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1.presentation (n.)_ (v.) _(adj.)2.confidence(n.) _(adj.)3.terror(n.) _ (adj.) _ (v.)4.impression(n.) _ (v.) _ (adj.) _ (n.) 5.secure(adj.)_(反adj.) _ (n.)6.social(adj.) _ (n.) _ (n.) _ (v.)presentpresentconfidentterribleterrifyimpressimpressiveimpressioninsecurablesecuritysocietysocialismsocialize1.发出(气味,热等),分发,筋疲力尽,用尽3.背靠树坐着 2.引爆4.紧紧抓住6.收拾好行李5.快速移动7.pack up 8.a secure job give outblow upsit against the treehold on tozip byget things packed打包收拾打包收拾一个稳定的工作一个稳定的工作amazeits amazing that be amazed atto ones amazementdisadvantageto ones disadvantage take advange ofhave an advantage overimpressionleave an impression on sbimpress sth on sb impress sb with sth1.terror 1.terror 2.hire 2.hire 3.impression 4.disadvantage 3.impression 4.disadvantage 5.amazing 5.amazing 6.monitor6.monitoringing 7.to escape 8.passive 7.to escape 8.passive 9.social 9.social 10.constant10.constant( (一直一直) 1.been put forward 2.1.been put forward 2.are giving out are giving out 3.been added to 4.without the risk of 3.been added to 4.without the risk of 5.speak of 5.speak of 6.6.hold on tohold on to 7.7.blewblew up up 8.8.comparedcompared with with 9.Worn out 9.Worn out 10.take10.takes s advantage of advantage of 1. The RealCine experience will 1. The RealCine experience will amaze youamaze you,and you will ,and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology agree that this is an extraordinary technology that that deserves to be developed deserves to be developed further.further. You will _ _ _ the RealCine ,and you will You will _ _ _ the RealCine ,and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology agree that this is an extraordinary technology _ _ _ further.further.2. 2. He or she willHe or she will not only not only feel every step of climbing feel every step of climbing Mount Qumolangma,Mount Qumolangma, but the user will also experience the but the user will also experience the cold and sounds of the surroundings.cold and sounds of the surroundings._ _ _ _ _ _ _ feel every step of climbing Mount Qumolangma, but the user will also experience the cold and sounds of the surroundings.be amazed atdeservingdevelopingNot only will he or she3. 3. He will enjoy a sense of achievement He will enjoy a sense of achievement uponupon reaching reaching the top.the top. He will enjoy a sense of achievement _He will enjoy a sense of achievement _ _ he _ the top.He will enjoy a sense of achievement He will enjoy a sense of achievement _ _ he _ the top.he _ the top.He will enjoy a sense of achievement _ He will enjoy a sense of achievement _ _ he _ the top.he _ the top.as soon asimmediately/directly/instantlyreaches moment/instant/minutethereachesreaches 4.4.RealCine works by making the users feel that RealCine works by making the users feel that they are really in a world- they are really in a world- a world that a world that does not exist except on a computer program.does not exist except on a computer program. RealCine works by making the users feel RealCine works by making the users feel that they are really in a world_does that they are really in a world_does not exist except on a computer program.not exist except on a computer program. RealCine works by making the users feel that RealCine works by making the users feel that they are really in a world- _ that they are really in a world- _ that does not exist except on a computer program.does not exist except on a computer program. 5. 5. With VR, we are able to With VR, we are able to do things that do things that could never be achieved in real life.could never be achieved in real life. VR _ _ _ do things that could neverVR _ _ _ do things that could never be achieved in real life. be achieved in real life.onewhichenables us to 6.6.RealCine made it possible forRealCine made it possible for a seventy-year- a seventy-year-old grandfather recently took a trip to Africa.old grandfather recently took a trip to Africa. With _ _ _ RealCine, a seventy-With _ _ _ RealCine, a seventy-year-old grandfather recently took a trip to year-old grandfather recently took a trip to Africa. Africa. 