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NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUChoose to Be Alone on Purpose由_www.eduexam.cn提供下载 NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 MENUI.ObjectivesI.ObjectivesII.PreviewII.PreviewIII.leading-inIII.leading-inIV.SectionA-TextIV.SectionA-TextV.AnswerstoExercisesV.AnswerstoExercisesVI.ExtensiveTasksVI.ExtensiveTasksVII.TestingYourselfVII.TestingYourselfVIII.HomeworkVIII.Homework NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 I: Objectives MENUBackground Information Henry David ThoreauHenry David Thoreau Walden PondWalden Pond John MiltonJohn Milton William WordsworthWilliam Wordsworth NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUHenry David Thoreau (1817-1862) a U.S. thinker, essayist, and naturalista U.S. thinker, essayist, and naturalist born in Concord, www.eduexam.cnborn in Concord, www.eduexam.cn,graduated from graduated from Harvard Harvard University and taught school for several University and taught school for several years before deciding to become a poet years before deciding to become a poet of nature of nature 1845-1847, lived in a hut beside Concords Walden 1845-1847, lived in a hut beside Concords Walden Pond; essays recording his daily life were assembled Pond; essays recording his daily life were assembled for his masterwork, Walden.for his masterwork, Walden. essay Civil Disobedience later influenced such figures essay Civil Disobedience later influenced such figures as M. Gandhi and M. L. King.as M. Gandhi and M. L. King. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUWalden PondWalden PondThoreausCoveonWaldenPondThoreausCoveonWaldenPond WaldenPondinSnowWaldenPondinSnow NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUJohn Milton (1608-1674)John Milton (1608-1674) an English poet, attended Cambridge an English poet, attended Cambridge University University widely considered second only to W. widely considered second only to W. Shakespeare in the history of English-language poetry Shakespeare in the history of English-language poetry best-known for his epic poem best-known for his epic poem Paradise LostParadise Lost (1667). (1667). Miltons powerful, rhetoric prose and the eloquence of Miltons powerful, rhetoric prose and the eloquence of his poetry had an immense influence especially on the his poetry had an immense influence especially on the 18th-century verse.18th-century verse. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUWilliam Wordsworth (1770-1850)William Wordsworth (1770-1850) an English poetan English poet His most important collection, His most important collection, Lyrical Ballads (1798), published Lyrical Ballads (1798), published jointly with Samuel Taylor jointly with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, helped establish Coleridge, helped establish romanticism in England. romanticism in England. He was appointed poet laureate He was appointed poet laureate in 1843.in 1843. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENU1.Choose one of the following topics, and have a discussion with your partner.* Do you remember the first roommate you met in your room? Have you become good friends? * As for college students, how to get on well with your roommates/classmates? NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENU* thin, short and dark signs of long journey smiling shyly be quick in action ready to help me to carry the luggage a smart freshman * show each other a mutual sense of respect and politeness find out their likes and dislikes show some extra consideration address the conflict with a responsible and efficient manner NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENUWords&expressionsrelevanttothethemecolorful and rewarding abundant books to read bosom friends to keep company join societies and clubs stretch out our soul stay up late self-discipline do things at our own pace learn to be independent safety problem as gas leak and robberies convenience many resources available educational and sports facilitiessocialize others learn how to communicate, cooperate and get on with others NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENUIn-Class 1) According to a recent survey, 18.7 percent of college students live in their rented homes off campus instead of the assigned dormitories on campus. what are your views on this phenomenon? Topics for Discussion NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENU1) Be good and you will be lonely. -Mark Twain2) People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. - Joseph F. Newton3) It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely. - Albert Einstein 4) An artist is always alone - if he is an artist. No, what the artist needs is LONELINESS. -Henry Miller 2. Loneliness in the eyes of great figures: NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENUFamouspeoplesviewofsolitudeInspirationinsolitudeisamajorcommodityforartists.Abusysolitudeisthehappiestofalllivesintheireyes.Solitudeistheirsoulsbestfriend. