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1ppt课件.+ +安装安装安装安装+ +编程编程编程编程+ +参数参数参数参数 0-* 0-* 操作和显示操作和显示操作和显示操作和显示 1-*1-*负载和电机负载和电机负载和电机负载和电机 2-*2-*制动制动制动制动 3-*3-*参考值参考值参考值参考值/ /加减速加减速加减速加减速 4-*4-*限制限制限制限制/ /警告警告警告警告 5-*5-*数字输入数字输入数字输入数字输入/ /输出输出输出输出 6-*6-*模拟输入模拟输入模拟输入模拟输入/ /输出输出输出输出 7-*PID7-*PID控制器控制器控制器控制器 13-*13-*智能逻辑控制器智能逻辑控制器智能逻辑控制器智能逻辑控制器 14-*14-*特殊功能特殊功能特殊功能特殊功能 15-*15-*变频器信息变频器信息变频器信息变频器信息 16-*16-*数据读出数据读出数据读出数据读出 17-*17-*编码器编码器编码器编码器 警告警告警告警告(WARNING)(WARNING)和报警和报警和报警和报警(ALARM)(ALARM) 选件和附件选件和附件选件和附件选件和附件2ppt课件.MMe ec ch ha an ni ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nBack to content3ppt课件.MMe ec ch ha an ni ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nBack to content4ppt课件.MMe ec ch ha an ni ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nBack to content5ppt课件.E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on n强电端子强电端子电机端子电源端子制动及负载共享 继电器 LC滤波器外部24V供电Back to content6ppt课件.E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nControlteminalsBack to content7ppt课件.E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nTension spring technology接线拆线连接Back to content8ppt课件.E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nControl Terminal DiagramBack to content9ppt课件.E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on nBack to content10ppt课件.E El le ec ct tr ri ic ca al l I In ns st ta al ll la at ti io on n开关开关 S201, S202, and S801开关 S201 (A53) 、 S202 (A54) 用来选择53/54端子的电流 (0-20 mA) 或电压输入(-10 to 10V) 开关 S801 (BUS TER.) 是 RS-485 口的终端电阻开关 (terminals 68 and 69).默认值:S201 (A53) = OFF (电压 input)S202 (A54) = OFF (电压 input)S801 (终端电阻) = OFF断电状态下拨动开关,断电状态下拨动开关,断电状态下拨动开关,断电状态下拨动开关,拨动时最好摘下面板的底托,拨动时最好摘下面板的底托,拨动时最好摘下面板的底托,拨动时最好摘下面板的底托,小心用力!小心用力!小心用力!小心用力!Back to content11ppt课件.亮Status暗Status 显示亮度显示亮度OOp pe er ra at ti in ng g I In ns st tr ru uc ct ti io on n14-22工作模式工作模式14-50射频干扰滤波器射频干扰滤波器15-43软件版本软件版本恢复出厂值恢复出厂值按住同时上电,保持5秒(or P.14-22)OkMainMenuStatusOr press for 3s MainMenuQuickMenu快捷快捷(direct access)MainMenuMainMenu-Key1 x pushing - last changed Parameter2 x pushing - MainmenuImportant settings:Back to content12ppt课件.0-01 Language1 EnglishUser-Menu0-01 Language1 EnglishCommissioning-MQ4 Last 10Q5 All ChangesList of changesSpeed RPMCurrent AOutput kWFrequency HzProtokolleProtocolsOkBackQQu ui ic ck k MMe en nu uQ1User-MenuQ2Commissioning-MenuQ3List of changed parameter Q4 Last 10 changes Q5 All changesQ6Protocols0-01 Language1 EnglishLast 10 Changes0-01 Language1 EnglishAll ChangesOkBackQ1 User-MenuQ2 CommissioningQ3 List of changesQ6 ProtocolsQuickmenuBack to content13ppt课件.MMe en nu u S St tr ru uc ct tu ur re eMainMenuMaingroup-choiseGroup 2-*Group 2-*Group 16-*Group 16-*Group 1-*Group 1-*Group 0-*Group 0-* 0-*Operation/Display1-*Motor/Load2-*Brake function3-*Reference/Ramps4-*Limits/Warnings5-*Digitale In-/Outputs6-*Analoge In-/Outputs7-*Closed Loop8-*Options/Interfaces13-*Smart Logic14-*Special Functions15-*Triplog/Maintenance16-*Data readoutsUndergroup-choise2-0*2-0*2-2*2-2* 16-0*16-0*16-8*16-8* 1-0*1-0*1-8*1-8*0-0*0-0*0-6*0-6* OkBack 0-040-04 0-010-010-660-66 0-600-601-011-01 1-001-001-811-81 1-801-802-032-03 2-002-002-232-23 2-202-2016-0616-06 16-0016-0016-8616-86 16-8016-80Parameter-choiseOkBackBack to content14ppt课件.0-*Operation/Disp1-*Motor/Load2-*Brakefunctio3-*Ref./RampsMaimenuMainMenuE Ex xa ammp pl le e1-00 Configura0 Open LoopDefaultsettings1-20Motordata4 kwMotordataOkBack1-0*Defaultset1-2*Motordata1-3*Motordata(1-4*TemperaturLoad/Motor2-0*DC-Hold / DC .2-1*Overvoltage2-2*Mech. BrakeBrakefunctionen16-0*Readout-All16-1*Readout-M16-3*Readout F16-5*Readout-SDate readouts0-o*Defaultsett0-1*Parameterset0-2*LCP-Display0-3*LCP KeysDisplay/OperationOkBackMainMenuBack to content15ppt课件.ParameterArray NumberFunction3-100 Preset Ref. 11 Preset Ref. 22 Preset Ref. 33 Preset Ref. 44 Preset Ref. 55 Preset Ref. 66 Preset Ref. 77 Preset Ref. 8AAr rr ra ay y P Pa ar ra amme et te er rArray NumberArray Value0 RPM 0.00 A 1(1)0 RPM 0.00 A 1(1)ReferencesReferences3-10 Preset Ref.3-10 Preset Ref.000,00%0,00% References References 3-1*OkOk0 RPM 0.00 A 1(1)0 RPM 0.00 A 1(1)ReferencesReferences3-10 Preset Ref.3-10 Preset Ref.000,00%0,00% References References 3-1*BackBackCancelorOkor0 RPM 0.00 A 1(1)0 RPM 0.00 A 1(1)ReferencesReferences3-10 Preset Ref.3-10 Preset Ref.000,00%0,00% References References 3-1*Array InputBack to content16ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-01 LanguageValue:* *English(ENGLISH) 0German(DEUTSCH)1French(FRANCAIS)2Danish(DANSK) 3Spanish(ESPANOL) 4Italian(ITALIANO) 5Swedish(SWEDISH) 6Dutch(DUTCH) 7Chinese(CHINESE) 10Finnish(FINNISH) 20English US(ENGLISH US) 22Greek(GREEK) 27Portuguese(PORTUGUESE) 28Slovenian(SLOVENIAN) 36Korean(KOREAN) 39Japanese(JAPANESE) 40Turkish(TURKISH) 41Traditional Chinese 42Bulgarian 43Serbian 44Romanian(ROMANIAN) 45Hungarian(HUNGARIAN) 46Czech 47Polish(POLISH) 48Russian 49Thai 50Bahasa Indonesian(BAHASA INDONESIAN) 510-0* Operation / DisplayParameters related to the fundamental functions of the frequency converter, function of the LCPbuttons and configuration of the LCP display.0-0* Basic SettingsParameter group for basic frequency converter settings.Back to content17ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-02 Motor Speed UnitValue:* * RPM 0 Hz 1Select display of motor speed parameters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in terms of shaft speed (RPM) or output frequency to the motor (Hz). Back to content0-03 Regional SettingsValue:* * International 0 US 1Select International 0 to set par.1-20 Motor Power units to kW and the default value of par. 1-23 Motor Frequency to 50 Hz. Select US 1 to set par.1-21 Motor Power units to HP and the default value of par. 1-23 Motor Frequency to 60 Hz.18ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-10 Active Set-upValue:0-1* Set-up OperationsDefine and control the individual parameter setups. Factory setup 0* Set-up 1 1 Set-up 2 2 Set-up 3 3 Set-up 4 4 Multi set-up 9Select the set-up to control the frequency converter functions.Factory Set-up 0 cannot be changed. It contains the Danfoss data set, and can be used as a data source when returning the other set-ups to a known state.Set-up 1 1 to Set-up 4 4 are the four separate parameter set-ups within which all parameters can be programmed.Select Active Set-up 9 for remote selection of set-ups using digital inputs and the serial communication port. This set-up uses the settings from par. 0-12 This option linked to. Stop the frequency converter before making changes to open loop and closed loop functions. Use par. 0-51 Set-up copy to copy a set-up to one or all other set-ups. Stop the frequency converter before switching between set-ups where parameters Stop the frequency converter before switching between set-ups where parameters marked not changeable during operation have different values. To avoid conflicting marked not changeable during operation have different values. To avoid conflicting settings of the same parameter within two different setups, link the set-ups together settings of the same parameter within two different setups, link the set-ups together using par. 0-12 using par. 0-12 This set-up linked toThis set-up linked to. Parameters which are not changeable during . Parameters which are not changeable during operation are marked FALSE in the parameter lists in the section operation are marked FALSE in the parameter lists in the section Parameter ListsParameter Lists. .Back to content19ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-11 Edit Set-upValue:Select the set-up to be edited (i.e. programmed) during operation; either the active set-up or one of the inactive set-ups. Factory set-up 0 cannot be edited but it is useful as a data source to return the other set-ups to a known state. Set-up 1 1 to Set-up 4 4 can be edited freely during operation, independently of the active set-up. The Active set-up 9 can also be edited during operation. Edit the chosen set-up from a range of sources: LCP, FC RS485, FC USB or up to five fieldbus sites. Factory setup 0* Set-up 1 1 Set-up 2 2 Set-up 3 3 Set-up 4 4 Active set-up 9Back to content20ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-12 This Set-up Linked toValue:To enable conflict-free changes from one set-up to another during operation, link set-ups containing parameters which are not changeable during operation.The link will ensure synchronising of the not changeable during operation parameter values when moving from one set-up to another during operation. Not changeable during operation parameters can be identified by the label FALSE in the parameter lists in the section Parameter Lists. The par. 0-12 link set-up feature is used by Multiset-up in par. 0-10 Active Set-up. Multi set-up is used to move from one set-up to another during operation (i.e. while the motor is running). * * Not linked 0 Set-up 1 1 Set-up 2 2 Set-up 3 3 Set-up 4 4Back to content21ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-12 This Set-up Linked toValue:Example:Example:Use Multi set-up to shift from Set-up 1 to Set-up2 whilst the motor is running. Programme in Setup1 first, then ensure that Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are synchronised (or .linked.). Synchronisation can be performed in two ways:1. Change the edit set-up to Set-up 2 2 in par.0-11 Edit Set-up and set par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to to Set-up 1 1. This will start the linking (synchronising) process.OR2. While still in Set-up 1, copy Set-up 1 to Set-up2. Then set par. 0-12 to Set-up 2 2. This will start the linking process.After the link is complete, par. 0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups will read 1,2 to indicate that all not changeable during operation parameters on are now the same in Set-up 1 and Set-up 2. If there are changes to a .not changeable during operation. parameter, e.g. par 1-30 Stator Resistance (rs), in Set-up 2, they will also be changed automatically in Set-up 1. A switch between Setup 1 and Set-up 2 during operation is now possible.Back to content22ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-13 Readout: Linked Set-upsValue:Array 50-255* * 0View a list of all the set-ups linked by means of par. 0-12 This Set-up Linked to. The parameter has one index for each parameter set-up. Each set-up shows the set-up bitset to which it is linked.Back to content23ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-2* LCP DisplayDefine the display in the Graphical Logic Control Panel.None 0Profibus Warning Word 953Readout Transmit Error Counter 1005Readout Receive Error Counter 1006Readout Bus Off Counter 1007Warning Parameter 1013Running Hours 1501kWh Counter 1502Control Word 1600Reference Unit 1601Reference % 1602Status Word 1603Main Actual Value % 1605Custom Readout 1609Power kW 1610Power hp 1611Motor Voltage 1612Frequency 1613Motor Current 1614Frequency % 1615Torque 1616* * Speed RPM 1617Motor Thermal 1618KTY Sensor Temperature 1619Motor Angle 1620Phase Angle 1621 Torque % 1622DC Link Voltage 1630BrakeEnergy/s 1632BrakeEnergy/2 min 1633Heatsink Temp. 1634Inverter Thermal 1635Inv. Nom. Current 1636Inv. Max. Current 1637SL Control State 1638Control Card Temp. 1639External Reference 1650Pulse Reference 1651Feedback Unit 1652Digi Pot Reference 1653Digital Input 1660Terminal 53 Switch Setting 1661Analog Input 53 1662Terminal 54 Switch Setting 1663Analog Input 54 1664Analog Output 42 mA 1665Digital Output bin 1666Freq. Input #29 Hz 1667Freq. Input #33 Hz 1668Back to content24ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-2* LCP DisplayDefine the display in the Graphical Logic Control Panel.Freq. Input #33 Hz 1668Pulse Output #27 Hz 1669Pulse Output #29 Hz 1670Relay Output bin 1671Counter A 1672Counter B 1673Prec. Stop Counter 1674Fieldbus CTW 1 1680Fieldbus REF 1 1682Comm. Option STW 1684FC Port CTW 1 1685FC Port REF 1 1686Alarm Word 1690Alarm Word 2 1691Warning Word 1692Warning Word 2 1693Ext. Status Word 1694Ext. Status Word 2 1695PCD 1 Write to MCO 3401PCD 2 Write to MCO 3402PCD 3 Write to MCO 3403PCD 4 Write to MCO 3404PCD 5 Write to MCO 3405PCD 6 Write to MCO 3406PCD 7 Write to MCO 3407PCD 8 Write to MCO 3408PCD 9 Write to MCO 3409PCD 10 Write to MCO 3410PCD 1 Read from MCO 3421PCD 2 Read from MCO 3422PCD 3 Read from MCO 3423PCD 4 Read from MCO 3424PCD 5 Read from MCO 3425PCD 6 Read from MCO 3426PCD 7 Read from MCO 3427PCD 8 Read from MCO 3428PCD 9 Read from MCO 3429PCD 10 Read from MCO 3430Digital Inputs 3440Digital Outputs 3441Actual Position 3450Commanded Position 3451Actual Master Position 3452Slave Index Position 3453Master Index Position 3454Curve Position 3455Track Error 3456Synchronizing Error 3457Back to content25ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-2* LCP DisplayDefine the display in the Graphical Logic Control Panel.Actual Velocity 3458Actual Master Velocity 3459Synchronizing Status 3460Axis Status 3461Program Status 3462Idle Time 9913Paramdb Requests in Queue 9914Analog input X30/11 1675Analog input X30/12 1676Analog output X30/8 mA 16770-20 Display Line 1.1 SmallValue:* * Speed RPM16170-21 Display Line 1.2 SmallValue:* * Motor Current A16140-22 Display Line 1.3 SmallValue:* * Power KW1610Back to content26ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-23 Display Line 2 LargeValue:* * Frequency Hz16130-24 Display Line 3 LargeValue:* * Reference %16020-25 个人菜单个人菜单Value:Array 200-9999最多可以定义50个显示在Q1个人菜单中的参数。