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必修1 Unit 1Friendship 教材部分 第一部分 基础考点讲析 调查;测验 松的;松开的 连续;系列 打雷;雷鸣 雷;雷声 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 倾斜;翻倒 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 公路;大路 项目;条款 交换outdoors indoors pack teenager teenagers grateful thankful dislike upset calm calmly calmness concern concerned concerning suffer suffering ignore ignorant ignorance entire entirely power powerful powerless settle settlement settler recover recovery disagree agree agreement up down through down on in of with in in to from While walking the dog made her diary her best friend its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Id seen the night face to facethere was a time when about/over/at It upsets me to It upset him that stayed/kept calm calm her down quiet still calm silent As far as Im concerned concerned suffer from suffered defeat suffering to up to down to settle ignore ignorant recovery from 通过 经历 完成 仔细阅读 花完,用掉 aside down about with getting on of tired fell in is to win in listening accepted that Where is it that had rung have written Before before before before before/when when walking arguing telling it it with (in)finding ignore upsetting calmed settled suffered exactly disagreement entirely from about advertisingadvertised updown whichthat 去掉that along后加with set down went through got tired of get along with a series of on purpose fell in love with are concerned about add up face to face whom personal as to go They being it the since Unfortunately What we are concerned about first While traveling in Getting tired of In order to make more money it was because I was careless thatIt was the first time that There was a time when 谢谢观看!
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