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沪教版三年级英语期末复习沪教版三年级英语期末复习 M3&M4JennyM3知识点知识点M3U1M3U1:school school 学校学校, library 图书馆图书馆, toilet 厕所厕所, hall 大厅,剧大厅,剧院院, playground 操场操场, in/on the playground 在操场上在操场上, classroom 教室教室, what 什么什么, is 是是, this 这这, ,这个这个, that 那,那, 那个那个, my 我的我的, your 你的你的, yes 是是, no 不是不是. 句子:句子:Whats this ? Its this ? Its my school. Is this s my school. Is this your classroom ? No. Ityour classroom ? No. Its the hall.s the hall.new new 新新的的, old 旧的旧的, here这里这里, there 那里那里, welcome 欢迎欢迎, loot at 看看, , picturepicturepicturepicture(photo)(photo)(photo)(photo) 图片图片, our 我们的我们的, read and write 读写读写, sing and dance 唱歌和跳舞唱歌和跳舞, play basketball 打蓝球打蓝球, my school 我的学校我的学校, 句子句子: Thank you. Youre welcome.re welcome. Is that the library ? Yes, it is. Is that the library ? Yes, it is. 2PPT学习交流M3U2:apple苹果,orange桔子,banana香蕉,peach桃子,strawberry草莓,plum李子,mango芒果,pineapple菠萝,cherry樱桃,lemon柠檬,melon瓜,watermelon西瓜,grape葡萄,help帮助,please请,shop商店,intheshop在商店里,shopping购物,shoppinglist购物单,howmany多少,howmuch多少,sure当然可以,buybuy买买,bye,bye再见再见,by,by到到,supermarket超市,atthesupermarket在超市,inthesupermarket在超市里,gotoasupermarket去超市,toy玩具,this这,that那,happy高兴,some一些,any一些,want想要,what什么,句子:CanIhelpyou?=WhatcanIdoforyou?我能帮你吗?MayIhavesomeapples,please?请问苹果有吗?Hereyouare.给你。MayIhavefivebananas,please?请帮我拿5根香蕉好吗?Sure.当然可以。Therearemanytoysinthesupermarket.超市里有许多玩具。Theybuysomeapplestoo.他们也买一些苹果。3PPT学习交流M3U3:in the park 在公园里在公园里, look at 看看看看, see看见看见, what clolur 什么什么颜色颜色, have, has有有, kite 风筝风筝, fly a kite 放风筝放风筝, flower 花花, boat 小船小船,ship 轮船轮船, balloon 气球气球, blue 蓝色蓝色, ball 球球, mix拌和拌和, white 白色白色, black 黑色黑色, red 红色红色, pink 粉红色粉红色, yellow 黄色黄色, orange 桔黄色桔黄色, blue 蓝色蓝色, purple紫色紫色, green绿色绿色, grey 灰色灰色, brown 棕色棕色, here 这里这里, hear 听见听见, there 那里那里, high 高的高的, tall 高高, hi你好你好, swing荡荡, swim游泳游泳, sky 天空天空, in the sky 在空中在空中, know了解了解, no 产产, round 圆的圆的, cloud 云云, cloudy 多云的多云的, pupil 小学生小学生, tube管子管子, music 音乐音乐, make the music, 发出乐声发出乐声句子:句子:1. What colour is it ? Its red and yellow. 它是什么颜色?它是什么颜色? 它是红色和黄色的。它是红色和黄色的。2. Look at the sky. Its. blue看天空。它是蓝色的。看天空。它是蓝色的。3. Its your kite. 它是你的风筝。它是你的风筝。4. Heres your kite. 给你风筝。给你风筝。4PPT学习交流M4U1M4U1:ladylady女士女士, bird 鸟鸟, ladybird 瓢虫瓢虫, bee 蜜峰蜜峰, butterfly 蝴蝶蝴蝶, fly 苍蝇,苍蝇,飞飞, ant 蚂蚁蚂蚁 dragonfly 蜻蜓蜻蜓, moth 飞蛾飞蛾, insect 昆虫昆虫, yellow 黄色黄色, purple 紫色紫色, black 黑色黑色, what 什么什么, what colour 什么颜色什么颜色, rabbit 兔子兔子, drawdraw(paint)(paint) 画画画画, colour 涂颜色涂颜色, cut 切切, ,剪剪, stick粘贴粘贴, beautiful=nice漂亮的漂亮的, duck鸭子鸭子, sun 太阳太阳, summer夏天夏天, spring spring 春天春天, autumnautumn秋天秋天, winter冬天冬天, 句子:句子:What is it ? Its an ant. 它是什么?它是一只蚂蚁。它是什么?它是一只蚂蚁。WhatWhats this ? Its this ? Its a ladybird.s a ladybird.这是什么?它是一只瓢虫。这是什么?它是一只瓢虫。Whats that ? Its a butterfly.那是什么?它是一只蝴蝶。那是什么?它是一只蝴蝶。What colour is it ? Its red and black. 它是什么颜色?它是红色和它是什么颜色?它是红色和黑色的。黑色的。M4单元知识点单元知识点5PPT学习交流M4U2M4U2:on the farm on the farm 在农场里在农场里, how many 多少多少, how much 多少钱多少钱, chick 小鸡小鸡, hen母鸡母鸡, duck 鸭子鸭子, pig g 猪猪, dog dog 狗狗, cat 猫猫, count 数一数数一数, Kittys s dream Kittydream Kitty的梦的梦, put on 穿上穿上, take off 脱下脱下, shoe 鞋鞋, open the door 打开打开门门, open the gategate 打打开开大门大门, the end 结束结束,句子:句子:1. What colour is it ? Its red and yellow. s red and yellow. 它是什么颜色?它是什么颜色? 它是红色和黄色的。它是红色和黄色的。2. Look at the sky. Its blues blue看天空。它是蓝色的。看天空。它是蓝色的。3. Its your kite. s your kite. 它是你的风筝。它是你的风筝。4. Heres your kite. s your kite. 给你风筝。给你风筝。6PPT学习交流M4U3:M4U3:plant plant 植物植物, leaf , leaves 树叶树叶, branches 树枝树枝, trunk 树杆树杆, root, roots 树根树根, flower 花花, tree 树树, seed 种子种子, small and brown 小的棕色的小的棕色的 , rain 雨雨, rainy雨天雨天, happy 快乐快乐, sad 悲伤悲伤, sun 太阳太阳, sunny 晴天晴天, feel 感觉感觉, warm 温暖温暖, bud 芽芽, grow成长成长 , sunflower 向日葵向日葵,on the tree 在树上在树上, in the tree 在在树里树里, under the tree 在树下在树下, tell me告诉我告诉我句子:句子:Look at the plant.Look at the plant./This is a plant./This is a plant. I It has roots. They are thin and short. t has roots. They are thin and short. I It has t has leaves. leaves. T They are green. hey are green. T They are small. hey are small. I It t has a flower. has a flower. I It is pink. t is pink. I It is beautiful. t is beautiful. I I like like the plant.the plant. 