该菜单可通过LCP上Quick Menu键访问。如果设为0000则会删除该参数。Back to content27ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-40 Hand on Key on LCPValue: Disabled0* *Enabled 1 Password 2Select Disabled 0 to avoid accidental start of the frequency converter in Hand mode. Select Password 2 to avoid unauthorised start in Hand mode. If par. 0-40 is included in the Quick Menu, then define the password in par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.0-4* LCP KeypadEnable and disable individual keys on the LCP keypad.0-41 off Key on LCPValue: Disabled0* *Enabled 1 Password 2Select Disabled 0 to avoid accidental stop of the frequency converter. Select Password 2 to avoid unauthorised stop. If par. 0-41 is included in the Quick Menu, then define the password in par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.Back to content28ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-42 Auto on Key on LCPValue: Disabled0* *Enabled 1 Password 2Select Disabled 0 to avoid accidental start of the frequency converter in Auto mode. Select Password 2 to avoid unauthorised start in Auto mode. If par. 0-40 is included in the Quick Menu, then define the password in par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.0-43 Reset Key on LCPValue: Disabled0* *Enabled 1 Password 2Press Reset and select Disabled 0 to avoid accidental alarm reset. Press Reset and select Password 2 to avoid unauthorised resetting. If par. 0-43 is included in the Quick Menu, then define the password in par. 0-65 Quick Menu Password.Back to content29ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-50 LCP CopyValue:0-5* Copy / SaveCopy parameter settings between set-ups and to/from the LCP.* * No copy 0 All to LCP 1 All from LCP 2 Size indep. from LCP 3 File from MCO to LCP4 File from LCP to MCO5Select All to LCP 1 to copy all parameters in all set-ups from the frequency converter memory to the LCP memory. Select All from LCP all 2 to copy all parameters in all set-ups from the LCP memory to the frequency converter memory.Select Size indep. from LCP 3 to copy only the parameters that are independent of the motor size. The latter selection can be used to programme several drives with the same function without disturbing motor data. This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.Back to content30ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 0 0 OOp pe er ra at ti io on n a an nd d DDi is sp pl la ay y0-51 set-up CopyValue:* * No copy 0 Copy to set-up1 1 Copy to set-up2 2 Copy to set-up3 3 Copy to set-up44 Copy to all5Select Copy to set-up 1 1 to copy all parameters in the present edit set-up (defined in par. 0-11 Edit Set-up) to Set-up 1. Likewise, select the option corresponding to the other set-up(s). Select Copy to all 9 to copy the parameters in the present set-up over to each of the set-ups 1 to 4.Back to content31ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-00 Configuration ModeValue:1-0* General SettingsDefine whether the frequency converter operates in speed mode or torque mode; and whether the internal PID control should be active or not.* * Speed open loop 0 Speed closed loop 1 Torque 2 Process 3Select the application control principle to be used when a Remote Reference (via analog input) is active. A Remote Reference can only be active when par. 3-13 Reference Site is set to 0 or 1. Speed open loop 0: Enables speed control (without feedback signal from motor) with automatic slip compensation for almost constant speed at varying loads. Compensations are active but can be disabled in the Load/Motor par. group 1-0*. Speed closed loop 1: Enables encoder feedback from motor. Obtain full holding torque at 0 RPM. For increased speed accuracy, provide a feedback signal and set the speed PID control. Torque 2: Connects the encoder speed feedback signal to the encoder input. Only possible with .Flux with motor feedback. option, par. 1-01 Motor control principle. Process 3: Enables the use of process control in the frequency converter. The process control parameters are set in par. groups 7-2* and 7-3*Back to content32ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or rBack to contentSpeed control open loopParameters related- 0-02 Motor Speed Unit (Hz/RPM)- 1-01 Motor Control Principle- 1-03 Torque Characteristics- 3-00 Reference Range- 3-02 Minimum Reference- 3-03 Maximum Reference- 3-04 Reference Function- 4-10 Motor Speed Direction- 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit (RPM)- 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit (Hz)- 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit (RPM)- 4-14 Motor Speed High Limit (Hz)- 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode- 4-18 Current Limit- 4-19 Max Output Frequency- 4-50 Warning Current Low- 4-51 Warning Current High- 4-52 Warning Speed Low- 4-53 Warning Speed High- 4-54 Warning Reference Low- 4-55 Warning Reference High33ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-01 Motor Control PrincipleValue: U/f 0* * VVC plus1 Flux sensorless (FC 302 only) 2 Flux with motor feedback (FC 302 only)3Select which motor control principle to employ. Select U/f 0, a special motor mode, for parallel connected motors in special motor applications. When U/f is selected the characteristic of the control principle can be edited in par. 1-55 and 1-56. Select VVCplus 1 for a Voltage Vector Control principle suitable for most applications. The main benefit of VVCplus operation is that it uses a robust motor model. Select Flux sensorless 2, i.e. Flux Vector control without encoder feedback, for simple installation and robustness against sudden load changes. Select Flux with encoder feedback 3 for very high accuracy speed and torque control, suitable for the most demanding applications. The best shaft performance is normally achieved using either of the two Flux Vector control modes Flux sensorless 2 and Flux with encoder feedback 3. Back to content34ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-02 Flux Motor Feedback SourceValue:* * 24 V encoder 1 MCB 102 2 MCB 103 3 MCO 305 encoder 1 4 MCO 305 encoder 2 5Select the interface at which to receive feedback from the motor. 24V encoder 1 is an A and B channel encoder, which can be connected to the digital input terminals 32/33 only. Terminals 32/33 must be programmed to no operation.MCB 102 2 is an encoder module option which can be configured in par. group 17-1*This parameter appears in FC 302 only.MCB 103 3 is an optional resolver interface module which can be configured in parameter group 17-5*MCO 305 Encoder 1 4 is encoder interface 1 of the optional programmable motion controller MCO 305.MCO 305 Encoder 2 5 is encoder interface 2 of the optional programmable motion controller MCO 305.Back to content35ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-03 Torque CharacteristicsValue:* * Constant torque0 Variable torque1 Auto energy optim.2Select the torque characteristic required. VT and AEO are both energy saving operations.Constant torque 0: The motor shaft output will provide constant torque under variable speed control.Variable Torque 1: The motor shaft output will provide variable torque under variable speed control. Set the variable torque level in par. 14-40 VT Level.Automatic Energy Optimizing function 2: This function automatically optimises energy consumption by minimising magnetisation and frequency via par. 14-41 AEO Minimum Magnetisation and par. 14-42 Minimum AEO Frequency.Back to content36ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-04 Overload ModeValue:* * High torque0 Normal torque1High torque 0 allows up to 160% over torque.Normal torque 1 is for oversized motor allows up to 110% over torque.1-05 Local Mode ConfigurationValue: Speed open loop0 Speed closed loop1* * As conf. mode par. 1-002Select which application configuration mode (par. 1-00), i.e. application control principle, to use when a Local (LCP) Reference is active. A Local Reference can be active only when par. 3-13 Reference Site is set to 0 or 2. By default the local reference is active in Hand Mode only.Back to content37ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-10 Motor ConstructionValue:1-1* Motor selectionParameter group for setting general motor data. This parameter group cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.* * Asynchronous 0 PM, non salient SPM (FC 302 only) 1Select the motor design type.Select Asynchronous 0 for asynchronous motors.Select PM, non salient SPM (FC 302 only) 1 for permanent magnet (PM) motors.Note that PM motors are divided into two groups, with either surface mounted (non salient) or interior (salient) magnets. Motor design can either be asynchronous or permanent magnet (PM) motor.Back to content38ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-20 Motor Power KWValue:1-2* Motor DataParameter group 1-2* comprises input data from the nameplate on the connected motor. Parameters in parameter group 1-2* cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.NB!Changing the value of these parameters affects the setting of other parameters.0.09 - 500 kW Size relatedEnter the nominal motor power in kW according to the motor nameplate data. The default value corresponds to the nominal rated output of the unit.Back to content39ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-21 Motor Power HPValue:0.09 500 Hp Size related1-22 Motor VoltageValue:Enter the nominal motor power in HP according to the motor nameplate data. The default value corresponds to the nominal rated output of the unit.10 1000 V Size relatedEnter the nominal motor voltage according to the motor nameplate data. The default value corresponds to the nominal rated output of the unit.1-23 Motor FrequencyValue:* * 50 Hz (50 HZ) 50 60 Hz (60 HZ) 60 Min - Max motor frequency: 20 1000 HzSelect the motor frequency value from the motor nameplate data. Alternatively, set the value for motor frequency to be infinitely variable. If a value different from 50 Hz or 60 Hz is selected, it is necessary to adapt the load independent settings in par. 1-50 to 1-53. For 87 Hz operation with 230/400 V motors, set the nameplate data for 230V/50 Hz. Adapt par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit RPM) and par. 3-03 Maximum Reference to the 87 Hz application.Back to content40ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-24 Motor CurrentValue:Motor type dependentEnter the nominal motor current value from the motor nameplate data. The data are used for calculating torque, motor protection etc.1-25 Motor Nominal SpeedValue:100 60000 RPM* * RPMEnter the nominal motor speed value from the motor nameplate data. The data are used for calculating motor compensations.1-26 Motor Cont. Related TorqueValue:1.0 10000.0 Nm* * 5.0 NmEnter the value from the motor nameplate data. The default value corresponds to the nominal rated output. This parameter is available when par.1-10Motor Design is set to PM, non salient SPM 1, i.e. the parameter is valid for PM and non-salient SPM motors only.Back to content41ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-29 Automatic Motor AdaptationValue:* * OFF 0 Enable complete AMA 1 Enable reduced AMA 2The AMA function optimises dynamic motor performance by automatically optimising the advanced motor parameters (par. 1-30 to par. 1-35) while the motor is stationary. Select the type of AMA. Enable complete AMA 1 performs AMA of the stator resistance RS, the rotor resistance Rr, the stator leakage reactance x1, the rotor leakage reactance X2 and the main reactance Xh. Select this option if an LC filter is used between the drive and the motor. FC 301: The Complete AMA does not include Xh measurement for FC 301. Instead, the Xh value is determined from the motor database. Par. 1-35 Main Reactance (Xh) may be adjusted to obtain optimal start performance.Select Reduced AMA 2 performs a reduced AMA of the stator resistance Rs in the system only. Activate the AMA function by pressing Hand on after selecting 1 or 2. See also the section Automatic Motor Adaptation. After a normal sequence, the display will read: Press OK to finish AMA. After pressing the OK key the frequency converter is ready for operation.Note:For the best adaptation of the frequency converter, run AMA on a cold motor.AMA cannot be performed while the motor is running.AMA cannot be performed on permanent magnet motors.Back to content42ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-55 U/f Characteristic - UValue:0.0 max. motor voltage* * Size relatedEnter the voltage at each frequency point to manually form a U/f-characteristic matching the motor. The frequency points are defined in par. 