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to examine some of the major trends to examine some of the major trends to examine some of the major trends to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.in contemporary society.in contemporary society.in contemporary society.Life in the futureLife in the past- poor; hardLead-inTask1Please use some words to describe life in the past Talk about todays life.happycomfortableConvenientPlease listen to the news carefully and think about the following questions.1.Do you want to know life in the future?2.What will life be like in the future?3.How to make our life better ?What will life be like in the future?1.How will people communicate in the future?2.Where will people work in the future?3.What kind of money will people use?4.Will people still get sick?5.Where will people go and why?6.What language(s) will people speak in the future?1.How will people shop in the future?2.How will people travel in the future?3.What will schools be like in the future?4.What will the future be like in general?Scan the text to find out in which paragraph you can find answers to the questions.Paragraph 3Paragraph 2Paragraph 5Paragraph 1、6outline business Life in the futuretransportationHealth and medicineEducation and knowledgeWhat is the way to catch a glimpse of the future?One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in contemporary society.Para. 1Para.2cleaner faster safer no pollutionenergy -savingAmazing speed-430 km/hWhy will the maglev train be popular in the future? Controlled by an advanced computer system.Maglev train Environmentally friendlydo not pollute the airPara.3go shoppingsee movieseat fooddancego to the KTV entertainmentsmart cardinstead of cash Please answer the questionsWhat will become more and more popular in the future business?E-commerceWhat can people do in the malls in the future?They can shop, eat, see a film and even dance. How will people pay for their purchases? People will use smart cards.What makes it possible for people to enjoy a longer life?1.People will pay attention to .2.People are careful about.3.Advances in medical science allow us.4.New discoveries in and may lead to.Para. 4 Advances in Advances in medical science medical science have made it have made it possible for us possible for us to deal with new to deal with new diseases like diseases like SARS. SARS. 1.What will people do in the future?A. They are careful about what they eat.B. They exercise regularly.C. They can deal with new diseases.D. A, B and CChoose the right answers Health and medicine2.What kind of life will people enjoy in the future?A. A longer lifeB.A healthier lifeC. active in old ageD. A, B and C How will the schools of the future be different from what they are today? How will the way we view learning and knowledge change?There may be more “schools on the air” and “e-schools”.We will become lifelong learners. In the future In the future there will be many there will be many more “schools on more “schools on the air” and “e-the air” and “e-schools”, which can schools”, which can help us to study help us to study whenever and whenever and wherever possible.wherever possible.Education What will schools be like in the future?We will not learn at schools all day. We will study at home because we will have e-schools.1.It is impossible to make forecasts about future developments.2. The maglev train travels at an amazing 430 km/m.3. People can combine shopping with fun in the future.TFFpossiblekm/h4. Smallpox cannot be defeated.5.We are sure that our efforts to improve the world will be successful.has beenFTEmotional goals: Cultivate a taste of loving earth. Give Earth a Chance 使地球充满生机! Only One Earth, Care and Share 只有一个地球让我们关爱和分享它 The environmental protection is the biggest problem that modern life middleman faces. Wanting to resolve this problem has to start to do from the foundation. First, a great deal of publicity, raise people of awakening strengthen environmental protection consciousness with understanding. Carry on secondly the discard recovery make use of, reducing arboreal to the forest of chop down. Still need to strengthen the dialogue color polluting processing, use the plastics ware less. 环保是现代生活中人类面临的最大问题.要解决这一问题必须从基础做起. 首先,要大量宣传,提高人们的觉悟与认识,加强环保意识. 其次,要进行废物回收利用,减少对森林树木的砍伐.还要加强对白色污染的处理,少使用塑料制品. homework1 1 透过火车车窗,我瞥见一座高楼。透过火车车窗,我瞥见一座高楼。透过火车车窗,我瞥见一座高楼。透过火车车窗,我瞥见一座高楼。(catch a glimpse of)(catch a glimpse of)2 2 王先生用手机和他的老朋友保持王先生用手机和他的老朋友保持王先生用手机和他的老朋友保持王先生用手机和他的老朋友保持联系。联系。联系。联系。(keep in touch with)(keep in touch with)3 3你应多注意你的发音。你应多注意你的发音。你应多注意你的发音。你应多注意你的发音。(pay (pay attention to)attention to)4 4 很难预测未来生活是什么样子。很难预测未来生活是什么样子。(predict)5我们正担心我们的梦想是否会变成我们正担心我们的梦想是否会变成现实呢。现实呢。(come true)6人们将用智能卡而不是现金来支付人们将用智能卡而不是现金来支付所购物品。所购物品。(purchase)7你知道你知道e-school是什么意思吗?是什么意思吗?(stand for)Thank you !
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