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 III: Leading-in MENUImsureofthis:thatbygoingmuchaloneamanwillgetmoreofanoblecourageinthoughtandwordthanformallthewisdomthatisinthebooks.RalphWaldoEmerson我确信:与书本上相比,一个人在独处时能从思想语言受益更多高贵的灵魂。拉尔夫瓦尔多爱默生MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text What do people think of living alone?Who are often living alone? Living alone - a common social phenomenon. 1. Structure of TextPara.1Para.2Para.3-10The comments on the phenomenon of solitude.Para.11-16MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: altogether 22 million of people living alone in their rooms in the US2. Questions to Comprehension1)Why may loneliness be a sort of national disease in the US? (Para.2)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words:Reference Words:inspiration in solitudebe all for it2) As for poets and philosophers, what is the most useful thing? (Para.3)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: Miltons daughter arranging his cushions and blankets;call the girls to come back;write the poetry down while he dictates3) How did Milton create poetry? (Para.6)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: Thoreau;the more capable the person is of thinking on his own, the less his need for staying with others4) Who is considered as the American high priest of solitude? What can be learnt from his choice of solitary way of life? (Para.8-10)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: a persons sense of his own value and importance;other persons5) In line 38, “The larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around”, what do the two “ego” refer to respectively? (Paras.10)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: It depends.if he lives with them, their temporary leaving will be considered as a welcome change;if he lives alone, it will leave him nothing but the feeling of emptiness6) How will the temporary absence of friends and acquaintances affect a person? (Paras.10)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: call friends to tell them important things; talk to himself, his pets, the television, or even to strangers in the supermarket7) To whom may the person living alone talk at length? (Paras.13)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Reference Words: stay rational;settle himself in a comfortable and pleasant way;wait for anything happy that may happen8) How is a solitary man advised to enjoy his life? (Paras.14-15)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 3. Key Words MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 1)tamevt:make sb. or sth. easy to control制服train an animal or bird not to be afraid of humans and to be obedient驯化,驯服TranslationTranslationAgroupofpolicemenwascalledouttotamethecrowds.一队警察被叫来制服人群。Itshardtotameatiger.驯服老虎很难。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text tamern.驯兽员timida.胆小的,羞怯的Intimatea.亲密的AssociationAssociation1)tamea.:(esp. of animals) not wild or fierce, either naturally or because of training驯化的atametiger经过驯养的老虎MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 2)dictatev:say words aloud for sb. else to write down听写tell sb. what to do, esp. in an annoying way 指令,规定TranslationTranslationThoughhedidnotdictate,hewentatapaceslowenoughforthelistenerstotakedownalotofwhathesaid.尽管他不是口授,可是讲话的速度慢得足以让听众记下他讲的话。Consciencedictatestruthfulness.良心促使人吐真言。dictationn.听写,口述MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 3)humblea.:not proud 谦逊的,谦虚的not great or important 地位低下的,不显要的CollocationCollocationscientist scientist positionpositionapologyapologybirthbirthfarmhousefarmhousehumblehumble 谦虚的科学家谦虚的科学家谦虚的科学家谦虚的科学家 职位低下职位低下职位低下职位低下 鄙人的道歉鄙人的道歉鄙人的道歉鄙人的道歉 出身卑微出身卑微出身卑微出身卑微 简陋的农舍简陋的农舍简陋的农舍简陋的农舍MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 4)slipperya.:一直下着雨,路上很滑。Ithadbeenrainingandtheroadwasslippery.difficult to hold or stand on 滑的(infml.) not to be trusted 狡猾的,不可靠的TranslationTranslationAssociationAssociationslip(away)v.滑倒;跌落,降低slippern.拖鞋(ofaperson)asslipperyasaneel像狐狸一样狡猾MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 5)chokev.:Angerchokedhiswords.become unable to speak说不出话来stop or partly stop breathing窒息TranslationTranslation他气得说不出话来。Hegrabbedherbythethroatandalmostchokedthelifeoutofher.他抓住她的脖子,差点使她窒息而死。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text choke(up)with:blockorfillapassage,space,etc.sothatmovementisdifficultCollocationCollocationDuringtherushhour,theroadareusuallychokedupwithtraffic.在交通高峰时刻,道路通常被堵塞。TranslationTranslationMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 6)supremea.:以前中国的皇帝是国家的最高统治者。