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2024年贵州省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力考前冲刺试卷A卷含答案一单选题(共80题)1、请阅读短文 A.How People in Different Cultures Express ThemselvesB.Why the Eyes Are So Important When TalkingC.Easterners and Westerners Read Faces DifferentlyD.Communication Gets Lost in Translation【答案】 A2、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.melting of sea iceB.precipitationC.evaporationD.supplement of salt【答案】 C3、Passage 2A.ApprovingB.NegativeC.DoubtfulD.Neutral【答案】 B4、Which of the following is not an interactive activity?A.Looking at the picture below and discussing the questions with your partnerB.Listening to the tape again and retelling the story with the filled chartC.Discussing the following questions in groupD.Asking another group to give you some advice on improving your work【答案】 B5、A language lesson plan usually has the following components except _.A.teaching stepsB.teaching aimsC.language contents and skillsD.teaching institution【答案】 D6、_are undertaken to determine the gap between the existing skills, knowledge and abilities and those that are needed to function at the desired level.A.Learning assessmentB.Learning needsC.Learning analysisD.Teaching assessment【答案】 B7、Conventionally a _ is put in slashes (/ /).A.allophoneB.phoneC.phonemeD.morpheme【答案】 C8、An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are _ of the p phoneme.A.analoguesB.tagmemesC.morphemesD.allophones【答案】 D9、Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A.Re-arranging the materialsB.Brainstorming the topicC.Writing a summary of the textD.Skimming【答案】 B10、The relationship between furniture and desk is_.A.hyponymy上下义B.antonymy反义C.synonymy同义D.homonymy同音/异义【答案】 A11、Passage 1 A.Wrong Interpretations of an Educational PolicyB.A Welcomed Policy for Poor StudentsC.Thorny Questions about HomeworkD.A Faulty Approach to Homework【答案】 D12、The policeman ran after the man and _ him by the arm.A.stoppedB.reachedC.shotD.caught【答案】 D13、It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5,000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics that distinguished them as truly urban The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function wasclearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization ofA.A local restaurantB.A town hallC.A local theatreD.An open market【答案】 D14、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.efficiencyB.productivityC.innovationsD.transforming【答案】 C15、A/An _language test, such as IELTS or TOEFL, is developed on the basis of a fixed standard.A.norm-referencedB.peer-referencedC.individual-referencedD.criterion-referenced【答案】 D16、Garbo plays the role of the queen,_ in the love she has found with AntonioA.rejoicedB.rejoicingC.being rejoicedD.to rejoice【答案】 B17、Which of the following consonants doesnt fall under the same category according to theplace of articulation?A./t/B./s/C./D./n/【答案】 C18、Which of the following describes the function of the sentence “It is a nice day, isnt it”?A.InformativeB.PhaticC.DirectiveD.Performative【答案】 B19、The sounds/praiz/should match the word_.A.prizeB.praiseC.priceD.piece【答案】 A20、It will be at least 10 days _they finish cleaning up the typhoon-stricken village.A.untilB.beforeC.sinceD.when【答案】 B21、Passage 1A.Mixed emotionsB.Great poetsC.Lyric poemsD.Musical forms【答案】 C22、Mr. Smith, who_ as a teacher in our school for about 20 years, is now our mayor.A.has workedB.workeDC.worksD.had workeD【答案】 B23、To assess how well students are able to apply what they have learned in completing a given task, a teacher would use _assessment.A.performanceB.selfC.competenceD.peer【答案】 A24、_ you said is true, there are still other factors to be considered.A.Supposed that whatB.Supposing what thatC.Granted that whatD.Considered what that【答案】 C25、We hope to become more_in predicting earthquake.A.absoluteB.steadyC.idealD.accurate【答案】 D26、When students are asked to go to the local museum, libraries
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