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Part A Lets learn 教者:郭磊教者:郭磊Its a cat. cat 小猫小猫 fat 胖的胖的 bat 球拍球拍 mat地毯地毯hat 帽子帽子 rat 老鼠老鼠Its a pig.og圆木圆木(谜语(谜语)手掌珍贵似明珠,手掌珍贵似明珠,行动笨拙傻乎乎,行动笨拙傻乎乎,样子像狗爱玩耍,样子像狗爱玩耍,下水上树有功夫。下水上树有功夫。Its a bear.ear earearear小猫小猫cat 喵喵喵;喵喵喵;小猪小猪pig 噜噜噜;噜噜噜;小狗小狗dog 汪汪汪;汪汪汪;小鸭小鸭duck 嘎嘎嘎;嘎嘎嘎;小熊小熊bear 力气大力气大小猫小猫 _ 喵喵喵;喵喵喵;小猪小猪 _ 噜噜噜;噜噜噜;小狗小狗 _ 汪汪汪;汪汪汪;小鸭小鸭 _ 嘎嘎嘎;嘎嘎嘎;小熊小熊 _ 力气大力气大 。Play a gameWhats missing?Whats missing?Play a gamePlay a gameIts a dog.Its a duck.og圆木圆木Where is the dog?Its on the log.Look at the dog. Its on the log.Whats this?Its a duck.Its a truck.Look at the duck. Its in the truck.Where is the bear?Its on the pear.Look at the bear. Its on the pear.
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