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lecturer 史占泓 mobile:18667132177E-mail: hzstellasina.comE-mail Address for students: englishstella163.com login number: English123Teaching planBook III Unit 1-Unit 9 自学Unit 10Quiz 1 (10.24): Book 3 Unit1,2,3,4 Quiz 2 (11.26) Book I Book II (自学)Quiz 3 (12.24) Book3 Unit5,6,7,8 Movie Hours (10.29 , 1.2)Oral Exam (1.7)最终成绩构成:期末考试60平时40%, 包括:口试10(包括背诵5%),课堂表现:5%(包括出勤,课堂参与,作业等),三次测验15% 作文10(批改4篇,其中两篇是QUIZ中的作文)。 UNIT 1PersonalityIn-class ReadingThe Misery of ShynessRead the passage in 15 minutes.read Part Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingTrue or False1) _ Most people never suffer from shyness.2) _ If we have a positive self-concept, we will act with confidence.3) _ Shy people feel uncomfortable when others speak highly of them.4) _ Shy people are always worried about what others think of them.5) _ Its much easier to please shy people with compliments.Direction: Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false.FTTFTPart Two: In-Class Reading Global Reading6) _ Shy people can learn to have more confidence in themselves.7) _ Shy people have realistic expectations of themselves. 8) _ Your friends complaint about your cooking suggests that they cook better than you do.FTFPart Two: In-Class Reading Global ReadingSummary A great many people in the world, no matter what kind of people they are, consider themselves as 1) _. It is a kind of lacking 2) _ that can affect peoples behavior. Can this shyness be completely 3)_ or at least reduced a little? The answer is 4) _ if you can be more confident or if you can believe in yourself more. Here in the passage the author gives 5) _ very good pieces of advice for those shy people to 6) _ and concludes that the better people 7) _ themselves, the easier it becomes to live up to their full 8) _.Direction: Fill in the following blanks.shyconfidenceeliminatedpositivetenfollowunderstandpotentialFill in the bracket with the missing words.1. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned_ their own appearance and actions.2. In general, the way people think _ themselves has a profound effect _ all areas of their lives.3. Shy people are very sensitive _ criticism.4. A shy person may respond _ a compliment with a statement like this one:5. Peoples expectations _ themselves must be realistic.withaboutontotoof6. Dwelling _ the impossible leads _ a sense of inadequacy, and even feelings of envy, or jealousy.7. You may be timid _ being with a group of strangers at a party.8. Dont feel that you must converse _ everyone.9. Dont waste time and energy _ them.10. There are numerous approaches _ all issues.11. Do not make negative comments _ yourself.12. If, for example, a friend complains about your cooking, accept it as a comment _ your cooking, not yourself.13. Do not associate _ people who make you feel inadequate.ontoaboutwithontoaboutonwith语语语语法法法法训训训训练练练练译译译译 文文文文 It It is is obvious obvious that that such such uncomfortable uncomfortable feelings feelings must affectmust affect people adversely. people adversely. (P2-L1) (P2-L1) must must + + 动词原型动词原型动词原型动词原型: : to be likely or certain to to be likely or certain to 对现在的推测、推论。