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Through the ages, the tai teenagers12345678 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 3638 39 40 41 42374344454647484950515253545556vA kind of animal, its from China ,its black and white. It likes bamboos.panda3015返回返回A kind of fruit, people like to eat in summer.It is sweet. It is green and black outside.watermelon3015返回返回An animal from South Africa .It lives on the grasslands(草原草原).lion3015返回返回A person works in a hospital. Patients like him very much.doctor/nurse3015返回返回A kind of fruit.It is red ,small and sweet.It has some black points on it .strawberry3015返回返回 piano3015An instrument ,muscians can play pleasant songs with it. Langlang is famous in the field. (n.)返回返回ball3015something round. (n.)返回返回A person who talks with people and works in a radio station. (n.)reporter 3015返回返回A person who design pictures, and workers build buildings with them. (n.)engineer3015返回返回A person who works in a plane and he drives it .pilot3015返回返回A person who makes a living by his books . He writes books . writer3015返回返回an animal which has a very long neck. It can eat leaves on tall trees.giraffe3015返回返回an animal which is from South Africa.It is small. It lives in the tree. It likes sleeping.koala 3015返回返回a month which begins with “F”.February3015返回返回very old, long long ago . (adj.)ancient3015返回返回The last month in a year.December3015返回返回Its a vegetable. It is red and round.tomato3015返回返回not easy to carry. (adj.)heavy3015返回返回A kind of exercise ,you do it every morning at school on the play ground. (v.)run 3015返回返回A kind of housework ,your mother always does it after meals.do the dishes3015返回返回We can only see it in winter. It is white. snow3015返回返回boat3015something built to travel on water that carries people or goods(商品商品). (n.)返回返回A place where many letters and mails are there. (n.)post office 3015返回返回A day in a week which begins with “w”. Wednesday 3015返回返回The third month of the year. (n.)March3015返回返回A day on which a person comes to the world. (n.)birthday3015返回返回A person who is over 18 years old.adult3015返回返回someone acting in a play or a show. (n.)actor3015返回返回How old a person. (n)age3015返回返回Help someone to make a decision. (v)advise3015返回返回A traveler in a boat or a bus or a plane. (n.)passenger3015返回返回A place where planes take off and land.airport3015返回返回wrong , not good . (adj.)bad3015返回返回 A place that keeps and lends money. (n.)bank3015返回返回 thing to sleep or rest on. (n.) bed3015返回返回not able to see something. (adj.)blind3015返回返回a machine for making fruit milk shake. (n)blender3015返回返回A kind of animal that often catches mice.cat3015返回返回bright3015giving much light; strong and clear in color. (adj.) 返回返回Dont like something or someone. (v)dislike3015返回返回A machine that shows time for us.clock/alarm/watch3015返回返回To move the body and feet with music. (v.)dance3015返回返回Not able to hear something. (adj)deaf3015返回返回To make something not open. (v.)close3015返回返回not the same. (adj.)different3015返回返回Make a hole in the ground. (v.)dig3015返回返回United States money. (n.)dollor3015返回返回job3015the work someone does to earn(赚赚) money. (n.)返回返回Not wet . (adj.)dry3015返回返回A kind of small animal that lives and can swim in water. We like eating it. (n.)fish3015返回返回A place of many trees. (n.)forest3015返回返回Not remember . (v.)forget3015返回返回joke3015something done or said to cause (引发引发)others to laugh. (n.) 返回返回letter3015A message written on paper. (n.)返回返回 A small mountain. (n.)hill3015返回返回invite3015To ask someone to take part in or join an event. (v.)返回返回
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