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Unit 5 GrammarPast perfect tense知 识回 顾Lets know Audrey Hepburn better!1.Is Audrey Hepburn famous only in the USA?2.When and where was she born?3.What was her dream before she entered the film industry?4.What had she done before she entered the film industry?5.What had she been before she became a Hollywood superstar?No.She is famous not only in the USA but also in other parts of the world.She was born in Belgium on 4th May 1992.Her dream was to be a successful ballet dancer.She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.She had been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar.She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.22She had been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar. a.She put most of her effort into ballet training.What happened first? b.She entered the film industry a.She was a model. What happened first? b.she became a Hollywood superstar.用法:用法:过去完成时表示过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作,即即“过去的过去过去的过去( past-in-the-past )”。-|- |-|- 一、过去完成时的概念与结构特点一、过去完成时的概念与结构特点 过去的过去过去的过去 过去过去past 现在现在 now 2.They arrived at the station at ten yesterday.3. They had arrived at the station by ten yesterday.1. They have arrived at the station .The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时过去完成时1.1.构构成成:由由“助助动动词词had+vhad+v. .过过去去分分词词构构成。成。v.pp规则的规则的:不规则的不规则的:cleanbelievestudystopcleanedbelievedstudiedstoppedcutbuydocomecutboughtdonecomeComplete the table using the past perfect tense. VerbPast perfect tense VerbPast perfect tense act help be open begin see bring singhad actedhad beenhad begunhad broughthad helpedhad openedhad seenhad sung2. 判定判定:1.由由by+by+过去的时间点过去的时间点 / by the end of+/ by the end of+过去的时间点过去的时间点. .如:1) 到上学期末为止我们已学了三千多个英语单词了。到上学期末为止我们已学了三千多个英语单词了。 By the end of last term, we had learned over 3,000 English words. 2) 他们在昨天十点为止已完成了任务。他们在昨天十点为止已完成了任务。 They had finished the task by ten oclock yesterday.2. 常与常与when, before, after引导的从句连用引导的从句连用,A: 主句的动作在从句动作之前,则主句用过去完成时,主句的动作在从句动作之前,则主句用过去完成时,从从 句用一般过去时。句用一般过去时。如如: 1) 当我们到达车站时火车已开走了。当我们到达车站时火车已开走了。 The train had left when we got to the station.2) 在我们到家之前妈妈已做好了晚饭。在我们到家之前妈妈已做好了晚饭。 Mother had cooked supper before we got home.如:如:by 1990,by yesterday evening, by thenB:B:如果时间状语从句的动作在主句动作之前,则从句用如果时间状语从句的动作在主句动作之前,则从句用 过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。如:过去完成时,主句用一般过去时。如: 1)做完作业后,他上床睡觉了。做完作业后,他上床睡觉了。 After he had finished his homework, he went to bed. 2)当他关了灯后当他关了灯后, 就锁上门回家了。就锁上门回家了。 When he had turned off the light, he locked the door and went home. 3.3.可用在可用在told, said, knew, heard, thoughttold, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后等动词后 的宾语从句中用过去完成时的宾语从句中用过去完成时, ,如:如: 1)1)他说他已买了一辆新自行车。他说他已买了一辆新自行车。 He said he had bought a new bike. 2) 我同桌告诉我她去过北京两次了。我同桌告诉我她去过北京两次了。 My partner told me she had been to Beijing twice.4.4.在上下文语境中,句中的动作在过去发生,先在上下文语境中,句中的动作在过去发生,先发生的动作要用过去完成时。发生的动作要用过去完成时。1). I went to Li Hongs house yesterday, but he _ (go) out. 2). I met Wang Tao in the street yesterday. We _ each other since he went to Beijing.had gonehadnt seen3).He felt rather tired because he had worked for the whole night.Work out the rule:If we want to talk about two past actions in a sentence, the past perfect tense is used for the (earlier, later) action.earlierExercises 1.The train _(leave) before I got to the railway station.2.We had breakfast after we _(do) morning exercise.3.Miss Yang _(be) a typist before she moved to Shenzhen.4.When we reached the cinema, the film _(begin).5. We _(learn) two units by last month.6.They _(be)to the USA ten times by the end of September.had lefthad donehad beenhad begunhad learnedhad been与过去完成时连用的时间状语有:与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: ( 1 ) by + 过去的时间点。过去的时间点。( 2 ) by the end of + 过去的时间点。过去的时间点。如:by 1990,by yesterday evening, by then如:by the end of last termHepburn had been a model before she became a great actress. A: Had Hepburn been a model before she became a great actress? B: Yes, she had.Yes/no questionsWork in pairs. Had before? Yes, ./ No, sat quietlyteacher came incleaned the classroomWork in pairs.school was over Had before? Yes, ./ No, 句式:句式:1.肯定句肯定句:主语主语+助动词助动词 had + 过去分词(过去分词( v-ed)+其他。其他。其中其中 had 通用于各种人称。通用于各种人称。 1.They had already had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel. 2.2.否定句:否定句:主语主语+hadn+hadnt t(had nothad not)+v-ed +v-ed +其他其他3.3.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Had +Had +主语主语+v-ed+v-ed+其他?其他?3. Had They had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel yet?