对现在的推测、推论。对现在的推测、推论。对现在的推测、推论。表示根据情况推断,认为某事是必然的表示根据情况推断,认为某事是必然的表示根据情况推断,认为某事是必然的表示根据情况推断,认为某事是必然的ExampleExample走了这么长的路,你走了这么长的路,你必定是累了必定是累了必定是累了必定是累了。You You must must feel feel tiredtired after after walking walking such such a a long long distance.distance.我我的的电电视视机机图图像像不不好好,肯肯肯肯定有故障定有故障定有故障定有故障。I dont get a good picture on my TV set. I dont get a good picture on my TV set. There There must be something wrongmust be something wrong. . TranslationTranslation我我不不能能确确切切地地说说出出那那所所房房子子的的年年代,代,但一定是很古老的但一定是很古老的但一定是很古老的但一定是很古老的。I cant date that house exactly, but it must be very old.灯熄了,灯熄了,一定是停电了一定是停电了一定是停电了一定是停电了。The light went out. The electricity must be off.I failed the examination. You must think I am stupid.我考试失败了。我考试失败了。你一定认为你一定认为你一定认为你一定认为我很笨吧。我很笨吧。译译译译文文文文 It It is is obvious obvious that that such such uncomfortable uncomfortable feelingsfeelings must affectmust affect people adversely.people adversely. (P2L1) 很显然这种不安的感觉很显然这种不安的感觉会对会对人们人们产生产生不利的不利的影影响响。句句句句型型型型应应应应用用用用in/by contrastin/by contrast 固定短语,意思是固定短语,意思是“与与相反;形成对比;相反;形成对比;相比之下相比之下”。用来表示对比。如果后面接宾。用来表示对比。如果后面接宾语,要用语,要用 in contrast with/toin contrast with/to 或或by contrast withby contrast with。译译译译 文文文文 InIn contrastcontrast, , shy shy people, people, having having low low self-esteem, self-esteem, are are likely likely to to be be passive passive and and easily easily influenced influenced by by others.others. (P3L1) ExampleExampleCoal, gas, oil, nuclear power, or water power can all generate electricity for an electric train. In contrast, diesel trains(柴油火车) run only on diesel oil. In contrast to your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed. TranslationTranslationToday, in/by contrast, the area is a lively and colorful fruit, vegetable, and flower market.与与与与从从从从前前前前不不不不同同同同,这这个个地地区区今今天天已已成成为为一一个个繁繁华华的的、丰丰富多彩的水果和鲜花市场。富多彩的水果和鲜花市场。In contrast with your pessimistic point of view, I would rather take a positive attitude.与与与与你的悲观看法你的悲观看法相反相反相反相反,我宁愿采取积极的态度。,我宁愿采取积极的态度。译译译译文文文文相相比比之之下下,羞羞怯怯的的人人自自尊尊心心较较弱弱,往往往往消消极极被被动并且容易受他人影响。动并且容易受他人影响。 InIn contrastcontrast, , shy shy people, people, having having low low self-self-esteem, esteem, are are likely likely to to be be passive passive and and easily easily influenced by others.influenced by others. (P3L1) 难难难难句句句句分分分分析析析析此句此句it it是形式主语。是形式主语。 overdoing it is detrimental or harmfuloverdoing it is detrimental or harmful是真正是真正的主语,是主语从句。的主语,是主语从句。主干结构是主干结构是is clearis clear。WhileWhile引导的句子作后一句子的让步状语从句。引导的句子作后一句子的让步状语从句。译译译译 文文文文 It It is is clear clear thatthat, , whilewhile self-awareness self-awareness is is a a healthy healthy quality, quality, overdoing overdoing it it is is detrimental, detrimental, or or harmful.harmful. (P3L11)句句句句型型型型应应应应用用用用It is clear that while, + 主语从句主语从句意为意为“尽管尽管/虽然虽然,但是,但是是显而易见的是显而易见的”“很显然,尽管很显然,尽管/虽然虽然,仍仍。” 句型中的句型中的clear也可换成也可换成obvious, evident, true, necessary, important等。具体翻译时有所同。等。具体翻译时有所同。译译译译 文文文文 It is clear that, , while self-awareness self-awareness is is a a healthy healthy quality, quality, overdoing overdoing it it is is detrimental, detrimental, or or harmful.harmful. (P3L11)ExampleExample很很很很显显显显然然然然,虽虽虽虽然然然然大大大大多多多多数数数数男男男男人人人人在在在在老老老老年年年年时时时时仍仍仍仍能能能能保保保保持持持持生生生生育育育育能能能能力,力,力,力,妇女却不能妇女却不能妇女却不能妇女却不能。