7.He got his things packed 7.He got his things packed and and went to Iceland, went to Iceland, forcing his nephew to go with him.forcing his nephew to go with him. _ his things _, he went to Iceland, _ his things _, he went to Iceland, his nephew_ to go with him.his nephew_ to go with him.8. Luckily, I 8. Luckily, I was able towas able to use the Time Machine to use the Time Machine to escape.escape. Luckily, I _ to use the Time Machine to escape.Luckily, I _ to use the Time Machine to escape.Luckily, I _ _ _ the Time MachineLuckily, I _ _ _ the Time Machineto escape.to escape. the aid of Withpackedforcedmanagedsucceeded in using1. Whats the matter with you? After the long walk, my legs _ and I couldnt go any further. A. gave out A. gave out B. gave off C. gave in D. gave upB. gave off C. gave in D. gave up2. We are not confident _ whether an 2. We are not confident _ whether an operator will be able to use RealCine easily.operator will be able to use RealCine easily. A. as to A. as to B. rather thaB. rather than n C. as well asC. as well as D. other thanD. other than4. Watching TV is _ a kind of relaxation, 4. Watching TV is _ a kind of relaxation, and it also _ our knowledge.and it also _ our knowledge. A. not more than; adds A. not more than; adds B. more than; adds toB. more than; adds to C. no more than; adds to C. no more than; adds to D. more than;adds up toD. more than;adds up to3. Not only _ the present, but also _ 3. Not only _ the present, but also _ the man whothe man who sent it.sent it. A. he refused; he criticized A. he refused; he criticized B. did he refuse; he criticized B. did he refuse; he criticized C. did he refuse; did he criticize C. did he refuse; did he criticize D. he refused; did he criticizeD. he refused; did he criticize5. _ their arrival in Australia, Sir Joseph 5. _ their arrival in Australia, Sir Joseph Banks and his team were amazedBanks and his team were amazed _ _ the the exoticexotic(奇异的)(奇异的)plants and set out to record and plants and set out to record and collect themcollect them instantlyinstantlyA. On; atA. On; at B. At; by C. With; aboutB. At; by C. With; about D. Upon; forD. Upon; for6. He cant afford to pay the rent, so for now, 6. He cant afford to pay the rent, so for now, his car will also _ as his home.his car will also _ as his home. A. treat B. function A. treat B. function C. look D. consider C. look D. consider7. In 2010, Jacks dream of becoming a pop singer7. In 2010, Jacks dream of becoming a pop singer finally began to _, which made him upset.finally began to _, which made him upset. A. run A. run B. loseB. lose C. fadeC. fade D. escapeD. escapefountion as 11.11.Unlike a film, _ a passive audience watches and Unlike a film, _ a passive audience watches and hears _ishears _is happening on a screen, RealCine puts you happening on a screen, RealCine puts you into the action andinto the action and connects with your senses of connects with your senses of sight,hearing, smell and touch in an active way. sight,hearing, smell and touch in an active way. A.where,that B.which,what C.which,that D.where,what A.where,that B.which,what C.which,that D.where,what 8.8.Does the way we thought of _ the water clean make Does the way we thought of _ the water clean make any sense?any sense? A. makingA. making B. to makeB. to make C. how to makeC. how to makeD. having madeD. having made9.9. Have you got the results of the final exam? Have you got the results of the final exam? Not yet. Im afraid it will be a few days _we know Not yet. Im afraid it will be a few days _we know the fall results. the fall results. A. afterA. after B. until B. until C. When C. When D. beforeD. before10.10._ from being killed, the deer looked for a place _ from being killed, the deer looked for a place where he where he could get food.could get food. A. To escape A. To escape B. EscapingB. Escaping C. Having escapedC. Having escaped D. To haveD. To have escapedescaped( )(才)才)12. VR can be used to practise skills in a secure 12. VR can be used to practise skills in a secure environment that _ would be quite dangerous.environment that _ would be quite dangerous. A.instead B.therefore C.besides D.otherwise A.instead B.therefore C.besides D.otherwise 13. They lived underground, _ they kept machines 13. They lived underground, _ they kept machines _ so that the Eloi would be happy and well fed._ so that the Eloi would be happy and well fed. A.which, running A.which, running B.where,run B.where,run C.where,running C.where,running D.which,run D.which,run 14. 