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BeBe动词Be 动词amamis isareareI Ishe he it Tomshe he it Tomthe dog the dog 单数数名名词we they the catswe they the cats复数复数名名词Can Can 情情态动词1.I can read1.I can read.2. She can draw.2. She can draw.3. They can jump.3. They can jump.4. We can hop.4. We can hop.他他们会会跳。跳。我我们会会单腿跳。腿跳。我我会会读书。她会画画她会画画。Do助动词dododoesdoes原形原形第三人第三人称称1.Do you like apples?1.Do you like apples?Yes, I do.Yes, I do.肯定回答肯定回答NoNo,I dont.I dont.否定回答否定回答Yes, she Yes, she . .肯定回答肯定回答NoNo,she she . .否定回答否定回答2. 2. she like bananas? she like bananas?DoesDoesdoesdoesdoesntdoesnt一般疑问句,即 yes/no 问句1.把关键词(如:am、is、are、have、has、can)放在句子的开头,句尾改为“?”但要注意一、二人称的转换。 2、将人称变换,第一人称变第二人称(Iyou,weyou,myyour,ouryour),第三人称不变I can play basketball. can I play basketball. Can you play basketball?We can help you.can We help you.Can you help me? They can play football.can They play football.Can they play football?Judge and answer判断下面的句子是否是一般疑问句,为什么判断下面的句子是否是一般疑问句,为什么?1.Areyouastudent?2.Isithisrabbit?3.Whatsthatoverthere?4.Cantheyswim?5.Doyouhaveastorybook?6.Thisisatoybear,Ithink.AreIsCanDo?找到了找到了第二步:第二步:提提提提 be动词、动词、can 、 到句首(大写)到句首(大写)“句号句号”改改“问号问号”如果有如果有第一、第二第一、第二人称,人称,则则互改。互改。第三步:第三步:改改其他照抄其他照抄一字不漏一字不漏第四步:第四步:抄抄第一步:第一步:找找找找 be动词、动词、can如何改一般疑问句?勿忘be动词小诗Do some exercise把下面的句子改成把下面的句子改成一般疑问句一般疑问句:1. This is a nice pear.3. I am a good boy.2. That is an ice-cream.4. I am from London.5. The bear and the cat are cute.6. The five fat dogs are on the desk. Is this a nice pear? Is that an ice-cream? Are you a good boy? Are you from London?Are the bear and the cat cute?Are the five fat dogs on the desk?Do some exercise把下面的句子改成把下面的句子改成一般疑问句一般疑问句:7. He is my friend.9. That is your storybook.8. She is my teacher.10. It is your umbrella.11. This is my sister, Nancy.12. He is my aunt, Mrs Black. Is he your friend? Is she your teacher?Is that my storybook?Is it my umbrella?Is this your sister, Nancy?Is he your aunt, Mrs Black?1. She is a pupil.Is she a pupil?2. I can see a star.Can you see a star?3. My mother is a teacher.Is your mother a teacher?一般疑问句的肯定回答、否定回答。Yes, +关键词。No,+关键词+not.1.Is she a pupil?2.Can you see a star?Yes, she is.No, she is not./No, she isnt.Yes, I can.No, I can not./No, I cant.
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