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F. This parameter is an array parameter 0-5 and is only accessible when par. 1-01 Motor Control Principle is set to U/f 0.Back to content1-56 U/f Characteristic - fValue:Enter the frequency points to manually form a U/f-characteristic matching the motor. The voltage at each point is defined in par. 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U. This parameter is an array parameter 0-5 and is only accessible when par. 1-01 Motor Control Principleis set to U/f 0.0.0 max. motor voltage* * Size related43ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or rBack to contentPar. 1-55 1Par. 1-55 2Par. 1-55 3Par. 1-55 4Par. 1-55 5Par. 1-55 0Motor VoltagePar. 1-55 xOutput FrequencyPar. 1-56 xPar. 1-56 0Par. 1-56 1Par. 1-56 2Par. 1-56 3Par. 1-56 4Par. 1-56 544ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or rBack to content1-7* Start Adjustments1-7* Start AdjustmentsParameters for setting special motor start features.1-71 Start DelayValue:0.0 10.0s * * 0.0sThis parameter refers to the start function selected in par. 1-72 Start Function.Enter the time delay required before commencing acceleration.45ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or r1-72 Start FunctionValue: DC hold /delay time 0 DC Brake/delay time 1* * Coast/delay time 2 Start speed/ current clockwise operation 3 Horizontal operation 4 VVCplus /Flux clockwise 5Back to contentSelect the start function during start delay . This parameter is linked to par. 1-71 Start Delay.Select DC hold /delay time 0 to energize the motor with a DC holding current (par. 2-00) during the start delay time. Select DC brake /delay time 1 to energize the motor with a DC braking current (par. 2-01) during the start delay time. Select Coast /delay time 2 to release the shaft coasted converter during the start delay time (inverter off). 3 and 4 are only possible with VVC+. Select Start speed/current clockwise 3 to connect the function described in par. 1-74 Start Speed (RPM) and par. 1-76 Start Current in the start delay time.Regardless of the value applied by the reference signal, the output speed applies the setting of the start speed in par. 1-74 or par. 1-75 and the output current corresponds to the setting of the start current in par. 1-76 Start Current. This function is typically used in hoisting applications without counterweight and especially in applications with a Cone-motor, where the start is clockwise, followed by rotation in the reference direction. 46ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or rBack to contentSelect Horizontal operation 4 to obtain the function described in par. 1-74 and par. 1-76 during the start delay time. The motor rotates in the reference direction.If the reference signal equals zero (0), par. 1-74 Start speed (RPM) is ignored and the output speed equals zero (0). The output current corresponds to the setting of the start current in par. 1-76 Start current.Select VVC+/Flux clockwise 5 for the function described in par. 1-74 only (Start speed in the start delay time). The start current is calculated automatically. This function uses the start speed in the start delay time only. Regardless of the valueset by the reference signal, the output speed equals the setting of the start speed in par. 1-74.Start speed/current clockwise 3 and VVCplus/Flux clockwise 5 are typically used in hoisting applications. Start speed/current in reference direction 4 is particularly used in applications with counterweight and horizontal movement.1-73 Flying Start RPMValue:* * Off (DISABLE) 0 On (ENABLE) 1This function makes it possible to catch a motor which is spinning freely due to a mains drop-out.47ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 1 1 L Lo oa ad d a an nd d MMo ot to or rBack to content1-74 Start Speed RPMValue:0 600 RPM* *0 RPMSet the motor start speed. After the start signal the motor output speed leaps to the set value. This parameter can be used for hoist applications (cone rotor motors). Set the start function in par. 1-72 Start Function to 3, 4 or 5, and set a start delay time in par. 1-71 Start Delay. A reference signal must be present.Description of choice:Select Disable 0 if this function is not required.Select Enable 1 to enable the frequency converter to “catch” and control a spinning motor. When par. 1-73 is enabled par. 1-71 Start Delay and 1-72 Start Function have no function.NB!This function is not recommended for hoisting applications.48ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-00 DC Hold CurrentValue:Back to content2-* BrakesParameter group for setting brake features in the frequency converter.2-0* DC-BrakesParameter group for configuring the DC brake and DC hold functions.0 - 160% * *50 %Enter a value for holding current as a percentage of the rated motor current IM,N set in par. 1-24 Motor Current. 100% DC holding current corresponds to IM,N.This parameter holds the motor function (holding torque) or pre-heats the motor.This parameter is active if DC hold is selected in par. 1-72 Start Function 0 or par. 1-80 Function at Stop 1.49ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-01 DC Break CurrentValue:Back to content0 - 100% * *50 %Enter a value for current as a percentage of the rated motor current IM,N, see par. 1-24 Motor Current. 100% DC braking current corresponds to IM,N.DC brake current is applied on a stop command, when the speed is lower than the limit set in par. 2-03 DC Brake Cut In Speed; when the DC Brake Inverse function is active; or via the serial communication port. The braking current is active during the time period set in par. 2-02 DC Braking Time.2-02 DC Break TimeValue:0.0 60.0 s* *10.0sSet the duration of the DC braking current set in par. 2-01, once activated.2-03 DC Break Cut in SpeedValue:0 Par. 4-13* *0RPMSet the DC brake cut-in speed for activation of the DC braking current set in par. 2-01, upon a stop command.50ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-10 Break FunctionValue:Back to content2-1* Brake Energy Funct.Parameter group for selecting dynamic braking parameters.* * Off 0 Resistor brake1 AC brake 2Select Off 0 if no brake resistor is installed.Select Resistor brake 1 if a brake resistor is incorporated in the system, for dissipation of surplus brake energy as heat. Connecting a brake resistor allows a higher DC link voltage during braking (generating operation). The Resistor brake function is only active in frequency converters with an integral dynamic brake.2-11Break Resistor ohmValue:Ohm Depends on unit size.Set the brake resistor value in Ohms. This value is used for monitoring the power to the brake resistor in par. 2-13 Brake Power Monitoring. This parameter is only active in frequency converters with an integral dynamic brake.51ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW)Value:Back to content0.001 - Size related * *kWSet the monitoring limit of the brake power transmitted to the resistor.The monitoring limit is a product of the maximum duty cycle (120 sec.) and the maximum power of the brake resistor at that duty cycle. See the formula below.This parameter is only active in frequency convertersThis parameter is only active in frequency converterswith an integral dynamic brake.with an integral dynamic brake.52ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-13 Brake Power MonitoringValue:Back to content* * Off 0 Warning 1 Trip 2 Warning and Trip 3This parameter is only active in frequency converters with an integral dynamic brake.This parameter enables monitoring of the power to the brake resistor. The power is calculated on the basis of the resistance (par. 2-11 Brake Resistor (Ohm), the DC link voltage, and the resistor duty time.Select Off 0 if no brake power monitoring is required.Select Warning 1 to activate a warning on the display when the power transmitted over 120 s exceeds 100% of the monitoring limit (par. 2-12 Brake Power Limit (kW).The warning disappears when the transmitted power falls below 80% of the monitoring limit.Select Trip 2 to trip the frequency converter and display an alarm when the calculated power exceeds 100% of the monitoring limit.Select Warning and Trip 3 to activate both of the above, including warning, trip and alarm.If power monitoring is set to Off 0 or Warning 1, the brake function remains active, even if the monitoring limit is exceeded. This may lead to thermal overload of the resistor. It is also possible to generate a warning via a relay/digital outputs. The measuring accuracy of the power monitoring depends on the accuracy of the resistance of the resistor (better than 20%).53ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-15 Brake CheckValue:Back to content* * Off 0 Warning 1 Trip 2 Stop and Trip 3 AC Break4Select type of test and monitoring function to check the connection to the brake resistor, orwhether a brake resistor is present, and then display a warning or an alarm in the event of a fault. The brake resistor disconnection function is tested during power-up, and during braking. However the brake IGBT test is performed when there is no braking. A warning or trip disconnects the brake function. The testing sequence is as follows:1. The DC link ripple amplitude is measured for 300 ms without braking.2. The DC link ripple amplitude is measured for 300 ms with the brake turned on.3. If the DC link ripple amplitude while braking is lower than the DC link ripple amplitude before braking + 1 %. Brake check failed, return a warning or alarm.4. If the DC link ripple amplitude while braking is higher than the DC link ripple amplitudebefore braking + 1 %. Brake check OK.54ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks sBack to contentSelect Off 0 to monitor the brake resistor and the brake IGBT for a short-circuit during operation. If a short-circuit occurs, a warning appears.Select Warning 1 to monitor the brake resistor and brake IGBT for a short-circuit, and to run a test for brake resistor disconnection during power-up.Select Trip 2, to monitor for a short-circuit or disconnection of the brake resistor, or a short-circuit of the brake IGBT. If a fault occurs the frequency converter cuts out while displaying an alarm (trip locked).Select Stop and Trip 3 to monitor for a short circuit or disconnection of the brake resistor, or a short-circuit of the brake IGBT. If a fault occurs the frequency converter ramps down to coast and then trips. A trip lock alarm is displayed.Select AC Brake 4 to monitor for a short-circuit or disconnection of the brake resistor, or a short-circuit of the brake IGBT. If a fault occurs the frequency converter performs a controlled ramp down. NB!NB!: Remove a warning arising in connection with Off 0 or Warning 1 by cycling the mains supply. The fault must be corrected first. For Off 0or Warning 1, the frequency converter keeps running even if a fault is located.This parameter is only active in frequency convertersThis parameter is only active in frequency converterswith an integral dynamic brake.with an integral dynamic brake.55ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-16 AC Brake Max. CurrentValue:Back to content0 100% * *100%Enter the maximum permissible current when using AC brake to avoid overheating of motor windings.2-17 Over-voltage ControlValue:* * Disabled 0 Enabled (Not at stop)1 Enabled2Over-voltage control (OVC) reduces the risk of the drive tripping due to an over voltage on the DC link caused by generative power from the load.Select Disabled 0 if no OVC is required.Select Enabled 2 to activate OVC.Select Enabled (not at stop) 1 to activate OVC except when using a stop signal to stop the frequency converter.56ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks sBack to content2-2* Mechanical BrakeParameters for controlling operation of an electromagnetic (mechanical) brake, typically required in hoisting applications. To control a mechanical brake, a relay output (relay 01 or relay 02) or a programmed digital output (terminal 27 or 29) is required. Normally this output must be closed during periods when the drive is unable to .hold. the motor, e.g. due to an excessive load. Select Mechanical Brake Control 32 for applications with an electro-magnetic brake inpar. 