显然显然显然显然,尽管尽管尽管尽管他理解你说的话,他理解你说的话,他理解你说的话,他理解你说的话,但是他并不赞同但是他并不赞同但是他并不赞同但是他并不赞同。It is clear that while most men remain fertile into old age, women do not.It is clear that while he understands what you say, he cant agree with you.译译译译文文文文显显然然,尽尽管管自自我我意意识识是是一一种种健健康康的的品品质质,过过分分的的自自我我意意识识却却是是不不利利、有害的。有害的。 It is clear that, , while self-awareness self-awareness is is a a healthy healthy quality, quality, overdoing overdoing it it is is detrimental, detrimental, or or harmful.harmful. (P3L11) 句句句句型型型型应应应应用用用用 The better we we understand understand ourselves,ourselves, the easier it it becomes becomes to to live live up up to to our our full full potential.potential. (P16L3)the better, the easier属于属于the more the more 句型的用法。句型的用法。The morethe more 表示比较,表示比较,“越越越越”。译译译译 文文文文ExampleExample女女女女孩孩孩孩子子子子越越越越喜喜喜喜欢欢欢欢感感感感人人人人的的的的故故故故事事事事,越越越越容容容容易易易易被故事弄得哭哭啼啼。被故事弄得哭哭啼啼。被故事弄得哭哭啼啼。被故事弄得哭哭啼啼。钢含碳的成分钢含碳的成分钢含碳的成分钢含碳的成分越多越多越多越多,冷却得,冷却得,冷却得,冷却得越快越快越快越快,那么钢就,那么钢就,那么钢就,那么钢就越硬越硬越硬越硬。The better the girls liked the moving story, the more it made them cry. The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder the steel becomes. 译译译译文文文文我我们们对对自自己己了了解解得得越越多多,就就越越容容易易充充分分发发挥自己的潜力。挥自己的潜力。 The better we we understand understand ourselves,ourselves, the easier it it becomes becomes to to live live up up to to our our full full potential.potential. (P16L3)All kinds of people describe themselves as shy(P1L2)“describeas” accept, interpret, regard, view, look on, consider, take, perceive, labelas 后接名词,动名词,形容词E.g. He would not interpret my silence as a refusal. She is viewed as a strong candidate for the position. We look on her as our daughter. Do you consider him as a friend or a colleague?Review the use of “as” as prep., All kinds of people describe themselves as shy:. .they do not regard criticism as a personal attack.they view a criticism as a personal attack. Its not fair for them to label themselves as inferior because.Do not interpret it as a personal attack.excessively (adv.) (Line 6, Para. 1) in an excessive amount, to an excessive degree 过分地,过度地,非常地过分地,过度地,非常地我不我不我不我不多多多多喝酒。喝酒。喝酒。喝酒。晚会的噪音晚会的噪音晚会的噪音晚会的噪音非常地非常地非常地非常地大。大。大。大。The noise from the party is excessively loud.I dont drink excessively.TranslationTranslationexcessive (adj.) 过多的,过分的,额外的过多的,过分的,额外的词汇扩充词汇扩充词汇扩充词汇扩充excess (n.) 过度,剩余,超额,超过过度,剩余,超额,超过exceed (v.) 超过,胜过超过,胜过你拆阅那些信件是你拆阅那些信件是越权越权越权越权行为。行为。You are _ in opening those letters. 他吃得很好,但不他吃得很好,但不过多过多过多过多。He ate well, but not _. 守门员因守门员因持球时间过长持球时间过长持球时间过长持球时间过长而受罚。而受罚。The goal-keeper was punished for _. 请选择请选择适当的词填空。适当的词填空。excessive possession exceeding your duty to excessExerciseExerciseof ballprofound (adj.) (Line 6, Para. 2)1)deep; complete 深切的,极度的,极深切的,极度的,极 深的(比深的(比deep正式)正式)2) having, showing, or using thorough knowledge and deep understanding 知识渊博的;深奥的知识渊博的;深奥的请选择请选择适当的词填空。适当的词填空。ExerciseExercise他他他他知识渊博知识渊博,深受人们喜爱。,深受人们喜爱。,深受人们喜爱。,深受人们喜爱。He is a man of _, deeply beloved by people.空无一人的教堂里空无一人的教堂里寂静无声寂静无声。