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UNIT 4PYGMALIONhesitation about/over without hesitate to tell classified classification as classified are classified into as for from dismissed from her mind to junior is superior to remarkable that on/upon make rude remarks about classified hesitated superior dismissed remarked C B A D A away by down on out over passed herself off as in in keep come to in terms of are on good terms with out into around/round to up on show off What if So what? How about How is it for passing off as in terms of on show showed up What if What/How about tomorrow What if we fail to arrive there in time How come you werent in school A B A A 作弊的手段作弊的手段1.互相抄袭;互相抄袭; 2.抄书和小纸条;抄书和小纸条; 3.用通讯工具。用通讯工具。作弊的危害作弊的危害1.引起不公平的竞争;引起不公平的竞争; 2.影响学生的自信心。影响学生的自信心。采取的措施采取的措施1.严厉惩罚;严厉惩罚; 2.说服教育。说服教育。返回返回
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