5-40 Function Relay, par. 5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output, or par. 5-31 Terminal 29 Digital Output. When selecting Mechanical brake control 32, the mechanical brake is closed from start up until the output current is above the level selected in par. 2-20 Release Brake Current. During stop, the mechanical brake activates when the speedfalls below the level specified in par. 2-21 Activate Brake Speed RPM. If the frequency converter enters an alarm condition or an over-current or over-voltage situation, the mechanical brake immediately cuts in. This is also the case during safe stop.57ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 2 2 BBr re ea ak ks s2-20 Release Brake CurrentValue:Back to content0.00 - par. 16-37 * *0.00ASet the motor current for release of the mechanical brake, when a start condition is present. The upper limit is specified in par. 16-37 Inv. Max. Current.2-21 Activate Brake Speed RPMValue:0 60.000 * *0RPMSet the motor speed for activation of the mechanical brake, when a stop condition is present. The upper speed limit is specified in par. 4-53 Warning Speed High.2-22 Activate Brake Speed HzValue:0 5000 * *0HzSet the motor frequency for activation of the mechanical brake, when a stop condition is present. 2-23 Activate Brake DelayValue:0.0 5.0 s * *0.0sEnter the brake delay time of the coast after ramp-down time. The shaft is held at zero speedwith full holding torque. Ensure that the mechanical brake has locked the load before the motorenters coast mode. See Control of Mechanical Brake section.58ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-00 Reference RangeValue:Back to content3-* Reference/Reference Limits/RampsParameters for reference handling, definition of limitations, and configuration of the reaction of the frequency converter to changes.3-0* Reference LimitsParameters for setting the reference unit, limits and ranges. Min. - Max 0* * -Max - +Max 1Select the range of the reference signal and the feedback signal. Signal values can be positive only, or positive and negative. The minimum limit may have a negative value, unless Speed closed loop 1 control or Process 3 is selected in par. 1-00 Configuration Mode.Select Min. - Max 0 for positive values only.Select -Max - +Max 1 for both positive and negative values59ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-01 Reference/Feedback UnitValue:Back to contentNone 0% 1RPM 2Hz 3Nm 4PPM 51/min 10Pulse/s 12I/s 20I/min 21I/h 22m3/s 23m3/min 24m3/h 25kg/s 30kg/min 31kg/h 32t/min 33t/h 34m/s 40m/min 41m 45 C 60Mbar 70Bar 71Pa 72kPa 73m WG 74kW 80GPM 120gal/s 121gal/min 122gal/h 123CFM 124ft3/s 125ft3/min 126ft3/h 127Ib/s 130Ib/min 131Ib/h 132ft/s 140ft/min 141ft 145Ib ft 150 F 160psi 170Ib/in2 171in WG 172ft WG 173HP 180Select the unit to be used in Process PID Control references and feedbacks.60ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-02 Minimum ReferenceValue:Back to contentEnter the Minimum Reference. The Minimum Reference is the lowest value obtainable by summing all references. Minimum Reference is active only when par. 3-00 Reference Range is set to Min.- Max. 0. The Minimum Reference unit matches -the choice of configuration in par 1-00 Configuration Mode: for Speed closed loop 1, RPM; for Torque 2, Nm. - the unit selected in par. 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit.100000.000 . par. 3-03 * *0.0003-03 Maximum ReferenceValue:Enter the Maximum Reference. The Maximum Reference is the highest value obtainable by summing all references. The Maximum Reference unit matches- the choice of configuration in par. 1-00 Configuration Mode: for Speed closed loop 1, RPM; for Torque 2, Nm.- the unit selected in par. 3-01 Reference/Feedback Unit.Par. 3-02 - 100000.000* *1500.00061ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-04 Reference FunctionValue:Back to contentSelect Sum 0 to sum both external and preset reference sources.Select External/Preset 1 to use either the preset or the external reference source.Shift between external and preset via a command on a digital input.* * Sum 0 External/Preset 13-1* ReferencesParameters for setting up the reference sources. Select the preset reference (s). Select Preset ref. bit 0 / 1 / 2 16, 17 or 18 for the corresponding digital inputs in parameter group 5.1* Digital Inputs.3-10 Preset ReferenceValue:Array8Range:0-7-100.00 - 100.00 % * * 0.00%62ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps sBack to contentEnter up to eight different preset references (0-7) in this parameter, using array programming. The preset reference is stated as a percentage of the value RefMAX (par. 3-03 Maximum Reference) If a RefMIN different from 0 (Par. 3-02 Minimum Reference) is programmed, the preset reference is calculated as a percentage of the full reference range, i.e. on the basis of the difference between RefMAX and RefMIN. Afterwards, the value is added to RefMIN. When using preset references, select Preset ref. bit 0 / 1 / 2 16, 17 or 18 for the corresponding digital inputs in parameter group 5.1* Digital Inputs.63ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-11 Jog Speed HzValue:Back to contentThe jog speed is a fixed output speed at which the frequency converter is running when the jog function is activated. See also par. 3-80.0.0 - par. 4-14 * *5Hz3-12 Catch up/slow Down ValueValue:0.0 100.00 % * *0.00%Enter a percentage (relative) value to be either added to or deducted from the actual reference for Catch up or Slow down respectively. If Catch up is selected via one of the digital inputs (par. 5-10 to par. 5-15), the percentage (relative) value is added to the total reference. If Slow down is selected via one of the digital inputs (par. 5-10 to par. 5-15), the percentage (relative) value is deducted from the total reference. Obtain extended functionality with the DigiPot function. See parameter group 3-9* Digital Potentiometer.64ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-13 Reference SiteValue:Back to contentSelect which reference site to activate.Select Linked to Hand / Auto 0 to use the local reference when in Hand mode; or the remote reference when in Auto mode.Select Remote 1 to use the remote reference in both Hand mode and Auto mode.Select Local 2 to use the local reference in both Hand mode and Auto mode.* * Linked to Hand / Auto 0 Remote 1 Local 265ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps sBack to content3-14 Preset Relative ReferenceValue:-100.00 % 100.00 % * *0.00%The actual reference, X, is increased or decreased with the percentage Y, set in par.3-14. This results in the actual reference Z. Actual reference (X) is the sum of the inputs selected in par.3-15, Reference Source 1, par.3-16, Reference Source 2, par.3-17, Reference Source 3, and par.8-02, Control Word Source.66ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-15 Reference Source 1Value:Back to contentSelect the reference input to be used for the first reference signal. Par. 3-15, 3-16 and 3-17 define up to three different reference signals. The sum of these reference signals defines the actual reference. No function 0* * Analog input 53 1 Analog input 54 2 Frequency input 29 (FC 302 only) 7 Frequency input 33 8 Local bus reference 11 Digital pot.meter 20 Analog input X30-11 21 Analog input X30-12 2267ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-16 Reference Source 2Value:Back to contentSelect the reference input to be used for the second reference signal. Par. 3-15, 3-16 and 3-17 define up to three different reference signals. The sum of these reference signals defines the actual reference. No function 0 Analog input 53 1 Analog input 54 2 Frequency input 29 (FC 302 only) 7 Frequency input 33 8 Local bus reference 11 * * Digital pot.meter 20 Analog input X30-11 21 Analog input X30-12 2268ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-17 Reference Source 3Value:Back to contentSelect the reference input to be used for the second reference signal. Par. 3-15, 3-16 and 3-17 define up to three different reference signals. The sum of these reference signals defines the actual reference. No function 0 Analog input 53 1 Analog input 54 2 Frequency input 29 (FC 302 only) 7 Frequency input 33 8 * *Local bus reference 11 Digital pot.meter 20 Analog input X30-11 21 Analog input X30-12 2269ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-18 Relative Scaling Reference SourceValue:Back to contentSelect a variable value to be added to the fixed value (defined in par. 3-14Preset Relative Reference). The sum of the fixed and variable values (labelled Y in the illustration below) is multiplied with the actual reference (labelled X in the illustration below). This product is then added to the actual reference (X+X*Y/100) to give the resultant actual reference. * * No function 0 Analog input 53 1 Analog input 54 2 Frequency input 29 (FC 302 only) 7 Frequency input 33 8 Local bus reference 11 Digital pot.meter 20 Analog input X30-11 21 Analog input X30-12 2270ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-19 Jog SpeedValue:Back to contentEnter a value for the jog speed nJOG, which is a fixed output speed. The frequency converter runs at this speed when the jog function is activated. The maximum limit is defined in par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit (RPM). See also par. 3-80.0 - par. 4-13 RPM * *150RPMRamps3-4* Ramp 1For each of four ramps (par. 3-4*, 3-5*, 3-6* and 3-7*) configure the ramp parameters: ramp type, ramping times (duration of acceleration and deceleration) and level of jerk compensation for S ramps. Start by setting the linear ramping times corresponding to the figures and formulae.71ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps sBack to contentIf S-ramps are selected then set the level of nonlinear jerk compensation required. Set jerk compensation by defining the proportion of ramp-up and ramp-down times where acceleration and deceleration are variable (i.e. increasing or decreasing). The S-ramp acceleration and deceleration settings are defined as a percentage of the actual ramp time.3-40 Ramp TypeValue:* * Linear 0 S-ramp 1Select the ramp type, depending on requirements for acceleration/deceleration.A linear ramp will give constant acceleration during ramping. An S-ramp will give non-linear acceleration, compensating for jerk in the application.72ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp up TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration time from 0 RPM to the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25). Choose a ramp-up time such that the output current does not exceed the current limit in par. 4-18 during ramping. The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. in speed mode. See ramp down time in par. 3-42.0.01 3600.00 s * *s73ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp down TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the ramp-down time, i.e. the deceleration time from the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25) to 0 RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no over-voltage arises in the inverter due to regenerative operation of the motor, and such that the generated current does not exceed the current limit set in par. 4-18. The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 s in speed mode. See ramp-up time in par. 3-41.0.01 3600.00 s * *s3-45 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. StartValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-41) in which the acceleration torque increases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks occurring in the application.74ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-46 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. EndValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-41) in which the acceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.3-47 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. StartValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-42) where the deceleration torque increases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%3-48 Ramp 1 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. EndValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-42) where the deceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.75ppt课件.Back to content3-5* Ramp 2Choosing ramp parameters, see 3-4*.