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SEMISEMI: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 国际半导体设备与材料产业协会 SEMI CONTENTSEquipment Automation HardwareEquipment Automation SoftwareFacilitiesFlat Panel DisplayGasesMaterialsMicrolithographyPackagingProcess ChemicalsSafety GuidelinesSilicon Materials & Process ControlTraceabilitySemiconductorEIS用到标准lSECS:Semiconductor Equipment Communication StandardSECS I (E4)SECS II (E5)GEM (E30)HSMS (E37)SECS II (E5)GEM(E30)SESC I (E4)HSMS (E37)RS232TCP/IPApplication9600bps10MbpsSECS I该标准定义了半导体工艺设备(晶片制造,加工,检测,组装,打包设备)和主机之间交换消息通信的接口。该标准包括物理连接器(9-pin or 25-pin),电平信号,传输速率,以及交换消息的逻辑协议。物理传输单位018 bit9Start BitEnd Bit传输10个bit,0和9是开始和结束信号,1-8bit是数据逻辑传输单位(Block)Receive EOT1 byteBlock length10254 byteblock2 byteChecksum先传输块的长度,在传输块,最后发送校验码Block组成10 byte0244 byteHeaderDateDefine in E5SECS I Header组成Upper Device IDSystem ByteSystem ByteLower Device IDUpper Message IDLower Message IDUpper Block No.Lower Block No.System ByteSystem ByteRWE0:Host EQP1:EQP Host0:No reply1:reply 1:last BlockHandshake BytesENQ 5 Request to SendEOT 4 Ready to ReceiveACK 6 Correct ReceptionNAK 21 Incorrect ReceptionHostEQPENQEOTChecksum ACKBlocklengthHSMSHIGH-SPEED SECS MESSAGE SERVICESHSMS General Message Format4 byte10 byte04GLengthHeaderMessage TextLength = Header Length + Message Text LengthFormat is specified by PTypeHSMS Header组成Device IDHeader Byte 2Header Byte 3Ptype=0STypeSystem Byte0-123456-9Header Byte 2-3Ptype = 0StreamWFunctionHeader Byte 2Header Byte 3W=1:reply,W=0 No replyPType (Presentation Type)0 SECS-II Encoding1127 Reserved for subsidiary standards128255 Reserved, not usedSType(Session Type)SType 是一个识别 该消息是HSMS Data Message (value = 0) 或者其他HSMS Control Messages (other).0 Data Message1 Select.req2 Select.rsp3 Deselect.req4 Deselect.rsp5 Linktest.req 6 Linktest.rsp7 Reject.req8 (not used)9 Separate.req10 (not used)11127 Reserved for subsidiary standards128255 Reserved, not usedMessage HeaderTextMessage TypeBytes 0-1SessionIDByte 2Byte 3Byte 4PtypeByte 5StypeBytes 69 System BytesTextData Message*W-bit SECSStreamSECS Function00Primary: UniqueReply: Same as primaryNoneSelect.req*0001UniqueNoneSelect.rspSame as .req0SelectStatus02Same as .reqNoneDeselect.req*0003UniqueNoneDeselect.rspSame as .req0DeSelectStatus04Same as .reqNoneLinktest.req0xFFFF0005UniqueNoneLinktest.rsp0xFFFF0006Same as .reqNoneReject.reqSame MessageReasonCode07Same as message beingrejectedNoneSeparate.req*0009UniqueNoneSelectStatussuccessfullyalready has SelectedConnection Not ReadyConnect Exhaustsubsidiary standard-specificlocal entity-specific reasons01234-127128-255DeselectStatussuccessfullyCommunication Not EstablishedCommunication Busysubsidiary standard-specificlocal entity-specific reasons0123-127128-255Reject Reason CodeSType Not SupportedPType Not SupportedTransaction Not OpenEntity Not Selectedsubsidiary standard-specificlocal entity-specific reasons01234-127128-255HSMS Connection State DiagramNot ConnectionNot SelectedSelectedConnectionT7 Connection Timeout.234517HSMSTCP/IPConnect ModesActive Mode:获得一个端口发送连接请求等待回复收到ACKConnectedPassive Mode:绑定一个公开的端口等待连接请求发送ACKConnectedSECS IIData StructuresData Item|Variable Item|ObjectDictionaryMessage DetailData StructuresNo. of item format code length bytes2item format code 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1134Length bytesFormat byte0 = Illegal, data format error1 = One binary length byte (max = 255)2 = Two binary length bytes (max = 64k)3 = Three binary length bytes (max = 7.99M)Item Format Codes000000 LIST (length in elements)001000 Binary001001 Boolean010000 ASCII1010001 JIS-8010010 2-byte character2, 4011000 8-byte integer (signed)2011001 1-byte integer (signed)011010 2-byte integer (signed)2011100 4-byte integer (signed)2100000 8-byte floating point3100100 4-byte floating point3101000 8-byte integer (unsigned)2101001 1-byte integer (unsigned)101010 2-byte integer (unsigned)2101100 4-byte integer (unsigned)2examplea. binary 10101010.00100001 Item, binary, 1 length byte00000001 1 byte long10101010 data byteb. “ABC”01000001 Item ASCII, 1 length byte00000011 Three bytes long01000001 ASCII A01000010 ASCII B01000011 ASCII Cc. An item contains three binary numbers in 2-byte signed integer form.01101001 Item, 2-byte integers00000010 2 bytes total (2/2 = 1 integers)xxxxxxxx MSByte number xxxxxxxxx LSByte number xGEMGENERIC MODEL FOR COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL OFMANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT该标准定义了一套通用的设备的动作以及通信功能的标准。该标准定义了一套通用的设备的动作以及通信功能的标准。TraceReportTerminalservicesMaterialmovementProcessprogramLimitMonitoringspoolingalarmcontrolprocessingcommunicationEquipmentHarel NotationStateOR SubstatesAND Substates Transition 状态转换标志 Default entry point 默认进入点h History 历史记录sSelectcConditional selectorCommunications State DiagramCommunicationenableDisableCommunicatingNot CommunicatingWait CRWait DelayWait CRApassiveActivecR S1f14R S1f13ECID=2Control State ModelLocalRemoteEquipmentOff-lineHostOff-lineAttemptOn-lineccccOff-lineOn-lineOffline EQP cant communication with Host except S1F13,S1F17 andS2F42 .and SxFy reply S*F0.OffLine-OnLine need send S2F17 Date & Time RequestIf PTST LR or UR report ceid 200 203ECID=3Processing State DiagramINITIDLESETUPEXECUTINGREADYPAUSEHProcessing StateSTOPABORTcompletedPAUSEalarmRESUMELimit State ModelDISABLEDBELOW LIMITNO ZONEABOVE LIMITCENABLEDState Diagram for Alarm ALIDnAlarmClearAlarmSetS5F1 Alarm Report Sent S5F3 Enable/Disable Alarm Send(EAS) S5F103 Current Alarm Set List Request transactionTransaction Definition A transaction forms the basis for all information exchanges in SECS-II. A transaction consists of either a primary message for which no reply is requested, or a primary message which requests a reply together with its corresponding secondary message. Secondary messages cannot request a reply. System BytesT3 TimeOut S*F0,S6F1,S9F* no Reply messageconversationA conversation is a series of one or more related transactions used to complete a specific task. Conversation Timeout(S9F13)Sessionsession a relationship established between two entities for the purpose of exchanging HSMS messages.session ID a 16-bit unsigned integer which identifies a particular session between particular session entities.Session ID = Device ID个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论
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