There was a _ in the empty church. profound silence profound knowledge请熟悉下面的表达或搭配。请熟悉下面的表达或搭配。a profound sigh a profound sigh 深长的叹息深长的叹息深长的叹息深长的叹息 profound knowledgeprofound knowledge广博的知识广博的知识广博的知识广博的知识profound regret profound regret 极为遗憾极为遗憾极为遗憾极为遗憾 a profound sleep 酣睡酣睡酣睡酣睡请给我来封信以便请给我来封信以便请给我来封信以便请给我来封信以便证实证实证实证实你在电话你在电话你在电话你在电话中传达的消息。中传达的消息。中传达的消息。中传达的消息。我们打电话给那家旅馆以我们打电话给那家旅馆以我们打电话给那家旅馆以我们打电话给那家旅馆以确认确认我们的房间已订妥。我们的房间已订妥。我们的房间已订妥。我们的房间已订妥。We confirmed the reservation by calling the hotel.Please confirm your telephone message by letter.TranslationTranslationconfirm (vt.) (Line 5, Para. 3) + that to support; make certain; give proof (of) 支持;确支持;确 实;证实实;证实请熟悉下面的表达或搭配。请熟悉下面的表达或搭配。confirm a rumor confirm a rumor 证实谣言证实谣言证实谣言证实谣言confirm ones belief confirm ones belief 坚定信念坚定信念坚定信念坚定信念confirm a contract confirm a contract 批准合同批准合同批准合同批准合同 confirm a theory 证实一个理论证实一个理论证实一个理论证实一个理论conform: : 遵照,符合,一致,后面常跟遵照,符合,一致,后面常跟to或或withaffirm: : , ,断言,声明断言,声明词义辨析词义辨析词义辨析词义辨析inferiority (n.) (Line 6, Para. 3) the quality of condition of being inferior; lower rank or state 低劣低劣巴特曾非常自卑,以至于觉得自己巴特曾非常自卑,以至于觉得自己不如不如见过的任何见过的任何一个受过教育的人一个受过教育的人。Barter had been so humiliated that he felt himself _ every educated man he met.我发现难以摆脱一种社会我发现难以摆脱一种社会我发现难以摆脱一种社会我发现难以摆脱一种社会自卑感自卑感自卑感自卑感。I found it difficult to shake off ( (摆摆摆摆脱脱脱脱) ) _.a sense of social inferiorityto be inferior to请用请用适当的词填空。适当的词填空。ExerciseExerciseinferior (adj.) ( (常与常与 to 连用,无比较级、最高连用,无比较级、最高 级形式级形式) )次的次的, , 劣等的劣等的, , 较劣的较劣的compliment (Line 7, Para. 3)n. 1) expression of admiration, approval, ect,. 恭维之表示;敬意;恭维之表示;敬意;赞扬赞扬2) (pl.) (formal) greetings 问候;致问候;致意;道贺意;道贺v. express admiration, approval 恭维;赞扬恭维;赞扬请用下面的提示词造句。请用下面的提示词造句。ExerciseExercise称赞称赞称赞称赞 我的画我的画我的画我的画 (pay sb. a compliment/compliment sb. on sth.)她接受他对她接受他对她接受他对她接受他对的称赞的称赞的称赞的称赞She accepted his compliments about her dress with a smile.She paid me a very charming compliment on my paintings.She complimented me on my paintings. eliminate (v.) (Line 1, Para. 4) eliminate from: remove 除去;删除;淘汰除去;删除;淘汰请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。ExerciseExercise那位建筑师在估算房子的价格时那位建筑师在估算房子的价格时那位建筑师在估算房子的价格时那位建筑师在估算房子的价格时未曾把家具考虑未曾把家具考虑在内在内。The architect _ in figuring the cost of the house.他已他已他已他已被取消了游泳比赛资格被取消了游泳比赛资格被取消了游泳比赛资格被取消了游泳比赛资格,因为他在训练中没有得到名次。因为他在训练中没有得到名次。因为他在训练中没有得到名次。因为他在训练中没有得到名次。He has been _ because he did not win any of the practice races.eliminated from the swimming race eliminated the cost of furniture eliminate: (vt.) to remove or get rid of completely 消除消除reduce: (vt.) to make less in size, amount, price, degree 减少,降低减少,降低词义辨析词义辨析词义辨析词义辨析diminish: (vt. vi.) (cause to ) become less in size or importance 减少,降低减少,降低重要性重要性请选择请选择 eliminate, , reduce 或或 diminish 的适当的适当形式填空。形式填空。ExerciseExerciseI dont want to _ her achievements, but she did have a lot of help.I _ my weight by going on a diet.We cant _ the use of paper but we can certainly _ the amount of paper we waste.eliminateThe threat of nuclear war has _.diminisheddiminishreducedreducedwell (vi.) (dwelt or dwelled) (Line 12, Para. 4) 1) dwell in /at: reside 居住居住 ,2) dwell on / upon: think, speak or write at length about 凝思;详细;凝思;详细; 论述;仔细研究论述;仔细研究请请适当的词填空。