TheformerEmperorofChinawasthesupremerulerofhiscountry.Forme,dietingrequiresasupremeeffortofwill.对我来说,节食需要极大的毅力。highest in rank or position最高的,至上的highest in degree (程度上)最大的TranslationTranslationAssociationAssociationsuperiora.较高的,较好的MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 7)sealv:Hesealedupadrawersothatitcannotbeopened.他封住抽屉使它不能被打开。Makesuretheparcelofexaminationscriptsisproperlysealedup.请确保试卷袋密封好了。close an entrance or a container with sth.密闭close an envelope, pack, etc.封,密封TranslationTranslationsealMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Examplesofthekeywords1. Tom broke the glass on purpose.2. He was cast out of his home by his stepmother.3. a poor and solitary life4. tame a horse/ the shrew5. speak highly of the teacher/ the movie6. They set forth on their hike after breakfast.7. a humble man/ position/ job/ house8. They stayed up late to watch the football match. 9. eat the pie at one sitting10. the Supreme Court11. explain the plan at length12. The movie is boring. We might as well go home.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Key words and phrases from SA1. on purpose2. cast out3. solitary 4. speak highly/ill of5. set forth 6. stay up late7. at one setting 8. supreme9. at length10. might as well do MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 1. choose to do sth. (the title) determine or decide to do determine or decide to do 选定;拿定主意。选定;拿定主意。选定;拿定主意。选定;拿定主意。 II Word Using II Word UsingTranslationTranslationShe chose to study at Huaqiao University.More More If you choose to be in my way, I will do sth. in return.Life is what you choose to make it. MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 2. on purpose (L5)intentionally; not by accident intentionally; not by accident Translation她似乎是她似乎是她似乎是她似乎是有意地有意地有意地有意地做这些事以引起他的注意。做这些事以引起他的注意。做这些事以引起他的注意。做这些事以引起他的注意。KeyShe She seems seems to to do do these these things things on on purposepurpose to attract his attention.to attract his attention.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 2. on purpose (L5)intentionally; not by accident intentionally; not by accident Translatione.g. I came here on purpose to see you.Moreon special purpose.on good/ill purpose.on no purpose. MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 3. cast out (L6) to throw out , to expel. 驱逐;抛弃驱逐;抛弃ExampleIn former times, criminals were often cast out and had to live in the wild. Lin Zexu was cast out of the court and exiled to Xinjiang because of Opium-ban Campaign.becastoutofonesoffice.被迫下台(下野)被迫下台(下野)castsb.outofthefrontier.驱逐出境。驱逐出境。tocastoutoneswife.休妻休妻MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 4. solitary (L6)alone; lonely; without companionsalone; lonely; without companions Collocation a solitary existence a solitary existence a poor and solitary lifea poor and solitary lifea solitary boat a solitary boat a solitary strolla solitary stroll 隐居生活隐居生活隐居生活隐居生活 孤苦伶仃的生活孤苦伶仃的生活孤苦伶仃的生活孤苦伶仃的生活 孤舟孤舟孤舟孤舟 独自徜徉独自徜徉独自徜徉独自徜徉 MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 6. speak highly of (L11)express or have a high opinion ofexpress or have a high opinion of 赞扬;高度评价ExamplesThe students The students speak highly ofspeak highly of their teacher. their teacher.Dont Dont speak ill ofspeak ill of others. others. 说坏话说坏话Stop Stop speaking hardly ofspeaking hardly of her! After all, she is not that her! After all, she is not that bad as you have imagined. bad as you have imagined. 把把说得很坏说得很坏 A broad-minded person never A broad-minded person never speaks evil ofspeaks evil of others. others. 诽诽谤谤Speak daggers/fair to sb.Speak daggers/fair to sb. 恶语中伤恶语中伤/ /对对彬彬有礼彬彬有礼Speak down to sb.Speak down to sb. 居高临下对人讲话居高临下对人讲话 MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 7. to seek out (L11)to single outto single out 找出;挑出To seek out easy work and shirk hard ones. 拈轻怕重。拈轻怕重。to single out.To single out one from among a hundred.To single out for praise/criticism.To single out the truth and desert the false.To single out the cream and get rid of the dross. 吸取精华,剔除糟粕。吸取精华,剔除糟粕。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 8. set forth (L14)start a journey; (formal) present sth. or make start a journey; (formal) present sth. or make it known it known 动身;阐述动身;阐述动身;阐述动身;阐述Other usageExampleHe set forth on a three-month trip around the world. clarify, expound, illustrate.阐述阐述to set forth facts and reason things out.摆事实,讲道摆事实,讲道理。理。To set forth ones idea/ground/viewpoint. MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 10. at one sitting (L45)with one single effort /in one breath (move) (L. 45) 一口气地一口气地UsageNo one can grow fat at one sitting.人不可能一口吃成胖子。人不可能一口吃成胖子。No success can be attained with one single effort. 成功不可能一蹴而就。成功不可能一蹴而就。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 11.backup(L53)block up; support sb. or sth. block up; support sb. or sth. 