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Rules 4th Edition of TS 16969 第四版认可规则第四版认可规则1AIAG Shanghai Jolly Ji Tel. 86-21-50272721 Email : jollyaiag.com.cn ONLY FOR REFERENCE Rules for achieving IATF recognition, 4th edition OFFICIAL FILE PLEASE CONNECT TO:ELIGIBILITY FOR CERTIFICATION TO ISO/TS 16949第一章第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格认证资格Section 1.0-2New Requirements and Clarifications to Rules 4th edition第四版规则新要求及澄清事项 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格-3Summary of the changes变化部分概要:Reordered structure of section 1.0 to include relevant definitions and further clarification 结构调整,包含了相关定义和澄清事项 Incorporated clarification on “Customer-specified production parts” 集中澄清”顾客指定生产零件顾客指定生产零件”Clarification that fabless manufacturer are not eligible for ISO/TS 16949 澄清了无生产线现场不得进行ISO/TS 16949认证Elimination of site extensions which do not longer exist in the IATF certification scheme and Rules 4th Edition 删除了现场延伸场地, 该概念在IATF认证方案及规则四中不再存在Replacement of the terminology “subscribing customer” by “automotive customer” 用术语”汽车顾客” 替代”推崇顾客”Overview of section 1.0 of Rules 4th Edition规则四第一章概述规则四第一章概述 The following important terms are subject to clarification andform the basis for the eligibility for certification to ISO/TS 16949:澄清为确定ISO/TS 16949认证资格所使用的重要术语:Client 客户Site 现场Customer-specified production parts顾客指定生产零件顾客指定生产零件Manufacturing 制造Service parts 服务零件Automotive / automotive customer 汽车/汽车顾客Aftermarket parts售后市场零件Supporting functions 支持功能 -4Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格ISO/TS 16949 defines the quality management systemrequirements for a client providing design and development, production and, when relevant, assembly, installation, and services (see the definition of “Manufacturing” below for the list of services) of automotive-related products.ISO/TS 16949为提供汽车相关产品的设计、开发、生产以及相关装配、安装和服务(见下文服务列表“制造制造”的定义)的客户客户规定了质量管理体系要求What is to be understood under the term “client”? 如何理解”客户”一词“Client” shall be understood as the entire entity (including all related manufacturing sites and remote supporting locations) applying for ISO/TS 16949 certification.“客户客户”指申请ISO/TS 16949认证的完整实体完整实体(包括所有相关制造现场和外部支持场所)-5 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格ISO/TS 16949 is applicable to all sites of a client where customer-specified production parts and/or service parts are manufactured.ISO/TS 16949适用于每一个客户制造顾客指定生产零件顾客指定生产零件和/或服务件的所有现场现场 “Customer-specified production parts” shall be understood as parts that are an integral part of a vehicle. The only customer-specified parts that do not meet this requirement but are to be included are the following: fire extinguisher, car jacks, and floor mats.“顾客指定生产零件顾客指定生产零件”指汽车的组成部分。不符合本要求但是包含在内的顾客指定零件只有:灭火器、千斤顶和地垫。“Site” shall be understood as the location at which value-added manufacturing processes occur (see ISO/TS 16949, section 3.1). Fabless sites are not eligible for ISO/TS 16949 certification (see section 10.0).“现场现场”指发生增值制造过程的场地(见ISO/TS 16949第3.1条)。无生产线现场不得进行ISO/TS 16949认证-6 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格Reason for the clarification that ”Fabless sites are not eligible forISO/TS 16949 certification (see section 10.0)”:为什么要澄清为什么要澄清”无生产线现场不得进行ISO/TS 16949认证(见第10.0条)”-7 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格The IATF identified a number of clients sites that do not meetthe definition of manufacturing. IATF察觉到一部分客户现场不满足制造的定义Section 10 clarifies: Fabless manufacturing The design and distribution of production parts while the fabrication or fab of the production parts is outsourced to a specialized manufacturer. Fabless companies separate the design from the manufacturing to concentrate on research, design, development, and testing. 第十章定义第十章定义: 无生产线制造无生产线制造生产零件的制造外包给专业制造商的生产零件设计与分配。无生产线公司将设计和制造分离,以专注于研究、设计、开发和测试Only manufacturing sites where production and/or service parts are manufactured and supplied to automotive customers are eligible for ISO/TS 16949 certification.