适当的词填空。ExerciseExerciseMy grandma dwells in the country. 我奶奶我奶奶_乡下。乡下。我们的眼睛我们的眼睛我们的眼睛我们的眼睛凝视凝视着美丽的夕阳。着美丽的夕阳。着美丽的夕阳。着美丽的夕阳。Our eyes _ the beautiful sunset.不要不要不要不要过分沉溺过分沉溺在痛苦的回忆之中。在痛苦的回忆之中。在痛苦的回忆之中。在痛苦的回忆之中。Dont _ painful memoriesdwell too much on 住在住在dwelled on你认为让人们每周工作你认为让人们每周工作你认为让人们每周工作你认为让人们每周工作60606060小时以小时以小时以小时以上是上是上是上是合理的合理的吗吗吗吗? ? ? ?她不得不给自己的迟到找一个她不得不给自己的迟到找一个她不得不给自己的迟到找一个她不得不给自己的迟到找一个合理的借口合理的借口。 She cannot but find a reasonable excuse for her being late.Do you think its reasonable to expect people to work more than 60 hours a week?TranslationTranslationreasonable (adj.) (Line 1, Para. 7) 1) having ordinary common sense; able to reason 有普通常识的,能推有普通常识的,能推 理的,合乎做事道理的理的,合乎做事道理的 2) moderate 适度的,不多不少的适度的,不多不少的rejection (n.) (Line 2, Para. 10) the action or process of rejecting a thing or person 抵制;拒绝;抑制抵制;拒绝;抑制, , 排斥排斥请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。ExerciseExercisereject (v.) (Line6, Para. 12)他后悔他后悔拒绝了拒绝了拒绝了拒绝了那个年轻人提供的那个年轻人提供的帮助帮助帮助帮助。He regretted _ from the young man. 因为因为因为因为害怕被拒绝害怕被拒绝害怕被拒绝害怕被拒绝,他从不敢向她求婚。,他从不敢向她求婚。,他从不敢向她求婚。,他从不敢向她求婚。He was never able to ask her to marry him out of _.fear of rejectionrejecting the offer of helpremove (v.) (Line 3, Para. 13)remove from 1) take off or away from the place occupied 移动;拿开移动;拿开 2) get rid of 除去;排除除去;排除愤怒之余,他从打字机上愤怒之余,他从打字机上愤怒之余,他从打字机上愤怒之余,他从打字机上取走了取走了取走了取走了打了一半的那一页。打了一半的那一页。打了一半的那一页。打了一半的那一页。What do you advise for removing ink stains from clothes?你有什么好办法你有什么好办法祛除祛除祛除祛除衣服上的墨渍吗?衣服上的墨渍吗?Out of rage, he removed the half-finished page from the typewriter.TranslationTranslation他他他他深切地关心深切地关心深切地关心深切地关心穷人的福利问题。穷人的福利问题。穷人的福利问题。穷人的福利问题。Private employment agencies may not have your best interests at heart.私有雇佣代理机构不会将你的最大利益私有雇佣代理机构不会将你的最大利益私有雇佣代理机构不会将你的最大利益私有雇佣代理机构不会将你的最大利益放在心上放在心上放在心上放在心上。He has the welfare of the poor at heart.TranslationTranslationhave sth. at heart (Line4, Para. 13) be deeply concerned about 对对深切关心深切关心请熟悉下面的表达或搭配。请熟悉下面的表达或搭配。be the heart and soul ofbe the heart and soul of是是是是的的的的核核核核心心心心人人人人物物物物;是是是是的灵魂的灵魂的灵魂的灵魂broken heartbroken heart伤心伤心伤心伤心, , , , 绝望绝望绝望绝望, , , , 心碎心碎心碎心碎by heartby heart默诵;默记默诵;默记默诵;默记默诵;默记from ones heart真真真真诚诚诚诚地地地地;衷衷衷衷心心心心地地地地;从从从从心底里心底里心底里心底里have a heart of gold 口口口口 有有有有一一一一颗颗颗颗金金金金子子子子般般般般的心的心的心的心, , , , 心地善良心地善良心地善良心地善良Worrisome thoughts are constantly swirling in my mind.Youre just saying that to make me feel good. His criticism confirms my inferiority.令人烦恼的想法一直在我的脑海中盘旋。令人烦恼的想法一直在我的脑海中盘旋。你这么说只是为了让我感觉好一些。你这么说只是为了让我感觉好一些。他的批评证实了我比别人差。他的批评证实了我比别人差。 determined and patient effort 坚持不懈的努力坚持不懈的努力Dwelling on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.老是想那些不可能的事情会令自己觉得无能。老是想那些不可能的事情会令自己觉得无能。认清自己的优缺点。认清自己的优缺点。Feeling ashamed accomplishes nothing.感到羞愧是无济于事的。感到羞愧是无济于事的。There are numerous approaches to all issues.所有问题都有许多种解决办法。所有问题都有许多种解决办法。