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Unit 5 Lets eat!PEP三年级上册Lets learn & Lets do一、给下列单词选择正确的图片。 () 1.waterA. B. () 2.cake A. B. AA () 3.fishA. B. () 4.rice A. B. BB二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。() 1. A. cat B. cake C. bread() 2. A. juice B. water C. meat() 3. A. fish B. face C. foot() 4. A. rice B. egg C. bear() 5. A. monkey B. milk C. dogABCAC三、给下列句子选择对应的图片。() 1.Eat some fish. () 2.Cut the cake.() 3.Drink some water. () 4.Have some rice. A. B. C. D. BCDA四、选择正确的译文。() 1. 喝点水吧。 A. Drink some milk. B. Drink some water. () 2. 切蛋糕。 A. Cut the cake. B. Have the cake. () 3. 吃些鱼吧。 A. Eat some rice. B. Eat some fish. ABB() 4. 我想要些果汁。 A. Id like some juice. B. I like some juice. () 5. 吃点面包吧。 A. Drink some bread. B. Have some bread. AB五、根据情景选择正确的答案。() 1. A:Can I have some water, please? B:_ A. Here you are. B. Youre welcome. () 2. A:_ B:Have some cake. A. Thank you. B. Mum, Im hungry!AB() 3. A:_ some milk. B:Thanks. A. Drink B. Eat() 4. A:Id like_ egg. B:Here you are. A. some B. anAB Thank you!
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