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20122012年中考英语科(湘潭)试卷结构表年中考英语科(湘潭)试卷结构表结构结构 节节 内容内容 题量题量 分分 值值 时间(分钟)时间(分钟) 第一部分第一部分 听听 力力 共四节共四节听对话,听短文听对话,听短文202020 20 15 15 答问,填空答问,填空 第二部分第二部分 英语知识英语知识运用运用 第一节第一节 语法填空语法填空 10 10 10+10+10 10 10+10+8 8第二节第二节 完形填空完形填空10 10 第三部分第三部分 阅读技能阅读技能第一节第一节阅读判断阅读判断4 440405-75-7第二节第二节阅读选择阅读选择4 46-86-8第三节第三节阅读图表阅读图表4 43-43-4第四节第四节阅读答问阅读答问4 45-85-8第五节第五节摘录要点摘录要点4 44-64-6第四部分第四部分 书面表达书面表达 第一节第一节课文填空课文填空101010105 5第二节第二节英汉互译英汉互译 5 510 10 7 7第三节第三节 补全对话补全对话5 510105 5第四节第四节书面表达书面表达1 1101010-1510-15总总 计计 8181120120100100.完形填空题简介完形填空题简介 这个题型有这个题型有1010个个小题,分值小题,分值1010分分。它将一。它将一篇完整的文章中一部分挖空,每空都给出三个篇完整的文章中一部分挖空,每空都给出三个选项,要求学生根据上下文意思,选一个最佳选项,要求学生根据上下文意思,选一个最佳答案填空,使文章变得完整通顺。答案填空,使文章变得完整通顺。 1. 1.该题材料为一篇该题材料为一篇150150字左右字左右的短文。的短文。 2.2.考生读完文章后考生读完文章后, ,根据所挖的空选择正确根据所挖的空选择正确的选项。的选项。 3. 3. 主要测试考生对英语基础知识的掌握情主要测试考生对英语基础知识的掌握情况和学生综合理解运用语言的能力。况和学生综合理解运用语言的能力。1 1、看不懂文章、看不懂文章2 2、不会辩词意、不会辩词意3 3、不能理解文章的语境,、不能理解文章的语境, 不能前后文整体的理解不能前后文整体的理解 要求:要求:要求学生在要求学生在读懂文章读懂文章的基础上,选择的基础上,选择正确的选项填空。正确的选项填空。难点:难点:. .解题要求及难点解题要求及难点. . 解题技巧解题技巧一找语境一找语境, ,并抓提示词并抓提示词联系上下文语境就能比较容易做出判断。联系上下文语境就能比较容易做出判断。(湘考王)(湘考王)31.Mrs Brown was a housewife who 31.Mrs Brown was a housewife who lived in a small town near a big farm. One day lived in a small town near a big farm. One day she finished her _,she went to her small she finished her _,she went to her small shop.shop. 36.we usually don 36.we usually dont do them _ we think t do them _ we think theytheyre of little importance. re of little importance. 31.A.homework B. housework C. work31.A.homework B. housework C. work36.A. so B. but C. because36.A. so B. but C. becauseB_C36.we think theyre of little importance_we usually dont do them.A.解题技巧解题技巧(湘考王)(湘考王)It is five kilometers away from here to It is five kilometers away from here to the (37)_,it will take 10 minutes.the (37)_,it will take 10 minutes.根据整篇文章的语境才能做出判断。根据整篇文章的语境才能做出判断。40.A. bank B. airport C. office40.A. bank B. airport C. office一找语境一找语境BTom stopped a taxi to catch the flight(文章开始)The flight wont take off(文中)Because I am the pilot of the flight.(文末)(2011中考题)中考题)31. 31. More and more people are becoming interested in the internet. They have formed a bad habit. In fact, the bad habit has become a (31) Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD网络综合症)网络综合症). 经典回顾经典回顾联系上下文就能比较联系上下文就能比较容易做出判断。容易做出判断。31 A. disease(疾病)B. task(任务) C. ruleA提示词提示词 一找语境并抓提示词一找语境并抓提示词(2011中考题)中考题) Staying (32) for more than six hours a day instead of working or studying, 经典回顾经典回顾根据整篇文章的语根据整篇文章的语境才能做出判断。