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Unit 2 My WeekB Lets talkMonMondaydayTueTuesdaysdayWedWednesdaynesdayThuThursdarsday yFriFridaydaySaturdaySaturdaySundaySundayChineseMathEnglishChineseEnglishEnglishEnglishChineseMathscienceMathComputerScienceMusicMathMusicArtComputerEnglishP.E.Which day do you like best?where?Do you often go to the park?Yes,I do . No,I dont .What do they do in this park?1.Sarah has a storybook.( )2.Sarah often read books in the park .( )3.Zhang Peng often play football in the park .( )4.They like the park very much .( )Listen and tick or cross自主学习自主学习 Listen ,read the dialogue . (Its Saturday afternoon)Zhang Peng : Hi,Sarah.Whats that ?Sarah:Its a storybook.Zhang Peng: Do you often read books in this park ?Sarah:No,I dont . Do you often play football here ?Zhang Peng: Yes,I do.I like this park very much .Sarah:Me too.Make a dialogue with your partner and act it out . 合作学习:合作学习:A:Hi,.Whats that ?B:Its a .A:Do you often .in this.?B:No,Idont. / Yes,Ido.Do you often.here ?A: Yes,Ido. I like this.very much .B:Me too.活动活动: play ping-pong play football read books listen to music do homework draw pictures 场景场景:park library gym当堂检测:当堂检测:( )Yes, I do .I like this park very much .( )No,I dontt .Do you often play football here ?( )Me too.( )Its a storybook .( )Do you often read books in this park ?( )Hi, Sarah.Whats that ?Put the sentences in right order.546231summary:句型:句型:Do you often .?Yes,I do . No,I dont.Talk about your Saturday and Sunday with your friends . For the hard-working, a week has seven days; for the lazy ,seven tomorrows.勤奋的人,一个星期有七天;懒惰的人,勤奋的人,一个星期有七天;懒惰的人,一个星期有七个明天。一个星期有七个明天。 送给大家的话:送给大家的话:What do you often do in this park ?I often .
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