Part Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingPost-ReadingPost-ReadingVocabularyVocabularyTranslationTranslationPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingComplete the Sentences1) Jerry is pretty _ about his weight.2) We are an international company looking for people who are convinced that they will be successful. They must have a lot of _.3) Often children who grow up in the slums of New York do not feel good about themselves because they have low _.4) Unfortunately, his gambling and drinking habits make him a very _ person. Directions: Complete the following sentences with “self-” words. self-consciousself-confidenceself-esteemself-destructivePart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading5) Defining ones _ takes many years of experience in the work place.6) How would you describe your basic character? In other words, what is your _?7) _ is often a sign of maturity. It takes some time before we can become aware of our strengths and weaknesses.8) She was quite sure of her skills as a pianist, so she came on stage with dignity and _.self-worthself-conceptSelf-awarenessself-assuranceDirections: Match each word in Column A with the appropriate synonym in Column B. Column A Column B1. complimentA. decrease2. overcomeB. finally3. diminishC. envy4. detrimentalD. deep5. jealousyE. comfort6. profoundF. harmful7. accentG. praise8. eventuallyH. separate9. reassuranceI. conquer10. isolateJ. emphasizeSection APart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingSection BDirections: Complete the sentences with appropriate words from Column A. Change the form if necessarycomplimentovercome diminish detrimental jealousyprofound accent eventually reassurance isolate1) The doctors discovery will have a(n) _ influence on mankind.2) She was overwhelmed with _ when she heard that he had been given a promotion.profoundjealousyPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading3) When you learn a second language you have many difficulties to _.4) If you keep practicing, you might _ become a good dancer.5) She asked us all what we thought of her new hairstyle, but she was only looking for _.6) The amount of water in the pond will _ as the dry season continues. overcomeeventuallycomplimentsdiminishcomplimentovercome diminish detrimental jealousyprofound accent eventually reassurance isolatePart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading7) Marys comforting words provided the _ I needed.8) They are worried that their decision might prove to be _ to the future of the company.9) When a person has an infectious disease, he is usually _ from other people.10) Throughout his speech, he _ the seriousness of the situation.reassurancedetrimental isolated accentedcomplimentovercome diminish detrimental jealousyprofound accent eventually reassurance isolatePart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading3Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English. 