阻塞;支持阻塞;支持阻塞;支持阻塞;支持TranslationTranslation The heavy rain The heavy rain backed upbacked up the sewers. the sewers. He He backedbacked me me upup whole-heartedly whole-heartedly in in the the election.election.KeyKey 大雨把下水道堵塞了大雨把下水道堵塞了大雨把下水道堵塞了大雨把下水道堵塞了. . . . 在选举中他全力支持我。在选举中他全力支持我。在选举中他全力支持我。在选举中他全力支持我。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 12. at length (L56)in great detail; at last.in great detail; at last. 详细地;最后。详细地;最后。详细地;最后。详细地;最后。ExamplesTypical Dont discuss the project Dont discuss the project at excessive lengthat excessive length. . At lengthAt length the bus arrived, forty minutes late. the bus arrived, forty minutes late.The greatest romance I can imagine is The greatest romance I can imagine is to age all the way with you and pick to age all the way with you and pick up bits and pieces of joy for us to talk up bits and pieces of joy for us to talk about about at lengthat length in the easy- chair. in the easy- chair.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text OneoftherolesthatscienceplaysOneoftherolesthatscienceplaysisthatofcastingoutsuperstition.isthatofcastingoutsuperstition. cast out: (lit.)getridof;driveoutoraway;expel,esp.byusingforce(lit.)getridof;driveoutoraway;expel,esp.byusingforceTranslationTranslation科学的作用之一就是消除迷信。科学的作用之一就是消除迷信。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text I. Old to NewI. Old to Newalone;lonelyalone;lonelypoemsingeneralpoemsingeneralnotgreatorimportantnotgreatorimportanthighestinrank/degreehighestinrank/degreefairnessfairnessstartajourneystartajourneyblockup;supportblockup;supporthaveagreatlikingforhaveagreatlikingforsolitarysolitarypoetrypoetryhumblehumblesupremesupremejusticejusticesetforth/out/offsetforth/out/offbackupbackupbefondofbefondofMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text II. Chinese to EnglishII. Chinese to English独自地独自地独自地独自地根据最近的统计根据最近的统计根据最近的统计根据最近的统计一种民族弊病一种民族弊病一种民族弊病一种民族弊病另一方面另一方面另一方面另一方面冒险出去冒险出去冒险出去冒险出去征服大自然征服大自然征服大自然征服大自然allbyoneselfallbyoneselfbyrecentcountbyrecentcountasortofnationaldiseaseasortofnationaldiseaseontheotherhandontheotherhandventureoutventureouttamenaturetamenatureMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 独处带来的灵感独处带来的灵感独处带来的灵感独处带来的灵感对对对对给予高度评价给予高度评价给予高度评价给予高度评价穿上外衣穿上外衣穿上外衣穿上外衣独处高士独处高士独处高士独处高士装满装满装满装满熬夜熬夜熬夜熬夜inspirationinsolitudeinspirationinsolitudespeakhighlyofspeakhighlyofputononescoatputononescoathighpriestofsolitudehighpriestofsolitudefillupfillupstayuplatestayuplateMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 一口气地一口气地一口气地一口气地按自己的节奏按自己的节奏按自己的节奏按自己的节奏摔倒在打滑的地板上摔倒在打滑的地板上摔倒在打滑的地板上摔倒在打滑的地板上每日不断发生的小小抱每日不断发生的小小抱每日不断发生的小小抱每日不断发生的小小抱怨怨怨怨最高法院新来的法官最高法院新来的法官最高法院新来的法官最高法院新来的法官极大的努力极大的努力极大的努力极大的努力atonesittingatonesittingatonesownpaceatonesownpacefallonaslipperyfloorfallonaslipperyfloorthedailysuccessionofsmallthedailysuccessionofsmallcomplaintscomplaintsanewSupremeCourtjusticeanewSupremeCourtjusticesupremeeffortsupremeeffortMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 与某人争论某事与某人争论某事与某人争论某事与某人争论某事花样滑冰选手花样滑冰选手花样滑冰选手花样滑冰选手保持理性保持理性保持理性保持理性安静下来;定居安静下来;定居安静下来;定居安静下来;定居以自我为中心的以自我为中心的以自我为中心的以自我为中心的暂时暂时暂时暂时arguewithsb.oversth.arguewithsb.oversth.figureskaterfigureskaterstayrationalstayrationalsettledownsettledownself-centeredself-centeredforthetimebeingforthetimebeingMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 根据最近的统计故意赶出,驱逐是的特点赞扬,给予高度评价找出动身,启程蹑手蹑脚,偷偷离开4. Useful Expressions by recent counton purposecast outbe characteristic of speak highly of seek outset forth/off/outcreep awayMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 拉长,伸长熬夜一口气盛衰,起落一连串的唠叨,喋喋不休眼下,暂时不妨,最好做某事stretch outstay up lateat one settingrise and falla succession oftalk at lengthfor the time beingmight as wellMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text III ParaphraseIII Paraphrase1.Here we are, all by ourselves, all 22 million of us by recent count, alone in our rooms, some of usliking it that way and some of us not. (L1)According to the recent statistics, up to 22 million of us are living alone in our rooms; some like the solitary way of life and some dont like it.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 2. Some of us divorced, some widowed,someneveryetcommitted.(L2)Some of us live alone because of divorce, or because of the death of husband or wife, or because of being not yet married.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 5. Key and Difficult Sentences1)Ontheotherhand,tobealoneonpurpose,havingrejectedcompanyratherthanbeencast outbyit,isonecharacteristicofanAmericanhero.(L5)而另外一方面,故意选择独处,拒绝别人的陪伴而并非为同伴所抛弃,这正是美国式英雄的一个特点。Ontheotherhand,theOntheotherhand,thedeliberatedeliberatechoiceofsolitudebyrefusingchoiceofsolitudebyrefusingcompanionsinsteadofcompanionsinsteadofbeing excluded byothersothersisonespecialisonespecialqualityqualityofanAmericanhero.ofanAmericanhero.