植入,插入植入,插入和和一样一样/一致一致adj.有争议的有争议的adj.有效的有效的adj.可选择的可选择的v.复制,使再现复制,使再现adj.特别的,非凡的特别的,非凡的adj.相反的,对立的相反的,对立的Words and Expressionsvicevirtueflexiblecompulsoryregulationhandyresistsowrotpestn.缺点,弱点缺点,弱点n.优点,善行优点,善行adj.易适应的易适应的adj.强制的,强迫的强制的,强迫的n.法规,条例法规,条例adj.方便的,便利的方便的,便利的v.抵抗抵抗v.播种播种n.腐败病,腐蚀病腐败病,腐蚀病n.害虫害虫Words and Expressionsrely onbiodiversitybreedanalysesuspectsalivaspitfingernailcodeas follows 依靠,依赖依靠,依赖n.生物多样性生物多样性n.(动植物的)品种(动植物的)品种v.分析分析n.嫌疑人嫌疑人n.唾液,口水唾液,口水v.吐出吐出(唾液唾液)n.手指甲手指甲n.法规,法则法规,法则 如下如下Words and ExpressionsRead these words and decide which ones youre likely to see in the passage.acid bacteria embryos enzyme experience gene human tissue organism plant psychological stem cell structure upbringingBefore Reading Reading DNA the fundamental component of lifea clonean organism which is genetically identical to anothera stem cella cell that can develop into every other type of cellthe particular genes that give a person their physical characteristicsthe genetic make-up of a person or a plantbacteriavery small organisms that cause diseasesan enzymechemicals formed in the bodyCareful Reading Para. 1 Paras 2&3Paras 4-7The structure of DNA was discovered.How to clone something.The possible reasons and disadvantages of cloning.1 When was the structure of DNA discovered?In 1953.2 How do the scientists clone something?They take the DNA from a single cell to create another identical individual.3 List the four possible reasons for cloning in this passage.1) As an alternative treatment for couples who find it difficult to have children.2) To reproduce the talents of exceptional people.3) To obtain a supply of stem cells.4) To help farmers grow resistant crops.4 What are the disadvantages of cloning?1) A clone would be under unknown psychological pressure.2) A clone may possess new vices instead of existing virtues.3) Embryos made from clones would be wasted which some people would find unacceptable.4) To rely on a few cloned animals or crops would restrict biodiversity. After Reading DiscussionDo you think the advantages of cloning are greater than the disadvantages?Whats the most interesting use of cloning described in the passage?If there were no disadvantages in cloning, which exceptional person would you like to clone? Can you say why?Writing1 Make notes of arguments for and against cloning you discussed above.2 Decide whether you are for or against cloning after your listening and reading. Try to think of some arguments of your own.For cloning:Cloning will be beneficial to human beings.Cloning is a way of helping nature.Clone animals that are becoming extinct.Against cloning:1.Cloning is wrong and against nature.2.Cloning treats animals and people as things, as products.3.People are afraid that scientists will create thousands of copies of the same person.You can write as follows:1.Are you for or against cloning?2.Give your reasons. Use these words: “firstly secondly lastly”3. Give examples to support your idea.You can see the example on page 66 (3)Scientific Fact or Hollywood Fiction?sci-fieccentricaccompanyknock outget out of controlas far as we knowabsorbadj.科幻的科幻的adj.古怪的,反常的古怪的,反常的v.陪伴,陪同陪伴,陪同 摧毁摧毁 摆脱控制摆脱控制 据我们所知据我们所知v.吸收吸收Words and Expressionssampleintactbreak downarisevice versabringback to lifeviolencen.样本样本adj.完整的完整的分解分解v.发生,出现发生,出现反之亦然反之亦然使使复活复活n.暴力暴力Words and ExpressionsMain ideaThe passage is about the scientific truth behind dinosaur cloning in Jurassic Park. The writer (a science teacher) thinks that its not scientifically possible to clone dinosaurs and that the idea is only Hollywood fiction.DiscussionWhat might happen if dinosaurs got out of control in the world?1. When was the book Brave New World written?2. Who wrote the book?3. How many types of clones are there in the world described in the book? What are they?4. Why is the book still famous today?5. What are the most important features of the society described in Brave New World?In 1931Aldous Huxley.Scanning3. Five. They are Alphas, Betas, and three lower groups.4. Because it describes a terrifying future world and that is becoming more and more possible.5. The government is in absolute control. It organises society by drugs and other methods so that it is stable. Everyone has a place and stays in it. The people are all happy with their position in society, so that they will not try to change society.ReadingWhat are the most important features of the society described in Brave New World, in your opinion?The government is in absolute control. It organises society by drugs and other methods so that it is stable. Everyone has a place and stays in it. The people are all happy with their position in society.DiscussionDo you think the world described in this novel is possible? Why?SpeakingTask Debating : To clone or not clone?Divide into two groups and do just like this: A student from one group to present an argument. A student from the other side replies with his / her argument. Student A: If cloned humans become common, that would be a good thing. Student B: Im not sure this would be a good thing. People might hate the clones.Student A: Yes, thats possible. But on the other hand, we could use clones for factory work. That would be wonderful.
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