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S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROObjectives Objectives Introducing yourselfReading short texts for informationGetting familiar with positive and negative adjectives to describe citiesRevising Present Simple and Past SimpleInterviewing a partner and writing a short text based on personal information Lesson 1 My Town2021/3/101S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROConcrete jungleConcrete jungle a way of describing a city or an area that is unpleasant because it has many large modern buildings and no trees or parks.Related InformationRelated Information2021/3/102S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO1. 1. concrete concrete n. & adjn. & adj. . building material that is made by mixing together cement巩固, sand, small stones and water e.g. This road is made of concrete. The workers embedded嵌入 the big posts in concrete. Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation2021/3/103S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO2. . crowd crowd n n. . a large number of people gathered together in a public place, for example in the streets or at a sports game e.g. He pushed his way through the crowd. There was a crowd of people in front of the town hall市政府. LexicalLexical PreparationPreparation2021/3/104S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO3. fortune fortune n n. . a large amount of money e.g. He made a fortune in real estate房地产. That ring must be worth a fortune.Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation2021/3/105S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO4. jewelry jewelry n n. . objects such as rings and necklaces that people wear decoration装饰 e.g. She never wears jewelry. jeweler jeweler n.n. A person who makes, repairs or sells jewelry and watches. e.g. The jeweler will engrave雕刻 the inside of the ring with her name.Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation2021/3/106S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO5. noisy noisy adj.adj. making a lot of noise or full of noise e.g. This room is noisy. The meeting was a noisy affair. Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation 2021/3/107S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO6. pollute pollute v. v. to add dirty or harmful substances有害物质 to land, air, water, etc. so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use e.g. We should not pollute our rivers with waste. Polluted air hangs over笼罩 the city. Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation2021/3/108S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO7. sophisticated sophisticated adj.adj. having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important e.g. She is a sophisticated woman. Most politician are very sophisticated.Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation2021/3/109S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO8. tourist tourist n n. . a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure e.g. I used to be a tourist guide. Tourist do not appreciate long delay at bank. touristy touristy n n. . attracting 吸引or designed to attract a lot of tourists e.g. Bali is the most touristy of the islands.Lexical PreparationLexical Preparation2021/3/1010S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO1.Answer the questions. 1. Where are you from? 2. Do you like cities? 3. Do you live in the place where you were born? If not, why did you move?Speaking & ReadingSpeaking & Reading2021/3/1011S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROSpeaking & ReadingSpeaking & Reading2. Read the profiles个人档案个人档案. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? If false, explain why. 1. Everybodys parents have different nationalities. F Rashids parents are both from India. 2. Everybody likes cities. 3. Linda likes her job. 4. Carolina is the most positive about her city. 5. Rashid was born in Bombay.FTFF2021/3/1012S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO3. Complete these sentences with the correct name. 1. _doesnt work. 2. _can speak the most languages. 3. _ thinks that the city helps him / her to be creative.Speaking & ReadingSpeaking & ReadingRashidLindaRashid2021/3/1013S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROCity adjectives1.Underline the adjectives in the texts on P6. Which are: a) positive b) negative c) neutral Key: a) positive: great ( x 2), interesting b) negative: boring, hectic, tiring c) neutral: OK, new, small, local, cold, big VocabularyVocabulary 2021/3/1014S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO2. Are these adjectives positive or negative in your opinion? VocabularyVocabularyKey:a) positive: cosmopolitan, dynamic, sophisticated, varied, welcoming b) negative: crowded, dirty, noisy, polluted, stressful, touristy, ugly3. Which of the adjectives could you use to describe your city or town?2021/3/1015S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 伦敦是个非常国际化的大城市。(cosmopolitan) London is a very cosmopolitan city. 2.她的母亲是在一种喧嚣的都市环境中长大的。(hectic) Her mother grew up in the hectic urban environment. 3. 纽约被认为是一个充满旅游特色的城市。(touristy) New York is supposed to be very touristy.VocabularyVocabulary2021/3/1016S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO 4. 我几年前住过的那个城市是一个充满充满活力的 城市。(dynamic) The city where I lived a few years ago was a dynamic one. 5. 那班火车非常拥挤。(crowded) The train was very crowded.VocabularyVocabulary2021/3/1017S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO一般现在时与一般过去时的用法比较一般现在时与一般过去时的用法比较一般现在时表示目前经常发生的行为动作或经常存在的状态,或表示客观真理、科学事实以及不受时间限制的客观存在;一般过去时表示过去某时发生的行为动作或状态。Language FocusLanguage FocusPresent Simple and Past Simple2021/3/1018S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO例句例句译文译文He lives in Tokyo now.I go swimming every week. They play football at the weekend.Four plus four makes eight.Last year I often went to that library. I didnt go to work yesterday. 他现在住在东京。我每周都去游泳。他们周末踢足球。四加四等于八。去年我常去那个图书馆。我昨天没有去上班。Language FocusLanguage Focus2021/3/1019S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO1.Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) for you and where do you live? If false, make the sentences true. 1. Most people work from 9 am to 5 pm. F Most people dont work from 9 am to 5 pm. They work from 9 am to 7 pm. 2. The streets are often very noisy. F The streets arent often very noisy. Theyre very quiet at night. 3. Eating out is expensive. F Eating out isnt very expensive. There are really cheap restaurants. Practice Practice2021/3/1020S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO4. Most people travel around by car. F Most people dont travel around by car. They travel by underground.5. My parents were born here. F My parents werent born here. They were born in London.6. I liked the city more when I was a child. F I didnt like the city when I was a child. I like it more now.PracticePractice2021/3/1021S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO2. Listen and complete the profile with verbs in the Present Simple or Past Simple. Rita Hi there, Im Rita. I _ in Jamaica, but my family _ to Paris when I _ two years old. We _ our own business a few years ago and its going very well. I _ Paris because there _ so much to do and see. Its impossible to get bored. The only problem is everything _ a fortune.PracticePracticewas bornmovedwasstartedlovescosts2021/3/1022S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROWhich sentences are in the Present Simple / Past simple tenses? And which talks about a present routine, a past state, a present truth / fact , or a past action?1. I study architecture. 2. I worked as a secretary. 3. I work in the shop every afternoon. 4. We moved to Italy. PracticePractice(present truth / fact)(past state)(present routine)(past action)2021/3/1023S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROTurn each of the above sentences into a negative, then into a question. e.g. 1. I dont study architecture. Do you study architecture? 2. I didnt work as a secretary. Did you work as a secretary? 3. I dont work in the shop every afternoon. Do you work in the shop every afternoon? 4. We didnt move to Italy. Did we / you move to Italy?PracticePractice2021/3/1024S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO3. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 英国人经常喝茶。 The English / British often drink tea. 2. 地球围绕太阳转。 The earth moves round the sun. PracticePractice2021/3/1025S&WPLFLPRIVS&RO3. 去年我常去那所大学的图书馆。 Last year, I often went to the library of that university.4. 他十分钟前离开了 He left ten minutes ago.5. 昨晚你去哪里了? Where did you go last night?PracticePractice2021/3/1026S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROSpeaking & WritingSpeaking & Writing1.Interview your partner using these prompts. 1. What / name? 2. How / old? 3. What / do? 4. Where / born? 5. When / arrive / (place)? 6. Do / like / the city? Why / Why not? 2021/3/1027S&WPLFLPRIVS&ROSpeakingSpeaking & Writing& Writing2. Write a short text about your partner from memory. Then swap texts with your partner Is the text about him / her correct?2021/3/1028
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