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 3. Thoreau, alone in his cabin on thepond,hisbackdeliberatelyturnedtothetown.Now,thatscharacterforyou.(L8)Thoreau stayed alone in his cabin on the pond, being intentionally away from people in the town. Now this has become the lifestyle of ordinary people.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 4.Inspirationinsolitudeisamajorcommodityforpoetsandphilosophers.Theyreallforit.(L10)Inspiration in solitude isthe most useful thing for poets and philosophers. They are all in favor of it.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Ifapersonssenseofhisownvalueandimportanceisstrong,heIfapersonssenseofhisownvalueandimportanceisstrong,heislesslikelytostaywithothers.Onthecontrary,ifwethinklessislesslikelytostaywithothers.Onthecontrary,ifwethinklessofourownvaluesandabilitiesandthinkuslessimportantthanofourownvaluesandabilitiesandthinkuslessimportantthanothers,wearemorelikelytofindunbearablethestateofbeingothers,wearemorelikelytofindunbearablethestateofbeingaloneandbeingdiscontentedwithstayingallbyourselves.Thenaloneandbeingdiscontentedwithstayingallbyourselves.Thenwewanttostaywithothers.wewanttostaywithothers.2)Thelargertheego,thelesstheneedforotheregosaround.The moremodestandhumblewefeel,the morewesufferfromsolitude,feelingourselvesinadequatecompany.(L38)自我意识越强,就越不需要其他的人在周围。我们越是感觉谦卑,就越受孤独的折磨,感到仅与自己相处是远远不够。adverbialclauseMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Themorelearnedamanis,theThemorelearnedamanis,themoremodestheusuallyis.moremodestheusuallyis. the more the more TranslationTranslation一个人越有学问,就往往越谦虚。一个人越有学问,就往往越谦虚。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 6.Butwhenyoulivealone,thetemporaryabsenceofyourfriendsandacquaintancesleavesavacuum;theymaynevercomeback.(L47)But if you live alone and your friends and acquaintances leave for the time being, you will have the feeling of emptiness, and they may never come back.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Its the daily series of our complaints and observations and views on various issues that stuffs us and makes us feel uneasy, filling us with the desire to talk to others.但是日常生活中一系列的不满所看到和想到的琐事,却积压在那儿,塞满了我们的心。3)Itsthedailysuccessionofsmallcomplaintsandobservationsandopinionsthatbacks upandchokesus.(L52)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Thecarsbackedupformiles.Thecarsbackedupformiles. blockupblockupsupportsb.orsth.;saywhatsb.says,etc,istruesupportsb.orsth.;saywhatsb.says,etc,istrueTranslationTranslation汽车堵塞,首尾相接长达数英里。汽车堵塞,首尾相接长达数英里。back up:他没有用事实来支持自己的论点。他没有用事实来支持自己的论点。Hedoesntbackuphisargumentswithfacts.Hedoesntbackuphisargumentswithfacts. MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 4)Itsimportanttostopwaitingandsettledownandmakeourselvescomfortable,atleasttemporarily,andfindsomegraceandpleasureinourcondition,notlikeaself-centeredBritishpoetbutlikeapatientprincesssealed upinatower,waitingforthehappyendingtoourfairytale. (L65)Main Structure?Main Structure?ItsimportanttoItsimportanttotherealsubject:tostopwaitingandsettledownandmakeourselvescomfortable;tofindsomegraceandpleasure“It”isaformalsubject.attributivemodifyingprincessattributivemodifyingprincessMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 重要的是不再等待,而是安顿下来,使自己过得舒服,至少暂时应该是这样。要在我们自身的条件中发现一些优雅和乐趣,不要做一个以自我为中心的英国诗人,而要像一个被关在塔楼里的公主,耐心地等待着我们的童话故事有快乐的结局。Atleastforthetimebeing,theimportantthingforussolitarypeopletodoistostopmeaninglesswaitingtogetintoacomfortablepositionandfindsomepleasantthingsinthesolitude.WeshouldntlivelikeaBritishpoetwhotendstothinkonlyabouthimselfandturnsablindeyetotheneedsorfeelingsofotherpeople;instead,weshouldbehavelikeaprincessofthefairystorywho,inspiteofthestateofbeing shut upbeing shut upinatoweralone,stillpatientlywaitsforthearrivalofasatisfactoryending.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text TheysealedupthecracksintheTheysealedupthecracksinthewindowtostoptheicywindfromwindowtostoptheicywindfromblowingin.blowingin. seal up: closeacontainertightlyorfillacrack,etc.closeacontainertightlyorfillacrack,etc.TranslationTranslation他们封住窗户上的缝隙,阻挡冰冷的寒风。他们封住窗户上的缝隙,阻挡冰冷的寒风。MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Sentence patternsSentence patterns used in the text for: used in the text for:1.Typicalpatternsforpreferencefordoingsth.2. Typicalpatternsforexplanationfordoingsth.MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 原句原句: : Then,ratherthantroubletoputitinhisownhandwriting,hecallsthegirlstocomebackandwriteitdownwhilehedictates.(L.21)然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由她们写下来。1.Typicalpatternsforpreferencefordoingsth.:Rather than do sth., sb. does (would do) sth. else. 某人不愿意某人不愿意, 而愿意而愿意句型提炼句型提炼MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 应用应用:a.与其与其天天游手好闲,你还天天游手好闲,你还不如不如为社会为社会做点儿力所能及的事。