1)Her rough, red hands _ (反映了反映了) a life of hard 2) physical work.2) He has never been very _ (担担心心) about what other people think of him.3) His mothers death when he was aged six had a _ (深刻的影响深刻的影响) on him.4) She is _ (看作看作) as a strong candidate for the job. 5) Some peoples teeth are highly _ (敏感的敏感的) to cold. reflected concerned/worried profound effect/influence viewed/regarded sensitivePart Two: In-Class Reading Post-Reading6) How did she _ (作出反应作出反应) to the news?7) The new process has _ (排除排除) the need for checking the products by hand. 8) Its taken me a while but at last Ive managed to _ (克服我的恐惧克服我的恐惧) of public speaking.9) If you want to pass your exams, youll have to _ (集中注意力在集中注意力在) your listening skills.10) She was asked about a pay increase for the factory workers but _ (未作评论未作评论).respond/reacteliminatedovercome my fearconcentrate onmade no commentPart Two: In-Class Reading Post-ReadingTranslationDirections: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English 1.Shyness can vary_ (从感觉轻微的不适到高度的焦虑)that impact us in almost everything we do.2.Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should _(避免引起任何怀疑).3.It will be interpreted _(成批评,无论你说什么). from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxietyavoid arousing any suspicionsas criticism no matter what you say4._(让我们不要为小事烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5. _(花太多的时间老是想着过去)can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6. _(相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.Lets not allow ourselves to be upset by triflesToo much time spent dwelling on the pastPeople who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problemsFurther Development1. BA. a feeling that makes you want to pay attention to sth. or to find out more about it.B. the things that bring advantages to sb. or sth.C. a charge made for borrowing money.2. BA. (of a person or their face) become red with embarrassmentB. affect sth., especially in a negative wayC. cause (sth.) to have color.3. AA. fasten or connect one thing to anotherB. (adj.) full of affection for sb. or sth.C. regard sth. as having special meaning or importance.4. BA. separate sth. by cutting it from the main partB. prevent sb. or sth. from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a placeC. stop the supply of sth. such as electricity, gas, and water5. CA. go down below the surface of waterB. move downwards to a lower levelC. gradually pass into a different state6. CA. the sound of sth, hard hitting a hard surfaceB. the action of sth, hard hitting your bodyC. some bad luck or trouble7. C A. be in charge of ;manageB. make (a service or a course of study) available to people; organizeC. be or become a candidate in an election8. AA. having a natural tendency to do sth.B. quick to learn and understandC. exactly right for a particular situation or purpose9. AA. show or be a sign of a particular situation or feelingB. think carefullyC. throw back (heat, light, sound, or an image)10. CA. (of a system or network) the act or state of being joined together.B. a plane, train or bus needed to take passengers to the final destinationC. relationshipTranslation Practice1. It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2. Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3. When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4. Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5. Dont let negative thoughts hold you back.Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so dont blame yourself too much.
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