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COOKING ENGLISH实用英语实用英语 烹饪2021/6/41Pre-Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Culinary ArtUnit 1 The Pre Cook Unit 2 The Pastry ChefUnit 3 The Cold Dishes ChefContents 2021/6/42Unit 4 The Hot Dishes ChefUnit 5 The Larder ChefUnit 6 The Executive LevelContents 2021/6/43Pre-Unit Basic Knowledge of Culinary Art2021/6/44Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyWords and PhrasesGoal Learn the terms used in Chinese and Western cuisine industries and categories of beverages.Pre-Unit Basic Knowledge of Culinary Art2021/6/45 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyMatch the festival with the food.a. zongzi (glutinous rice wrapped bamboo or reed leaves)b. Double Ninth cake c. moon caked. tangyuan (sweet dumpling) e. qingming cakef. jiaozi (dumpling)2021/6/46 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Match the festival with the food.What do we eat in 1.The Spring Festival_2.The Lantern Festival_3.The Tomb-sweeping Festival_4.The Dragon Boat Festival_5.The Mid-Autumn Festival_6.The Double-ninth Festival_Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study2021/6/47 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Mr. Carpenter(C)视察厨房工作时,指导了刚招聘的员工Leo(L)做中式炒鸡丁。L: LeoC: Mr. CarpenterL: Mr. Carpenter, good afternoon.C: Good afternoon. What are you doing?L: I want to make Chinese chicken.C: OK. Here is the question: What are the ingredients?L: To make Chinese chicken, I need 4 chicken breasts; sweet chili; Chinese five spices and ground ginger.C: Anything else?L: Soy sauce, olive oil, salt, red peppers; bean sprouts and a cup of frozen peas.C: Good. Chinese Chicken gives a very tasty and nutritious meal.L: But I have a problem about cooking it.Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study2021/6/48 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit C: Firstly, you should dice the chicken breasts into cubes. Add the sweet chili, ground ginger, Chinese five spices, olive oil and soy sauce to the bowl and mix well with a spoon. Fry the marinated chicken in a frying pan for eight minutes, turning the chicken every minute or so. Add the bean sprouts, chopped peppers and frozen peas. Stir the ingredients gently, and cook for another four minutes.L: Totally twelve minutes.C: Thats right. And the last step is to serve the Chinese Chicken which is straight from the pan. L: Thanks a lot for your teaching, Mr. Carpenter.Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyMr. Carpenter(C)视察厨房工作时,指导了刚招聘的员工Leo(L)做中式炒鸡丁。2021/6/49 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit A. Listen to the dialogue again and list the ingredients needed in the Chinese chicken recipe. Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyIngredients: _B. The following pictures show the procedure for making Chinese chicken. Match the pictures with the procedure.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _2021/6/410 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyProcedures:a.Dice (切丁)the chicken breasts(鸡胸肉) into cubes. b.Serve the Chinese Chicken which is straight(直接) from the pan.c.Fry(油炸) the marinated chicken (腌好的鸡肉) in a frying pan(油炸锅) for eight minutes, turning the chicken every minute or so. Add the bean sprouts(豆芽), chopped peppers(辣椒) and frozen peas(冷冻青豆). Stir(搅动) the ingredients gently, and cook for another four minutes.d.Pour the cubes(鸡丁) into a bowl(碗). Add the sweet chili(甜辣酱), ground ginger(生姜末), Chinese five spice(五香料), olive oil (橄榄油)and soy sauce(酱油) to the bowl and mix well with a spoon. 2021/6/411 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit To make the perfect Irish Coffee is not an easy job. When done correctly, it is a skillful art form1 and when not done correctly, it turns into a cloudy, sloppy sludge. The following shows you how to make the perfect Irish Coffee. Put a tea spoon into the glass and pour some boiling water into the glass to warm it up2. Pour a shot of whiskey into the glass. Pour in the coffee up to within 15mm (1.5cm) from the top. Put in the two spoons of sugar and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Place the spoon onto the rim of coffee cup, face up with the cream in a small jug, and pour cream onto the spoon. The cream will flow over the edge of the spoon and rest on top of the coffee. What should be left with is a glass of black coffee with a white collar about 10mm (1cm) deep3.