做点儿力所能及的事。Ratherthanidlealongeveryday,youmayaswelldosomethingwithinyourabilityforthesociety.Expressions & Patterns上一页上一页下一页下一页MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text Expressions & Patterns应用应用:b.他们他们不愿不愿同床异梦,准备分道扬镳。同床异梦,准备分道扬镳。Ratherthansharethesamebedbuthidedifferentdreams,theyarereadytopartcompanywitheachother.上一页上一页下一页下一页MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 原句原句: : Weadmirehim,notforhisself-reliance,butbecausehewasallbyhimselfoutthereatWaldenPond,andhewantedtobe.(L.28)2.Typicalpatternsforexplanationofdoingsth.:我们钦佩他,并非因为他倡导自力更生精神,而是因为他孤身一人在瓦尔登湖畔生活,这是他自己想要这么做的。Sb. does sth., not for(短语短语), but because ( (从句从句) )某人做某事,并非因为某人做某事,并非因为, 而是因为而是因为 句型提炼句型提炼MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 IV: Section A-Text 应用应用:我爱慕你,我爱慕你,并并非因为非因为你娇美的外表,你娇美的外表,而是因为而是因为你的到来给你的到来给我的生活赋予了新的我的生活赋予了新的内涵。内涵。Expressions & PatternsIyearnforyou,notforyourcharminglooks,butbecauseyourarrivalhasinvestedmylifewithnewmeanings. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU1).诗诗人人和和哲哲学学家家都都因因能能够够独独处处而而自自视视甚甚高高,从从独独处处中他们能获取灵感。中他们能获取灵感。Poetsandphilosophersallspeakhighlyofthemselvesforseekingoutsolitude,fromwhichtheycandrawinspiration.读写教程读写教程 : Ex. Ex. , p. 42, p. 42seekoutsolitudeseekoutsolitudespeakhighlyspeakhighlyofoneselfofoneself2. Translationdrawinspirationdrawinspirationfromsolitudefromsolitude NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU2).感感觉觉谦谦卑卑的的人人往往往往易易受受孤孤独独的的折折磨磨,感感到到仅仅仅仅与与自己相处远远不够,渴望有人做伴。自己相处远远不够,渴望有人做伴。Ahumblepersontendstosufferfromsolitude,feelinghimselfinadequatecompany,longingforotherstobearound.sufferfromsolitudesufferfromsolitudefeelhimselffeelhimselfinadequatecompanyinadequatecompanylongforotherstobelongforotherstobearoundaround NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU3).那那位位寡寡居居的的老老太太太太实实在在太太孤孤独独了了,她她会会和和在在超超市市遇到的陌生人唠唠叨叨地说上老半天她的宠物。遇到的陌生人唠唠叨叨地说上老半天她的宠物。Thewidowedoldladywassolonelythatshewouldtalkatlengthtothestrangersinthesupermarketaboutherpets.thewidowedoldthewidowedoldladyladytalkatlengthabouttalkatlengthabout NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU4).孤孤独独的的感感觉觉时时起起时时落落,但但我我们们却却永永远远需需要要与与人人交交谈,把每日看到的想到的琐事向人倾诉。谈,把每日看到的想到的琐事向人倾诉。Theconditionoflonelinessrisesandfalls,butourneedtotalkgoesonforevertheneedoftellingsomeonethedailysuccessionofsmallobservationsandopinions.riseandfallriseandfallthedailysuccessionofsmallthedailysuccessionofsmallobservationsandopinionsobservationsandopinions NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU5).对对一一个个独独居居的的人人来来说说,重重要要的的是是保保持持理理性性,安安顿顿下下来来,使使自自己己过过得得舒舒服服,并并在在自自身身的的条条件件下下发发现现一些优雅和乐趣。一些优雅和乐趣。Toapersonlivingalone,itsimportanttostayrationalandsettledownandmakehimselfcomfortable,andfindsomegraceandpleasureinhiscondition.stayrationalstayrationalsettledownsettledownfindsomegraceandfindsomegraceandpleasureinonesconditionpleasureinonescondition NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU6).若与别人同住,你会在与他们小别时感觉耳目一新。若与别人同住,你会在与他们小别时感觉耳目一新。Ifyoulivewithotherpeople,theirtemporaryabsencecanberefreshing.temporaryabsencetemporaryabsencerefreshingrefreshing NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU7).科科学学调调查查表表明明,独独居居的的人人会会对对着着自自己己,对对着着宠宠物,对着电视机唠叨不休。物,对着电视机唠叨不休。Scientificsurveysshowthatthosewholivealonetalkatlengthtothemselvesandtheirpetsandthetelevision.scientificsurveysscientificsurveysthosewholivealonethosewholivealonetalkatlengthtalkatlength NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 V: Answers to ExercisesMENU8).重重要要的的是是不不再再等等待待,安安顿顿下下来来,使使自自己己过过得得舒舒服,至少暂时要这样。服,至少暂时要这样。Itsimportanttostopwaitingandsettledownandmakeourselvescomfortable,atleastforthetimebeing.atleastfortheatleastforthetimebeingtimebeingmakeoneselfmakeoneselfcomfortablecomfortable NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUChoose to Be Alone on Purpose NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUIn-Class 1) According to a recent survey, 18.7 percent of college students live in their rented homes off campus instead of the assigned dormitories on campus. Design a Questionnaire trying to find out the reason why living off campus is so popular now. Your Task NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU1. Do you prefer living on campus or off campus? 2. If you choose to live off campus, what do you think is different from living on campus? (stay up late to read, surf the internet, meet the friends, etc.)3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of living off campus? (enjoy freedom, comfort; lack of companions, safety problem, high expenses, etc.) Questionnaire NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUDear my students, Nowadays living off campus enjoys great popularity among college students. Why do students do so when they are provided with very modern apartments and good services on campus? According to my survey among 60 students on campus, the reasons can be listed as follows. First, living off-campus can relieve the student from time consuming and energy consuming trivialities. Since roommates from different places have different personalities, habits, and interests, etc, some students think that it is difficult for them to get along with their pals. Secondly, living off-campus can offer them a lot of freedom. Freed from the regulations of the university, they can do whatever they want in whatever time they like. Lastly, living off campus can give them more privacy. If they live in a dormitory, they have no human rights so far as privacy is concerned. