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International OrganisationsERP implementationDecember 3, 2001International Organisations 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.AgendaPresentation of Business Consulting division, AndersenPresentation of ERP implementation: Market and evolution ERP SuppliersOur methodologyExamples of ERP Implementation: Entreprise dElectricit FribourgeoiseCanton Ticino 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Andersen service offerings 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.AndersenCore businessInternational Organizations AssuranceOutsourcingRisk ConsultingBusiness ConsultingeBusinessCorporate FinanceHuman CapitalLegal ServicesTax ServicesWe help clients to create measurable performance improvement and lasting changeWe help clients focus on the business transformation required by eBusiness strategyWe help clients realize the value of their people by developing unique solutions to manage employeesWe assist clients in creating, enhancing and maximizing enterprise valueWe help businesses maximize valueWe provide access to legal services in commercial, M&A, labor, real estate, intellectual property and IT lawWe provide assurances to management, corporate directors, investors and lendersWe help clients understand and manage business risks that can impact performance and financial resultsWe design, implement and operate certain finance and accounting business processesMultinationalsFinancial Services IndustryPublic Sector 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.AndersenWorldwide & Swiss figures191384 countries385 offices77,000 consultants2000 turnover: $8.4 Bio19629 offices650 consultants2000 turnover: CHF150 Mio 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Business ConsultingRecent projects with International Organizations (1)Purchasing policy developmentOrganizational analysis and design of the fundraising department;Development of a target information tool for integrated operations; Assessment of the Kosovo OperationTraining on consulting methodologies and facilitation of tools redesignDocument production processes reviewOrganizational review and change enablementOrganizational review and change enablementDocuments production processes review 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.OCHA: Development of a web-based financial tracking systemUNCTAD: Strategic Business Development PlanOrganizational effectiveness review of support functions (MSU) and performance indicators assessmentDevelopment and maintenance of the performance measurement systemBusiness ConsultingRecent projects with International Organizations (2) 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Business ConsultingClient satisfaction quotesNous sommes satisfaits de lapproche de AA qui vise to drive ICRC staffto the solution plutt que dessayer damener une recette miraculeuse delextrieur. Andreas Kuhn & Benedikt Truniger, ICRCFully satisfied. Kenneth R. Langford, WHOMake to needs et pas solutions toutes faites. Laurent Falvert, Eli LillyFuture partnership will be welcomed. Dr A. S. Zaitsev, WMOTrs comptents, ont respect les dlais. Oswald Udry, EEFJe tiens vous dire la gratitude de la TSR pour le travail accompli sousvotre gide. Guillaume Chenevire, TSR 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.ERP Implementation 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.ERP Market05FunctionalityService/SupportTechnologyViabilityVisionSAPERP Average05FunctionalityService &SupportTechnologyViabilityVisionOracle ERPERP AverageSAP40%PeopleSoft8%Oracle 8%J.D. Edwards 6%Baan 5%Other Vendors33%Source: Gartner Research 2001 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.ERP EvolutionEnterpriseresource planning1995 Cost reduction, efficiency Automatisation Integration of business processes Concentration on internal systems Reporting on requestInter-enterpriseco-operation1995 - 2000 Effectiveness, optimization Co-operation between companies Horizontal integration of business processes Pro-active information circulationeCommunitycollaboration2000 - 2004 Add value Co-operation between Business Communities User oriented Internet focused Flexibility 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.OracleConnect your customers, employees and suppliersfor the ultimate competitive advantageThe Internet is not just a technology, but a new way of doing business Any business that hopes to survive, and thrive, must become an E-businessMarketingSalesCall CenterE-CommerceOrder ManagementPlanning and SchedulingInternet ProcurementAccounting. 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.SAP: mySAP.com Solutions for the new, new economy Every business is an E-business or soon will bemySAP WorkplacemySAP Supply Chain ManagementmySAP CRMmySAP E-procurmentmySAP Business IntelligencemySAP FinancialmySAP Human ResourcesmySAP Marketplaces More products, partners and transactions in more places every day. 