境才能做出判断。32 A .at home B. online C. in schoolMore and more people are becoming interested in the internet. They .(文章开始)Internet addiction(上瘾) is (34) in China now. .(文中)What causes IAD? Some people believe that Its the lack(缺乏) of family care. .(文中)How can people stay away from IAD? Don t get online any more, go back to the real world and if it doesnt work, go to see the (40)_,.(文末)B.解题技巧解题技巧二辩词义二辩词义(湘考王湘考王) 注意区分三个选项词义的不同注意区分三个选项词义的不同. .32.A.looked B. saw C. walked32.A.looked B. saw C. walked38.A.job B. work C. reason38.A.job B. work C. reason32.she opened the window of the shop and 32.she opened the window of the shop and _outside, she liked to see the green farm._outside, she liked to see the green farm.38.The most important _for using the 38.The most important _for using the dictionary is to find the meaning of the word.dictionary is to find the meaning of the word. Ac. . 审题技巧审题技巧二辩词义二辩词义 注重区分短语不同搭配的不同意思与用法。注重区分短语不同搭配的不同意思与用法。A. often B. many C. muchA. often B. many C. much (模二)(模二)It is not easy to decide how _to It is not easy to decide how _to tip(tip(小费)小费)waiters or taxi driver. waiters or taxi driver. (湘考王)湘考王)Ifyou_theword“color”inadictionary,youwillfindtwospellingsforthisword.A .look up B. look after c .look likecA常考易混词区分常考易混词区分动词类动词类1.take,bring,fetch2.speak,say,talk,tell3.cost,spend,pay,take,4.puton,dress,wear,5.watch,see,find,look6.discover,invent7.family,house,home8.sound,voice,noise9.work,job,10.advice,suggestion.名词类名词类其他其他:11.besides,expect12.across,through13.between,among14.because,so,howerver15.and,but,or16.since,until,before,after.17.with,without补充补充:点滴知识贵在积累点滴知识贵在积累检测大比拼检测大比拼1.Dontforgetto_”thankyou”whensomeonehelpedyou.2.Tomlikesto_jokes.3.Weoften_aboutourschoolrules.1.Theweatherisgettingcold,_yoursweater,please.2.Wehaveto_schooluniformseveryday.3.Mysonisoldenoughto_himself.1.Thatcomputer_me4000yuan.2.I_4000yuanonthatcomputer.3.I_4000yuanforthatcomputer.4.It_me2hourstofinishmyhomeworkyesterday.1.Alicehasahappy_.2.Shehasabeautiful_withabiggarden.3.Sheoftengoes_at6:00pm.saytelltalkputonweardresscostspentpaidtookfamilyhousehome常考易混短语区分常考易混短语区分takeputturnlookcomeused补充补充.away拿走out拿出来off脱下来care of照顾after与相像on穿上 up 张贴,举起away收起来 out熄灭up调大 down 调小on 打开off关掉like 看起来像up 向上看at 朝看after照顾out 出版,出现from来自于 up with想出in 进来on 加油used to do过去常常be/get used to doing习惯于be used to do被用来做be used for doing被用来做常考易混短语区分常考易混短语区分whathow补充补充.color什么颜色time什么时候size多大尺码kind of什么种类about关于 怎么样often多久一次long多长soon多快much多少(不可数名词)many多少(可数名词)far多远about 关于 