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五年级下册英语第二单元五年级下册英语第二单元复习复习一单项选择1( ) I can play_ in the snow. A. on B. in C. to 2( )_ do you like summer?-Because I like summer vacation. A. What B. When C. Why3( )I like spring . A. best B. to C. onBcA4 ( )Spring is green_ flowers and songs. A. with B. in C. for5( ) I like fall because the colours_ pretty. A. is B. are C. am 6( )There is _rain. A. lot of B. a lot C. lots ofABC7( )How many _are there in a year?- Four. A. season B. seasons C. day 8( )I like summer _ I can swim. A. but B. because C. on9( ) I like summer best because of_. A. Children Day B. Childrens Day C. Childrens Day BBC二词汇题1春天(英文)2 love(形容词)3 fall(同义词)4 all (中文)_5 leaf(复数) springlovely秋天全,完全leaves6 which(中文)7雪人(英文) 8为什么(英文)9季节(英文)10 because(中文)哪一个snowmanwhyseason因为三 连词成句1. lovely , colours , what(!) What lovely colours!2.do,you,like,winter,best,why(?)Why do you like winter best?3.I, can, all, day, because, sleep(.)Because I can sleep all day.4. play, can, I , the, snow, in(.)I can play in the snow.5.do, you ,which ,season, like, best(?)Which season do you like best?6. are ,there ,colours, beatiful (.)There are beatiful colours.7.everywhere, is ,snow, lots of, there(.)There is lots of snow everywhere.
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