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Our experience in ERP implementationBank and FinanceEnergyConsumer productsServicesCommunicationPublic sector 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.RealizationBusinessblueprintGo live &supportFinalpreparationProjectpreparationInitial Project PlanningProject ProceduresProject Kick-offOrg. Team TrainingTechn. Req. PlanningQuality CheckTeam TrainingDevelop System Env.Business Org. Struct.Business Process Def.Project ReestimateQuality CheckBaseline ConfigurationSet-up of PrototypeFinal ConfigurationIntegration TestsUser ProfilesUser DocumentationTraining MaterialsKey User TrainingQuality CheckEnd User TrainingSystem ManagementOld Data Take-overCut OverQuality CheckProduction SupportProject ConclusionQuality CheckImplementation Methodology 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Step 1 ISP (Information System Planning)Develop a plan that will align the IT Strategy with business strategyIdentify areas for improvementIdentify opportunities for new uses of technologyImprove IT effectivenessFramework usedElectricity CompanyComplete approachIndustryTrendsTechnologyTrendsIT (Architecture)StandardsIT Strategic Plan(12-36 months)TechnologyStrategyBusiness StrategyIT Efficiency andEffectivenessPlanningIT Tactical Plan(6-18 months) 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Electricity CompanyComplete approach (cont.)Comptabilit - 1FRIBOURG - BD EEFMATRAN - CISELPayerneIEG, magasins , distribution, abonnementsApprovisionnement - 2Gestion des chantiers - 3Gestion RH - 4DbiteursEnergie & infranet - 6b1.3 Gestion descentres analytiques1.6 Interrogationsanalytiques1.15 PaiementsDTA1.5 Etablissement du Bilan4.2 Gestion desvnements4.3 Gestion dessalaires4.1 Gestion dudossier personnel3.3 Facturation3.4 Gestion de la main doeuvre4.4 Impressions4.6 Gestiondes vhicules3.2 Gestion desclients3.1 Gestion duchantier2.1 Gestion tablesarticles2.11 Gestion desdemandes mat.2.5 Gestion destables fournisseurs2.6 Inventaireprovisoire2.2 Information articles2.3 Gestion descdes matriel2.15 Ventes aucomptant2.12 ComptabilitfournisseursApprovisionnementGestion deschantiersInformatiquetechniqueHbergementHOST BD EEFDebiteursInstallations1.1 Gestion du plan comptable1.11 StatistiquesTVA1.2 Gestion descomptes financiers1.12 StatistiquesGESTI1.9 Gestion picesfact. Fourniss.2.4 Arrivage dematriel2.7 Mvts matriel(BSM/MSD)2.9 Mvts matriel(TR/PE)3.6 Statistiques4.5 Gestion desenfants4.8 REKA etBons dachat 4.7 Tables etparamtres1.14 Chargesimmeubles1.4 Journaux1.7 Budget1.13 Prestationsinter-services1.10 Gestion despices1.8 Facturationinterne3.5 Gestion doffres6.2 TraitementsBVR6.1 Gestion des paiements6.3 Gestion desremboursements6.7 Consultations6.6 Gestion desdossiers chances6.4 TraitementsBPR6.9 Suivi despaiements6.5 Gestion du contentieux6.11 Gestion desgaranties6.10 Lots deprlvement6.12 Transfert aucontentieux2.10 Inventairedfinitif2.8 Mvts matriel(RP)Gestion EnergieinfranetDebiteursEnergieApprovisionnementGestion deschantiersInformatiquetechniqueDebiteursInstallationsApprovisionnementGestion deschantiersRomontIEG, distribution, magasinsBroc, Oelberg , Montbovon ,Hauterive , SchifenenProduction, TransportGestion deschantiersInformatiquetechniqueGestion deschantiersTavel , Matran , CressierTransport, distrib .DaillettesLogistique , IEG, Tableaux El.InformatiquetechniqueGestion deschantiersVuadens , EpagnyIEG, magasinApprovisionnementDebiteursInstallationsGestion deschantiersChtel -St.D.IEG, Distrib . MTGestion deschantiersChteau dOexIEG, DistributionCourgevaux , Planfayon ,Guin , Botterens ,Courtepin , KerzersIEGGestion deschantiersDebiteursInstallationsDebiteursInstallationsInformatiquetechniqueInformatiquetechniqueDebiteursInstallationsGestion deschantiersMoncorTechniqueInformatiquetechnique4.9 Adresse diversesApprovisionnement(* Certains*)4.10 TlphonesGestion des abonnementsEnergie & infranet - 55.4 Gestionfonctions5.5 Gestion des compteurs5.1 Gestion desabonnements5.11 Contrle desinstallations5.7 Gestion Relevdes compteurs5.10 Gestion Tiers/adresses5.9 Statistiques5.8 Gestion destarifs5.2 Facturation5.3 GestionCSG/PL5.6 Relev descompteursDbiteursInstallations - 6a6.2 TraitementsBVR6.1 Gestion des paiements6.3 Gestion desremboursements6.7 Consultations6.6 Gestion desdossiers chances6.4 TraitementsBPR6.12 Transfert aucontentieux6.8 Suivi despaiements6.5 Gestion du contentieuxProcess and information flowStep 2 PSS (Package Software Selection)Electricity market analysisAs is and To be analysisProcess mappingDesign the new information systemERP evaluation 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Electricity CompanyComplete approach (cont.)Step 3 ERP Implementing financial solution FI, CO (SAP)Change enablementWith a high implication of the end-usersFull testing cycleLong-term support (even after roll-out)Implementing industry solutions IS-U (SAP) and logistic SD, MM, PS, PMChange enablementWith a high implication of the end-usersFull testing cycleLong-term support (even after roll-out)Implication of Andersen industry specialists Project management continuityGlobal integration with the financial solutions 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Canton du TessinStep 1 Global audit leading to strategic business options especially in terms of IT (Information System Planning)IT function reorganizationIT Process flow standardizationSystem and software standardizationReduce the interfacesReduce the TCO (Total Cost Ownership)Step 2 Transversal functions automation (APC project), especially finance, logistics, HR sub project implementationAdaptation of SAP methodologyImplementation by iterative process (start of prototyping in phase 2-Business Blueprint- for change enablement purposes) 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.Canton du TessinStep 2Transversal functions automation (APC project), especially finance, logistics, HR sub project implementation (contd)Project management performed by the client and Andersen collaborationInvolvement of Andersen SAP and public sector expertsHigh level of integration within actual IS and development of a strategy for further deployment in order to standardize the transversal IS platformLarge usage of change enablement concept/communicationDevelopment and implementation a competencies center (in collaboration with other Cantons) 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved. 2001 Andersen. All rights reserved.
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