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUIn a notice issued on July 6, 2007, the ministry states that all university students should live in school dormitories, and forbids students renting private accommodation off-campus in principle. As a college student yourself, what is your opinion on it? Should off-campus accommodation be banned? In-ClassOral Presentation NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUChoose to Be Alone on Purpose NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU2. Recommendation of articles & websites 2. Recommendation of articles & websites After-ClassCompanion living in Chinahttp:/www.eserver.org/thoreau/thoreau.htmlhttp:/www.luminariu.org/sevenlit/milton/Movies:Life TranslatedThe graduate NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENUThe Two Roads3. Translation Appreciation3. Translation AppreciationAfter-Class两两条条路路 NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU It was New Years Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. Then he cast them on the earth, where few more hopeless people than himself now moved towards their certain goalthe tomb. He had already passed sixty of the stages leading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roadsone leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, sweet songs; the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VI: Extensive Tasks MENU 除夕之夜,一位老人伫立窗前。他满眼哀伤,仰望着深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星如清澈平静的湖面上的朵朵白莲在漂移着;后来,他将目光投向地面,几个比他更加绝望的人正在走向人生的终点坟墓。在通往人生终点的道路上,他已走过了60多个驿站,除了过失和悔恨,他一无所获。现在,他健康欠佳,精神空虚,心情忧郁,缺少晚年应有的舒适和安逸。 青春的岁月如梦幻般浮现在他眼前,他回想起父亲将他放在人生岔路口上的关键时刻,当时,他面前有两条路:一条通向和平宁静、阳光灿烂的地方,那里到处是花果,到处回荡着柔和甜美的歌声;另一条则通向黑暗无底的深渊,那里流淌着毒液而不是清水,恶魔肆虐,毒蛇嘶嘶爬动。参考译文:参考译文: NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUChoose to Be Alone on PurposeMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing YourselfTranslatethefollowingintoEnglish.1) 冒险2) 艺术家类型的人3) 感到仅与自己相处远远不够4) 小别,暂时离开5) 充满6) 大泡浴缸7) 按自己的节奏8) 日常生活中一系列的不满soakinthebath1. ExpressionsventureoutartistictypesfelloneselvesinadequatecompanytemporaryabsencefillupatonesownpacethedailysuccessionofsmallcomplaintsMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself9) 使倒退;支持;积压10) 保持理智11) 密封住 12) 很喜欢,很喜爱13) 定居;平静下来14) 伸展,延伸15) 创造,开始16) 因打仗,为而争吵 17) 在一定范围内变化或扩展18) 对表示绝望19) 突然出现,出身于stretchoutbackupstayrationalsealupbefondofsettledownstrikeoutwaroverrangefromtogiveuponspringfromMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself20) 使分裂,拆散21) 诉诸,求助于22) 免得,以防 23) 阻止,拦住24) 总结,概括25) 出乎意料地,尽管有极大的困难26) 皱眉27) 某人对热忱28) 下决心做某事29) 属于30) 安逸,舒适againstalloddstearapartresorttoincaseheadoffsumupfrownatonesenthusiasmforbedeterminedtodosth.belongtoateaseMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself1)_elephantsaredifferentfromwildelephantsinmanyaspects,includingtheirtempers.A.CultivatedB.RegulatedC.CivilD.Tame2)Whenfiling_aform,wewillusuallywritedownourname,address,occupation,etc.A.upB.inC.onD.at3)Hisolddreamofsailingroundtheworldwasrealized_.A.onpurposeB.inlineC.atbestD.atlength2. Choose the best one:D.TameB.inD.atlengthMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself4)Hehasbeenabsentclassforquitesometime.A.ofB.forC.fromD.in5)Someoldpeopledontlikepopsongsbecausetheycantsomuchnoise.A.resistB.sustainC.tolerateD.undergo6)Thenewcomersfounditimpossibletoadaptthemselvestheclimatesufficientlyhere.A.intoB.uponC.toD.downC.fromC.tolerateC.toMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself7)Whattimeareyouplanningto_tomorrow?A.settoB.setinC.setupD.setforth8)IwouldneverhaveacourtoflawifIhadntbeensodesperate.A.turnedupB.soughtforC.resortedtoD.accountedfor9)Aflowerisbeautiful,butbeautyissomething.A.staleB.concreteC.disorderD.abstract10)Duringtherushhourtheroadsareusuallyupwithtraffic.A.chokedB.crowdedC.blockedD.checkedD.setforthC.resortedtoD.abstractA.chokedMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself I first met Billie when I came to New York at 19. I didnt know what I was going to be. I wanted to be black, so I out in Harlem. And when I was around Harlem, I met Billie. She was a singer. She was thenabout 15. Cute, nice, little girl. She changed a lot later. But anyway, I like how she sang. There