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Reading 1Great people Thomas EdisonChristopher ColumbusWilliam Shakespeare Nelson Mandela Peter Tchaikovsky Qian Xuesen查查an inventorcreate over 1,000 inventions一位发明家一位发明家创造了一千多项发明创造了一千多项发明爱迪生从小就对发明感兴趣。爱迪生从小就对发明感兴趣。Edison was interested in inventing when he was very young.他发明了如此多的有用的东西以至于人们的生活他发明了如此多的有用的东西以至于人们的生活得到了很大改善。得到了很大改善。He invented so many useful things that peoples lives improved a lot.一位总统一位总统一名为一名为权利斗争的斗士权利斗争的斗士曼德拉一生都致力于为非洲黑人争取权利而斗争。曼德拉一生都致力于为非洲黑人争取权利而斗争。Mandela devoted all his life to fighting for the rights of black Africans.那位女总统也是一位为妇女权利斗争的斗士。大家都很尊敬她。那位女总统也是一位为妇女权利斗争的斗士。大家都很尊敬她。The woman president is also a fighter for the rights of women. And everyone respects her very much.a presidenta fighter for the rights of.一位探险家一位探险家第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一第一批发现美洲的欧洲人之一那个名叫哥伦布的探险家是个意大利人。那个名叫哥伦布的探险家是个意大利人。The explorer called Columbus was an Italian.图片上的农民是首批在美洲生活的欧洲人。图片上的农民是首批在美洲生活的欧洲人。The farmers in the picture were the first Europeans to live in America.an explorerone of the first Europeans to discover AmericaWho is he?What did he do?Neil Armstrongthe first man walked on the Moon导导Neil Armstrongan astronautn.宇航员宇航员学学Neil Armstrongthe first man to walk on the moonthe Apollo11a spacecraftn.宇宙飞船;宇宙飞船;航天器航天器What do you know about Neil Armstrong (阿姆斯阿姆斯特特) and Apollo 11 (阿波罗阿波罗11号号)? 尼尔尼尔奥尔登奥尔登阿姆斯特朗阿姆斯特朗( (Neil Alden Armstrong,19301930年年8 8月月5 5日日) )曾是一位宇航曾是一位宇航员、试飞员、海军飞行员以及大学教授。员、试飞员、海军飞行员以及大学教授。 在美国国家航空航天局服役时,阿姆斯特在美国国家航空航天局服役时,阿姆斯特朗成为了第一个踏上月球的宇航员。朗成为了第一个踏上月球的宇航员。 双子星双子星8 8号是阿姆斯特朗的首次太空任务,号是阿姆斯特朗的首次太空任务,在这次任务中,他和大卫在这次任务中,他和大卫斯科特执行了历史斯科特执行了历史上第一次轨道对接。上第一次轨道对接。 19691969年年7 7月月2020日,在执行他的第二次,也日,在执行他的第二次,也是最后一次太空任务阿波罗是最后一次太空任务阿波罗1111号时,阿姆斯特号时,阿姆斯特朗迈出了朗迈出了“人类的一大步人类的一大步”。他与搭档巴兹。他与搭档巴兹奥尔德林一道在月球表面停留了两个半小时。奥尔德林一道在月球表面停留了两个半小时。 阿波罗阿波罗1111号是第一艘载人探月宇宙号是第一艘载人探月宇宙飞船。此行的目的是人类登陆月球并安飞船。此行的目的是人类登陆月球并安全返回。全返回。 飞船登陆的月球表面区域称为静海,飞船登陆的月球表面区域称为静海,宇航员们收集了月球表面的岩石,并把宇航员们收集了月球表面的岩石,并把美国国旗和一块牌子插在月球上。牌子美国国旗和一块牌子插在月球上。牌子上写着:公元上写着:公元19691969年年7 7月来自地球的人类月来自地球的人类首次登上月球,我们是为人类的和平而首次登上月球,我们是为人类的和平而来。来。a footprintone small step for a man,one giant leap for mankindn.一步一步adj.巨大的;伟大的巨大的;伟大的n.跳跃跳跃n.人类人类on the moons surfacen.表面表面这是个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步这是个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步pilots licence飞行执照飞行执照a piece of paper that shows you are allowed to do sth.pilotlicencenavyservetestaircraftastronautspacecraftspinn. 飞行员飞行员vt. 执照,许可证执照,许可证n. 海军海军vi.&vt. 服役;服务,招待服役;服务,招待vt. 测试;检验测试;检验n. 飞机,航空器飞机,航空器n. 宇航员宇航员n. 宇宙飞船,航天器宇宙飞船,航天器vi. 快速旋转快速旋转controlout of controlordercut shortPacificoceanlandstepn. 控制,支配控制,支配失去控制,无法管理失去控制,无法管理n. 命令,指挥,要求命令,指挥,要求缩短缩短adj. 太平洋的太平洋的n. 海洋海洋vt.&vi. (使使)着陆,着陆,(使使)降落降落n. 一步一步giantleapmankindstepsurfacefurthercitizenprideadj. 巨大的;伟大的巨大的;伟大的n. 跳跃;跃升跳跃;跃升n. 人类人类vi. 走,跨步走,跨步n. 表面;表层表面;表层adj. 更多的,更进一步的更多的,更进一步的n. 公民;市民公民;市民n. 骄傲;可引以为豪的人骄傲;可引以为豪的人(或物或物) Simon has read the article about Neil Armstrong, but he does not know some of the words. Help him find out the meaning of the words. Circle the correct letters. (P 24)B1练练1. When did Armstrong become interested in flying?2.What did he do after he became a test pilot?When he took his first flight at the age of six.He flew over 1,100 hours and tested all types of aircraft.Read P1-2练练Read P3Astronaut(s):_Title(头衔头衔): _Mission(任务任务):_ Accident: _Solution: _Gemini 8Neil Armstrong and David Scottcommand pilot (Neil) joined two spacecraft together.the spacecraft began spinning out of controlcut the flight shortbrought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean(解决方案解决方案)Find out the mistakesOn 20 June 1969,Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Gemini 8 on the Moon.He said the famous words“one small step for (a) man,one giant leap for humans ” as he stepped out onto the Moons surface.