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Five Basic Sentence Structures1.句型一:主+系+表(S+LV+P)1. He is a student.2. The cloth feels very soft.3. Learning English is important.4. The music sounds nice.5. He became a teacher.6. The leaf will turn yellow in autumn.2.More Examples:1. My brothers are all college students in Beijing University.2. At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist.3. Her job is to look after the children in the nursery.地点状语时间状语地点状语Conclusion:S+LV+P 句型中常有一些介词短语表示动作的时间,地点,方式等,统统称为状语成分。3.连系动词(Linking Verb)归纳记忆口诀:四四“是是” ,六,六“变变” ,五,五“起来起来”。1.表示表示“是是”的有:的有:prove (证明是证明是),seem(似乎似乎是是),appear(好像是好像是),remain(依然是依然是)。2.表示表示“变成变成”的有的有:become,grow,turn,get,go, fall。3. 表示表示“起来起来”的有的有:taste (尝起来尝起来),look(看起来看起来),sound (听起来听起来),feel(摸起来;感到摸起来;感到),smell(闻起来闻起来)。 另外,另外,表示表示“保持保持”的的keep,stay等也可以作系等也可以作系动词动词。如:。如:keep calm /cool, keep fit/healthy, keep warm, keep busy,keep awake,keep still, keep quiet,keep silent(以上各例中也可用以上各例中也可用stay)。5.1. 我是一名高三学生。我是一名高三学生。(be)I am a senior 3 student.2. 没有什么不可能!没有什么不可能! (be)Nothing is impossible!3. 我越来越担心即将到来的高考。我越来越担心即将到来的高考。(become, increasingly, 用现用现在进行时在进行时 )I am becoming increasingly anxious about the coming college entrance examination. 我,一个积极的女孩,是一名高三学生。我,一个积极的女孩,是一名高三学生。I, an active girl, am a senior 3 student.没有什么不可能,你该记住这个。没有什么不可能,你该记住这个。Nothing is impossible, which you should remember.我越来越担心即将到来的高考,这是一场激烈的战斗。我越来越担心即将到来的高考,这是一场激烈的战斗。I am becoming increasingly anxious about the coming college entrance exam, which is a fierce battle.6.4.我我 的的 担担 心心 被被 证证 明明 是是 完完 全全 错错 误误 的的 。 ( fear, completely,)My fear proved completely wrong.5. 我我的的脸脸在在炎炎热热的的太太阳阳下下变变得得通通红红。( go red,用用过去完成时过去完成时 )My face had gone red in the hot sun. 我担心他是否能成功完成任务被证明是完全错误的。我担心他是否能成功完成任务被证明是完全错误的。My fear about whether he could finish the task successfully proved completely wrong.我的脸在炎热的太阳下变得通红,这让我有点难堪。我的脸在炎热的太阳下变得通红,这让我有点难堪。My face had gone red in the hot sun, which embarrassed me a lot.7.句型二:主+谓 (S+V)1. He died.2. The sun rises.3. Internet dating hurts.4. The fire is burning.5. The sun sets in the west.6. He works hard.不及物动词viConclusion:S+V 句型谓语后面不接宾语,但常常会跟副词,不定式,介词短语或状语从句等来做状语。8.1. 我们正在排队等候。我们正在排队等候。We are waiting in line. 2. 我们勤奋学习。我们勤奋学习。 We study hard. 4. 这本书很畅销。这本书很畅销。3. The book sells well. 我们正在排队等候,然而他们却在放松。我们正在排队等候,然而他们却在放松。We are waiting in line, while they are relaxing themselves.我们勤奋学习,这对我们未来的生活注定带来好的结果。我们勤奋学习,这对我们未来的生活注定带来好的结果。We study hard, which is bound to have good effect on our future.这本叫做这本叫做飘飘的书很畅销。的书很畅销。The book named Gone with wind sells well.9.句型三:主+谓+宾 (S+V+O)1. I wrote a letter last night.2. He has read this book many times.3. You must finish reading these books in two weeks.4. All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy.及物动词及物动词 vtConclusion:S+V+O 句型后面会常常跟副词,不定式,介词短语或状语从句等来做状语。11.1. 我们在我们在368名学生中进行了一次调查。名学生中进行了一次调查。We did a survey among 368 students.2. 我承诺以后要把主要精力放在学习上。我承诺以后要把主要精力放在学习上。I promise to focus mainly on my study.我承诺以后要把主要精力放在学习上我承诺以后要把主要精力放在学习上, 这是我作为一名高三学生这是我作为一名高三学生所必须做到的。所必须做到的。I promised to focus mainly on my study, which is what I should do as a student of senior 3.上周三,我们在上周三,我们在368名学生中进行了一次名学生中进行了一次“谁是谁是 你最喜你最喜欢的老师?欢的老师?”的调查。的调查。Last Wednesday, we did a survey about “who is your favorite teacher?” among 368 students.12.3. 这比赛目的在于提高学生的环保意识。这比赛目的在于提高学生的环保意识。The contest aims to improve students awareness of protecting the environment.4. 我们不否认细节决定成败。我们不否认细节决定成败。4. We dont deny that detail is the key to success.13.句型四:主+谓+间宾+直宾 (S+V+IO+DO)1. I sent him a book yesterday.2. I bought Mary a book on her birthday.3. Please give me your dictionary quickly.4. I will buy you a meal tomorrow.5. He showed the guard his passport.6. Please give your book to me quickly.Conclusion:1. S+V+IO+DO 句型后面也常常会跟副词或介词短语等来做状语。2. 有时直宾和间宾可以对调有时直宾和间宾可以对调, 这时这时, 间接宾语前应间接宾语前应加上介词加上介词to, for或或of。14.1. 我想为父亲挑选一份合适的礼物。我想为父亲挑选一份合适的礼物。I want to choose a suitable present for my father.2.母爱给我们鼓励和力量。母爱给我们鼓励和力量。Mothers love gives us encouragement and power.3. 那个老人给我们指路。那个老人给我们指路。 The old man showed us the way.4. 谢谢您写信给我。谢谢您写信给我。Thanks for writing me the letter.15.句型五:主+谓+宾+宾补 (S+V+O+OC)1. We named our baby Tom.2. He painted the wall white during the summer holiday.3. The boss made his workers work day and night.4. The teacher advised me to read English aloud.5. I found the answer wrong.6. You can leave the door open.7. The news made us sad.如何区分双宾与宾补结构?如何区分双宾与宾补结构?在动词后面紧跟的宾语后面加上一个在动词后面紧跟的宾语后面加上一个be动词,若能构成动词,若能构成一个语义通顺的句子,则是补足语。一个语义通顺的句子,则是补足语。16.Compare:1. I made John our chairman.2. I made John a cake.3. I found the book easily.4. I found the book easy.5. She will make him a good wife.6. She will make him a good husband.17.1. 那噪音快要使我发疯了。那噪音快要使我发疯了。The noise is driving me crazy.2. 要使学校变得更美丽要使学校变得更美丽, 我们应从身边小事做起。我们应从身边小事做起。 To make our school more beautiful, we should start from the small things around us.3. 我感到很难找到时间与父母交谈。我感到很难找到时间与父母交谈。 I feel it hard to find time to talk with my parents.4. 学校定了一条规则学生要穿校服。学校定了一条规则学生要穿校服。(make)The schools made it a rule that students should wear uniform every school day.5. 我认为与只想不做是无益的。我认为与只想不做是无益的。I believe it no use thinking without acting.Conclusion:1. 当作当作宾语的不定式、动名词、宾语从句跟一个补足语宾语的不定式、动名词、宾语从句跟一个补足语时时, 要用形式宾语要用形式宾语it放在宾语的位置放在宾语的位置, 将真正的宾语放到后面。将真正的宾语放到后面。2. 后跟宾补的动词常有动词常有consider, believe, feel, find, make, think, suppose等。等。18.
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