14. The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachershe could not answer her teachers questions. (2011-2012学年第一学期高三年级阶段测试试卷)学年第一学期高三年级阶段测试试卷) A. amazed A. amazed B. awkwardB. awkward C. curiousC. curious D. amused D. amused15. Obviously, strengthening strategic partnership is 15. Obviously, strengthening strategic partnership is consistent with theconsistent with the interests of the two countries interests of the two countries and their peoples.and their peoples. A. traditional B. potential A. traditional B. potential C. fundamental C. fundamental D. SecureD. Secure五语段翻译五语段翻译 有一天,有一天,Tom正在街上闲逛的时候,他偶然遇到了他正在街上闲逛的时候,他偶然遇到了他的一个老同学的一个老同学Mark。Mark手里紧紧抓着一个小包裹。手里紧紧抓着一个小包裹。一看见一看见Tom,Mark就将包裹塞给了就将包裹塞给了Tom,让,让Tom替他保替他保存几天,并叮嘱他不要打开包裹。存几天,并叮嘱他不要打开包裹。Tom还没来得及说一还没来得及说一句话,句话,Mark就消失了。尽管很好奇,就消失了。尽管很好奇,Tom还是照着还是照着Mark的意思做了。然而,几天后,让的意思做了。然而,几天后,让Tom非常震惊的非常震惊的是,他被指控与一宗毒品案有关。为了逃避法律的惩罚,是,他被指控与一宗毒品案有关。为了逃避法律的惩罚,Tom惊慌的逃跑了。他的行为给警察留下了不好的印象,惊慌的逃跑了。他的行为给警察留下了不好的印象,这对他极为不利。最终,筋疲力尽的这对他极为不利。最终,筋疲力尽的Tom还是被警察抓还是被警察抓住了。住了。Tom的故事告诉我们,作为公民,我们不仅要懂的故事告诉我们,作为公民,我们不仅要懂法,还要守法。法,还要守法。1.1.闲逛闲逛2.2.偶然遇到偶然遇到3.3.紧紧抓着紧紧抓着4.4.保存几天保存几天5.5.不要打开包裹不要打开包裹6.6.尽管很好奇尽管很好奇7.7.被指控被指控8.8.惊慌的逃跑惊慌的逃跑wanderwander aroundaround c co ome acrossme acrossh ho old on told on topreserve it for several dayspreserve it for several daysunwrap itunwrap itc curious as Tom wasurious as Tom wasbe be charged with charged with dodoingingfleflee e in terrorin terror9.9.给警察留下了不好的印象给警察留下了不好的印象l leaveeave a bad impression on the police a bad impression on the police 10.10.对他极为不利对他极为不利put him at a disadvantageput him at a disadvantage11.11.筋疲力尽筋疲力尽worn outworn out12.Tom的故事告诉我们的故事告诉我们What we can learn from Toms story Tom还没来得及说一句话,还没来得及说一句话,Mark就消失了。就消失了。BeforeBefore Tom could speak a word, Mark faded away. Tom could speak a word, Mark faded away.我们不仅要懂法,还要守法。我们不仅要懂法,还要守法。 N Not only should we ot only should we have a good understanding of have a good understanding of laws, laws, but but we should also observe laws.we should also observe laws.Tom正在街上闲逛的时候,他偶然遇到了他的一个老正在街上闲逛的时候,他偶然遇到了他的一个老同学同学Mark。while while wanderingwandering around the street, Tom came across around the street, Tom came across an old friend Markan old friend Mark. .wewe should should not onlynot only have a goodhave a good understanding of understanding of laws, laws, butbut we should also observe laws. we should also observe laws.TomTom was was wandering wandering around the street around the street whenwhen came came across an old friend Markacross an old friend Mark. . One day, while One day, while wandering aroundwandering around the the street, Tom street, Tom came acrosscame across an old friend Mark, an old friend Mark, who held on to a package. who held on to a package. Upon seeingUpon seeing Tom, Tom, Mark gave the package to him, askMark gave the package to him, askinging him to him to preserve itpreserve it for several days and for several days and unwrap itunwrap it. . Before Tom could speak a word, Mark faded Before Tom could speak a word, Mark faded away. away. Curious Curious asas Tom was, Tom did as Mark Tom was, Tom did as Mark had wanted. However, several days later, had wanted. However, several days later, much to Tommuch to Toms amazement, he s amazement, he was charged was charged with beingwith being connected with drugs. connected with drugs. one possible version: To escape punishment from laws, Tom To escape punishment from laws, Tom fled fled in terrorin terror,which ,which left a bad impression on left a bad impression on thethe police and police and put him at a disadvantageput him at a disadvantage. . Finally, Finally, worn outworn out after all this, Tom after all this, Tom was caught. was caught. What What we can learn from Tomwe can learn from Toms s storystory is thatis that as a citizen, as a citizen, not only should not only should we we have a good understanding of laws,have a good understanding of laws,butbut we we should also observe laws.should also observe laws.
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