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-50 Ramp 2 TypeValue:* * Linear 0 S-ramp1Select the ramp type, depending on requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A linear ramp will give constant acceleration during ramping. An S ramp will give non-linear acceleration, compensating for jerk in the application.NB!If S-ramp 1 is selected and the reference during ramping is changed theramp time may be prolonged in order to realize a jerk free movement whichmay result in a longer start or stop way. Additional adjustment of the S-rampratios or switching initiators may be necessary.76ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp up TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration time from 0 RPM to the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25). Choose a ramp-up time such that the output current does not exceed the current limit in par. 4-18 during ramping. The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. in speed mode. See ramp down time in par. 3-52.0.01 3600.00 s * *s3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp down TimeValue:0.01 3600.00 s * *sEnter the ramp-down time, i.e. the deceleration time from the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25) to 0 RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no over-voltage arises in the inverter due to regenerative operation of the motor, and such that the generated current does not exceed the current limit set in par. 4-18. The value 0.00 correspondsto 0.01 s in speed mode. See ramp-up time in par.3-51.77ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-55 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. StartValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-51) in which the acceleration torque increases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.3-56 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. EndValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-51) in which the acceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%3-57 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. StartValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-52) where the deceleration torque increases The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.78ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-58 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. EndValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-52) where the deceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%3-6* Ramp 3Configure ramp parameters, see 3-4*.3-50 Ramp 3 TypeValue:* * Linear 0 S-ramp1Select the ramp type, depending on requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A linear ramp will give constant acceleration during ramping. An S ramp will give non-linear acceleration, compensating for jerk in the application.NB!If S-ramp 1 is selected and the reference during ramping is changed theramp time may be prolonged in order to realize a jerk free movement whichmay result in a longer start or stop way. Additional adjustment of the S-rampratios or switching initiators may be necessary.79ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-61 Ramp 3 Ramp up TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration time from 0 RPM to the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25). Choose a ramp-up time such that the output current does not exceed the current limit in par. 4-18 during ramping. The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. in speed mode. See ramp down time in par. 3-62.0.01 3600.00 s * *s3-62 Ramp 3 Ramp down TimeValue:0.01 3600.00 s * *sEnter the ramp-down time, i.e. the deceleration time from the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25) to 0 RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no over-voltage arises in the inverter due to regenerative operation of the motor, and such that the generated current does not exceed the current limit set in par. 4-18. The value 0.00 correspondsto 0.01 s in speed mode. See ramp-up time in par.3-61.80ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-65 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. StartValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-61) in which the acceleration torque increases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.3-66 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. EndValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-61) in which the acceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%3-67 Ramp 2 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. StartValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-62) where the deceleration torque increases The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.81ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-68 Ramp 3 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. EndValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-62) where the deceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%3-7* Ramp 4Configure ramp parameters, see 3-4*.3-70 Ramp 4 TypeValue:* * Linear 0 S-ramp1Select the ramp type, depending on requirements for acceleration/deceleration. A linear ramp will give constant acceleration during ramping. An S ramp will give non-linear acceleration, compensating for jerk in the application.NB!If S-ramp 1 is selected and the reference during ramping is changed theramp time may be prolonged in order to realize a jerk free movement whichmay result in a longer start or stop way. Additional adjustment of the S-rampratios or switching initiators may be necessary.82ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-71 Ramp 4 Ramp up TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the ramp-up time, i.e. the acceleration time from 0 RPM to the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25). Choose a ramp-up time such that the output current does not exceed the current limit in par. 4-18 during ramping. The value 0.00 corresponds to 0.01 sec. in speed mode. See ramp down time in par. 3-72.0.01 3600.00 s * *s3-72 Ramp 4 Ramp down TimeValue:0.01 3600.00 s * *sEnter the ramp-down time, i.e. the deceleration time from the rated motor speed nM,N (par. 1-25) to 0 RPM. Choose a ramp-down time such that no over-voltage arises in the inverter due to regenerative operation of the motor, and such that the generated current does not exceed the current limit set in par. 4-18. The value 0.00 correspondsto 0.01 s in speed mode. See ramp-up time in par.3-71.83ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-75 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. StartValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-71) in which the acceleration torque increases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.3-76 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Accel. EndValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-up time (par. 3-71) in which the acceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%3-77 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. StartValue:1-99 % * *50%Enter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-72) where the deceleration torque increases The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.84ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-78 Ramp 4 S-ramp Ratio at Decel. EndValue:Back to contentEnter the proportion of the total ramp-down time (par. 3-72) where the deceleration torque decreases. The larger the percentage value, the greater the jerk compensation achieved, and thus the lower the torque jerks in the application.1-99 % * *50%85ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps sBack to content3-8* Other RampsConfigure parameters for special ramps e.g. Jog or Quick Stop.3-80 Jog Ramp TimeValue:Enter the jog ramp time, i.e. the acceleration/deceleration time between 0 RPM and the rated motor frequency nM,N (set in par. 1-25 Motor Nominal Speed). Ensure that the resultant output current required for the given jog ramp time does not exceed the current limit in par. 4-18. The jog ramp time starts upon activation of a jog signal via the control panel, a selected digital input, or the serial communication port.0.01 3600.00 s* *s86ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps sBack to content3-81 Quick Stop Ramp TimeValue:0.01 3600.00 s* *3sEnter the quick stop ramp-down time, i.e. the deceleration time from the rated motor speed to 0 RPM. Ensure that no resultant over-voltage will arise in the inverter due to regenerative operation of the motor required to achieve the given ramp down time. Ensure also that the generated current required to achieve the given ramp-down time does not exceed the current limit (set in par. 4-18). Quick-stop is activated by means of a signal on a selected digital input, or via the serial communication port.87ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps sBack to content3-9* Digital Pot.MeterThe digital potentiometer function allows the user to increase or decrease the actual reference by adjusting the set-up of the digital inputs using the functions INCREASE, DECREASE or CLEAR. To activate the function, at least one digital input must be set up to INCREASE or DECREASE.3-90 Step SizeValue:0.01 200.00% * *0.10%Enter the increment size required for INCREASE/DECREASE, as a percentage of the nominal speed set in par. 1-25. If INCREASE / DECREASE is activated the resulting reference will be increased /decreased by the amount set in this parameter.88ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-91 Ramp TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the ramp time, i.e. the time for adjustment of the reference from 0% to 100% of the specified digital potentiometer function (INCREASE, DECREASE or CLEAR).If INCREASE / DECREASE is activated for longer than the ramp delay period specified in par. 3-95 the actual reference will be ramped up / down according to this ramp time. The ramp time is defined as the time used to adjust the reference by the step size specified in par. 3-90 Step Size.3-92 Power RestoreValue:* * Off 0 On 10.01 3600.00 s * *sSelect Off 0 to reset the Digital Potentiometer reference to 0% after power up.Select On 1 to restore the most recent Digital Potentiometer reference at power up.89ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 3 3 RRe ef fe er re en nc ce e/ /RRa ammp ps s3-93 Maximum LimitValue:Back to contentSet the maximum permissible value for the resultant reference. This is advisable if the Digital Potentiometer is used for fine tuning of the resulting reference.3-94 Minimum LimitValue:-200 200% * *100%-200 200% * *- -100%Set the minimum permissible value for the resultant reference. This is advisable if the Digital Potentiometer is used for fine tuning of the resulting reference.3-95 Ramp DelayValue:0.01 3600.00 s * *1.000sEnter the delay required from activation of the digital potentiometer function until the frequency converter starts to ramp the reference. With a delay of 0 ms, the reference starts to ramp as soon as INCREASE / DECREASE is activated. See also par. 3-91 Ramp Time.90ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs s4-10 Motor Speed DirectionValue:Back to content4-* Limits and WarningsParameter group for configuring limits and warnings.4-1* Motor LimitsDefine torque, current and speed limits for the motor, and the reaction of the frequency converter when the limits are exceeded. A limit may generate a message on the display. Awarning will always generate a message on the display or on the fieldbus. A monitoring function may initiate a warning or a trip, upon which the frequency converter will stop and generate an alarm message.