怎么样(2011中考题)中考题)A recent research (35) that 42% Of Chinese young people get quite interested in the web, 35经典回顾经典回顾正确区分词意正确区分词意 They are only told to (38) hard at school, but few really care about their personal interest .So some children would like to keep (39) away from the real world.38. A. study B. play C. think39 A. themselves B. yourselves C. ourselvesAAA35. A. shows B. notices C. knows正确区分词意正确区分词意(2010中考题)中考题)经典回顾经典回顾注意区分动词与不同介词搭配注意区分动词与不同介词搭配的意思就能比较容易做出判断。的意思就能比较容易做出判断。There Sally plays _ the other kids. A .for B. with C. atWe didnt talk _that day for many years. A. to B. with C. aboutBC.解题技巧解题技巧三三知知生活常识并找准生活常识并找准提示词提示词(湘考王)(湘考王) 在理解词意的基础上注重平时生活常识的积累在理解词意的基础上注重平时生活常识的积累31.A.notebook B. newspaper C .textbooks31.A.notebook B. newspaper C .textbooks It is not easy to find a public place without It is not easy to find a public place without advertisements now. We can see them advertisements now. We can see them in_ on TV, and hear them over the radio.in_ on TV, and hear them over the radio.B_(2011中考题)中考题)经典回顾经典回顾找准提示词后根据生找准提示词后根据生活常识就能活常识就能比较容做出判断。比较容做出判断。40A.friendB.teacherC.doctorCHow can people stay away from IAD网络综合症网络综合症? Don t get online any more, go back to the real world and if it doesnt work, go to see the (40)_,_(模二)模二)In a foreign country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a (35)_.35A.schoolB.shopC.restaurantC_302928272625242322212019181715中考题实战演练中考题实战演练.解题步骤解题步骤 完型填空三步走完型填空三步走1 1)通读全文,了解大意。)通读全文,了解大意。首句通常不挖空,首句通常不挖空,重视并细读每段重视并细读每段首首句,句,可判断文章的体裁和预测文章的主旨大意可判断文章的体裁和预测文章的主旨大意。2 2)瞻前顾后,谨慎选择)瞻前顾后,谨慎选择 一找语境一找语境( (上下文语境或整篇语境上下文语境或整篇语境) )并抓提示词并抓提示词二辩词义二辩词义( (单个词义或短语意思单个词义或短语意思) )三知生活常识并找准提示词三知生活常识并找准提示词3 3)复读全文,清除疏漏)复读全文,清除疏漏 理解是基础理解是基础,选择是关键选择是关键,检查有必要检查有必要.30292827262524232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100重视并必读每段首句,可预测文章主旨大意重视并必读每段首句,可预测文章主旨大意中考题实战演练中考题实战演练BccABAAccA31知生活常识知生活常识32辩词义辩词义33辩词义找语境辩词义找语境34辩词义辩词义35辩短语辩短语36知生活常识知生活常识37找语境找语境38找语境找语境39知生活常识知生活常识40知生活常识知生活常识实战演练实战演练20102010中考题中考题Practice makes perfect!(熟能生巧)(熟能生巧) 巩固练习巩固练习(湘考王(湘考王104第三组)第三组)实战演练实战演练20102010中考题中考题BCCABACAAC知生活常识知生活常识辩词义辩词义辩词义找语境辩词义找语境辩词义辩词义辩短语辩短语知生活常识知生活常识找语境找语境找语境找语境知生活常识知生活常识知生活常识知生活常识HomeworkHomeworkPlease finish passages on the paper. Boys and girls:Do remember the steps!Do more exercises!Practice makes perfect! 解题技巧解题技巧1.通读全文,掌握大意。通读全文,掌握大意。通读全文以了解文章内容、结构为目的。完形填空题首通读全文以了解文章内容、结构为目的。完形填空题首先是测试理解能力,所有的题目只有在比较准确的理解先是测试理解能力,所有的题目只有在比较准确的理解短文意思,了解其文章结构和句子结构后,才有把握去短文意思,了解其文章结构和句子结构后,才有把握去填写。填写。
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