(3个错误)个错误)Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon for about three and a half hours.They collected Moon plants to take back to the Earth for further research.When Apollo 11 returned, the Americans was waiting to greet them.They were heroes.(3个错个错误)误)Read P4-5JulyApollo11mankindtworockswhole worldRead P6What award was Armstrong presented ?the Medal of Freedom (总统)自由勋章总统)自由勋章the highest award that a US citizen can receiveHe was the pride of the whole worldB2,Skim the text again and finishing the table(B2)Neil Armstrong1930: born in _,the USA1936: took his _1946: received his student_1949: joined_1955: became _1962: became_1966: went into _with David Scott1969: became the first man to walk on _Ohiofirst flightpilots licencethe navya test pilotan astronautspacethe MoonScan the text again, check if Simon remembers everything correctly.(B3)1.The Gemini 8 flight was a great success. 2.Gemini 8 landed in the western Pacific Ocean .3.Three men from Apollo11walked on the moon together.4.The astronauts took some Moon plants back to earth.5.Neil Armstrong received the Medal of Citizen.FTFFF1.When did Armstrong became interested in flying?When he took his first flight at the age of six.2.How old was Armstrong when he became an astronaut?He was 32years old.3.What did Armstrong do when the spacecraft was out of control during his first trip into space?He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the Western Pacific Ocean.Read the text carefully and answer the questions about Armstrong (B4).Millie is asking Simon some questions about Neil Armstrong. Help Simon answer her questions. Use the information on pages 22 and 23 to help you.4 What was the first spacecraft to land on the Moon?_5 How long did Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the Moon? _6 What did Armstrong mean by his famous words “ one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind”? _Apollo 11.For about two and a half hours.It was one small step on the Moons surface for Armstrong, but for mankind, it meant a great achievement in space technology.对一个人来说这是一小步,但对整个人类对一个人来说这是一小步,但对整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞跃。来说却是一次巨大的飞跃。Name:Date of birth:Place of birth:Major events:Neil Armstrong 5 August 1930Ohio, the USAat 6:at 16:took his first flightreceived his student pilots licenceyoungRetell something about Armstrong.测测1949:1962:1966:20 July 1969:joined the navywas chosen to be an astronautwent into spacewalked on the MoonAwards:Medal of FreedomRetell something about Armstrong.Neil Armstrong was born on 5 August 1930 in Ohio, the USA. He showed an _ in flying when he took his first _ at the age of six. He received his student _ _ when he was 16. In 1962, he was _ to become an _. In 1966 he went into space as _ pilot of Gemini 8. On 20 July 1969, Armstrong became the first man to _ _ _ _. He and Aldrin collected _ _ to take back to the Earth for further _. Because of his excellent _, Neil Armstrong was _ the Medal of Freedom, the highest award that a US _ can receive. He was the _ of the whole world.interestflightpilots licencechosenastronautcommandwalk on the Moon Moon rocks research servicepresentedcitizenprideHomework1.Remember the new words and expressions.2.Read the article and try to recite it.3.Finish off the exercises.1.Remember the words and expressions in this lesson.2. Preview Grammar.
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