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单元知识检测单元知识检测教材回扣教材回扣.用本单元所学短语完成句子用本单元所学短语完成句子答案答案: :1.get in touch with1.get in touch with2.is up to2.is up to3.is known as 3.is known as 1.Im trying to 1.Im trying to ( (与与取得联系取得联系) ) Jane.Do you have her number? Jane.Do you have her number?2.I really dont know what my father 2.I really dont know what my father ( (忙忙 于于) these days.) these days.3.The young man named Lang Lang 3.The young man named Lang Lang ( (被认为是被认为是) ) a famous pianist. a famous pianist. 4.If you carry on working so hard, Im sure your dream will 4.If you carry on working so hard, Im sure your dream will ( (实现实现).).5.The man was standing there 5.The man was standing there ( (好像好像)he was a tall)he was a tall statue. statue. 答案答案: :4.come true4.come true5.as if5.as if.课文缩写填空课文缩写填空The Future of CyberspaceThe Future of CyberspaceIn the last thirty years,the Internet has grown 1.In the last thirty years,the Internet has grown 1. (rapid),and this (rapid),and this 2.2. (grow) is clearly going to continue.Some experts are pessimistic about the (grow) is clearly going to continue.Some experts are pessimistic about the future.One worry is crime in cyberspace.In the future,3.future.One worry is crime in cyberspace.In the future,3. (terrorist) may (terrorist) may “attack” the worlds computers,cause chaos,and make planes and trains 4.“attack” the worlds computers,cause chaos,and make planes and trains 4. . .(crash).However,many people are optimistic 5.(crash).However,many people are optimistic 5. the future of the Internet.the future of the Internet.Already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets,and get all Already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets,and get all sorts of information from the Internet.Angela Rossetto believes that in the next few sorts of information from the Internet.Angela Rossetto believes that in the next few years it is clear 6.years it is clear 6. we are going to see a huge increase in shopping on the we are going to see a huge increase in shopping on the Internet and we will get 7.Internet and we will get 7. (entertain) from the Net and that television is (entertain) from the Net and that television is likely 8.likely 8. (disappear).The mail service may also disappear with the increasing (disappear).The mail service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail. Some experts see our future in virtual realitythe use of computers use of e-mail. Some experts see our future in virtual realitythe use of computers with sounds and pictures that 9.with sounds and pictures that 9. (make) you feel as if you are in a real (make) you feel as if you are in a real situation. Australian expert Peter Anderson says that he thinks virtual reality will situation. Australian expert Peter Anderson says that he thinks virtual reality will become 10.become 10. part of modern life and people will live and work in a virtual part of modern life and people will live and work in a virtual world. world. 答答案案: :1.rapidly1.rapidly2.growth2.growth3.terrorists3.terrorists4.crash4.crash5.about5.about6.that6.that7.entertainment7.entertainment8.to disappear8.to disappear9.make9.make10.a10.a语境活用语境活用.单句语法填空单句语法填空答案答案: :1.to bring1.to bring2.on 2.on 1.If you find something you love doing outside of the office,youll1.If you find something you love doing outside of the office,youll be less likely be less likely (bring) your work home.(bring) your work home.(2016(2016全国全国,语法填空语法填空) )2.Today,many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories2.Today,many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing rather than focusing Chinese traditions.Chinese traditions.(2018(2018全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解C)C)3.My computer doesnt work and Ill have it 3.My computer doesnt work and Ill have it (repair) this(repair) this afternoon. afternoon.4.4. (obvious),she knows nothing about the whole truth.(obvious),she knows nothing about the whole truth.5.He made a suggestion that we 5.He made a suggestion that we (leave) the village at once. (leave) the village at once. 6.Hes arranged 6.Hes arranged me to attend the meeting.me to attend the meeting.答案答案: :3.repaired3.repaired4.Obviously4.Obviously5.(should) leave5.(should) leave6.for6.for 7.The two sides failed to reach a 7.The two sides failed to reach a (settle) over new working(settle) over new working conditions. conditions.8.As a scientist,youd better be more 8.As a scientist,youd better be more (science) about this(science) about this problem. problem.9.China has seen a 9.China has seen a (rapid) growing economy over the past(rapid) growing economy over the past ten years. ten years.10.If you had taken the medicine yesterday,you 10.If you had taken the medicine yesterday,you (be) much(be) much better now. better now. 答案答案: :7.settlement7.settlement8.scientific8.scientific9.rapidly 10.would be9.rapidly 10.would be答答案案: :1.1.将将forfor改改为为toto 2.2.将将becomingbecoming改改为为becomebecome 3.3.去去掉掉thethe 4.4.将将focusingfocusing改为改为focused focused .单句语法改错单句语法改错1.As we all know, eating too much sugar and fat is harmful for our 1.As we all know, eating too much sugar and fat is harmful for our health. health.2.Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to 2.Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to becoming farmers.( becoming farmers.(20182018全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解C C) )3.Unluckily,I lost the touch with her last year.3.Unluckily,I lost the touch with her last year.4.With his attention focusing on his novel, he didnt notice the 4.With his attention focusing on his novel, he didnt notice the noise outside. noise outside.5.The boss doesnt think the young boy is up to solve the problem.5.The boss doesnt think the young boy is up to solve the problem.6.He as well as his children go to the beach every year.6.He as well as his children go to the beach every year.7.The man was known for a painter,so we found his house easily.7.The man was known for a painter,so we found his house easily.答案答案: :5.5.将将solvesolve改为改为solvingsolving6.6.将将gogo改为改为goesgoes7.7.将将forfor改为改为as as 8.I found this impossible to finish so much work in two days.8.I found this impossible to finish so much work in two days.9.It is clear what most of them have been told the whole truth.9.It is clear what most of them have been told the whole truth.10.We arranged for a car collect us from the airport.10.We arranged for a car collect us from the airport.答案答案: :8.8.将将thisthis改为改为itit9.9.将将whatwhat改为改为thatthat10.collect10.collect前加前加toto微写作微写作1.1.我的表哥汤姆曾经上网成瘾。我的表哥汤姆曾经上网成瘾。 答案答案: :1.My cousin Tom used to fancy surfing the Internet very much.1.My cousin Tom used to fancy surfing the Internet very much.( (借助过渡性词语或句子就能把借助过渡性词语或句子就能把5 5个句子连接成一篇小短文个句子连接成一篇小短文) ) 2.2.从某种意义上说从某种意义上说, ,这种网瘾损害了他的健康也影响了他的生活。这种网瘾损害了他的健康也影响了他的生活。 答答案案: :2.In 2.In a a way,the way,the Internet Internet addiction addiction harmed harmed his his health health and and affected his life.affected his life.3.His 3.His family family as as well well as as his his colleagues colleagues all all tried tried to to persuade persuade him him to to quit it but he wouldnt listen.quit it but he wouldnt listen. 3.3.他的家人和他的同事都劝他停止上网他的家人和他的同事都劝他停止上网, ,但是他不听。但是他不听。 4.4.后来后来, ,他的身体明显变得很虚弱他的身体明显变得很虚弱, ,他不得不接受医生的建议他不得不接受医生的建议, ,停止上网。停止上网。 答答案案: :4.Later,it 4.Later,it was was obvious obvious that that he he had had become become very very weak weak and and he he had had to follow the doctors suggestion and quit surfing the Internet.to follow the doctors suggestion and quit surfing the Internet.5.One month later,he was optimistic about his future again. 5.One month later,he was optimistic about his future again. 5.5.一个月后一个月后, ,他对未来又变得非常乐观了。他对未来又变得非常乐观了。
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