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The history of Chinese calligraphy Chinese calligraphy history and the history of Chinese text for use as history. Since China since oracle invention calligraphy font experience from the official seal, cursive scripts, regular script, running stage of development. Chinese calligraphy in ancient times had a fully-fledged art, is rich, complete and traced to the theory system, a lot of the theoretical work is calligraphers artistic practice summary, greatly influenced by calligraphy study and creation. The history of Chinese calligraphy is generally considered the traceability to the origin of Chinese characters period. And now find the earliest mature form of Chinese characters is oracle. Oracle is to retain some hieroglyphs colorific characters form 。 。In 221 BC, establish the qin dynasty QinShiHuangDi unified six. The qin dynasty in order to consolidate rule, the original every state by use of each have differences text unity is the seal. The han dynastys most popular font is official script, thus han Li is considered official script model. Generally, official script can be traced to the origin of the time when the warring states, qin dynasty has roughly forming. 王羲之的兰亭序隋唐宋时期柳公权楷书柳公权楷书宋朝宋朝时期,蔡襄、期,蔡襄、苏轼、黄庭、黄庭坚和和米芾相米芾相继出出现,被后人合称被后人合称为“宋宋四家,宋朝四家,宋朝书法一法一时变得光得光辉灿烂 元清时期的书法草书苏州园林是指中国州园林是指中国苏州城内的园林建筑,以私家州城内的园林建筑,以私家园林园林为主,起始于春秋主,起始于春秋时期的吴国建都姑期的吴国建都姑苏时公元前公元前514年,构成于五代,成熟于宋代,年,构成于五代,成熟于宋代,兴隆隆于明代,鼎盛于清代。到清末于明代,鼎盛于清代。到清末苏州已有各色园林州已有各色园林一百七十多一百七十多处,现保管完好的有六十多保管完好的有六十多处,对外外开放的园林有十九开放的园林有十九处。占地面。占地面积不大,但以意境不大,但以意境见长,以独具匠心的,以独具匠心的艺术手法在有限的空手法在有限的空间内点内点缀安排,移步安排,移步换景,景,变化无化无穷。1997年,年,苏州古州古典园林作典园林作为中国园林的代表被列入中国园林的代表被列入。拙政园苏州园林
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