- Yes, they had./ No, they hadnt.4.4.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句: :特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+had+had+主语主语+ v-ed + v-ed ?4.What had they done before they arrived at the hotel?2.They hadnt had breakfast before they arrived at the hotel yet. -She had been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar.-Had she been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar?-Yes,she had.-Had she been a dancer before she became a Hollywood superstar?-No,she hadnt.-She hadnt been a dancer before she became a Hollywood superstar.1.肯定句肯定句:主语主语+助动词助动词 had + 过去分词(过去分词( v-ed)+其他。其他。其中其中 had 通用于各种人称。通用于各种人称。2.否定句:否定句:主语主语+hadnt(had not)+v-ed +其他其他3.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Had +主语主语+v-ed+其他?其他?4.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+had+主语主语+ v-ed ?What had she been before she became a Hollywood superstar?构成:构成:Exercises一: 句型转换:句型转换:1.The party had begun when he arrived.(改为一般疑问句)改为一般疑问句) _2.I had finished the competition by 8:00yesterday.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问) _the competition?3. They had worked for 10 years by the end of last year.(改为否定句)改为否定句)。4.Had you reached the top of the hill before midnight?(否定回答)否定回答)Had the party begun when he arrived?When had you finishedThey hadnt worked for 10 years by the end of last year.No, we hadnt.用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. How many English words _ you _ (learn) by the end of last term?2. I _ (read) the book twice till yesterday.3. He _(learn) English before he came here.4. When I got to the station, the train _ (leave).5. By the time he was fourteen he _ (set) up a small chemistry lab for his son.6. After I _(finish) doing my homework, I went to sleep.7. They _(not read) three books by then.8. Why didnt you see the film yesterday? Because I _ (see) it.10. I received a letter from my friend. We _(not hear) from each other since 1987.11._ he _ (know) anything before you told him it? 12. We _ ( learn ) 2000 English words since we came to this school. We_(learn)2000 words by last week since we came to this school. We _ ( learn ) 500 words last term.13.He _( end ) his project by next week. He_(end) his project by last week.14. A: _he still _( do ) his homework when you _ ( get ) home yesterday? B: No, he _ already _ ( do ) it when I got home.Exercises二: had learnedhad readhad learnedhad lefthad sethad finishedhadnt readhad seenhadnt heardHad knownhave learnedhad learnedlearnedwill endhad endedWas doinggothad done 10th December Today, I watched Roman Holiday with my friends. Kitty was the first one to arrive at the cinema. When Millie and I _(arrive), Kitty_ (buy) the tickets already. Simon and Daniel came next. Before Simon and Daniel _(come), Millie and I _(go) to get some drinks. Then all five of us waited for Amy outside the cinema. Before Amy _(arrive), we _(finish) our drinks. When we_ (enter) the cinema, the film_ already_ (start). Luckily, we did not miss much.had boughthad goneenteredhad arrivedcamearrived had finishedstartedPart A3 on P88Millie: Hi, Sandy. I saw an action film during the holiday. It was really good, and my favourite film star played a lead role in it.Sandy: I know you like her a lot. _ you _ (see) any of her films before you saw this one?Millie: Yes, I_. She _(act) in many other action films before this Hollywood film.Sandy: _you _(watch) any other films during the holiday?Millie: No, I_. That was the only one.Hadseenhadhad actedDidwatchdidntWork in pairs. 书书P89Connect two sentences with “before”、“when” 、“after”1. I finished my homework at 8:00 this morning. I went to the museum at 8:30 this morning.2.Millie went home at 6:00P.m this afternoon. Millies mother cooked at 5:00P.m this afternoon.3.Daniel taught in a middle school between 1990 to 1997. Daniel joined the army in 1998. I had finished my homework before I went to the museum this morning.I had finished my homework when I went to the museum this morning.I went to the museum after I had finished my homework this morning.Millies mother had cooked before she went home this afternoon.Millies mother had cooked when she went home this afternoon.Millie went home after her mother had cooked this afternoon.Daniel had taught in a middle school for 7 years before he joined the army.Daniel had taught in a middle school for 7 years when he joined the army.Daniel joined the army after he had taught in a middle school for 7 years.
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