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贵州省高中英语石琪英名师工作室学员邓昭斌汇报课选修七Unit-5Travellingabroad第一课时Warmingup&reading邓昭斌一生中至少要有两次冲动:一次为奋不顾身的爱情,一次为说走就走的旅行Inoneslife,thereshouldbeatleast2timesofimpulses.Onetimeforgetonesownforlove.AndtheothertimetakeleavewithoutdelayWarming up &ReadingSome beautiful pictures for you to appreciateunit 5 travelling abroad 要么读书,要么旅行,身体和灵魂,必须要么读书,要么旅行,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上(有一个在路上( to read or to travel,you must put your body or soul on the way)forajourney Do you like traveling? If you have enough time and money, where do you want to go most?美国大峡谷美国大峡谷 The Grand Canyon 新西兰新西兰 New Zealand巴黎巴黎 Paris Eiffel Tower The Niagaranar Falls America-Canada澳大利亚大堡礁澳大利亚大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef The Leaning Tower of Pisa ItalyThe Fuji Mountain JapanRed Square Russia Taj Mahal India The Pyramids prmdz Egypt what do you think of these beautiful scenery?Forbidden City ChinaNow we come back to our homelandChina.Now lets continue our travelling.Lets start our travelling from the Great Wall of China.thePotalaPalacelandscapeofguilinNow we come back to our hometownCaohai.black-neckedcraneRomantic CaohaiRomantic CaohaiRomantic CaohaiHandsome CaohaiAfterenjoyingsomanypictures,letsreturntoourquestions: Do you like traveling? If you have enough time and money, where do you want to go most and why?Suggested AnswersIf I have enough time and money, I want to go to Paris. Because Paris is a beautiful and romantic city. It has the most famouse churches and the most beautiful clothes in the world. It also has taken place the most romantice stories in the world. I will go sightseeing in the city. Then I am going shopping with my family members there. The world is getting smaller The world is getting smaller and smaller. We have more and and smaller. We have more and more opportunities to travel or more opportunities to travel or study abroad.study abroad. Travelling helps us learn a Travelling helps us learn a lot about local customs and lot about local customs and broaden our views. Besides, it broaden our views. Besides, it is relaxing and we can get rid is relaxing and we can get rid of our anxiety and stress. of our anxiety and stress. What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad?Travel abroadMoney ID cardTransportation Local conditions and customsAccommodation Weather Make plansApply for a visa1 Read some books about a new country2 Take your passport3 Take a dictionary if necessary4 Take a tourist map and a map of the country which you will travel around5Take enough money and your travellers cheque6 Take a camera7Take some medicine for stomachs and other illnesses8 Take some articles of clothingPossible suggestions:If you have a chance to study aboard, will you accept it or not?Do you want to go abroad for furthereducation?Oxford UniversityPrinceton UniversityCambridge UniversityYale UniversityImagination:Ifyouareofferedachancetostudyabroadforayear,wherewouldyouliketogo?耶鲁大学耶鲁大学 Yale University 总统的摇篮总统的摇篮 Princeton University 普林斯顿大普林斯顿大学学 美国政治家的摇篮美国政治家的摇篮 33位诺贝尔奖得主位诺贝尔奖得主 麻省理工学院麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 科技宠儿的摇篮科技宠儿的摇篮 剑桥大学剑桥大学 University of Cambridge 牛津大学牛津大学 University of Oxford Harvard UniversityThe University of Sydneyturtleoverseas studendt3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?Advantages Disadvantageshelp us to be independentbe easier to learn a foreign language broaden our viewsenrich our knowledge learn advanced technology have new experiencescost a lot of moneybe difficult to communicate with others be tiring to live in a new countrybe homesick and lonelyDo you know anyone who once studied in another country?Xu Zhimo and his famous poemSay Goodbye to Cambridge Again搜狐搜狐CEO张朝阳张朝阳1986年毕业于北京清华大学年毕业于北京清华大学物理系,同年考取李政道奖学金赴美留学物理系,同年考取李政道奖学金赴美留学;1993年底在美国麻省理工学院年底在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)获得博士获得博士学位,并继续在学位,并继续在MIT从事博士后研究从事博士后研究;麻省理工学院麻省理工学院 科技宠儿的摇篮科技宠儿的摇篮3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?Advantages Disadvantageshelp us to be independentbe easier to learn a foreign language broaden our viewsenrich our knowledge learn advanced technology have new experiencescost a lot of moneybe difficult to communicate with others be tiring to live in a new countrybe homesick and lonely You are going to read a magazine article about a Chinese student who goes to study in England. What do you think she will find different from studying at a Chinese school / university? What do you think she might find difficult? Keep it up, Xie LeiChinese student fitting in wellThe main ideaThe text is about an interviewwith Xie Lei, who is studyingbroad. She talks about her firstfew months at an English schoolSkimmingWhat is the main idea of the article? Give one sentence to describe it.It talks about the Chinese student Xie Leis experience in the UK.1. Read the text carefully and complete the form about Xie Leis life in England.Paragraph Main idea2She has to complete a business _. In her opinion, the preparation course is most _.3She has to get used to a whole new way of life.qualification beneficial课堂学习案课堂学习案ParagraphMain idea4She lives with a(n) _, which gives her the opportunity to learn more about _ and _ in the new country.5From the first _ she did for her tutor, she has understood that she has to give her own _and explain them by referring to other authors.6She feels much more _ in England and realizes its important to have a(n) _ between study and a(n) _.host family everyday life customs essay opinions at homebalance social life1. It was the first time that Xie Lei had left her home country.2. She has come to the England University to complete a literature qualification.3. Xie Lei lives in student apartments with her students4. Her classmates have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England5. Shes very excited but very nervous.businesswith a host familyHer tutor and her host familyXie Lei _ a plane for London six months ago to complete a business _. She is now halfway through the _ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a _ family, which gives her the_to learn more about everyday life and customsin her new country. boardedpreparationhostqualificationchance She wrote her first _ to her_, but she only got an E. Now she has got used to the life and she feels much more _ and is going to join a few university _ in order to have a _ between study and a social life. We wish Xie lei all the best in her_.essayclubsbalancetutorat homeenterprise1. Who does Xie Lei live with in England? A. Her classmates B. Herself C. A host family D. Her family2. Why does Xie Lei like to live with a host family? A. She feels lonely. B. She is afraid of the new life. C. She can make good preparations for her courses. D. She can learn more about life and customs about the country.3. What does Xie Lei try do to get used to the new life in England? A. Avoid rising a feeling of homesick. B. Join clubs and make new friends. C. Put her heart into her preparation course. D. Learn hard about the strange environment.4. What can we learn about Xie Lei from the passage? A. She is timid. B. She is brave. C. She is determined. D. She is honest.If you could go anywhere for further study in the world, which country would you like to visit and why? Underline the words, phrases or sentences that you dont understand.HomeworkGoodbye
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