* Clockwise 0 Counter clockwise1 Both directions 2Select the motor speed direction (s) required. Use this parameter to prevent unwanted reversing. When par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is set to Process 3, par. 4-10 is set to Clockwise 0 as default. The setting in par. 4-10 does not limit options for setting par.4-13.This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit RPMValue:0 - par. 4-13 * *0RPMEnter the minimum limit for motor speed. The Motor Speed Low Limit can be set to correspond to the manufacturers recommended minimum motor speed. The Motor Speed Low Limit must not exceed the setting in par. 4-13 Motor Speed High Limit RPM.91ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit HzValue:Enter the maximum limit for motor speed. The Motor Speed High Limit can be set to correspond to the manufacturers recommended maximum frequency of the motor shaft. The Motor Speed High Limit must exceed the setting in par. 4-14 Motor Speed Low Limit Hz.0 - par. 4-14 * *0Hz4-13 Motor Speed High Limit RPMValue:Par. 4-11 - 60.000 * *3600. RPMEnter the maximum limit for motor speed. The Motor Speed High Limit can be set to correspond to the manufacturers maximum rated motor speed. The Motor Speed High Limit must exceed the setting in par. 4-11 Motor Speed Low Limit RPM.NB!The output frequency value of the frequency converter must not exceed a value higher than 1/10 of the switching frequency.92ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-14 Motor Speed High Limit HzValue:Par. 4-12 - 1000 *120 HzEnter the maximum limit for motor speed. The Motor Speed High Limit can be set to correspond to the manufacturers recommended maximum frequency of the motor shaft. The Motor Speed High Limit must exceed the setting in par. 4-12 Motor Speed Low Limit Hz.NB!The output frequency value of the frequency converter must not exceed a value higher than 1/10 of the switching frequency.4-16 Torque Limit Motor ModeValue:0.0 - Variable Limit % * *160.0 %Sets the torque limit for motor operation. The torque limit is active in the speed range up to the rated motor speed (par. 1-25). To protect the motor from reaching the stalling torque, the default setting is 1.6 x the rated motor torque (calculated value). If a setting in par. 1-00 to par. 1-26 is changed, par. 4-16 to 4-18 are not automatically reset to the default settings.93ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to contentChanging par. 4-16 Changing par. 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode Torque Limit Motor Mode when par. 1-00 is set to when par. 1-00 is set to Speed open loop Speed open loop 0, par. 1-66 0, par. 1-66 Min Current at Low Speed Min Current at Low Speed is is automatically readjusted.automatically readjusted.94ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-17 Torque Limit Generator ModeValue:Sets the torque limit for generator mode operation. The torque limit is active in the speed range up to the rated motor speed (par. 1-25). See illustration for par. 4-16 as well as par. 14-25 for further details.4-18 Current LimitValue:0.0 - Variable Limit % * *160.0 %Sets the current limit for motor operation. To protect the motor from reaching the stalling torque, the default setting is 1.6 x the rated motor torque (calculated value). If a setting in par. 1-00 to par. 1-26 is changed, par. 4-16 to par. 4-18 are not automatically reset to the default settings.0.0 - Variable Limit % * *160.0 %4-19 Max Output FrequencyValue:0.0 - 1000.0 Hz * 132.0HzProvides a final limit on the drive output frequency for improved safety in applications where you want to avoid accidental over-speeding. This limit is final in all configurations (independent of the setting in par. 1-00).95ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-20 Torque Limit Factor Source OptionValue:* No function 0Analog input 53 2Analog input 53 inv 4Analog input 54 6Analog input 54 inv 8Analog input X30-11 10Analog input X30-11 inv 12Analog input X30-12 14Analog input X30-12 inv 16Select an analog input for scaling the settings in par. 4-16 and 4-17 from 0% to 100% (or inverse). The signal levels corresponding to 0% and 100% are defined in the analog input scaling, e.g. par. group 6-1*. This parameter is only active when par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is in Speed Open Loop or Speed Closed Loop.96ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-21 Speed Limit Factor Source OptionValue:* No function 0Analog input 53 2Analog input 53 inv 4Analog input 54 6Analog input 54 inv 8Analog input X30-11 10Analog input X30-11 inv 12Analog input X30-12 14Analog input X30-12 inv 16Select an analog input for scaling the settings in par. 4-19 from 0% to 100% (or inverse). The signal levels corresponding to 0% and 100% are defined in the analog input scaling, e.g. par. group 6-1*. This parameter is only active when par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is in Torque Mode.97ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs s4-30 Motor Feedback Loss FunctionValue:Back to content4-3* Motor Feedback MonitoringThe parameter group includes monitoring and handling of motor feedback devices as encoders, resolvers etc.Disabled 0Warning 1* Trip 2Select which reaction the frequency converter should take in the case a feedback fault is detected. The selected action will take place if the feedback signal differs from the output speed with more than specified in par. 4-31 during the time set in par. 4-32. 4-31 Motor Feedback Speed ErrorValue:1-600 RPM * *300RPMSelect the max allowed tracking error in speed from the calculated and the actual mechanical shaft output speed.98ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-32 Motor Feedback Loss TimeoutValue:0.00 - 60.00 sec *0secSet the timeout value allowing the speed error set in par. 4-31 to be exceeded.99ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-5* Adjustable WarningsDefine adjustable warning limits for current, speed, reference and feedback. Warnings areshown on the display, programmed output or serial bus.Warnings are shown on display, programmed output or serial bus.ImotorILIM(P 4-18)IHIGH(P 4-51)ILow(P 4-50)nmotor RPMnMIN(P 4-11)nLOW(P 4-52)nHIGH(P 4-53)nMAX(P 4-13)100ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-50 Warning Current LowValue:Enter the ILOW value. When the motor current falls below this limit (ILOW), the display reads CURRENT LOW. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02. Refer to the drawing in this section.4-51 Warning Current HighValue:Par. 4-50 par. 16-37 * *par. 16-37 AEnter the IHIGH value. When the motor current exceeds this limit (IHIGH), the display reads CURRENT HIGH. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02. Refer to the drawing in this section.0.0 par. 4-51 * *0.00A4-52 Warning Speed LowValue:0 par. 4-13 * 0 RPMEnter the nLOW value. When the motor speed exceeds this limit (nLOW), the display reads SPEED LOW. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 (FC 302 only) and on relay output 01 or 02 (FC 302 only).101ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-53 Warning Speed HighValue:Enter the nHIGH value. When the motor speed exceeds this limit (nHIGH), the display reads SPEED HIGH. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02. Programme the upper signal limit of the motor speed, nHIGH, within the normal working range of the frequency converter. Refer to the drawing in this section.Par. 4-52 par. 4-13 * *par. 4-13 RPM4-54 Warning Reference LowValue:-999999.999 - par. 4-55 * -999999.999Enter the lower reference limit. When the actual reference falls below this limit, the display indicates Ref Low. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02.4-55 Warning Reference HighValue:par. 4-54 - 999999.999 * 999999.999Enter the upper reference limit. When the actual reference exceeds this limit, the display reads Ref High. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02. 102ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-56 Warning Feedback LowValue:Enter the lower feedback limit. When the feedback falls below this limit, the display reads Feedb Low. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02.4-57 Warning Feedback HighValue:Enter the upper feedback limit. When the feedback exceeds this limit, the display reads Feedb High. The signal outputs can be programmed to produce a status signal on terminal 27 or 29 and on relay output 01 or 02.4-58 Missing Motor Phase FunctionValue:Select On, to display an alarm in the event of a missing motor phase. Select Off, for no alarm in the event of a missing motor phase. However, if the motor runs on only two phases, it can be damaged by overheating. Retaining the On setting is therefore strongly recommended. This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.-999999.999 - par. 4-55 * -999999.999par. 4-56 - 999999.999 * 999999.999Off 0*On 1103ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 4 4 L Li immi it ts s/ /WWa ar rn ni in ng gs sBack to content4-6* Speed BypassDefine the Speed Bypass areas for the ramps. Some systems call for avoiding certain output frequencies or speeds, due to resonance problems in the system. A maximum of four frequency or speed ranges can be avoided.4-60/62 Bypass Speed From/To RPMValue:0 par. 4-13 * *0RPMArray 44-61/63 Bypass Speed From/To HzValue:0 par. 4-14 * *0HzArray 4Some systems call for avoiding certain output speeds due to resonance problems in the system. Enter the lower/upper limits of the speeds to be avoided.104ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-00 Digital I/O ModeValue:Back to content5-* Digital In/OutParameter group for configuring the digital input and output.5-0* Digital I/O ModeParameters for configuring the IO mode. NPN/PNP and setting up IO to Input or Output.* PNP0 NPN1Digital inputs and programmed digital outputs are pre-programmable for operation either in PNP or NPN systems.Select PNP 0 systems for action on positive directional pulses (). PNP systems are pulled down to GND.Select NPN 1 systems for action on negative directional pulses (). NPN systems are pulled up to + 24 V, internally in the frequency converter.5-01/02 Terminal 27/29 ModeValue:* Input0 Output1Select Input 0 to define terminal 27/29 as a digital input.Select Output 1 to define terminal 27/29 as a digital output.105ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tPar:510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518Value: 8 10 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 Back to contentTerminal: 18 1927 29 32 33X30/2 X30/3 X30/4See Digital input function List.X30/2, X30/3, X30/4 are the terminal on MCB101 I/O optionDigital Input106ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to contentDigital input function Select TerminalNo operation 0 All *term 32, 33Reset 1 AllCoast inverse 2 All *term 27Coast and reset inverse 3 AllQuick stop inverse 4 AllDC-brake inverse 5 AllStop inverse 6 AllStart 8 All *term 18Latched start 9 AllReversing 10 All *term 19Start reversing 11 AllEnable start forward 12 AllEnable start reverse 13 AllJog 14 All *term 29Preset reference on 15 AllPreset ref bit 0 16 AllPreset ref bit 1 17 AllPreset ref bit 2 18 AllFreeze reference 19 AllFreeze output 20 AllSpeed up 21 AllSpeed down 22 AllSet-up select bit 0 23 AllSet-up select bit 1 24 AllPrecise stop inverse 26 18, 19Precises start, stop 27 18, 19Catch up 28 All107ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to contentDigital input function Select TerminalSlow down 29 AllCounter input 30 29, 33Pulse input 32 29, 33Ramp bit 0 34 AllRamp bit 1 35 AllMains failure inverse 36 AllLatched precise start 40 18, 19Latched precise stop inverse41 18, 19DigiPot Increase 55 AllDigiPot Decrease 56 AllDigiPot Clear 57 AllCounter A (up) 60 29, 33Counter A (down) 61 29, 33Reset Counter A 62 AllCounter B (up) 63 29, 33Counter B (down) 64 29, 33Reset Counter B 65 All108ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tPar:530 531 532 533Value:0 00 0Back to contentTerminal: 27 29 X30/6 X30/7See Digital output function List.X30/6, X30/7 are the terminal on MCB101 I/O optionDigital Output5-40 Function RelayValue:See Digital output function List.Array 8109ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to contentFunction Select No operation 0Control ready 1Drive ready 2Drive ready / remote control 3Enable / no warning 4VLT running 5Running / no warning 6Run in range / no warning 7Run on reference / no warning 8Alarm 9Alarm or warning 10At torque limit 11Out of current range 12Below current, low 13Above current, high 14Out of range 15Below speed, low 16Above speed, high 17Out of feedback range 18Below feedback low 19Above feedback high 20Thermal warning 21Ready, no thermal warning 22Remote, ready, no thermal warning 23Ready, no over-/ under voltage 24Reverse 25Function Select Bus OK 26Torque limit and stop 27Brake, no brake warning 28Brake ready, no fault 29Brake fault (IGBT) 30Relay 123 31Mechanical brake control 32Safe stop activated (FC 302 only) 33Out of ref range 40Below reference low 41Above reference high 42Bus Ctrl 45Bus Ctrl On at timeout 46Bus Ctrl Off at timeout 47MCO controlled 51Pulse output 55Comparator 0 60Comparator 1 61Comparator 2 62Comparator 3 63Comparator 4 