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非谓语动词在写作中的运用The usage of the Non-finite verbs in writingLearn to use different forms of a verb 非谓语动词的非谓语动词的三种形式三种形式 动词的动词的-ing形式形式 doing 动词的过去分词动词的过去分词 done 动词不定式动词不定式 to doDifferent forms can be used as 主语,宾语,定语、状语、主语,宾语,定语、状语、 补语,表语补语,表语 【看一看】非谓语动词在句子中的作用【看一看】非谓语动词在句子中的作用(1) Having a disability does not mean .(2)your life is not satisfying.(3)A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans.(4)Without pausing, we jumped into the boat(5)As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of killers.(6)There was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again.主语主语表语表语定语定语宾语宾语状语状语宾语补足语宾语补足语When he found the door locked, he went home.Finding the door locked, he went home.Comparing them, choose a better one. We ate inside the hut and sat round the fire. We ate inside the hut, sitting round the fire.Comparing them, choose a better one.Comparing them, choose a better one.After a long run, John returned home, exhausted. After he had a long run, John returned home and felt exhausted. When the library is completed, it will be open to the public next year.When completed, the library will be open to the public next year.Comparing them, choose a better one.Here are what you chose just now: 1. Finding the door locked, he went home.2. We ate inside the hut, sitting round the fire.3. After a long run, John returned home, exhausted. 4. When completed, the library will be open to the public next year.Rewrite the following sentences:1. When they heard the news , they immediately set off for Shanghai. 2. She stood by the window and watched the sunsets.3. She walked out of the classroom and many students followed her. 4. After he finished his homework, he watched TV for a while. 5. Our English teacher speaks louder in order that he can make himself heard.1. When they heard the news , they immediately set off for Shanghai. , they immediately set off for Shanghai. 改写句子:Hearing the news2. She stood by the window and watched the sunsets.She stood by the window, watching the sunsets. 3. She walked out of the classroom and many students followed her. She walked out of the classroom,followed by many students. 4. After he finished his homework, he watched TV for a while. ,he watched TV for a while.Having finished his homework5. Our English teacher speaks louder in order that he can make himself heard.Our English teacher speaks louderto make himself heard.6. I heard that he was singing in the next room. I heard _ _ in the room him singing7. All the people who were invited to the party were teachers. All the people _ to the party were teachers. invitedHere are what you rewrote just now 1. Hearing the news , they immediately set off for Shanghai. 2. Having finished his homework , he watched TV for a while. 3. She walked out of the classroom, followed by many students. 4. She stood by the window, watching the sunsets.5. Our English teacher speaks louder to make himself heard.6. I heard him singing in the room7.All the people invited to the party were teachers.句子结构:句子结构: 句中的位置(1)非谓语(时间/原因/条件等状语),S+V+其它.(2)S+V+其它,非谓语(结果/伴随等状语).(3)非谓语(目的状语), S+V+其它. 或 S+V+其它+非谓语(目的状语). The girl was from London. She was attracted by the beauty of nature. She decided to spend two more days on the farm. Attracted by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend two more days on the farm. 用一句话表达用一句话表达学学会会运运用用非非谓谓语语动动词词基础写作:用英语写一篇关于四川地震的简介:用英语写一篇关于四川地震的简介: 写作内容如下:写作内容如下:2008年年5月月12日,一场特大地震袭击了四川日,一场特大地震袭击了四川省。造成了成千上万人无家可归。大量的人省。造成了成千上万人无家可归。大量的人员在地震中受伤,甚至丧命。为了营救那些员在地震中受伤,甚至丧命。为了营救那些被困和被埋的人,政府及时采取了有效的措被困和被埋的人,政府及时采取了有效的措施,并且派遣士兵到受灾地区。听到这个噩施,并且派遣士兵到受灾地区。听到这个噩耗后,全世界的人们都伸出了援助之手。耗后,全世界的人们都伸出了援助之手。 尽尽管他们失去了一切,但他们正全力以赴,克管他们失去了一切,但他们正全力以赴,克服重重困难,重建家园。服重重困难,重建家园。1、2008年年5月月12日,一场特大(日,一场特大(terrible/worst)地震袭击地震袭击(hit/strick)了四川省。了四川省。2、这场地震造成了成千上万人无家可归、这场地震造成了成千上万人无家可归(homeless)。3、大量的人员在地震中受伤,甚至丧命。、大量的人员在地震中受伤,甚至丧命。4、为了营救那些被困和被埋的人,政府及时采取、为了营救那些被困和被埋的人,政府及时采取有效的措施。有效的措施。5、政府派遣士兵到受灾地区、政府派遣士兵到受灾地区(the earthquake-stricken area )。6、一听到这个噩耗、一听到这个噩耗(terrible news) ,全世界的人,全世界的人们都伸出了援助之手。们都伸出了援助之手。7、尽管他们失去了一切,但他们正全力以赴、尽管他们失去了一切,但他们正全力以赴(try ones best)。8、他们正克服重重困难,重建家园。、他们正克服重重困难,重建家园。12345 2008年年5月月12日,一场特大地震袭击日,一场特大地震袭击了四川省,造成了成千上万人无家可归。了四川省,造成了成千上万人无家可归。On May 12th,2008, a worst earthquake struck Sichuan Province,causing thousands of people homeless.大量的人员受伤,甚至丧命。A great number of people were injured or even killed in the earthquake.为了营救那些受困和被埋的人,政府及时采取有效的措施,派遣士兵到受灾地区。To rescue the trapped and buried people, the government immediately took effective measures, sending the soldiers to the earthquake-stricken areas.到这个噩耗后,全世界的人们到这个噩耗后,全世界的人们都伸出了援助之手。都伸出了援助之手。Hearing the terrible news, the people all over the world came together to help them.尽管他们失去了一切,但他们尽管他们失去了一切,但他们正全力以赴,克服重重困难,重正全力以赴,克服重重困难,重建家园。建家园。Although having lost everything, they are trying their best to overcome all kinds of difficulties to rebuild their home.On May 12th,2008, a worst earthquake struck Sichuan Province.It caused thousands of people homeless. A great number of people were injured or even killed. The government wanted to rescue the buried people. The government immediately took effective measures. It sent the soldiers to the earthquake-stricken areas. The people all over the world came together to help them when they heard the terrible news. Although they had lost everything, they are trying their best to overcome all kinds of difficulties to rebuild their home.On May 12th,2008, a worst earthquake struck Sichuan Province,causing thousands of people homeless. A great number of people were injured or even killed. To rescue the trapped and buried people, the government immediately took effective measures, sending the soldiers to the earthquake-stricken areas. Hearing the terrible news, the people all over the world came together to help them. Although having lost everything, they are trying their best to overcome all kinds of difficulties to rebuild their home.Homework Write the composition and hand it in.
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