are very few singers I want to hear, at all. Anyway, I heard her when she was 15, singing the . And I her. I said, “One day Im going to have a band, and youre going to sing in it.” And she said, “Yeah, thatll be the day.” When I was in Boston around 1935, I came down to New York and I her. She couldnt believe it. A slimhiredkiddedwandering blueshang3. Compound DictationMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself girl in a white band? I said, “Come on, were gonna try it.” We went down south, and on the way she was afraid. She said, “We re gonna try it. Im scared, too.” So we played in some little dance hall and some park, and after her first couple of songs, they accepted her immediately. . He didnt mean it badly. That was his designation for a black woman. . I put my hand on her and said, “Calm down.” So that was the end of that. Had to push her out. .She went to the piano, and I stated the next tune, and a black yelled, “Let her sing another song.”I had arranged with the bus driver and a couple of policemen if anything like that happened, take her off the stand, put her in the bus and drive away.Well, Billie had kind of a hot temper. I could see her face was red.colouredamusementMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VII: Testing Yourself1 1)不管怎样,你已经来了,就不妨呆在这儿吧。)不管怎样,你已经来了,就不妨呆在这儿吧。4. TranslationHestretchedhimselfoutonthesofaandfellasleep.2)他伸展着身子躺在沙发上睡着了。)他伸展着身子躺在沙发上睡着了。3 3)这人谦恭的举止给法官留下了很好的印象。)这人谦恭的举止给法官留下了很好的印象。Themanshumblebehaviormadeafavorableimpressiononthejudge.Hewillfirstgiveyouasummaryofthesituationandthendiscussitatlength.4 4)他将先给你们扼要谈谈形势,然后再进行详细讨论。)他将先给你们扼要谈谈形势,然后再进行详细讨论。Anyway,yourehere;youmightaswellstay. NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 II: PreviewMENUChoose to Be Alone on PurposeMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkAdvantages and Disadvantages of Living Off CampusOutline: (1)如今越来越多的学生选择校外租房。 (2)校外租房的好处。 (3)校外租房的弊端。(Requirements: Try to make use of the topic expressions as many as possible.)1. Writing Homework A (theme-based writing)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkSample: More and more students like to live off campus rather than on campus nowadays. The advantages of living off campus could be as follows. First, time management is easier, because students can make their own plan of time. Secondly, students can have a free living style. They can do whatever they want. Finally, renting a house could help students learn to be independent, and help them learn to control their behaviors. The disadvantages are also obvious. In the first place, it may be not safe to live off the campus without the supervision or help from the staff of the university. In the second place, some students may not be able to control themselves very well. They may addict to computer games, or even gambling. Last but not least, it should be more expensive to rent a house and live outside the campus. MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkComparison and Contrast - A comparison is the process of showing how things are alike; a contrast is the process of showing differences.Analyze the following paragraph:2. Structure AnalysisMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkPara.11-13Supporting details:Supporting details:But it is different when you live alone: the temporary absence of your friends and acquaintances leaves a vacuum. If you live with other people, their temporary absence can be refreshing.Supporting details:While the others are absent you can do (Para. 11)It is human that we need to talk to others. (Para. 12)People who live alone will behave ridiculously. (Para. 13)MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkComparison Paragraph My hometown and my college town have several things in common. First, both are small rural communities. For example, my hometown, Gridlock, has a population of only about 10,000 people. Similarly, my college town, Subnormal, consists of about 11,000 local residents. This population swells to 15,000 people when the college students are attending classes. A second way in which these two towns are similar is that they are both located in rural areas. Gridlock is surrounded by many acres of farmland which is devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans. In the same way, Subnormal lies in the center of farmland which is used to raise hogs and cattle. Thirdly, these towns are similar in that they contain college campuses MENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkContrast Paragraph Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per yearMENU NHCE-BIV-Unit 5 VIII: HomeworkTry to write your own composition of comparisons. Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of living with ones parents Your Task
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