64Comparator 5 65Logic Rule 0 70Logic Rule 1 71Logic Rule 2 72Logic Rule 3 73110ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to contentDigital output function Select Logic Rule 4 74Logic Rule 5 75SL Digital Output A 80SL Digital Output B 81SL Digital Output C 82SL Digital Output D 83SL Digital Output E 84SL Digital Output F 85Local reference active 120Remote reference active 121No alarm 122Start command active 123Running reverse 124Drive in hand mode 125Drive in auto mode 126111ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-41 On Delay, RelayValue:Back to contentEnter the delay of the relay cut-in time. Select one of available mechanical relays and MCO 105 in an array function. See par. 5-40.Array 8 (Relay 1 0, Relay 2 1, Relay 7 6, Relay 8 7, Relay 9 8)0.01 - 600.00 s. * 0.01s112ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-42 Off Delay, RelayValue:Back to contentEnter the delay of the relay cut-out time. Select one of available mechanical relays and MCO 105 in an array function. See par. 5-40.Array 8 (Relay 1 0, Relay 2 1, Relay 7 6, Relay 8 7, Relay 9 8)0.01 - 600.00 s. * 0.01sIf the Selected Event condition changes before the on- or off delay timer expires, the relay output is unaffected.113ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content5-5* Pulse InputThe pulse input parameters are used to define an appropriate window for the impulse reference area by configuring the scaling and filter settings for the pulse inputs. Input terminals 29 or 33 act as frequency reference inputs. Set terminal 29 (par. 5-13) or terminal 33 (par. 5-15) to Pulse input 32. If terminal 29 is used as an input, then set par. 5-01 to Input 0.Ref.RPMInputHzHigh ref. valueP5-53/P5-58Low ref. valueP5-52/P5-57Low Freq.P5-50/P5-55High Freq.P5-51/P5-56114ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-50 Term. 29 Low FrequencyValue:Back to contentEnter the low frequency limit corresponding to the low motor shaft speed (i.e. low reference value) in par. 5-52. Refer to the diagram0 - 110000 Hz *100Hz5-51 Term. 29 High FrequencyValue:Enter the high frequency limit corresponding to the high motor shaft speed (i.e. high reference value) in par. 5-53. Refer to the diagram0 - 110000 Hz *100Hz5-52 Term. 29 Low Ref./Feedb.ValueValue:Enter the low reference value limit for the motor shaft speed RPM. This is also the lowest feedback value, see also par. 5-57. Set terminal 29 to digital output (par. 5-02 = Output 1 and par. 5-13 = applicable value).-1000000.000 - par. 5-53 *0.000115ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-53 Term.29 High Ref./Feedb.ValueValue:Back to contentEnter the high reference value RPM for the motor shaft speed and the high feedback value, see also par.5-58. Select terminal 29 as a digital output (par. 5-02 = Output 1 and par. 5-13 = applicable value).Par. 5-52 - 1000000.000 *1500.0000 1000 ms *100ms5-54 Pulse Filter Time Constant #29Value:Enter the pulse filter time constant. The pulse filter dampens oscillations of the feedback signal, which is an advantage if there is a lot of noise in the SYSTEM. A high time constant value results in better dampening but also increases the time delay through the filter. 0 110000 Hz *100Hz5-55 Term. 33 Low FrequencyValue:Enter the low frequency corresponding to the low motor shaft speed (i.e. low reference value) in par. 5-57. Refer to the diagram in this section.116ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-56 Term. 33 High FrequencyValue:Back to contentEnter the high frequency corresponding to the high motor shaft speed (i.e. high reference value) in par. 5-58.-100000.000 . par. 5-58 *0.0005-57 Term. 33 Low Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Enter the low reference value RPM for the motor shaft speed. This is also the low feedback value, see also par. 5-52.5-58 Term. 33 High Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:0 110000 Hz *100HzPar. 5-57 - 100000.000 *1500.000Enter the high reference value RPM for the motor shaft speed. See also par. 5-53 Term. 29 High Ref./Feedb. Value.117ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-59 Pulse Filter Time Constant #33Value:Back to contentEnter the pulse filter time constant. The low-pass filter reduces the influence on and dampens oscillations on the feedback signal from the control. This is an advantage, e.g. if there is a great amount on noise in the system. 0 1000ms *100ms118ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content5-6* Pulse OutputsParameters for configuring the scaling and output functions of pulse outputs. The pulse outputs are designated to terminals 27 or 29. Select terminal 27 output in par. 5-01 and terminal 29 output in par. 5-02.Output Value OutputHzHigh output valueP5-60 (term27)P5-63 (term29)High Freq.P5-62 (term27)P5-65 (term29)119ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-60 Terminal 27 Pulse Output VariableBack to content5-63 Terminal 29 Pulse Output Variable*No operation 0Bus control 45Bus control time-out 48MCO controlled 51Output frequency 100Reference 101Feedback 102Motor current 103Torque relative to limit 104Torque relative to rated 105Power 106Speed 107Torque 108Select the variable for viewing on the terminal 27/29 display.5-66 Terminal X30/6 Pulse Output Variable120ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-62 Pulse Output Maximum Frequency #27Value:Back to contentSet the maximum frequency for terminal 27, corresponding to the output variable selected in par.5-60.0 32000 Hz *5000Hz5-65 Pulse Output Maximum Frequency #29Value:0 32000 Hz *5000HzSet the maximum frequency for terminal 29, corresponding to the output variable selected in par.5-63.5-68 Pulse Output Maximum Frequency #X30/6Value:0 32000 Hz *5000HzSet the maximum frequency for terminal X30/6, corresponding to the output variable selected in par.5-66.121ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content5-7* 24 V Encoder InputParameters for configuring the 24V encoder.Connect the 24 V encoder to terminal 12 (24 V DC supply), terminal 32 (Channel A), terminal 33 (Channel B), and terminal 20 (GND). The digital inputs 32/33 are active for encoder inputs when 24V encoder is selected in par. 1-02 and par. 7-00. The encoder used is a dual channel (A and B) 24 V type. Max input frequency: 110 kHz.122ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-70 Term. 32/33 Pulses per RevolutionValue:Back to contentSet the encoder pulses per revolution on the motor shaft. Read the correct value from the encoder.128 - 4096 PPR *1024PPR5-71 Term. 32/33 Encoder DirectionValue:* Clockwise 0Counter clockwise 1Change the detected encoder rotation direction without changing the wiring to the encoder. Select Clockwise 0 to set channel A 90 (electrical degrees) behind channel B upon clockwise rotation of the encoder shaft. Select Counter clockwise 1 to set channel A 90 (electrical degrees) ahead of channel B upon clockwise rotation of the encoder shaft.123ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-90 Digital & Relay Bus ControlValue:Back to contentThis parameter holds the state of the digital outputs and relays that is controlled by bus.A logical 1 indicates that the output is high or active.A logical 0 indicates that the output is low or inactive.0 - FFFFFFFF *05-9* Bus ControlledThis parameter group selects digital and relay outputs via a fieldbus setting.124ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 5 5 DDi ig gi it ta al l I In n/ /OOu ut t5-93 Pulse Output # 27 Bus ControlValue:Back to contentSet the output frequency transferred to the output terminal 27 when the terminal is configured as Bus Controlled in par. 5-60 45.0.00 100.00% *0%5-94 Pulse Output # 27 Time-out PresetValue:Set the output frequency transferred to the output terminal 27 when the terminal is configured as Bus Ctrl Timeout in par. 5-60 48. And a timeout is detected.5-95 Pulse Output # 29 Bus ControlValue:0.00 100.00% *0%0.00 100.00% *0%Set the output frequency transferred to the output terminal 29 when the terminal is configured as Bus Controlled in par. 5-60 45.5-96 Pulse Output # 29 Time-out PresetValue:0.00 100.00% *0%Set the output frequency transferred to the output terminal 29 when the terminal is configured as Bus Ctrl Timeout in par. 5-60 48. And a timeout is detected.125ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-00 Live Zero Timeout TimeValue:Back to contentEnter the Live Zero Time-out time period. Live Zero Time-out Time is active for analog inputs, i.e. terminal 53 or terminal 54, allocated to current and used as reference or feedback sources. If the reference signal value associated with the selected current input falls below 50% of the value set in par. 6-10, par. 6-12, par. 6-20 or par. 6-22 for a time period longer than the time set in par. 6-00, the function selected in par. 6-01 will be activated.1 99 s *10s6-* Analog In/OutParameter group for configuration of the analog input and output.6-0* Analog I/O ModeThe analog inputs can freely be allocated to be either voltage (FC 301: 0.10 V, FC 302: 0.+/- 10V) or current (FC 301/302: 0/4.20 mA) input.NB!Thermistors may be connected to either an analog or a digital input.126ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-01 Live Zero Timeout FunctionValue:Back to content* Off 0Freeze Output 1Stop 2Jogging 3Max. speed 4Stop and trip 5Select the time-out function. The function set in par. 6-01 will be activated if the input signal on terminal 53 or 54 is below 50% of the value in par. 6-10, par. 6-12, par. 6-20 or par. 6-22 for a time period defined in par. 6-00. If several time-outs occur simultaneously, the frequency converter prioritises the time-out functions as follows:1. Par. 6-01 Live Zero Time-out Function2. Par. 5-74 Encoder Loss Function3. Par. 8-04 Control-word Time-out FunctionThe output frequency of the frequency converter can be:. 1 frozen at the present value. 2 overruled to stop. 3 overruled to jog speed. 4 overruled to max. speed. 5 overruled to stop with subsequent trip127ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content6-1* Analog Input 1Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog input 1 (terminal 53).128ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-10 Terminal 53 Low VoltageValue:Back to content-10 V par. 6-11* 0.07 V6-11 Terminal 53 High VoltageValue:Par. 6-10 10.0 V* 10.0 V6-12 Terminal 53 Low CurrentValue:0.0 par. 6-13 mA* 0.14mA6-13 Terminal 53 High CurrentValue:Par. 6-12 20.0 mA* 20.0 mA129ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Back to content-1000000.000 to par. 6-15 *0.000 Unit6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Par. 6-14 to 1000000.000 *1500.000 Unit 6-16 Terminal 53 Filter Time ConstantValue:0.001 10.000 s* 0.001sEnter the time constant. This is a first-order digital low pass filter time constant for suppressing electrical noise in terminal 53. A high time constant value improves dampening but also increases the time delay through the filter.130ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-20 Terminal 54 Low VoltageValue:Back to content-10 V to par. 6-11 *0.07 V6-2* Analog Input 2Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog input 2 (terminal 54).6-21 Terminal 54 High VoltageValue:Par. 6-20 10.0 V* 10.0 V6-22 Terminal 54 Low CurrentValue:0.0 par. 6-23 mA* 0.14mA6-23 Terminal 54 High CurrentValue:Par. 6-22 20.0 mA* 20.0 mA131ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Back to content-1000000.000 to par. 6-25 *0.000 Unit6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Par. 6-24 to 1000000.000 *1500.000 Unit 6-26 Terminal 54 Filter Time ConstantValue:0.001 10.000 s* 0.001sEnter the time constant. This is a first-order digital low pass filter time constant for suppressing electrical noise in terminal 54. A high time constant value improves dampening but also increases the time delay through the filter.132ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-30 Term. X30/11 Low VoltageValue:Back to content-10 V to par. 6-31 *0.07 V6-3* Analog Input 3 (MCB 101)Parameter group for configuring the scale and limits for analog input 3 (X30/11) placed on option module MCB 101.6-31 Term. X30/11 High VoltageValue:Par. 6-30 10.0 V* 10.0 V133ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-34 Term. X30/11 Low Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Back to content-1000000.000 to par. 6-35 *0.000 Unit6-35 Term. X30/11 High Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Par. 6-34 to 1000000.000 *1500.000 Unit 6-36 Term. X30/11 Filter Time ConstantValue:0.001 10.000 s* 0.001sA 1st order digital low pass filter time constant for suppressing electrical noise on terminal X30/11.134ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-40 Term. X30/12 Low VoltageValue:Back to content-10 V to par. 6-41 *0.07 V6-4* Analog Input 4 (MCB 101)Parameter group for configuring the scale and limits for analog input 4 (X30/12) placed on option module MCB 101.6-41 Term. X30/12 High VoltageValue:Par. 6-40 10.0 V* 10.0 V135ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-44 Term. X30/12 Low Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Back to content-1000000.000 to par. 6-45 *0.000 Unit6-45 Term. X30/12 High Ref./Feedb. ValueValue:Par. 6-44 to 1000000.000 *1500.000 Unit 6-46 Term. X30/12 Filter Time ConstantValue:0.001 10.000 s* 0.001sA 1st order digital low pass filter time constant for suppressing electrical noise on terminal X30/12.136ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content6-5* Analog Output 1Parameters for configuring the scaling and limits for analog output 1, i.e. Terminal 42. Analog outputs are current outputs: 0/4 . 