只有为汽车顾客制造并提供生产和/或服务零件的制造现场有资格进行ISO/TS 16949认证“汽车汽车”包括轿车、轻型商用车、重型卡车、公共汽车和摩托车,不包括工业用、农业用和非公路用(采矿、林业、建筑等等),亦不包括售后市场零件Automotive shall be understood to include the following: Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicles, Heavy Trucks, Buses, Motorcycles, and to exclude the following: Industrial, Agricultural, Off-Highway (Mining, Forestry, Construction, etc.). Aftermarket parts are excluded.“Aftermarket parts” shall be understood as replacement parts not procured or released by the OEM for service part applications that may or may not be produced to original equipment specifications. Sites manufacturing only aftermarket parts are not eligible for ISO/TS 16949 certification. “售后市场零件售后市场零件”指并非由OEM为维修零件应用所采购或发布的备件,可能是、也可能并非按照原始设备规范进行生产。只制造售后售后市场零件的现场没有资格进行ISO/TS 16949认证-8 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格The terminology “subscribing customer” is no longer used in theIATF Rules but replaced by “automotive customer”. 不再使用术语“推崇顾客推崇顾客”, 取而代之为”汽车顾客汽车顾客”Reason for the change更改原因:The scope of ISO/TS 16949 audits and its certification shall includeall manufacturing and all ISO/TS 16949 requirements. Even if an automotive customer of the client regardless ifsubscribing to ISO/TS 16949 or not does not specifically require e.g. control plans or FMEAs the certified client has to implement the requirements of ISO/TS 16949. This is the standard and the requirements the client is certified to. ISO/TS 16949审核范围及其认证应包括所有所有制造和所有所有TS要求. 即使客户的汽车顾客-不管推崇TS与否-不特定要求如控制计划或FMEA ,认证客户都必须实施TS要求.这是客户认证所遵循的标准和要求!-9 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格Supporting functions, whether located at the manufacturing site or remote from a manufacturing site, are not eligible forindependent ISO/TS 16949 certification but shall be included inthe scope of ISO/TS 16949 certification.支持功能支持功能, 无论在制造现场内或制造现场以外,没有资格进行单独的ISO/TS 16949认证,但应包括在ISO/TS 16949认证的范围内“Supporting function” shall be understood as an onsite or remote facility at which non-production processes occur and that supports one or more manufacturing site(s) of the same client. “支持功能支持功能”指进行非生产过程的现场或外部设施,向相同客户的一个或多个制造现场提供支持-10 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格Site extensions as defined previously in CB Communiqu 2008-002will no longer exist as part of the ISO/TS 16949 Certification Scheme.先前在CB公告2008-002中定义的现场延伸场地, 将不再存在于ISO/TS 16949认证方案中.IATF will withdraw, and therefore make obsolete, the current possibility to include site extensions effective 1st of April 2014. IATF将从2014年4月1日开始撤销并从而废除撤销并从而废除, 目前包含现场延伸场地的的认证Clients with an existing manufacturing site extension will need totransition this site extension to a single site between the timeperiod of 1st of April 2014 1st of April 2015 using the processdescribed in CB Communiqu 2013-006.现有制造现场延伸场地的客户将需要现有制造现场延伸场地的客户将需要按CB公告2013-006所述流程在2014年4月1日至2015年4月1日期间将其转换为单个现场将其转换为单个现场.-11 Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格The Process to transition site extension into regular certified sites shall include as a first step the following: 转换现场延伸至现场的流程转换现场延伸至现场的流程:Prior to next regularly scheduled audit of the main site, the audit days for the main site and previous manufacturing site extension shall be recalculated. Thepurpose of the recalculation of audit days is to separate the previously included headcount of the manufacturing site extension from the headcount of the main manufacturing site. Records of the audit day calculation shall be retained as part of the audit records.The scheduling of the audit for the previous manufacturing site extension shallcomply with the deadline in Rules 5.1.1 audit cycle and shall be an initialcertification audit. No stage 1 readiness review is required and the stage 2 dayscan be reduced equivalent to the minimum number of audit days forrecertification audits in Table 5.2.在主现场的下次例行计划审核前下次例行计划审核前,主现场和先前的现场延伸的审核人日都应重新计算主现场和先前的现场延伸的审核人日都应重新计算. 两场地的人数分开计算 人日计算记录应作为审核记录保存人日计算记录应作为审核记录保存.先前的现场延伸的审核方案计划应符合规则审核方案计划应符合规则5.1.1-审核周期的期限的期限并应作为初次认证审核.不需一阶段准备评审不需一阶段准备评审,并且二阶段人日可减少到表并且二阶段人日可减少到表5.2中再认证的最低人日中再认证的最低人日.-12Section 1.0 Eligibility for Certification to ISO/TS 16949第一章 ISO/TS 16949认证资格
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