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United StatesofAmerica1 Population: 300 million (Oct 17, 2006) Capital: Washington D. C. (District of Columbia哥伦比亚特区)General Survey2 Area: 9.3 million square kilometers (the fourth largest country in the world) The most famous river The Mississippi River 3 The largest lakes: The Great Lakes(大湖区) The mountains: the Rocky Mountains(落基山脉) states (50; 48 contiguous 2 non- contiguous - Alaska & Hawaii)45678 Symbols of America 9United States FlagStars and Stripes 10National Anthem the Star-Spangled Banner“national floral emblem”Rose11vThe idea; put forward by a French scholarvFor US; memorialize independence and human libertyFor more information, please visit http:/www.nps.gov/stli/12Barbie dollsva sample collection of Barbie dolls http:/www.barbie.com13Buffalo nickel1911; designer-sculptor James Earl Fraser the portrait on the “heads” side: a composite of three American Indians Iron Tail, Big Tree and Two Moons14the first “Buffalo” nickels; produced in February of 1913Two Moons died in 1917; Iron Tail and Big Tree in the 1920s1516uncertain how the character “Uncle Sam” was created; or who he was named afterprevailing theory; named after Samuel Wilsonduring the War of 1812; Wilson provided meat to the US Army; in barrels stamped with the initials “US”Supposedly; the initials “US” stood for “Uncle Sam” Wilson17Uncle Sam a figure symbolizing the USportrayed as a tall, white-haired man with a goateeoften dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat“Uncle Sam” to the US is “John Bull” to UK John BullUncle Sam18The Bald Eagle - An American Emblem19American Emblem美美国国国国徽徽20 designed by William Barton & Charles Thomsonon June, 6, 1782, be adopted by governmenteagle independence & freedom a shield with 13 stripes 13 states first join the federal, 1777olive branch & 13 arrows peace & self-defensescroll-Latin words “out of many, one”21National Motto In God We Trust22The CapitalThe White HouseThe Congress23Geographical Regions 1. New England 6 states of the Northeast Dairying is the most important farm activityThe birthplace of America 242. The Middle Atlantic states New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Marylan, and West Virginia a highly industrialized area famous for its financial, manufacturing253. The Midwest includes 12 stateslie in the northern part a major manufacturing region and the nations leading center of heavy industry 2627284. The American Southincludes 13 states. Agriculture; for long the chief occupation a humid subtropical climate; leading vacation resorts rich in mineral resources; one of the richest oil-producing regions in the world295. The Great PlainsLivestock raising; chief occupation Mining and industry; becoming important in the area because of the raw materials located there30
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