制作美味的爱尔兰咖啡制作美味的爱尔兰咖啡Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study2021/6/412 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit A.Match the Chinese with the English.( ) Do you know the story about Irish coffee?( ) Please warm up the milk over the stove.( ) The water flows over the table.( ) Black coffee is the coffee with no milk.1.请把这牛奶放在炉子上热一热。2. 你知道有关爱尔兰咖啡的故事吗?3.不加奶的咖啡叫黑咖啡(清咖)。4.水流过桌面。Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study2021/6/413 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit B. Group discussion: read the passage and describe the procedures for making Irish coffee according to the pictures.Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study1._ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _2021/6/414 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyProcedures:a.Put in the two spoons of sugar and stir(摇晃) until all the sugar has dissolved(溶解).b.Place the spoon upside down onto the rim(边缘)of coffee cup, face up with the cream(奶油) in a small jug(小罐子), and pour cream onto the spoon.c.Put a tea spoon into the glass and pour some boiling water into the glass to warm it up.d.Pour the shot of whiskey(威士忌酒) into the glass.e.Pour in the coffee up to within 15mm (1.5cm) from the top.f. What should be left with is a glass of black coffee with a white collar about 10mm (1cm) deep.2021/6/415 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyC. Learn the important grammars in the text. 1. when引导的时间状语从句When done correctly, it is a skillful art form做得好,它就是精巧的艺术品句中,“when”为时间状语从句的连接词,表示“当的时候”。 “it is a skillful art form”为主句。 此句中,从句中的主语和主句主语一致,为“it”, 因此从句中省略主语,同时从句的谓语动词要变成非谓语动词中的分词,过去分词作状语表被动。练习:When added milk, the coffee tastes better.中文:_2021/6/416 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyC. Learn the important grammars in the text.2. 祈使句Put a tea spoon into the glass and pour some boiling water into the glass to warm it up. 将茶勺放入玻璃杯中,倒入热水暖杯。祈使句常用于表达命令、请求或劝告、建议。祈使句中的主语若为第二人称you,通常省略。祈使句的谓语动词为动词原形且没有事态和数的词形变化,一般读降调,句末用句号或感叹号。练习:Add double sugar and double cream to my coffee, please.中文:_2021/6/417 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyC. Learn the important grammars in the text.3. what 引导的主语从句What should be left with is a glass of black coffee with a white collar about 10 mm (1 cm) deep. 正常的效果是杯中有黑咖啡和大约10毫米(1 厘米)厚的白色奶油圈。主语从句,即在复合句中充当主语成分的句子。句中,“What should be left with”为整个句子的主语。 “What”为连接代词,引导主语从句的还有从属连词和连接副词。练习:What should be done next is to ground the coffee beans into powder.中文:_2021/6/418 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyPosts in a Kitchen. 分分类岗位名称位名称岗位位职责Executive Level行政组厨师Executive Chef 行政总厨监管所有厨房工作人员、食品加工或烹制Sous Chef 行政副总厨处理各项事务,确保厨房食品的质量Line Cook 三厨掌管不同的厨房小组,是各组组长。向行政副总厨做直接汇报Prep Cook帮厨组厨师Food Preparation Worker 食品加工工人负责食品的清洗、切剁、存放,以便厨师烹调时使用Sauce Chef 调味厨师负责为各种菜肴调味Kitchen Assistant 厨师助理负责保证食品质量和负责厨房内的清洁卫生与安全工作Pastry Chef面点组厨师Western Pastry Chef西式面点师负责西式面点的制作Chinese Pastry Chef中式面点师负责中式面点的制作2021/6/419 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further StudyPosts in a Kitchen.Cold Dishes Chef冷菜组厨师Chef Garde Manger冷房厨师负责制作冷菜色拉、冷汤、罐装或腌制食品、调味品和盘中装饰、冰雕等Glacier Chef冷冻菜厨师冷房厨师的下属。他在冷房厨师的指导下,在厨房中扮演很多角色,负责准备凉的点心或冷冻点心Hot Dishes Chef热菜组厨师Fry Chef油炸厨师负责煎、炸、烘烤和爆炒食物Saute Chef烹炒厨师负责烹炒食物Grill and Roast Chef烧烤厨师负责烧烤食物Vegetable Chef蔬菜厨师负责炒、炖、煮或做各种蔬菜冷盘,如蔬菜色拉和蔬菜寿司等。Larder Chef肉类组厨师Butcher 肉类处理工负责屠宰动物、切割肉类Fish and Seafood Chef海鲜厨师烹饪各种水产品和海产品2021/6/420 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Words and Phrasesingredientinri:djnt n.成分chili tili n. 辣椒gingerdindn. 生姜nutritious nu:trs adj.有营养的spoon spu:n n. 调羹marinate merineit vt. 把浸于腌汁中sprout spraut n. 嫩芽perfect p:fikt adj. 完美的Irish airif adj. 爱尔兰的skillful:skilful adj. 熟练的、精巧的sloppy:slpi adj. 太稀的sludge:sld n. 水与粉状物质的混合物boiling bili adj. 沸的whiskey hwiski n. 威士忌酒Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study2021/6/421 Pre-Unit Pre-Unit Words and Phrasesdissolve:dizlv v. 溶解rim:rim n. 边缘jug:dg n. 小罐子collar kl n. 一圈soy sauce酱油dice into cubes将切成丁servewith和一起上(菜)Irish coffee爱尔兰咖啡warmup(使)变热flow over从上流过black coffee黑咖啡Look and Study Dialogue Reading Further Study2021/6/422部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!
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