20 mA. Common terminal (terminal 39) is the same terminal and has the same electrical potential for analog commonand digital common connection. Resolution on analog output is 12 bit.6-50 Terminal 42 OutputValue:No operation 0MCO 305 0-20 mA 52MCO 305 4-20 mA 53Output frequency 100Reference 101Feedback 102Motor current 103Torque rel to lim 104Torque rel to rated 105Power 106Speed 107Torque 108Output freq. 4-20mA 130Reference 4-20mA 131Feedback 4-20mA 132Motor cur. 4-20mA 133Torque % lim. 4-20mA 134Torque % nom 4-20mA 135Power 4-20mA 136Speed 4-20mA 137Torque 4-20mA 138Bus ctrl. 0-20 mA 139Bus ctrl. 4-20 mA 140Bus ctrl. 0-20 mA, timeout 141Bus ctrl. 4-20 mA, timeout 142137ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min ScaleValue:Back to content0.00 200% *0 %Scale the minimum output of the selected analog signal at terminal 42, as a percentage of the maximum signal value. E.g. if 0 mA (or 0 Hz) is desired at 25% of the maximum output value, then programme 25%. Scaling values up to 100% can never be higher than the corresponding setting in par. 6-52.CurrentmA200/40%AnalogOut ScaleLowP6-51AnalogOut ScaleHighP6-52100 %AnalogOutput Signalex: SpeedRPM138ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut t6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max ScaleValue:Back to content0.00 200% *100 %Scale the maximum output of the selected analog signal at terminal 42. Set the value to the maximum value of the current signal output. Scale the output to give a current lower than 20 mA at full scale; or 20 mA at an output below 100% of the maximum signal value. If 20 mA is the desired output current at a value between 0 - 100% of the full-scale output, programme the percentage value in the parameter, i.e. 50% = 20 mA. If a current between 4 and 20 mA is desired at maximum output (100%), calculate the percentage value as follows:6-53 Terminal 42 Output Bus ControlValue:0.00 100.00% *0.00 %6-54 Terminal 42 Output Bus PresetValue:0.00 100.00% *0.00 %Holds the preset level of Output 42.In case of a bus timeout and a timeout function is selected in par. 6-50 the output will preset to this level.139ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content6-60 Terminal X30/8 OutputValue:6-6* Analog Output 2 (MCB 101)Analog outputs are current outputs: 0/4 - 20 mA. Common terminal (terminal X30/7) is the same terminal and electrical potential for analog common connection. Resolution on analog output is 12 bit.No operation 0Output frequency (0 . 1000 Hz), 0.20 mA 100Output frequency (0 . 1000 Hz), 4.20 mAReference (Refmin-max),0.20mA 101Reference (Ref min-max), 4.20 mAFeedback (FB min-max)0.20mA 102Feedback (FB min-max) 4.20 mAMotor current (0-Imax) 0.20mA 103Motor current (0-Imax) 4.20 mATorque relative to limit0-Tlim,0.20mA 104Torque relative to limit 0-Tlim, 4.20 mATorque relativetorated0-Tnom,0.20 mA 105Torque relative to rated 0-Tnom, 4.20 mAPower (0-Pnom),0.20mA 106Power (0-Pnom), 4.20 mASpeed (0-Speedmax), 0.20 mA 107Speed (0-Speedmax), 4.20 mATorque (+/-160% torque), 0-20mA 108Torque (+/-160% torque), 4-20mAOutput freq. 4-20 mA 130Reference 4-20 mA 131Feedback 4-20 mA 132Motor cur. 4-20 mA 133Torque % lim. 4-20 mA 134Torque % nom 4-20 mA 135Power 4-20 mA 136Speed 4-20 mA 137Torque 4-20 mA 138Bus Ctrl 0-20 mA 139Bus Ctrl 4-20 mA 140Bus Ctrl 0-20 mA, Timeout 141Bus Ctrl 4-20 mA, Timeout 142140ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 6 6 AAn na al lo og g I In n/ /OOu ut tBack to content6-61 Term. X30/8 Output Min ScaleValue:0.00 200 %* 0 %Scales the minimum output of the selected analog signal on terminal X30/8. Scale the minimum value as a percentage of the maximum signal value, i.e. 0 mA (or 0 Hz) is desired at 25% of the maximum output value and 25% is programmed. The value can never be higher than the corresponding setting in par. 6-62 if value is below 100%.6-62 Term. X30/8 Output Max ScaleValue:0.00 200 %* 100 %Scales the maximum output of the selected analog signal on terminal X30/8. Scale the value to the desired maximum value of the current signal output. Scale the output to give a lower current than 20 mA at full scale or 20 mA at an output below 100% of the maximum signal value. If 20 mA is the desired output current at a value between 0 - 100% of the ful-scale output, program the percentage value in the parameter, i.e. 50% = 20 mA. If a current between 4 and 20 MA is desired at maximum output (100%), calculate the percentage value as follows:141ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content6-70 Speed PID Feedback SourceValue:7-* ControllersParameter group for configuring application controls.7-0* Speed PID Ctrl.Parameters for configuring the speed PID control.* Motor feedb. p.1-02 (FC 302 only) 024V encoder 1MCB 102 2MCB 103 3MCO encoder 1 4MCO encoder 2 5Select the encoder for closed loop feedback. The feedback may come from a different encoder (typically mounted on the application itself) than the motor mounted encoder feedback selected in par. 1-02.NB!If separate encoders are used (FC 302 only) to ramp settings parameters inthe following groups: 3-4*, 3-5*, 3-6*, 3-7* and 3-8* must be adjusted according to the gear ratio between the two encoders.142ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-02 Speed Proportional Gain PIDValue:0.000 1.000* 0.015 Enter the speed controller proportional gain. The proportional gain amplifies the error (i.e. the deviation between the feedback signal and the setpoint). This parameter is used with par. 1-00 Speed open loop 0 and Speed closed loop 1 control. Quick control is obtained at high amplification. However if the amplification is too great, the process may become unstable.7-03 Speed Integral Time PIDValue:2.0 2000.0 ms* 8.0ms Enter the speed controller integral time, which determines the time the internal PID control takes to correct errors. The greater the error, the more quickly the gain increases. The integral time causes a delay of the signal and therefore a dampening effect, and can be used to eliminate steady state speed error. Obtain quick control through a short integral time, though if the integral time is too short, the process becomes unstable. An excessively long integral time disables the integral action, leading to major deviations from the required reference, since the process regulator takes too long to regulate errors. This parameter is used with Speed open loop 0 and Speed closed loop 1 control, set in par. 1-00 Configuration Mode.143ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-04 Speed Differentiation Time PIDValue:0.0 200.0ms* 30.0ms Enter the speed controller differentiation time. The differentiator does not react to constant error. It provides gain proportional to the rate of change of the speed feedback. The quicker the error changes, the stronger the gain from the differentiator. The gain is proportional with the speed at which errors change. Setting this parameter to zero disables the differentiator. This parameter is used with par. 1-00 Speed closed loop 1 control.7-05 Speed Diff. Gain Limit PIDValue:1.000 20.000 * 5.000 Set a limit for the gain provided by the differentiator. Since the differential gain increases at higher frequencies, limiting the gain may be useful. For example, set up a pure D-link at low frequencies and a constant D-link at higher frequencies. This parameter is used with par. 1-00 Speed closed loop 1 control. 144ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-06 Speed PID Lowpass Filter TimeValue:1.0 100.0ms* 10.0ms Set a time constant for the speed control low-pass filter. The low-pass filter improves steady-state performance and dampens oscillations on the feedback signal. This is an advantage if there is a great amount on noise in the SYSTEM, see illustration below. For example, if a time constant () of 100 ms is programmed, the cut-off frequency for the low-pass filter will be 1/0.1= 10 RAD/sec., corresponding to (10/2 x p) = 1.6 Hz. The PID regulator only regulates a feedback signal that varies by a frequency of less than 1.6 Hz. If the feedback signal varies by a higher frequency than 1.6 Hz, the PID regulator does not react. Note that severe filtering can be detrimental to dynamic performance. This parameter is used with par. 1-00 Speed closed loop 1 and Torque 2 control.145ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-30 Process PID Normal/ Inverse ControlValue:7-3* Process PID Ctrl.Parameters for configuring the Process PID control.Normal 0* Inverse 1Select Normal 0 to set the process control to increase the output frequency.Select Inverse 1 to set the process control to reduce the output frequency. Normal and inverse control are implemented by introducing a difference between the reference signal and the feedback signal.7-31 Process PID Anti WindupValue:* Off 0On 1Select Off 0 to cease regulation of an error when the output frequency can no longer be adjusted. Select On 1 to continue regulation of an error even when the output frequency cannot be increased or decreased.146ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-32 Process PID Start SpeedValue:0 6000 RPM* 0 RPMEnter the motor speed to be attained as a start signal for commencement of PID control. When the power is switched on, the frequency converter will commence ramping and then operate under speed open loop control. Thereafter, when the Process PID start speed is reached, the frequency converter will change over to Process PID control. 7-33 Process PID Proportional GainValue:0.00 - 10.00 N/A *0.01N/AEnter the PID proportional gain. The proportional gain multiplies the error between the set point and the feedback signal.7-34 Process PID Integration TimeValue:0.01 - 10000.00 *10000.00sEnter the PID integral time. The integrator provides an increasing gain at a constant error between the set point and the feedback signal. The integral time is the time needed by the integrator to reach the same gain as the proportional gain.147ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-35 Process PID Differentiation TimeValue:0.00 10.00 s* 0.00 sEnter the PID differentiation time. The differentiator does not react to a constant error, but provides a gain only when the error changes. The shorter the PID differentiation time, the stronger the gain from the differentiator. 7-36 Process PID Diff. Gain LimitValue:1.0 - 50.0 N/A *5.0N/AEnter a limit for the differentiator gain (DG). If there is no limit, the DG will increase when there are fast changes. Limit the DG to obtain a pure differentiator gain at slow changes and a constant differentiator gain where fast changes occur.7-38 Process PID Feed Forward FactorValue:0 - 500% *0%Enter the PID feed forward (FF) factor. The FF factor sends a constant fraction of the reference signal to bypass the PID control, so the PID control only affects the remaining fraction of the control signal. Any change to this parameter will thus affect the motor speed. When the FF factor is activated it provides less overshoot, and high dynamicswhen changing the set point. Par. 7-38 is active when par. 1-00 Configuration Mode is setto 3 Process.148ppt课件.GGr ro ou up p 7 7 C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er rs sBack to content7-39 On Reference BandwidthValue:0 200%*5%Enter the On Reference bandwidth. When the PID Control Error (the difference between the reference and the feedback) is less than the set value of this parameter the On Reference status bit is high, i.e. = 1149ppt课件.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!
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