7PPT学习交流按要求写单词按要求写单词1.black(反义词)2.sky(同类词)3.ferry(近义词)4.balloon(同类词)5. it(复数)6.is、am(复数)7.new(反义词)8. I(宾格)9.here(反义词)10.here(同音词)11.you(所有格)12.he (复数)13.I (复数)14.you(复数)15.that(反义词)16.they(单数)17.are(否定形式)18.do(否定形式)19.no(同音词)20.sheep(复数)21.mice(单数)22.monkey(复数)23.that(复数)24.this(复数)25.farmer(同类词)26.two(同音词)27.put on(反义词组)28.on(反义词)29.my(主格)30.door(近义词)31.four(同音词)32.open(反义词)whitetheremeoldaretheykite/ballboatmonkeysmousesheepknowdontit / he / shearentthisyouwetheyyourhearsun/moontoo / totake offunderI gateforclosethesestudent /teacherthose8PPT学习交流33.fly(动作词)49.colour(动作词)35.leaves(单数)36.root(复数)37.student(同义词)38.up(反义词)39.sit(反义词)40.tall(反义词)41.tree(同类词)42.big(反义词)43.see(同音词)44.animal(复数)45.cant(全写)46.photo(同义词)47.box(复数)48.desk(同义词)34.has(复数)50.paper(复数)51.fat(反义词)52.like(单三)53.do(单三)54.does(否定式)55.hot(反义词)63.it is(缩写)62.whats(全写)61.butterfly(复数)60.body(复数)59.fish(复数)58.nice(近义词)57.strawberry(复数)56.toy(复数)68.what(同类词)67.families(单数)66.baby(复数)65.Kittys(全写)64.they are(缩写)boxestablewho、 howfamilybabiesKitty iscolourpapertheyreitswhat isbodiesbutterfliesfishbeautifulstrawberriestoyscolddoesntdoeslikesthinseaanimascan notpicturepupildownstandshorttrunk /branchsmallflyhaveleafroots9PPT学习交流用所给单词的适当形式填空:be/ have/has/can1. My mother and I in the park. We happy. 2. Danny ten years old. He a dog.3. This my teacher, Miss Zhang. She many books.4. What your name? My name Kitty.5. Look at the rabbits. They white. They red eyes.6. Tom is six years old. He read. But he write.7. Mr and Mrs Li in the park.8. What are (it)? Sorry, I (do)know.9. Hello, my name Kitty.10. My tail short. My ears long. I a rabbit.11. Here the mice. They small.12. How many (apple)? Five, please.13. How (many) is it? Its two yuan.14. Look at the (cat). They are fat.15. What colour (be)the pigs? (it) are pink.16. Sit the chair, please.17. I like play my yellow ball. areapplesisisaretheyishasareareisdontcant iscan areonareTheycatstowithmuchisareareamishave10PPT学习交流I like our best.Its .We can in it. We can in it.We like in it.We like our .11PPT学习交流I like our library best. Its big. There are many books in it. We can read books in the library. We can borrow books too. We like reading in it. We can read picture books, story books, newspaper, magazines and so on. I like the library. 12PPT学习交流I love my school. Its big and beautiful.Look, this is our classroom. We can read and write in it.This is our library.we can read books in the library, but we cant run or jump in it.Look, this is the hall. We can sing and dance in it.How beautiful!13PPT学习交流quickrespond 营业员 顾客Can I help you? May I havepears?How many pears? Eleven, please.Here you are. Thank you.Goodbye. Byebye. 顾客 营业员May I have,please? Sure.How much? _yuan.Thank you. Youre welcome.wordsusupermarket 超市超市 buy 买买 14PPT学习交流Its a fine day. I put on my _. Then I open the _. I see many animals on the farm .I count the _.They run down and run up. So I open the _.They are _. And thats the end.Oh!Its my dream.shoedoorchicksgateeating rice now15PPT学习交流Look at the_.Its_.Its_.It can_.It likes to eat_.16PPT学习交流Lookandsaya flower a leaf leaves rootsThis is a plant.It has roots.They are thin and short.It has leaves.They are green.They are small.It has a flower.It is pink.It is beautiful.I like it very much.17PPT学习交流We are seeds. We are small and brown.It is rainy. We are happy.It is sunny. We feel warm.Look! Now we have roots.We have buds too.We grow and grow. Now wehave leaves and flowers.We are sunflowers.18PPT学习交流此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!19PPT学习交流
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