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The reading is about two stories written by a whaler who saw the whale hunt. As he was sorting out his living place, there was about to be a hunt. With a killer whale showing the way, a baleen whale was found on its every year migration. Working together, the killers kept it from diving or escaping to sea. Being wounded, the aim died. His body was pulled down into the depths of the sea. Old Tom and other killers are having a good feed on its lips and tongue. One day, James was washed off the boat. Although George cried out and pushed the others to save the man overboard, James was terrified of being left behind. Old Tom suddenly appeared, approaching him, holding up James firmly in the water. It saved him from danger.Revision of key words in a summary.anecdotes witnessed accommodationThrough teamworktargetdraggedyelled outurgedfleeingabandonedannualscaredhelped him out1. witness: vt. be present at (sth.) and see it 当场见到当场见到/ 目目击击 suggest, indicate 表明表明/ 说明说明 Did anyone witness the accident?His loud voice witnessed his anger.n. c 证人证人/目击者目击者The police found the witness to the murder case. c / u 证词证词/ 证据证据His anxiety was a witness to his love for her.She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed. 翻译:翻译:_亲眼目睹这暴力的场面,她很震惊。亲眼目睹这暴力的场面,她很震惊。2. sort out 分类分类,整理整理,解决解决(问题问题/困难困难)He was sorting through a pile of papers on his desk .Weve got a few little problems to sort out.同义词同义词 sort through : 查看并挑选出查看并挑选出3. yell v.& n.叫喊叫喊 /叫声,喊声叫声,喊声 v. shout often because you are frightened, angry, or excite She yelled (out) at her naughty child. They yelled at him to stop. n. a loud shout a yell of delight / warningSteven is trying to _ _ _ _ between him and Nancy. Steven 试着解决他和试着解决他和Nancy之间的误会。之间的误会。sort out the misunderstanding4. drag v. 拖拖, 拉拉, 拽拽勉强某人做某事勉强某人做某事 drag sb into doing sth 使某人卷入某事使某人卷入某事 drag sb into sth The mother dragged her boy to school.He hates parties ,and we have to drag him into going.If he fails , hell drag us all down with him .drag down 把人拖垮把人拖垮 drag in 拉进去拉进去 drag ones feet 故意拖延故意拖延 drag on 拖延拖延,拉长拉长5. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea.不一会儿,它的身体就被虎鲸迅速地拖到海的深处去了。不一会儿,它的身体就被虎鲸迅速地拖到海的深处去了。the depth(s) ofthe jungle 丛林深处丛林深处the country 穷乡僻壤穷乡僻壤the winter 隆冬隆冬ones heart 心灵深处心灵深处despair 绝望的深渊绝望的深渊6. urge v.& n. 催促、力劝催促、力劝 / 强烈的欲望强烈的欲望 作动词:作动词:urge sb to do sth = urge sb into doing sth urge that sb (should) do sthThe teacher urges us to hand in the homework at once.= The teacher urges us _ _ _ the homework at once.= The teacher that _ _ _ _ the homework at once. 老师催促我们马上交作业。老师催促我们马上交作业。 作名词:作名词:an / the urge to do sth 想做某事的强烈欲望想做某事的强烈欲望into handing inwe should hand inHe has an urge to travel.【试一试试一试】根据提示完成句子根据提示完成句子1.The doctor _(力劝这(力劝这个女孩呆在家里)个女孩呆在家里)2.I urge that _(你仔(你仔细看看这份报告)细看看这份报告)urged the girl to stay at home.you should read the report carefully.7. abandon vt. to give up 放弃放弃/遗弃遗弃/中止中止I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us我能看到他很害怕被我们遗弃。我能看到他很害怕被我们遗弃。He abandoned his wife and children他抛弃了自己的妻儿。他抛弃了自己的妻儿。The bad weather forced them to abandon their search坏天气逼迫他们中止寻找。坏天气逼迫他们中止寻找。 abandon oneself to sth 纵情于纵情于/沉溺于沉溺于abandoned adj, 无度的无度的,放荡的放荡的/ 被遗弃的被遗弃的an abandoned cat 一只被抛弃的猫一只被抛弃的猫an abandoned behavior 恣意放荡的行为恣意放荡的行为1.在在开始的时候开始的时候2.亲眼看到亲眼看到3.整理我的住所整理我的住所4.大喊大喊5.跃出水面跃出水面6.将要做某事将要做某事7.跑在跑在前面前面8.向向移动移动/前进前进9.团队协作团队协作10.一群兴奋的猎狗一群兴奋的猎狗11.朝朝瞄准瞄准12.海的深处海的深处13.浮出水面浮出水面14.带进带进/引进引进15.与此同时与此同时/在此期间在此期间16.饱餐一顿饱餐一顿17.害怕(做)某事害怕(做)某事18.托着,举起托着,举起 1.at the beginning of 2.witness with ones own eyes 3.sort out my accommodation 4.yell out 5.throw out of the water 6.be about to do sth 7.run ahead of 8.head out into 9.teamwork/work as a team 10.a pack of excited dogs 11.aim at sb/sth 12.the depths of the sea 13.float up to the surface 14.bring in 15.in the meantime 16.have a good feed on 17.be terrified of doing sth. 18.hold upListen and find out some phrases. witness with ones own eyes ;sort out ; yell out ;hear of ; help out ;ahead of; in the meantime 1) I _ the accident _.2) By working hard, he got _the rest of the class.3) I was _ my accommodation when he called me on . 4) I ll phone for a taxi. _ you must get packed 5) The cooks ill, so I _ this week.6) She _ at her naughty child.witnessedwith my own eyesahead ofsorting outIn the meantimeam helping out am helping out yelled (out)7) They met _wolves in the forest.8) The little boy _ being abandoned by his divorced parents.9) After a long tiring day , she is _ delicious food. 10) Those who agree _ your hands! 11) Women _ often more _their feelings than men.12) A lot of advanced technology will be _ from foreign countries.a pack ofhaving a good feed ona pack of ;aimat sb (sth) ;be terrified of ; upside down ;have a good feed on; hold up ; be aware of ; bring in hold upis terrified ofareaware ofbrought in重点单词重点单词: witness; accommodation; abandon; yell; annual; drag; urge; anecdote; target; neat; sharp; aware; scare; reflect; meantime; narrow; flee, 重点短语重点短语: bring in; help out; a pack of; be about to do sth; be scared to death; reflect on; become aware of/ that; in the meantime; upside down; hear of; witness with ones own eyes; sort out; yell out; run ahead of; show sb the way; aim at sb/sth; be terrified of; hold up翻译作业:根据提示将下列句子补充完整。翻译作业:根据提示将下列句子补充完整。1.Steven 试着解决他和试着解决他和Nancy之间的误会。之间的误会。Steven is trying to _between him and Nancy. 2. Lydia 的数学比我强。的数学比我强。Lydia _ in maths.3. 不要让孩子们卷入我们的争论。不要让孩子们卷入我们的争论。Dont _ our arguments.4. 我们有一位这起谋杀案我们有一位这起谋杀案(murder case)的目击证人。的目击证人。We have _5.警察要求目睹事故的人马上跟他们联系。警察要求目睹事故的人马上跟他们联系。(urge; witness; contact;定语从句定语从句)The police _.Homework1.完成周报完成周报31期第期第2&4版版词汇练习题。词汇练习题。2.翻译作业明天上交。翻译作业明天上交。See you andGood luckbye
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